Falsifiability - Wikiwand
Scientific method - Wikiwand
How The Scientific Method Works - Stuff You Should Know (podcast)
The Dark Origins of the Scientific Method - YouTube
Scientists rise up against statistical significance
How You Should Read Research Papers According To Andrew Ng (Stanford Deep Learning Lectures) | by Richmond Alake | Towards Data Science
8: The Samples Are Unsound
Most research population are WEIRD - Western, Educated and from Industrialized, Rich and Democratic countries.
Preprints - The Multidisciplinary Preprint Platform
arXiv.org e-Print archive
MDPI - Publisher of Open Access Journals
Academia.edu - Share research
AI Chat for scientific PDFs | SciSpace
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Papers We Love
Papers With Code : the latest in machine learning
Google Scholar
ResearchGate | Find and share research
Academia.edu - Share research
Two Minute Papers - YouTube
毕导THU - YouTube
Sci-Hub - Wikiwand actually piracy
Sci-Hub: removing barriers in the way of science
Replication Crisis
The method that can "prove" almost anything - James A. Smith - YouTube p-value is the probability of getting the result assuming the null hypothesis is true
Western studies usually targets WEIRD (Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic) societies
Joseph Henrich explores WEIRD societies – Harvard Gazette
Are your findings 'WEIRD'?
"It’s not a replication crisis. It’s an innovation opportunity" | Nature Index
Psychology is in a replication crisis. The Psychological Science Accelerator is trying to fix it. - Vox
Solving the replication crisis by replicating less | Behavioural and Social Sciences at Nature Research
How much Fraud is there in Psychology? - YouTube
The Perfect Crime - Scientific Fraud in America - YouTube
Academia is BROKEN! - Harvard Fake Data Scandal Explained - YouTube
Why Science Fraud Goes Deeper Than the Stanford Scandal... - YouTube
The scandal that shook psychology to its core - YouTube
The Replication Crisis in Psychology - YouTube
How much Fraud is there in Psychology? - YouTube
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False - PMC
Is Most Published Research Wrong? - Wakelet
Is Most Published Research Wrong? - YouTube p-hacking
Graphene - Wikiwand
Why graphene hasn’t taken over the world...yet - The Verge
The King of Random - YouTube
Applied Science - YouTube
The Slow Mo Guys - YouTube
The Slow Mo Guys 2 - YouTube
Beyond the press - YouTube
Flow visualization
The Science Behind Dogs' Incredible Sense Of Smell - YouTube Schlieren Imaging, Shadow Graph, Laser Sheet
How Do Night Vision Goggles Work? (There's 3 types) - YouTube
- Active illumination
- Image intensification
- Thermal Imaging
The Plates & Tubes Behind Night Vision - YouTube
Occam's razor
Occam's razor - Wikiwand
Occam's Razor Has Distorted the History of Science - The Atlantic
How Occam's Razor Works | HowStuffWorks
How Occam's Razor Works | Stuff You Should Know
Medical Industry
Adam Cifu on Ending Medical Reversal | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty
Randomized controlled trial
Clinically endpoint vs surrogate endpoint
Lowering blood pressure is a surrogate endpoint for heart disease
Bad Medicine, Part 1: The Story of 98.6 - Freakonomics Freakonomics
Bad Medicine, Part 2: (Drug) Trials and Tribulations - Freakonomics Freakonomics
Bad Medicine, Part 3: Death by Diagnosis - Freakonomics Freakonomics
(DOC) Compare and Contrast Traditional Chinese Medicine and Conventional Western Medicine | 航 尹 - Academia.edu
(PDF) Traditional Medicines in Asia (WHO for South East Asia Countries) | Dini Nurhaliza - Academia.edu
Basic Information on PFAS | Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) | US EPA