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January 9, 2025
October 2, 2016

Paracelsus, a 16th-century alchemist, and physician coined a great phrase: “All things are poison and nothing is without poison; only the dose makes a thing not a poison.”


Arsenic Poisoning - A History | Curious Minds - Curious Minds Podcast
Arsenic 砒霜, compete with phosphorus in the chemical reaction that produces ATP
used excessively to kill people before the 19th century, until the Marsh Test which can identify minute traces of it in corpses was invented in 1830's.

Cyanide 山埃


LSD History | Curious Minds - Curious Minds Podcast
LSD History, Pt.2: Timothy Leary | Curious Minds - Curious Minds Podcast
LSD is not addictive, and is one of the strongest drugs known to man
the common dose is a mere 50ug
comparing to that of cocaine 100mg
【科技史】史上最强致幻剂LSD的魔幻往事 - YouTube
麥角 Ergot

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also known as marijuana (Mexican)

Cannabis (drug) - Wikiwand

一定黃標!來聊聊這個大麻煩吧 !【Buchi 社會課#11】 - YouTube

泰國大麻觀光化台灣客是主力之一 開放2年為何重下禁令?|公視P# 新聞實驗室泰國大麻觀光化台灣客是主力之一 開放2年為何重下禁令?|公視P# 新聞實驗室 - YouTube
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