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React.js (Archives)

January 9, 2025
March 21, 2023

Archived React.js notes

Smart and Dump Components

this split is mostly moot with hooks
dependencies can be consumed through hooks easily on any component

Smart and Dump
Container and Presentational
View/Page/Screen and Component
Fat and Skinny

Presentational and Container Components — Medium
Presentational and Container Components in Redux docs
Smart and Dumb Components in React | Jake Trent
Leveling Up With React: Container Components | CSS-Tricks
Categorizing Components Into Smart & Dumb Components, in React ←

Render Props/HoC

abstracting behavior in hooks is much better

Render Props – React
Michael Jackson - Never Write Another HoC - YouTube inversion of control, higher component invokes render props function
Render Props in React – Byteconf – Medium
An Overview of Render Props in React | CSS-Tricks
Using Render Props In React | React Resources

How to Use React Higher-Order Components - Ross Bulat - Medium

React Higher-Order Components
Andrew Clark - Recomposing your React application at react-europe 2016 - YouTube
Use Render Props with React |

React Render Props
Use a Render Prop! – componentDidBlog
When to NOT use Render Props

Introduction to higher order components (HOC) in React
How Are Function Components Different from Classes? — Overreacted
Container Components and Stateless Functional Components in React – Zsolt Nagy

Why I stopped spreading props on React Components - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

React PowerPlug

React PowerPlug
renatorib/react-powerplug: Renderless Containers
Rapid Prototyping Made Easy with React PowerPlug | DigitalOcean

James K Nelson

Interacting with the DOM in React.js, By Example
Interacting with the DOM in React.js, By Example
Learn React By Itself -- no JSX, no Flux, no ES6, no Webpack.
Structuring React Applications: Higher-Order Components - James K Nelson


Mixins Are Dead. Long Live Composition — Medium higher-order component vs mixin
Two React Tips — Medium

The new terms are "Container" (connected) and "Presentational Components" (not connected, can be stateful or pure).


use TypeScript if you really need PropTypes

Specifying PropTypes allows for a clearer contract of your component and React will validate them in dev mode. You should put all props you accessed in PropTypes (enforced by feross/eslint-config-standard-react)

PropTypes is now a optional dependency.
For type checking use interface and TypeScript.

Class Components

Syntax for defining React Component:
React on ES6+ · Babel
What React component class syntax should I use? - React Kung Fu


use app framework like Next.js

React Router Mega Demo

Building a Router with Raw React
React and pushState: You're doing it wrong
Simple Routing with Redux and React

ReactDOM.render and the Top Level React API | React you need to call unmountComponentAtNode() if you ever change the root component

Remixing React Router | Remix 2022-03, handle data in router
The Holy Grail of React Router transitions on the web

You might not need React Router

molefrog/wouter: A minimalistic (~1KB) routing for React. Nothing extra, just HOOKS.

TanStack Router

was React Location
extensions helps to generate file-based routing

TanStack Router | React Router, Solid Router, Svelte Router, Vue Router
Comparison | TanStack Router vs React Router | TanStack Router Docs
What Is TanStack Router And Why I Love It - YouTube

I Waited 3 Years For This Router. It STILL Blew My Mind. - YouTube

Reach Router

Reach Router - Overview

Battle of the Routers: Reach Router vs React Router ←

React Router

202302: all react-router pre-v6 (2021-11) tutorials are obsolete

React Router source
Leveling Up With React: React Router | CSS-Tricks

A guide to using React Router v6 in React apps - LogRocket Blog
Complete guide to authentication with React Router v6 - LogRocket Blog
A Complete Guide to React Router: Everything You Need to Know

useLoaderData | React Router


acdlite/redux-router: Redux bindings for React Router – keep your router state inside your Redux store
react-router-component ::
callum/redux-routing: Universal routing built on top of redux
FormidableLabs/redux-little-router: A tiny router for Redux that lets the URL do the talking.

An Introduction to the Redux-First Routing Model – freeCodeCamp
mksarge/redux-first-routing: A minimal, framework-agnostic API for accomplishing Redux-first routing.
mksarge/redux-json-router: Declarative, Redux-first routing for React/Redux browser applications.

flexdinesh/react-render-in-browser: A React component to render browser specific content

MoOx/react-topbar-progress-indicator: topbar progress indicator as a React component
topbar by buunguyen

Pure JavaScript

router5 | HTML5 router for reactive applications
Routie | Javascript hash router


Pose | A truly simple animation library for React, React Native, and Vue 😴inactive
Amazing React animation with react-pose - João Miguel Cunha - Medium

React Transition Group
chenglou/react-motion: A spring that solves your animation problems. 😴inactive
animatedjs/animated: Declarative Animations Library for React and React Native 😴inactive
FormidableLabs/react-animations: 🎊 A collection of animations for inline style libraries 😴inactive
FormidableLabs/react-shuffle: Animated shuffling of child components on change 😴inactive
aholachek/react-flip-toolkit: A lightweight magic-move library for configurable layout transitions 😴inactive
Animating Between Views in React | CSS-Tricks

brunnolou/react-morph: Morphing Ui transitions made simple 😴inactive, shufle
Morphing UI Transitions with React Morph | DigitalOcean

React Transition Group 😴inactive
reactjs/react-transition-group: An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM

Home - React Reveal
rnosov/react-reveal: Easily add reveal on scroll animations to your React app 😴inactive

renature Documentation 😴inactive
FormidableLabs/renature: A physics-based animation library for React focused on modeling natural world forces.

TypeScript React/Redux

Why TypeScript with React? - Carl's Blog
Microsoft/TypeScript-React-Conversion-Guide: A guide for converting a simple JavaScript/React project to TypeScript. Contains both before an after code with the step-by-step process in the README below.

TypeScript and React
Taking React and Redux to the next level with Typescript - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
10++ TypeScript Pro tips/patterns with (or without) React
Learning TypeScript with React - Part 1 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Learning TypeScript with React - Part 2 (The what, why and how of interfaces) - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻....
A type-safe approach to Redux stores in TypeScript - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Redux 4 + TypeScript 2.9: A type-safe approach - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Improved Redux type safety with TypeScript 2.8 - Martin Hochel - Medium
Notes on TypeScript: Pick, Exclude and Higher Order Components - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 series
Advanced TypeScript by Example: React Form Carousel
Writing better Reducers with React and Typescript 3.4

React Hooks in TypeScript - James Ravenscroft - Medium
React Render Props in TypeScript - James Ravenscroft - Medium

Tinkerer - Converting a React Codebase to Typescript. Part 1: Getting it to compile
Tinkerer - React To Typescript Part 2: Converting React Components to TypeScript

React Refs with TypeScript - Martin Hochel - Medium
How To Structure Your TypeScript + React + Redux App


tool for yesteryear

Create React App · Set up a modern web app by running one command.
facebook/create-react-app: Set up a modern web app by running one command. must have
create-react-app/packages/react-scripts at master · facebook/create-react-app
npm dependency is breaking some React apps today — here's the fix

10 Fun Facts About Create React App - Better Programming - Medium
create-react-app/ at master · facebook/create-react-app latest
Create React App 2.0: Babel 7, Sass, and More – React Blog

My Awesome Custom React Environment Variables Setup
Feature/different env config files #1343 by tuchk4 · Pull Request #1344 · facebook/create-react-app
bkeepers/dotenv: A Ruby gem to load environment variables from .env.

Customizing create-react-app: How to Make Your Own Template

Fix react-scripts issue when running on Dropbox's synced folder:
ln -sf ../react-scripts/bin/react-scripts.js node_modules/.bin/react-scripts

npx create-react-app my-app --template typescript since 3.3
create-react-app/packages/cra-template-typescript at master · facebook/create-react-app
cra-template-* - npm search
rafrex/spa-github-pages: Host single page apps with GitHub Pages React Router <BrowserRouter /> and custom 404.html

From create-react-app to PWA - LogRocket Blog

JetBrains/create-react-kotlin-app: Create React apps using Kotlin with no build configuration

Create Apps with No Configuration - React Blog
Getting started with create-react-app, Redux, React Router & Redux Thunk
notrab/create-react-app-redux: Basic starter kit for using React Router & Redux with create-react-app
Beyond Create React App: React Router, Redux, Redux Saga, and More
btg5679/react-redux-prod-starter: A ReactJS/Redux Production ready project foundation
How to build a React project from scratch using Webpack 4 and Babel
v4 Create React + Redux app structure with build configurations. What’s new?

Extending CRA

How to Use the Optional Chaining Operator in Your React App Right Now - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
10 Fun Facts About Create React App - Better Programming - Medium

dilanx/craco: Create React App Configuration Override, an easy and comprehensible configuration layer for Create React App. override CRA settings, not supporting CRA 5
javascript - How to make an import shortcut/alias in create-react-app? - Stack Overflow

arackaf/customize-cra: Override webpack configurations for create-react-app 2.0

timarney/react-app-rewired: Override create-react-app webpack configs without ejecting
Customize Create React App (CRA) without ejecting using react-app-rewired from @dceddia on @eggheadio
Override Create React App conf w/react-app-rewired - Today I Learned


Easiest way: add "proxy" key to package.json (for simple proxying)

  "proxy": ""

Proxying API Requests in Development | Create React App src/setupProxy.js since 2.0

Or install http-proxy-middleware and add src/setupProxy.js to the project.
Why you should use a proxy server with Create React App - LogRocket Blog

const proxy = require("http-proxy-middleware");
module.exports = function (app) {
      target: "http://myhost1:4000",
      changeOrigin: true,
      target: "http://myhost2:5000",
      changeOrigin: true,