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Java Spring

September 29, 2023
April 20, 2019

Spring | Home a Pivotal (now VMWare) company with many open source projects.
How not to hate Spring in 2016
Spring Initializr

JHipster - Full Stack Platform for the Modern Developer!

Why Spring is Winning the Microservices Game |
What parts of Spring and Java EE are popular?
Spring and Java EE - Head to Head Survey
Spring Boot, Maven and Eclipse TroubleShooting Guide and FAQ – Java and Spring Online Courses

Series | Baeldung
REST with Spring Tutorial | Baeldung
REST Query Language | Baeldung
Spring Persistence Tutorial | Baeldung
Security with Spring | Baeldung
Control the Session with Spring Security | Baeldung


The modern web framework for Java · Hilla
Intro to Hilla: The full-stack Java framework | InfoWorld

Spring Framework

Provides core support for dependency injection, transaction management, web apps, data access, messaging and more.

Spring Framework
Spring Framework Annotations cheat sheet |
Spring Framework Introduction | Baeldung

Asynchronous REST results in Spring
C10k: Developing non-blocking REST services with Spring MVC | Callista Enterprise

The Hidden Class Loading Performance Impact of the Spring Framework | Dynatrace blog

Spring Data

Provides a consistent approach to data access – relational, non-relational, map-reduce, and beyond.

Spring Data
State of the Art Data Access with Spring Data by Oliver Gierke |

Spring, Hibernate, MySQL stress test
What is the Difference Between JPA and Hibernate?
What Is the Difference Between Hibernate and Spring Data JPA? - DZone Java
How to use JPA correctly to avoid complaints of a slow application |

All Spring Data Guides | Baeldung
Spring Persistence Tutorial | Baeldung

Spring Cloud

Provides a set of tools for common patterns in distributed systems. Useful for building and deploying microservices.

Spring Cloud provides tools for developers to quickly build some of the common patterns in distributed systems. It builds on Spring Boot.

Introducing Spring Cloud
Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker
Spring Cloud Samples

Introducing Spring Boot - DZone Java
Spring Cloud Tutorial | Baeldung
Guide to Spring Cloud Kubernetes | Baeldung

Getting Started with Spring Cloud - YouTube
Securing Microservices with Spring Cloud Security - YouTube

Spring Boot

Takes an opinionated view of building Spring applications and gets you up and running as quickly as possible.

Spring Boot
Spring Boot Reference Guide
DevTools in Spring Boot 1.3

Building Scalable Java Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud | Coursera
Write Less Code with Kotlin and Spring Boot

Learning Spring Boot: First as a Student, Then as a Teacher

Learn Spring Boot | Baeldung
Dockerizing a Spring Boot Application | Baeldung
Running Spring Boot Applications With Minikube | Baeldung

使用 IntelliJ IDEA 建立 Spring Boot 專案 | 簡睿隨筆 | 學習過程的紀錄與備忘

Creating REST-ful, Hypermedia-based Micro-services with Spring Boot - YouTube
From Zero to Hero with Spring Boot - Brian Clozel - YouTube
It's a Kind of Magic: Under the Covers of Spring Boot - Brian Clozel, Stéphane Nicoll - YouTube
Spring Boot Micro-services, Containers, and Kubernetes - How To - YouTube

Package Your React App with Spring Boot [A How-To Guide] | Hacker Noon

Spring Boot Microservices , Docker and Kubernetes workshop – part1 | Java Code Geeks - 2018
Spring Boot Microservices , Docker and Kubernetes workshop – part2 | Java Code Geeks - 2018
Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot
wimdeblauwe/spring-boot-building-api-backend: Code of the 'Practical Guide to Building an API Back End with Spring Boot' book

Quick Guide to Microservices With Kubernetes, Spring Boot 2.0, and Docker - DZone Microservices
Developing A Spring Boot Application for Kubernetes Cluster: A Tutorial [Part 1] - DZone Cloud
Developing A Spring Boot Application for Kubernetes Cluster: A Tutorial [Part 2] - DZone Cloud
Developing A Spring Boot Application for Kubernetes Cluster: A Tutorial [Part 3] - DZone Cloud
Developing A Spring Boot Application for Kubernetes Cluster: A Tutorial [Part 4] - DZone Cloud

Episode 381: Josh Long on Spring Boot : Software Engineering Radio
Spring boot
embedded Jetty and does not need Tomcat
Code generation
Uses POJO config instead of inheriting Beans
Service loader (auto configs) that implements best practices of using typical services
Spring in a nail, project generator
Actuator operation management endpoints
Reactive stream API