Get started | Learning Music (Beta)
Tonal App Music scale tutorial
danigb/tonal: A functional music theory library for Javascript
Scribbletune - Create music with JavaScript and Node.js
walmik/scribbletune: Create music with JavaScript in the browser and with Node.js in the terminal!
Using Node.js To Create Electronic Dance Music - YouTube
New Project - NoiseCraft
NoiseCraft: a Browser-Based Visual Programming Language for Sound & Music | Pointers Gone Wild
Writing Web Audio API code that works in every browser - Developer guides | MDN
Javascript Piano Keyboard
How to Make a Piano Keyboard Using Vanilla Javascript
Musical Keyboard - JS Dynamic Audio Synth
Wave-share: serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound | C++ and stuff
Data over sound in the browser: Part 2 | C++ and stuff
ggerganov/wave-share: Serverless, peer-to-peer, local file sharing through sound