Unicode - Wikiwand
Universal Character Set characters - Wikiwand
Code point - Wikiwand
Astral Planes
Plain Text • Dylan Beattie • GOTO 2023 - YouTube ❗!important, 43:11, ASCII history, code page, Unicode, sorting, normalization, encoding, emoji, ligatures
Plain Text - Dylan Beattie - NDC Copenhagen 2022 - YouTube
Code page - Wikiwand
In ASCII days, code pages define what the top half of ASCII represents. It is sometimes bound to a particular use case/app.
Characters, Symbols and the Unicode Miracle - Computerphile - YouTube
EXTRA BITS - UTF-8 'nearly' works - Computerphile - YouTube
Unicode, in friendly terms: ASCII, UTF-8, code points, character encodings, and more - YouTube
These Keys Shouldn't Exist | Nostalgia Nerd - YouTube ASCII and broken pipe character, lingering as non-ASCII (Code page 437) for IBM PCs
Plain Text - Dylan Beattie - NDC Oslo 2021 - YouTube from encoding to Unicode, composition form, normalization form, UTF8, emoji
锟斤拷 �⊠ 是怎样炼成的——中文显示「⼊」门指南【柴知道】 - YouTube
Alt + Code point
to input unicode character
Special Characters Ø, ©, ±, °… [PC] | Tim Bird
Programming with Unicode — Programming with Unicode
The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets (No Excuses!) – Joel on Software !important
What every JavaScript developer should know about Unicode
Legacy Character Models and an Introduction to Unicode - Slide list
From Python PEP-261:
Used by itself, means the addressable units of a Python Unicode string.
**Code point**
A code point is an integer between 0 and TOPCHAR. If you imagine Unicode as a mapping from integers to characters, each integer is a code point. But the integers between 0 and TOPCHAR that do not map to characters are also code points. Some will someday be used for characters. Some are guaranteed never to be used for characters.
A set of functions for translating between physical encodings (e.g. on disk or coming in from a network) into logical Python objects.
Mechanism for representing abstract characters in terms of physical bits and bytes. Encodings allow us to store Unicode characters on disk and transmit them over networks in a manner that is compatible with other Unicode software.
**Surrogate pair**
Two physical characters that represent a single logical character. Part of a convention for representing 32-bit code points in terms of two 16-bit code points.
**Unicode string**
A Python type representing a sequence of code points with "string semantics" (e.g. case conversions, regular expression compatibility, etc.) Constructed with the unicode() function.
&what: Discover Unicode & HTML Character Entities
Math Unicode Entities
Unify – Unicode support on browsers and devices
表意文字小組 - Wikiwand
中日韓統一表意文字 - Wikiwand
UAX #38: Unicode Han Database (Unihan)
Unicode Search 🔎
c2nes/unichoose: Search Unicode characters using Rofi and fzf
Combining Marks/Normalization
Combining character - Wikiwand
Zalgo Text Generator ― LingoJam 😄funny
FAQ - Normalization
Unicode equivalence - Wikiwand
String.prototype.normalize() - JavaScript | MDN
UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms
Normal Form Decomposed (NFD): é
(U+00E9) = e
+ ́
(U+0065 U+0301).
NFC — Normalization Form Canonical Composition, largest number of code points
NFD — Normalization Form Canonical Decomposition, smallest number of code points
NFKC — Normalization Form Compatibility Composition.
NFKD — Normalization Form Compatibility Decomposition.
Unicode Normalization forms - C# - OneCompiler
Unicode 相容字元 - Wikiwand
Unicode compatibility characters - Wikiwand
Allows multiple glyphs for one code point
異體字選擇器 - Wikiwand
Variant form (Unicode) - Wikiwand
UTF-8 - Wikiwand
UTF-16 - Wikiwand
RFC 3629 - UTF-8, a transformation format of ISO 10646
Byte order mark - Wikiwand
FAQ - UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 & BOM
UTR#17: Unicode Character Encoding Model
research!rsc: UTF-8: Bits, Bytes, and Benefits
Hello World or Καλημέρα κόσμε or こんにちは 世界
Punycode Domain Name
RFC 3492 - Punycode: A Bootstring encoding of Unicode for Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA)
Punycode converter (IDN converter), Punycode to Unicode 🔧
Phishing with Unicode Domains - Xudong Zheng
Internationalized Domain Names (IDN) in Google Chrome
Why You Can't Visit 💀🎺.com - YouTube emoji allowed in .tk
, .to
, .ws
Emoji - Wikiwand
How emoji conquered the world | The Verge
The Oral History Of The Poop Emoji (Or, How Google Brought Poop To America) | Fast Company | Business + Innovation
Emoji and the Levitating Businessman - Computerphile - YouTube
Black Woman Astronaut = Woman (U+1F469) + Dark Skin Tone (U+1F3FF) + Zero Width Joiner (U+200D) + Rocket (U+1FD80D)
Emoji searcher
📙 Emojipedia — 😃 Home of Emoji Meanings 💁👌🎍😍
😋 Get Emoji — List of all Emojis to ✂ Copy and 📋 Paste 👌
emojidex - custom emoji service and apps
Full Emoji List, v14.0
🎁 Emoji cheat sheet for GitHub, Basecamp, Slack & more
Intro to Emoji URLs - DEV Community
The 150 Most Popular Emojis Explained
muan/mojibar: Emoji searcher but as a menubar app.
twitter/twemoji: Emoji for everyone. https://twemoji.twitter.com/
Open sourcing Twitter emoji for everyone
JoyPixels® - Freemium emoji icons. Emoji font licensing.
NeelShah18/emot: Open source Emoticons and Emoji detection library: emot
omnidan/node-emoji: simple emoji support for node.js projects
denosaurs/emoji: 🦄 Emojis for dinosaurs
android - CSS reference to phone's Emoji font? - Stack Overflow
jslegers/emoji-icon-font: An experimental icon font
Twemoji Awesome | Like Font Awesome, but for Twitter Emoji.
EmojiSymbols Font
MorbZ/OpenSansEmoji: OpenSans based font which includes the full iOS Emoji set
EmojiSymbols Font
Google Noto Fonts - Noto Emoji
Google Noto Fonts - Noto Color Emoji
Emoji on the Web – Making Faces (and Other Emoji) – Medium
Character Table
Unicode character table
Unicode/UTF-8-character table
Find all Unicode characters from Hieroglyphs to Dingbats – Codepoints
Unicode codepoint lookup/search tool
&what: Discover Unicode & HTML Character Entities
Unicode Characters ☯ ⚡ ∑ ♥ 😄
&what: Discover Unicode & HTML Character Entities
Graphemica - For people who ♥ letters, numbers, punctuation, &c
Code Charts (Unicode official one, PDFs)
List of Unicode characters - Wikiwand
Unicode Table
Unicode/UTF-8-character table
Typography Cheatsheet → A Comprehensive Guide to Smart Quotes, Dashes & Other Typographic Characters → Typewolf
Keycodes - Javascript Keyboard Codes, Character Codes, Unicode, HTML Entities
HTML Symbols – HTML Icon and Entity Code List
Shapecatcher: Draw the Unicode character you want!
國家標準代碼 - Wikiwand
2 bytes per character, with leading bit 1
UTS #10: Unicode Collation Algorithm sorting
为什么汉字的“一二三四五六七八九十”的字典顺序和数字顺序不一致,而是“一七三九二五八六十四”? - 知乎
汉字 | UTF编码 |
一 | 0x4e00 |
二 | 0x4e8c |
三 | 0x4e09 |
四 | 0x56db |
五 | 0x4e94 |
六 | 0x516d |
七 | 0x4e03 |
八 | 0x516b |
九 | 0x4e5d |
十 | 0x5341 |