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Web Assembly Runtimes

January 9, 2025
March 28, 2023

Runtimes for Web Assembly

appcypher/awesome-wasm-runtimes: A list of webassemby runtimes
WebAssembly runtimes compared - LogRocket Blog

vmware-labs/webassembly-language-runtimes: Wasm Language Runtimes provides popular language runtimes (Ruby, Python, …) precompiled to WebAssembly that are tested for compatibility and kept up to date when new versions of upstream languages are released


ABI and standard library to WebAssembly runtime
tools/articles common to the WASI ecosystem

Wasm, WASI, Wagi: What are they? | Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.

Let's Talk About WebAssembly and WASI - YouTube 2021-05, 2:09:33
Bringing WebAssembly outside the web with WASI by Lin Clark - YouTube 2019-06
Standardizing WASI: A system interface to run WebAssembly outside the web - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog 2019-03

bytecodealliance/wizer: The WebAssembly Pre-Initializer for faster startup of WASM program


WebAssembly/wasi-sdk: WASI-enabled WebAssembly C/C++ toolchain
Package wasi-sdk


WASIX - The Superset of WASI

Announcing WASIX
New Wasm Platform And Standard WASIX?? - YouTube

Package Manager

WASM Components: The Interchangeable Parts of Software - YouTube


universal packages

WAPM - WebAssembly Package Manager Wasmer?
WebAssembly On The Server??? Why? - YouTube
WebAssembly Runtime 開源專案 Wasmer 3.0 簡化 WAPM 套件安裝與使用 | iThome


Wasmer - The Universal WebAssembly Runtime compiling multiple languages to WASM, WAT and to native binary
wasmerio/wasmer-js: Monorepo for Javascript WebAssembly packages by Wasmer provides @wasmer/wasi
Announcing - Wasmer - Medium

Compile WebAssembly on Linux to native Windows using Wasmer & Zig - YouTube


Wasmtime JIT compiler
Introduction - Wasmtime
bytecodealliance/wasmtime: A fast and secure runtime for WebAssembly
stand-alone WebAssembly runtime that can be used as a CLI tool or embedded into other systems. It's very configurable and scalable so that it can serve as the base for many use-case specific runtimes, from small IoT devices all the way up to cloud data centers. Uses Cranelift for code generation.

Bytecode Alliance — Wasmtime 1.0: A Look at Performance
Alfonso de la Rocha: @adlrocha - Playing with Wasmtime and Web Assembly's linear memory

WebAssembly Reference Types Implemented in wasmtime, Lets Wasm Modules Handle Complex Types


bytecodealliance/wasm-micro-runtime: WebAssembly Micro Runtime (WAMR)
another use-case specific runtime. It's ideal for small embedded devices that have extremely limited resources. It provides a small footprint and uses an interpreter to keep memory overhead low.


WasmEdge Runtime
WasmEdge/WasmEdge: WasmEdge is a lightweight, high-performance, and extensible WebAssembly runtime for cloud native, edge, and decentralized applications. It powers serverless apps, embedded functions, microservices, smart contracts, and IoT devices.


wasm3/wasm3: 🚀 A fast WebAssembly interpreter and the most universal WASM runtime


as-wasi - npm WASI runtime for AssemblyScript

WASM to WASI - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Running WASI in the Browser and Node.js with Wasmer-JS


Updates on WAGI, the WebAssembly Gateway Interface - Deis Labs 2021-05
Introducing WAGI: The Easiest Way to Build WebAssembly Microservices - Deis Labs 2020-10
deislabs/wagi: Write HTTP handlers in WebAssembly with a minimal amount of work

Introduction to WAGI by Rainer Stropek & Stefan Baumgartner - Rust Linz, March 2022 - YouTube 1:00:46 (53:22 with content), WAGI app, dev environment, wasm-to-oci
rust-samples/hello-wagi at master · rstropek/rust-samples

Understanding WAGI, the WebAssembly Gateway Interface | InfoWorld
Wasm, WASI, Wagi: What are they? | Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.


Introducing the Docker+Wasm Technical Preview
contained + WasmEdge
Build, Share, and Run WebAssembly Apps Using Docker
Docker+Wasm (Beta) | Docker Documentation

What is WebAssembly? And what's it got to do with Docker? | WASM vs Docker | KodeKloud - YouTube

engineerd/wasm-to-oci: Use OCI registries to distribute Wasm modules
Use OCI containers to run WebAssembly workloads |
Distributing WebAssembly modules using OCI registries | radu's blog


wasmi - Rust
paritytech/wasmi: Wasm interpreter in Rust