All commands | - match command-line arguments to their help text
Core utilities - ArchWiki
Tools & Reference - Linode Guides & Tutorials
Linux 101 Hacks eBook, by Ramesh Natarajan
The Unix CD Bookshelf, v3.0 Technical Reference Site
Terminal Trove - The $HOME of all things in the terminal.
7 Command-Line Tools for Data Science • Blog • Data Science Workshops
7 Amazing CLI Tools You Need To Try - YouTube fzf
, bat
, delta
, eza
, tldr
, zoxide
Webminal - Learn and Practise Linux online, Programming online
Learn And Practice Linux Commands Online For FREE! - OSTechNix
5 Useful Tools to Remember Linux Commands Forever
A - Z Linux Commands - Overview with Examples
Everything CLI - It is all about the unix cli
My Favorite CLI Tools
My favorite command-line utilities
Coreutils Gotchas
New zine: Bite Size Command Line! - Julia Evans
k4m4/terminals-are-sexy: 💥 A curated list of Terminal frameworks, plugins & resources for CLI lovers.
alebcay/awesome-shell: A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php.
aharris88/awesome-cli-apps: A curated list of command line apps
herrbischoff/awesome-command-line-apps: Use your terminal shell to do awesome things.
denisidoro/navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
Command line utilities — list of Rust libraries/crates //
blindspot — command-line utility in Rust //
Pueue — command-line utility in Rust //
bat — command-line utility in Rust //
fd-find — command-line utility in Rust //
Navi — command-line utility in Rust //
t2b | A wicked-powerful text macro language for building binary files.
facebook/PathPicker fpp
provides interactive links to files in shell output
How to do math on the Linux command line | Network World
jarun/Buku: Browser-independent bookmark manager
CZ-NIC/pz: Easily handle day to day CLI operation via Python instead of regular Bash programs.
uutils/coreutils: Cross-platform Rust rewrite of the GNU coreutils
The Art of CLI
jlevy/the-art-of-command-line: Master the command line, in one page
CLI: improved
Command Line Interface Guidelines
12 Factor CLI Apps. CLIs are a fantastic way to build… | by Jeff Dickey | Medium
CLI Style Guide | Heroku Dev Center
NO_COLOR: disabling ANSI color output in various Unix commands well-behaved libraries
CLI Tools Are Not Inherently User-Hostile - Mindy Preston - Software You Can Love 2022 - YouTube
- the shell and the browser the TWO portable platforms
- why GUIs are hard to follow
Online manpages Better coloring and TOC, with tldr Better format for sending to Kindle Better coloring and TOC source - Find commands at the speed of thought
bro: just get to the point!
tldr | simplified, community driven man pages source
tldr-pages/tldr-python-client: Python command-line client for tldr pages
dbrgn/tealdeer: A very fast implementation of tldr in Rust.
cheat/cheat: cheat allows you to create and view interactive cheatsheets on the command-line.
How to Create and View Interactive Cheatsheets on the Command-line | by Khuyen Tran | Towards Data Science
maaslalani/nap: Code snippets in your terminal
User management
Ubuntu has an
wrapper touseradd
The Complete Guide to User Management in Linux
defines the users
defines the groups
# print user info
id $USER
# new user with secondary group
useradd -G group[,group] user
# add secondary group to existing user
usermod -a -G group[,group] user
# delete user
userdel user
# delete user and home folder
userdel -r user
# relogin to take effect
su - $USER
# password expiry policy can be set with `passwd` and `chage`
passwd -n 0 user # 0 day between password changes
passwd -x 90 user # days for password to be valid
passwd -w 7 user # days of warning before expiration
chage -l user
# forces user to change at next login
passwd -l user # lock user password
shell - Reload a Linux user's group assignments without logging out - Super User
Term recorder/sharing
All about pipes, by The Linux Information Project (LINFO)
Pipecut Project Home
akavel/up: Ultimate Plumber is a tool for writing Linux pipes with instant live preview
Linux Fu: Up -- A Tool for Interactive Linux Pipe - YouTube
Command palette
denisidoro/navi: An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line
pindexis/marker: The terminal command palette
Linux Fu: Marker Is A Command Line Menu | Hackaday
nvbn/thefuck: Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
# list content
tar -tf tarball.tar.gz | head
# skip 1 level (container folder)
tar -xvf ZendFramework-1.7.2.tar.gz --strip 1
# use multi-core compress tool
tar -I pbzip2 -cf OUTPUT_FILE.tar.bz2 paths_to_archive
tar --use-compress-program=pigz -cf OUTPUT_FILE.tar.gz paths_to_archive
Performing Incremental backups using tar | Unixmen
How to Create and Restore Incremental Backups with Tar on Linux - SnapShooter Documentation
tar --listed-incremental=tarfiles.list cvf images.tar images/ > tar.log
tar --listed-incremental=tarfiles.list cvf images.1.tar images/ > tar.log
grep - Wikiwand
grep is a beautiful tool
Where GREP Came From - Computerphile - YouTube
# list file name only
grep -l pattern file
# grep | xarg combo
grep -lZ pattern file | xargs -0 ls -l
# find files without word "foo"
grep -L "foo" *
grep -c "foo" * | grep ":0" | awk -F: '{ print $1 }'
cat a b | sort | uniq > c # c is a union b
cat a b | sort | uniq -d > c # c is a intersect b
cat a b b | sort | uniq -u > c # c is set difference a \ b
Doing Date Math on the Command Line, Part I | Linux Journal
Doing Date Math on the Command Line - Part II | Linux Journal
grep - Wikiwand
Find is a beautiful tool
Mommy, I found it! — 15 Practical Linux Find Command Examples
Unix Find Tutorial
UsingFind - Greg's Wiki
Capturing output of find . -print0 into a bash array - Stack Overflow
linux - exclude directory from find . command - Stack Overflow
regex - How to use '-prune' option of 'find' in sh? - Stack Overflow
How to rsync files by date or by size (actually find
# find | xarg combo
find . -print0 | xargs -0 ls -l
# all files greater than 1mb
find $HOME/. -size +1024k
# all .js files inside current directory greater than 500k
find . -name '*.js' -size +500k
# find all files larger than zero but less than 500bytes
find . -size +0 -a -size -500c # (-a is AND, -c is bytes)
# find all files larger than zero OR (-o) any that haven't been accessed in over a year
find . -size 0 -o -atime +365
# find all files modified more than 5 days ago
find . -type f -mtime +5
# find all files modified within last 60 minutes
find . -type f -mmin -60
# find all files of size between 50-100MB
find . -size +50M -size -100M
# concat all Java files and print to console, note the space before '\'
find . -type f -name "*.java"-exec cat {} \;
# find executables
find . -perm /a=x
# find empty directories
find . -type d -empty
# excluding folders
# prune is faster than `-not` for files are skipped
find build -not \(-type d -path build/external -prune \) -name \*.js
operate files using inum
This is useful when the file name is particularly long or contains weird characters.
# list inum of files
ls -i
cd "$(find -inum 123456)"
mv "$(find -inum 123456)" ../some/where/
Linux ‘locate’ command examples |
10 Useful 'locate' Command Practical Examples for Linux Newbies
junegunn/fzf: A command-line fuzzy finder
Examples · junegunn/fzf Wiki
Fuzzy Find Everything - YouTube
Vim universe. fzf - command line fuzzy finder - YouTube
This may be my favorite CLI tool ever - YouTube **
Why you should be using fzf, the command line fuzzy finder
Tab to select multiple items
Pipe with other tools to provide fuzzy filtering interface
Fussy match load-session
· Issue #59 · jimeh/tmuxifier
peco/peco: Simplistic interactive filtering tool
lotabout/skim: Fuzzy Finder in rust!
directory jumping
ajeetdsouza/zoxide: A smarter cd command. Supports all major shells. reimplementation of z
in Rust
Another cool program for terminal file system navigation - YouTube
zoxide has forever improved the way I navigate in the terminal. - YouTube
rupa/z: z - jump around
b4b4r07/enhancd: A next-generation cd command with your interactive filter
wting/autojump: A cd command that learns - easily navigate directories from the command line
rsync - man page
又一枚瑞士军刀:rsync – Canvas
Replace Storage Drives with Rsync in Arch Linux | DominicMDominicM
How to use advanced rsync for large Linux backups |
rsync -avihXP --info=progress2 --stats <SRC> <DEST>
rsync -r -t -v --progress -s -e "ssh -p 1234" /mnt/media/coding user@backup:/mnt/media
# use rsync to copy files while retaining folder structure
# an alternative to `cp --parents`
rsync -avR --progress dir1/file1 dir2/file2 target/
# target/dir1/file1, target/dir2/file2 will be created
rsync 的核心算法 | 酷 壳 -
rsnapshot | rsnapshot
Guide to rsnapshot and incremental backups on Linux
Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Rsync inspiration for rsnapshot
Names Have Been Changed » Linux Magazine
# to lower (y = transliterating, character substitution)
rename 'y/A-Z/a-z/' *
# remove '.txt' suffix
rename 's/.txt$//' *
# add '.txt' suffix
rename 's/$/.txt/' *
laurent22/massren: massren - easily rename multiple files using your text editor
whyboris/Simplest-File-Renamer: Simplest file renamer - rename your files quickly and easily
ismaelgv/rnr: A command-line tool to batch rename files and directories
75lb/renamer: Rename files in bulk. custom function
jhotmann/node-rename-cli: A tool for renaming files quickly, especially multiple files at once. Nunjucks template
nomino — command-line utility in Rust //
sort (Unix) - Wikiwand
sort - man page
xargs - Wikiwand
xargs - man page
Xargs - Charles Martin Reid
Things you (probably) didn't know about xargs
8 Practical Examples of Linux Xargs Command for Beginners
find -exec vs find | xargs
-n1 vs -L1
# simple use case
echo "U R L" | xargs -n1 echo
# `-I` may be needed for more complex use case (`mv @ @.bak`)
# however `-I` implies `-L` (takes input as line)
# so split before call
echo -e "U R L\na b c" | sed 's/ /\n/g' | xargs -I@ echo @
# or do with temp file
echo "U\nR\nL" > file
cat file | xargs -I@ echo @
# custom delimiter, custom replace-str
echo -n 4500 10500 30000 | xargs -n1 -d" " -I@ math @*200/1024
# left only
diff --changed-group-format='%<' --unchanged-group-format='' FILE1 FILE2
# right only
diff --changed-group-format='%>' --unchanged-group-format='' FILE1 FILE2
vimdiff <(xxd file1) <(xxd file2)
code -diff file1 file2
so-fancy/diff-so-fancy: Good-lookin' diffs. Actually… nah… The best-lookin' diffs.
diffsitter — command-line utility in Rust //
Wilfred/difftastic: a diff that understands syntax 🟥🟩
GNU Parallel Tutorial — GNU Parallel 20230822 documentation
GNU Parallel videos - YouTube
GNU Parallel, where have you been all my life? | Alex Plescan
This CLI Tool is AMAZING | Prime Reacts - YouTube
Text Searching
The Platinum Searcher: search source code, faster than ack - Progville
Releases · monochromegane/the_platinum_searcher
ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift} - Andrew Gallant's Blog
Releases · BurntSushi/ripgrep
Tutorial – ugrep » Linux Magazine
Split files
csplit invocation (GNU Coreutils 9.0)
csplit - Split text files - IBM Documentation
split invocation (GNU Coreutils 9.0)
split - Split a file into manageable pieces - IBM Documentation
# by pattern
csplit -f"bufferedsource." -b"%02d.log" bufferedsource.log "/.*Clicked NextStep/" "{*}"
# by number of lines
split -l 1000000 --additional-suffix=".log" -d bufferedsource.log "bufferedsource."
bash - Using regex to tell csplit where to split the file - Stack Overflow
Trim lines in place
Remove the last line from a file in Bash - Stack Overflow
file_size="$(stat --format=%s "$filename")"
trim_count="$(tail -n"$lines" "$filename" | wc -c)"
end_position="$(echo "$file_size - $trim_count" | bc)"
dd if=/dev/null of="$filename" bs=1 seek="$end_position"
File Manager
gokcehan/lf: Terminal file manager
Integrations · gokcehan/lf Wiki · GitHub
Lf: How To Turn It Into A Really Powerful File Manager - YouTube
Canop/broot: A new way to see and navigate directory trees :
Broot: An Innovative Way To View Your Linux File System - YouTube faster then fzf
as hidden files a ignored
Broot Is A Better Way To Navigate Directories - YouTube
sxyazi/yazi: 💥 Blazing fast terminal file manager written in Rust, based on async I/O.
mwh/dragon: Drag and drop source/target for X
Dragon: How To Add Drag And Drop Support To Any Terminal - YouTube
Dragon: Eliminate The Need For All GUI File Managers! - YouTube
File Management
User manual — rmlint documentation
Gentle Guide to rmlint — rmlint documentation
sahib/rmlint: Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
Rename - Quickly Batch File Renaming in Linux
Tools For Renaming Files In Linux - YouTube
File watching
rvoicilas/inotify-tools: inotify-tools is a C library and a set of command-line programs for Linux providing a simple interface to inotify.
Linux Fu: Watch That Filesystem | Hackaday
cpio - man page
Linux cpio Examples: How to Create and Extract cpio Archives (and tar archives)
cpio - Wikiwand
copy files to destination folder keeping the tree structure of the path specified
# in ~/source
# these files are reachable in ~/source with their relative paths
cat ~/filelist
cpio -pud ~/dest < ~/filelist
# cpio single file
echo "frameworks/base/cmds/pm/src/com/android/commands/pm/" \
| cpio -pud ${ANDROID_PATCH}/board/common/
# get n-th to m-th word in string, using ':' as separator
echo ${LINE} | cat -d: -f n,m
replace character in SET1 with characters in SET2
echo "foo\nbar\nbaz" | tr "bf" "\!"
# negates SET1
echo "foo\nbar\nbaz" | tr -c "bf\n" "\!"
# ROT13
alias rot13="tr '[A-Za-z]' '[N-ZA-Mn-za-m]'"
akme/lsofgraph-python: python version of lsof to graphviz parser
zevv/lsofgraph: lsof to graphviz
10 lsof Command Examples in Linux
ttyplot - A realtime terminal plotting utility.
tenox7/ttyplot: a realtime plotting utility for terminal/console with data input from stdin
ttyplot – a real time plotting utility for the terminal | Virtually Fun
20 amusing Linux commands to have fun with the terminal
cowsay - Wikiwand
cowsay -l
fortune | cowsay -f stegosaurus
Yaksay — command-line utility in Rust //
dustinkirkland/hollywood multiple panels of noisy apps
genact — command-line utility in Rust //
bartobri/no-more-secrets: A command line tool that recreates the famous data decryption effect seen in the 1992 movie Sneakers.
rusty-rain — command-line utility in Rust //
JSON manipulation
List of JSON tools for command line – Ilya's blog
json(1) - JSON love for your command line
maxogden/jsonmap: CLI JSON mapping/transformation utility
FGRibreau/jq.node: jq.node - like jq but WAY MORE powerful
JMESPath — JMESPath libray for multiple languages
jzelinskie/faq: Format Agnostic jQ
antonmedv/fx: Terminal JSON viewer viewer and run JavaScript code on JSON
FX: Powerful Terminal JSON Visualizer And Processor - YouTube
jless - A Command-Line JSON Viewer node folding
PaulJuliusMartinez/jless: jless is a command-line JSON viewer designed for reading, exploring, and searching through JSON data.
simeji/jid: json incremental digger interactive filter with autocomplete
jpmens/jo: JSON output from a shell
lloyd/JSONSelect: CSS-like selectors for JSON 😴inactive
dtao/gquery: Generic jQuery 😴inactive
jpmens/jo: JSON output from a shell
Jan-Piet Mens :: A shell command to create JSON: jo
jmespath/jp: Command line interface to JMESPath -
Welcome to Flupy — flupy 1.0.2 documentation
jq Manual
jqterm: jq as a service
jq play
jiq - JSON Incremental jq-filterer
fiatjaf/jiq: jid on jq - interactive JSON query tool using jq expressions
itchyny/gojq: Pure Go implementation of jq
noahgorstein/jqp: A TUI playground to experiment with jq
joelpurra/jqnpm: A package manager built for the command-line JSON processor jq. 😴inactive
jq/builtin.jq at master · stedolan/jq
FAQ · stedolan/jq Wiki
Advanced Topics · stedolan/jq Wiki
Cookbook · stedolan/jq Wiki
For JSONPath users · stedolan/jq Wiki
Docs for Oniguruma Regular Expressions (RE.txt) · stedolan/jq Wiki
How to: Avoid Pitfalls · stedolan/jq Wiki
jq Cheet Sheet
jq recipes
rjz/jq-tutorial: Interactive exercises for learning jq
JSON Tools: Jq - Hyperpolyglot
jq Primer: Munging JSON Data - Andrew Gibiansky
JQ Select Explained: Selecting elements from JSON with Examples - Earthly Blog
jq is sed for JSON
Reshaping JSON with jq | Programming Historian
Parsing JSON with jq
Wrestling JSON with jq by Arjan van der Gaag
The BEST CLI Tool - YouTube
# pick field from array
cat JSON | jq '[ .[] | { a: .field1, } ]'
cat JSON | jq 'map({ a: .field1, })'
# no "." to construct object with same field name
cat JSON | jq 'map({ field1, })'
# pick field from files, shorthand for `slideId`
find . -maxdepth 2 -name *json | xargs -I@ jq -c '{slideId, w: .width, h: .height}' @
# collect NDJSON as array and convert to CSV
find . -maxdepth 2 -name *json | xargs -I@ jq -c '{slideId, w: .width, h: .height}' @ | jq -s -f ~/tocsv.jq
# match field
cat JSON | jq -c 'select(.row === 33089)'
cat JSON | jq -c 'select(.list | contains(["foo", "bar"]) | select(.access | test("(deny|disallow)") | not)'
def tocsv($x):
) as $cols
|map(. as $row
) as $rows
| @csv;
How to convert arbirtrary simple JSON to CSV using jq? - Stack Overflow
Create JSON using jq from pipe-separated keys and values in bash - Stack Overflow
ldn-softdev/jtc: JSON manipulation and transformation tool
JQL — command-line utility in Rust //
These Modern Linux Tools Will BLOW YOUR MIND - YouTube
ericfreese/rat: Compose shell commands to build interactive terminal applications
Perl for regex
ripgrep (rg)
chmln/sd: Intuitive find & replace CLI (sed alternative)
csvkit 1.0.3 — csvkit 1.0.3 documentation
q - Text as Data
sahib/rmlint: Extremely fast tool to remove duplicates and other lint from your filesystem
johnkerl/miller: Miller is like awk, sed, cut, join, and sort for name-indexed data such as CSV, TSV, and tabular JSON
charmbracelet/gum: A tool for glamorous shell scripts 🎀
Write beautiful shell scripts with Gum! [Terminal Velocity 4] - YouTube
How To Create A "Proper" CLI With Shell And Charm Gum - YouTube
Bash Shell Scripting/Whiptail - Wikibooks, open books for an open world
Add Dialogs And Menus To Shell Scripts With Whiptail - YouTube