Best remote desktop software: From casual use to business deployment | PCWorld
NoMachine - Free Remote Desktop For Everybody
Virtual Network Computing - Wikiwand
TightVNC: VNC-Compatible Free Remote Control / Remote Desktop Software
Remote Desktop Protocol - Wikiwand
Remmina | Remote Desktop Client for Linux
Chrome Remote Desktop
Chrome Remote Desktop
KasmVNC | Open-Source - Web-Native - Secure
Used by to create containerized GUI app, see firefox, kali-linux
X-pipe - Open Source, Connection Hub for SSH, Powershell, Docker Container access, and so much more - YouTube
DeskIn-Professional and Efficient Remote Desktop Software for Individual and Enterprise low latency
NoMachine - Free Remote Desktop for Everybody
The Fast Remote Desktop Application – AnyDesk
免費在家工作神器 Anydesk 電腦遠端操作 取代 TeamViewer 遠離封鎖 - YouTube
Apache Guacamole™ clientless remote desktop gateway
access EVERYTHING from your web browser!! (Linux and Windows Desktop, SSH) // Guacamole Install - YouTube
Guacamole Remote Desktop - Open Source, Self Hosted remote access to your machines in the browser! - YouTube
RustDesk | The best open source remote desktop software.
rustdesk/rustdesk: Yet another remote desktop software
dinger1986/rustdeskinstall: Easy install Script for Rustdesk
Self-host :: Documentation for RustDesk
rustdesk-server/docker-compose.yml at master · rustdesk/rustdesk-server · GitHub add -k _
to command
ufw allow 21115:21119/tcp comment "rustdesk"
ufw allow 21116/udp comment "rustdesk"
ufw reload
docker compose up -d
# is this the same as `./data/id_ed25519`?
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C rustdesk -f ./id_ed25519
cat ./data/
Linux Remote Desktop based on open-source | ThinLinc by Cendio
I forced EVERYONE to use Linux - YouTube
Resources for Installing ThinLinc
RPort is free remote access & remote management
RPort - an open source, self hosted Remote Machine Management System running on Linux! - YouTube
XDMCP - ArchWiki ssh tunnel for X traffic is preferred
鸟哥的 Linux 私房菜 -- 远程联机服务器 SSH/XDMCP/VNC/RDP