International System of Units - Wikiwand
SI Redefinition | NIST redefinition of the 7 SI units based on' nature's fundamental constants
Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos
Is The Metric System Actually Better? - YouTube
The kg is dead, long live the kg - YouTube
Seven Dimensions - YouTube use SI units as basis and matrices for unit conversion
Origins of Precision - YouTube
The Efficient Engineer
Understanding Engineering Drawings - YouTube
Understanding GD&T - YouTube tolerance
國家教育研究院雙語詞彙、學術名詞暨辭書資訊網 translations for scientific terms
Dimensional Analysis
analysis on unit
Bomb Blast Radius - Numberphile - YouTube
Cursed Units - YouTube
Bizarre Units used by Scientists - Sixty Symbols - YouTube
Structural Shapes
Structural Shapes Ranked and Reviewed - Which one Wins? - YouTube
Why Are I-Beams Shaped Like An I? - YouTube
詹氏车钩有什么用?一项黑科技,凭什么能挺 100 多年!【科学火箭叔】 - YouTube
一百年前的黑科技,火车车厢的连接“神器”,詹式车钩有多神奇? - YouTube
地底的超危險工作!一起蓋捷運! 【上集】挖捷運隧道靠土撥鼠?【超認真少年】Taipei MRT Shield Machine - YouTube
如何製作超難的地底隧道【下集】告別台北捷運隧道地下 30 米作業總算完成了【超認真少年】Taipei MRT Shield Machine EP2 - YouTube
潛盾機貫通隧道 誤差不到 10 公分有多難 老闆幹了很多貫通石要給大家【超認真少年】MRT tunnel breakthrough ceremony - YouTube
世界首座超级工程,时速 350 公里的海底高铁隧道,是怎么建造的?【科学火箭叔】 - YouTube
- 明挖法
- 盾構法
- 礦山法
- 沉管法
Why Tunnels Don't Collapse - YouTube
Time (s)
1 秒持续多长时间?从日晷到原子钟——时间单位的变迁 - YouTube
How Do Atomic Clocks Work? - YouTube
How the Germans Measured Milliseconds MECHANICALLY - Smarter Every Day 283 - YouTube
Length (m)
一米有多长?地球周长约等于 4 万公里是巧合吗?长度单位米的由来 - YouTube
Who Invented the Meter? - YouTube
Mass (kg)
1 千克有多重?修改教科书再见大 K!如何用普朗克常数定义千克? - YouTube
Demise of the Kilogram - Sixty Symbols - YouTube
Temperature (K)
Celsius - Wikiwand
Fahrenheit - Wikiwand the temperature of a human body (around 98 degrees Fahrenheit) and the temperature of salt and ice (0 °F).
Kelvin - Wikiwand
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit
Temperature Is Not What You Think It Is | WIRED
甚麼攝氏和華氏溫度標準!? 世界只餘下一個大國使用華氏!? (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube
The Science of Temperature Is Weirder Than You Think | WIRED
Build a Thermoelectric Generator, Like the Ones That Power Deep Space Missions | WIRED
Electrical Current (A)
Chemical Amount (mol)
1 摩尔有多少个?(1)相对原子质量的由来 - YouTube
1 摩尔有多少个?(2)从原子量到阿伏伽德罗常数 - YouTube
Luminous Intensity (cd)
1 坎德拉有多亮?人眼为什么能看到五光十色?如何衡量发光强度? - YouTube candela
Storage Size (B)
SI/JEDEC: 1000B = 1kB (SI), 1KB (JEDEC)
IEC: 1024B = 1KiB
pretty-bytes - npm
byte-size - npm
human-readable - npm
@tsmx/human-readable - npm
Format byte size as kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, ... · YourBasic Go