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January 9, 2025
September 19, 2019

All the tools you need for creating software applications or embedded devices

Qt for developers by developers | Cross-platform development
Qt Wiki
Qt for Beginners - Qt Wiki
Qt Resource Center

Qt 6 - YouTube
CMake and Qt - YouTube

Getting Started with Qt | Qt 6.5
Qt for Linux/X11

Language Bindings - Qt Wiki
therecipe/qt: Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly 😴inactive

User Interfaces | Qt 6.5
.ui Files and Widgets are the same, styled by QSS
Qt Quick and Qt Quick Controls uses QML, have different styling method (note Qt Quick Controls have v1 and v2)

ICS Insight Blog (qt qml) | ICS
ICS Presentations on SlideShare

All Modules | Qt 6.5
Qt Core C++ Classes | Qt Core 6.5
Qt GUI C++ Classes | Qt GUI 6.5
Qt Widgets 6.5
All Classes | Qt 6.5

KDAB - YouTube

Legal | FAQ - Qt
Qt offering changes 2020
Complying with the Requirements of the GPL/LGPL v3 License {On-demand webinar} - YouTube


Modern looking UI with QT - Stack Overflow
Qt 5 gives you essentially five (5!) UI toolkits

Qt Examples And Tutorials | Qt 6.5
djeada/Qt-Widgets: A collection of examples and reusable elements created with Qt6 widgets.

Getting Started Programming with Qt Widgets | Qt Widgets 6.5
Getting Started Programming with Qt Quick | Qt 6.5
#3 Design login Form Qt and CSS - YouTube

gamecreature/QtAwesome: QtAwesome - Font Awesome for Qt Applications
spyder-ide/qtawesome: Iconic fonts in PyQt and PySide applications


Performance Considerations And Suggestions | Qt 6.5
QML vs. C++ for application startup time

Qt Quick Compiler 7.5 integrated to Qt Quick since Qt 5.11
Optimizing the QML compiler pipeline

Best Practices in Qt Quick/QML - Part 1 of 4
Best Practices in Qt Quick/QML - Part 2
Best Practices in Qt Quick/QML - Part 3
Best Practices in Qt Quick/QML - Part 4

Qt Quick/QML

Qt Quick 5 Qt Quick uses QML
QML - Wikiwand
Qt QML 6.5
The QML Reference | Qt QML 6.5
All QML Types | Qt 6.5
QML Applications | Qt 6.5

Introduction to Qt / QML - all videos so far - YouTube
QML Tips and Tricks - YouTube

Qml Styling - Qt Wiki

mikalv/awesome-qt-qml: A curated list of awesome Qt and QML libraries, resources, projects, and shiny things.
Qt5 Cadaques — Qt5 Cadaques Book vmaster
Furkanzmc/QML-Coding-Guide: A collection of good practices when writing QML code

Qt Quick Controls 6.5
Styling Qt Quick Controls | Qt Quick Controls 6.5
Customizing Qt Quick Controls | Qt Quick Controls 6.5

Qt for beginners part 1 overview and key concepts
Qt for beginners part 2 widgets
Qt for Beginners Part 3 - QML and Qt Quick
Qt for beginners part 4 doing more
Qt for beginners part 5 ask the experts
In-Depth Model/View with QML

First Steps with QML | Qt 6.5
Tutorial – Writing QML Apps » Linux Magazine

Integrating Python and QML — PyQt 5 Reference Guide

A Short Guide to Qt Quick Effects

Toou 2D 拿来即用,为简单而生。 | Toou-2D
ShowFL/Toou-2D: 基于 Qt Quick(Qml) 跨平台技术打造的 2D 框架 😴inactive

PyOtherSide Developer Guide — PyOtherSide 1.6.0 documentation


Qt for Python Tutorial HelloQML - Qt Wiki
Python & QML Akademy_2018.pdf
Jason Codes Qt - YouTube

PySide6.QtQml - Qt for Python
PySide6.QtQuick — Qt for Python

QQuickItem — Qt for Python
QQuickView — Qt for Python
QQuickWidget — Qt for Python
QQuickWindow — Qt for Python

theofilis/tutorial-python-QML: Python QML Tutorial PySide, Qt4

C Binding

Interacting with QML Objects from C++ | Qt QML 6.5
Data Type Conversion Between QML and C++ | Qt QML 6.5

Exploring Model-View Design With Qt Quick | ICS
Avoid Pitfalls When Developing a Qt Model-View-Delegate Project | ICS

Overview - QML and C++ Integration | Qt QML 6.5
Integrating QML and C++ | Qt QML 6.5
Defining QML Types from C++ | Qt QML 6.5

filcuc/DOtherSide: C language library for creating bindings for the Qt QML language

Data Binding

Binding QML Type | Qt QML 6.5

Using C++ Models with Qt Quick Views | Qt Quick 6.5
QAbstractListModel Class | Qt Core 6.5
QAbstractItemModel Class | Qt Core 6.5

Models and Views in Qt Quick | Qt Quick 5
Qt QML Models QML Types | Qt QML 6.5
ObjectModel QML Type | Qt QML 6.5
ListModel QML Type | Qt QML 6.5
ListElement QML Type | Qt QML 6.5

Model/View Programming - Qt for Python
QAbstractItemModel - Qt for Python
QStandardItemModel - Qt for Python
QStringListModel — Qt for Python
QML Application Tutorial - Qt for Python

Python-QML integration - Qt for Python

Connections (signal/slot)
Connections QML Type | Qt QML 6.5
Signal and Handler Event System | Qt QML 6.5
Defining Object Types through QML Documents | Qt QML 6.5
Connect python signal to QML ui slot with PySide2 - Stack Overflow trigger redraw

Qt Widgets/.ui File

Qt Designer's UI File Format | Qt Designer Manual

Using .ui files from Designer or QtCreator with QUiLoader and pyside6-uic - Qt for Python
PySide6.QtUiTools - Qt for Python

Qt Tutorials - YouTube Velcode

Qt Widgets and more - YouTube
Qt Creator - YouTube

Qt Style Sheets (QSS)

Qt Style Sheets | Qt Widgets 6.5
Differences between String-Based and Functor-Based Connections | Qt 6.5
The Style Sheet Syntax | Qt Widgets 6.5
Qt Style Sheets Reference | Qt Widgets 6.5
Qt Style Sheets Examples | Qt Widgets 6.5 customization for different widgets

Welcome to QDarkStyle’s documentation! — QDarkStyle documentation
ColinDuquesnoy/QDarkStyleSheet: A dark style sheet for QtWidgets application


QTabWidget Class | Qt Widgets 6.5
QTabBar Class | Qt Widgets 6.5

c++ - How to display tab widget corner widget on the left/right side? - Stack Overflow

QTabBar - Context menu on tab event filter, right click menu; setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu)

QTabBar - Context menu on tab

Qt Style Sheets Examples | Qt Widgets 6.5

Signals and Slots

Signals & Slots | Qt Core 6.5
Qt 信号槽原理_Qt 开发老杰的博客-CSDN 博客

Signals and Slots in Qt5
How Qt Signals and Slots Work - Part 2 - Qt5 New Syntax

Qt Bindable Properties | Qt Core 6.5.1
Qt Properties = Signal in frontend
Qt Signal/Slots = Observable/Observers in frontend

Qt for Python Signals and Slots - Qt Wiki

How Qt Signals and Slots Work Qt4
Moc myths debunked


Python GUIs – Create GUI applications with Python and Qt
PyQt6 vs PySide6: What's the difference between the two Python Qt libraries?

Qt for Python - Qt Wiki Qt Company adopted PySide2, LGPL
The name of the project is Qt for Python and the name of the module is PySide.
Qt for Python — Qt for Python
Qt for Python/Tutorial - Qt Wiki
Qt for Python/Porting guide - Qt Wiki
Qt for Python - Making a QML Application in Python {tutorial} - YouTube
JulienGrv/awesome-python-qt: A curated list of awesome libraries, frameworks and resources for Qt under Python
Qt for Python Guide · ess-dmsc/nexus-constructor Wiki

PyQt Layouts: Create Professional-Looking GUI Applications – Real Python

PySide2 Tutorial 2022, Create Python GUIs with Qt
PySide6 Tutorial 2022, Create Python GUIs with Qt
pyside2-examples/examples at dev · pyside/pyside2-examples ❗!important
Learn Python GUI Development for Desktop – PySide6 and Qt Tutorial - YouTube 5:08:26

How to not shoot yourself in the foot using Qt for Python, PyQt - Machine Koder

We Ported a Qt App from C++ to Python. Here's What Happened. | ICS
Python with Qt Series Archives - rebelScience
Qt Designer and Python: Build Your GUI Applications Faster – Real Python
Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator – Real Python

Qt Modules — Qt for Python
PySide2.QtCore — Qt for Python
PySide2.QtGui — Qt for Python
PySide2.QtWidgets — Qt for Python
QObject — Qt for Python
Jason Codes Qt - YouTube PySide

Riverbank | Software | PyQt | What is PyQt? PyQt is GPL, use with care
pyqt/python-qt5: Unofficial PyQt5 via PyPI for Python 2.7 64-bit on Windows
PyQt6 Documentation
PyQt6 Documentation
Differences Between PyQt6 and PyQt5 — PyQt Documentation v6.3.1

Alan D Moore Codes, author of "Mastering GUI Programming with Python"
PyQt5 Programming - YouTube
QtDesigner and PyQt5: The right and wrong way to use them together - YouTube

PyQt5 + Python - YouTube

PyQt5 Tutorial 2022, Create Python GUIs with Qt
PyQt6 Tutorial 2022, Create Python GUIs with Qt
pyqt/examples: Learn to create a desktop app with Python and Qt ❗!important

Code First with Hala
Python GUI Projects - YouTube
PyQt5 tutorials - YouTube
PyQt5 GUI Projects - YouTube
PyQt5 Full App Tutorial Series - YouTube
PyQt6 Tutorials - YouTube

dip documentation for writing reusable UI component
pyqtdeploy User Guide

PyQt5 tutorial 2019: Create a GUI with Python and Qt
PyQt Tutorial
Python Programming Tutorials
PyQt5 - YouTube Mark Winfield
PyQt5 Python 3 Tutorial - YouTube Tech With Tim
Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator – Real Python
Use PyQt's QThread to Prevent Freezing GUIs – Real Python

Python and PyQt: Building a GUI Desktop Calculator – Real Python
Python and PyQt: Creating Menus, Toolbars, and Status Bars – Real Python

Python and Qt simplified. Create a Python GUI in minutes. fbs: packaging PyQt app as executable, with installer
talos-gis/Fidget: a uniform Qt-based gui framework for scientific data

PyQt vs Qt for Python (PySide2) - Machine Koder
What's the difference between PyQt5 & PySide2? What should you use, and how to migrate. — Learn PyQt5 GUI programming hands-on

PySide - Wikiwand Qt4


Dimitar Dobrev / QtSharp · GitLab


Felgo: Build Native Cross-Platform Apps and Games. Rapidly. personal use, annual turnover < €50k
Felgo - Wikiwand


GammaRay™ - KDAB
GammaRay Tutorials - YouTube



At last, let's build Qt statically | Declaration of VAR


Building a Qt Application with Modern CMake and vcpkg - YouTube
Using Qt5 installed via VCPKG in Visual Studio for C++ - Stack Overflow

How do I build Qt? · Issue #23977 · microsoft/vcpkg you probably don't need all qt

QtMultimedia, FFMpeg, Gstreamer: comparing multimedia frameworks | UlduzSoft
Multimedia: Which is better: FFmpeg or GStreamer? Why? - Quora

vcpkg depend-info qt:x64-windows
vcpkg depend-info qtbase:x64-windows
qtbase[brotli, concurrent, default-features, sql-sqlite, freetype, jpeg, dbus, gui, doubleconversion, harfbuzz, icu, network, opengl, openssl, pcre2, png, sql, sql-psql, testlib, thread, widgets, zstd]
qttools[assistant, linguist, designer]

qtmultimedia[ffmpeg, gstreamer, qml, widgets]
qtimageformats # jp2k, tiff, webp
qtdeclarative  # QtQuick 2

Linux Native

# `qmake` turns `` project into makefiles on the specific platform according to the option.

$ cd TextFinder/build
$ qmake ../ -spec linux-g++ CONFIG+=qtquickcompiler
$ ls
Makefile .qmake.stash
$ make -j$(nproc)

Cross compile (Windows)

qt5 - Building Qt 5 on Linux, for Windows - Stack Overflow