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Voting Systems

January 9, 2025
March 5, 2015

Voting system - Wikiwand
Michael Munger on Choosing in Groups | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty - Center for Range Voting - front page includes Instant Runoff and Approval voting

Simulating alternate voting systems - YouTube ❗!important
The 12 different voting systems explained - YouTube
Comparison of electoral systems - Wikiwand
Which voting system is the best? - Alex Gendler - YouTube

Michel Balinski is an applied mathematician, economist, operations research analyst and political scientist.

Quick and Easy Voting for Normal People - YouTube allow multiple votes and use instance one off

Politics in the Animal Kingdom — CGP Grey

Ten Ideas to Make Politics Less Rotten - Freakonomics Freakonomics

Voting is Flawed

Voting paradox - Wikiwand group preference is not transitive
Arrow's impossibility theorem - Wikiwand
Why Democracy Is Mathematically Impossible - YouTube
Satisfying all five of the following criteria is impossible for a ranked voting system of 3 or more candidates:

Gibbard–Satterthwaite theorem - Wikiwand
Duverger's law - Wikiwand
Condorcet paradox - Wikiwand dead lock

The flaw in every voting system - by Vasek Rozhon
The flaw in every voting system - YouTube
The Mathematical Danger of Democratic Voting - YouTube non-transitive voting

投票公平合理吗?为什么没有绝对的公平?阿罗不可能定理 - YouTube

First Past the Post (FPTP)/Plurality

Vote for ONE candidate

The Problems with First Past the Post Voting Explained - YouTube

The Problems With First Past the Post Voting Explained — CGP Grey


Strategically changing electorial boundaries to get advantage
Candidate 1 wins Candidate 2 in District A
Candidate 3 wins Candidate 2 in District B
But Candidate 2 has the most voters national-wide

Gerrymandering Explained — CGP Grey
Gerrymandering Explained - YouTube

Multiple Party Gerrymandering [Bonus Video] - YouTube

How Gerrymandering Works | HowStuffWorks
Gerrymandering: How to Stifle Democracy | Stuff You Should Know


Gerrymandering from DataGenetics - Splitline districtings of all 50 states + DC + PR - Gerrymandering and a cure - shortest splitline algorithm

Spoiler Effect

When an 3rd candidate joins the election and steals votes from the original candidate of similar political view, it can make the other candidate win by a larger portion

Alternate Voting

The Alternative Vote Explained - YouTube

The Alternative Vote Explained — CGP Grey

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote - YouTube

Voters put the candidates on a preference list
The voting loops until one candidate get the majority votes
Each round the candidate with the least votes get eliminated, with his vote passed to the next on the voter's List

Preferential Voting

Single Transferable Vote
Ranked Choice Voting
Instant Runoff Voting
Preferential Voting

Instant‐runoff voting - Wikiwand
Single transferable vote - Wikiwand

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote - YouTube

Extra: STV Election Walkthrough - YouTube

Politics in the Animal Kingdom: Single Transferable Vote — CGP Grey

Like Alternative Voting, but extra votes are given to next alternative.

  1. Citizens rank their favorite candidates.
  2. Any candidate above the threshold wins immediately,
  3. 'Extra' votes go to their next choice.
  4. If no winner, last place is eliminated, and the votes to go their next choice.
  5. Repeat until all the winners are found.

How Ranked-choice Voting Works | HowStuffWorks
How Ranked Choice Voting Works | Stuff You Should Know

Quadratic voting

Voters holds a certain amount of tokens, and can use them to vote for a candidate, but the cost of each vote is quadratic to the number of votes.

Quadratic voting - Wikiwand
V神力推的「平方投票法」是什麼?如何改變民主遊戲規則 | 動區動趨-最具影響力的區塊鏈新聞媒體

Approval Voting

Voters can vote for any number of candidates
The preference is not ranked
The candidate with the most votes wins

Mixed-Member Proportional Representation

Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained - YouTube

Mixed-Member Proportional Representation Explained — CGP Grey

Council seat is doubled
First round is traditional FPTP choosing half of the council seats
Party prepare list to be added to the council after the 1st round


Method for direct election for Hong Kong's Legco member.

Party-list proportional representation - Wikiwand

Arrow's Impossibility Theorem

Arrow's impossibility theorem - Wikiwand

When there are three or more candidates, there's no "nice" way to vote for a winner. Collective choice is always manipulative, either cycling or dependency of irrelevant alternative is inevitable.

UK's failure

Why the UK Election Results are the Worst in History. - YouTube

measure misrepresentation error, the difference of percentage points between what a party gets in the election and what their representation in the parliament

H.I. #37: Penguins and Politics — Hello Internet
HI 37 — CGP Grey (1:16:03)

United Kingdom Alternative Vote referendum, 2011 - Wikiwand

Butterfly Effects | 99% Invisible US 2000 presidential election, election history and UX

Electoral College

= Proportional Representation?

The Electoral College — CGP Grey

Disney Educational Productions: The Electoral College - YouTube
Election Basics: Crash Course Government and Politics #36 - YouTube

How the Electoral College Works - YouTube

How The Electoral College Works — CGP Grey

The Trouble with the Electoral College - YouTube

The Electoral College, explained - YouTube

The Sneaky Plan to Subvert the Electoral College for the Next Election - YouTube

Supreme Court Rules on Faithless Electors in the Electoral College - YouTube

The Trouble with the Electoral College — CGP Grey

What If the Electoral College is Tied? - YouTube

Why it’s mathematically impossible to share fair - YouTube rounding issue

【全解釋】美國總統選舉制度! 初選、選舉人票制度! (繁中字幕) - YouTube

Primary Election

Primary Elections Explained - YouTube

United States Primaries Explained — CGP Grey

The election to choose the nominee of president for the party


End-to-End Verifiable Elections
Blockchain-based elections would be a disaster for democracy – Ars Technica