PowerShell Documentation - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn
What is PowerShell? - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
Differences between Windows PowerShell 5.1 and PowerShell 7.x - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
Introduction - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn
PoshCode/poshcode.github.io: github pages
About this Guide - PowerShell Practice and Style
PoshCode/PowerShellPracticeAndStyle: The Unofficial PowerShell Best Practices and Style Guide
Awesome Rank for janikvonrotz/awesome-powershell
# allow scripts
Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
Use "`" to escape ";" (like "" in Linux)
Powershell Tutorial - Tutorialspoint
Getting Started with PowerShell
Learning PowerShell: The basics | Computerworld PowerShell primers series
PowerShell Tutorials - Stephanos Constantinou Blog
PowerShell - Simple Talk
Initial page - PowerShell FAQ
PowerShell commands - PowerShell - SS64.com
PowerShell Core Commands - Stephanos Constantinou Blog
The 16 Best PowerShell Commands (Cmdlets) You Must Know
powershell Archives - ShellHacks
lextm/windowsterminal-shell: Install/uninstall scripts for Windows Terminal context menu items
Hosting PowerShell in a Python script - PowerShell Team
How to Debug a PowerShell Script – CloudSavvy IT
about Profiles - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn
Understanding the Six PowerShell Profiles - Scripting Blog
if OneDrive is setup
about_Providers - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
PowerShell Providers - Stephanos Constantinou Blog
All about PowerShell providers and modules | Computerworldv
Alias - Windows PowerShell aliases {Alias}
Certificate - X509 certificates for digital signatures {cert}
Environment - Windows environment variables {Env}
FileSystem - File system drives, directories and files {filesystem}
Function - Windows PowerShell functions {Function}
Registry - Windows registry {HKLM, HKCU}
Variable - Windows PowerShell variables {Variable}
Environment Variables
Use PowerShell to Set Environment Variables
Windows Environment variables - PowerShell - SS64.com
# show environment variables
Get-Childitem env: | sort name
ls env:
echo $Env:PATH
# using variable
# set variable
$env:Variable = 'value'
Persist Environment Variables
# scoped to the User
# scoped to the Machine
Unix command equivalents
PowerShell equivalents for common Linux/bash commands - TheShellNut
Get-Command (Microsoft.PowerShell.Core) - PowerShell | Microsoft Learn gcm
shows all commands adn
Windows: Grep
Equivalent - CMD & PowerShell - ShellHacks
Unix | Powershell |
pwd | Get-Location |
ls | Get-Childitem /ls |
test -e | Test-Path |
which /type | Get-Command |
xdg-open | Start-Process |
grep | findstr /Select-String |
find . -type f -iname <filter> | Get-ChildItem -Filter <filter> -Recurse -File |
cp | Copy-Item /cp |
rm | Remove-Item /rm |
touch | New-Item |
cat | Get-Content /type |
man | Get-Help /help |
about_Functions_CmdletBindingAttribute - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
about_Functions_Advanced_Parameters - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
about_Functions_CmdletBindingAttribute - PowerShell | Microsoft Docs
PowerShell advanced functions – The CmdletBinding and Parameter attribute – 4sysops
# parsing argument
Session Manager
Poor-man's Tmux
# script to setup a tmux-like environment
# $workspace_root = $env:USERPROFILE\src\project
$workspace_root = C:\src\project
$commands = @"
nt -d $workspace_root --title Project `;
nt -d $workspace_root --title Project `;
nt -d $env:APPDATA\ --title "App data"
# echo "wt $command_arr"
Start-Process wt -ArgumentList $command_arr