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September 29, 2023

Swift is a general-purpose programming language that's approachable for newcomers and powerful for experts. It is fast, modern, safe, and a joy to write. - Welcome to - API Design Guidelines
Swift - Overview - Apple Developer
Swift Playgrounds - Apple

Everyone Can Code - Apple
Wolg/awesome-swift: A curated list of awesome Swift frameworks, libraries and software.
matteocrippa/awesome-swift: A collaborative list of awesome Swift libraries and resources. Feel free to contribute!

Try Swift in the Browser | RunSwift
Learn Swift Online | RunSwift

12 reasons to learn Apple’s open-source Swift language | Computerworld
Learn Swift: A guide for experienced developers | InfoWorld

Swift Programming, More Than Just an ‘Apple Language’ | by Lewis Fairweather | The Startup | Medium
Export Swift CLI Apps. How to distribute your Command-Line… | by Riccardo Cipolleschi | The Startup | Medium

Swift Development with Visual Studio Code - NSHipster

x140yu-Developing_iOS_8_Apps_With_Swift · GitHub
Start Developing iOS Apps (Swift): Jump Right In