Reverse proxy - Wikiwand
What is a Reverse Proxy Server? | NGINX
Proxy vs Reverse Proxy Server Explained - YouTube
Proxy vs Reverse Proxy Explained - YouTube
webserver - Difference between proxy server and reverse proxy server - Stack Overflow
Difference between API Gateway and Load Balancer in System Design - DEV Community
Difference between Forward Proxy and Reverse Proxy in System design - DEV Community
Load balancing in Layer 4 vs Layer 7 with HAPROXY Examples - YouTube
Load Balancing
I Finally Understand Load Balancing - YouTube
Load Balancer vs Reverse Proxy (Explained by Example) - YouTube
What is a Reverse Proxy vs. Load Balancer? - NGINX
Load balancer is an application of reverse proxy
Load Balancing and B2 Cloud Storage
Load Balancer Administration - Red Hat Customer Portal
10 Top Open Source Caching Tools for Linux in 2020
PageSpeed Modules
Preserving client IP address
Unable to retrieve user's IP address in docker swarm mode · Issue #25526 · moby/moby
Preserve Source IP Address Despite Reverse Proxies - HAProxy Technologies
Software solutions
nginx#Reverse Proxy/Load Balancing
Pow: Zero-configuration Rack server for Mac OS X
jweslley/bam (uses Procfile)
Invoker - A Process Manager
ysbaddaden/ Rack proxy server for development (Crystal port)
vulcand/vulcand: Programmatic load balancer backed by Etcd
squid : Optimising Web Delivery
HAProxy vs Nginx - what's in your wallet? - The Matrix has you...
Linux Kernel
Used by Docker SwarmKit
IPVS Software - Advanced Layer-4 Switching
Ipvsadm - LVSKB
Ultra Monkey: The Linux Virtual Server
Linux Virtual Server Tutorial
GitHub Load Balancer
Introducing the GitHub Load Balancer - GitHub Engineering
GLB: GitHub’s open source load balancer | GitHub Engineering
GitHub open-sources internal load-balancing software | InfoWorld
HAProxy - Wikiwand
HAProxy - The Reliable, High Performance TCP/HTTP Load Balancer
Load balancing in Layer 4 vs Layer 7 with HAPROXY Examples - YouTube
observing/haproxy: HAProxy management and orchestration Node.js driver
jiangwenyuan/nuster: A caching proxy server based on HAProxy
An Introduction to HAProxy and Load Balancing Concepts | DigitalOcean
How To Use HAProxy As A Layer 7 Load Balancer For WordPress and Nginx On Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
How To Use HAProxy to Set Up HTTP Load Balancing on an Ubuntu VPS | DigitalOcean
Load Balancing with HAProxy - Servers for Hackers
HAProxy Failover using Keepalived in AWS EC2 - DevOpsTech Solutions
HAProxy with HTTPS (TLS/SSL)
How To Implement SSL Termination With HAProxy on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
Let's Encrypt with HAProxy
Load Balancing for Docker Containers with HA Proxy
True Zero Downtime HAProxy Reloads
H2O - the optimized HTTP/2 server
h2o/h2o: H2O - the optimized HTTP/1, HTTP/2 server
xyproto/algernon: HTTP/2 web/application server with Lua support
go get
Open sourcing Pingora: our Rust framework for building programmable network services
Cloudflare Open Sources Its Low Level RUST HTTP Framework, Pingora | Prime Reacts - YouTube
LiteSpeed Web Server - Apache Alternative - LiteSpeed Technologies compatible with Apache conf, supports HTTP/2, HTTP/3, event driven
LiteSpeed Technologies - YouTube
Get OpenLiteSpeed!
Easily Install OpenLiteSpeed in 1 Click! • OpenLiteSpeed
LiteSpeed Cache
What is LiteSpeed Cache? | LiteSpeed Documentation
Overview | LiteSpeed Cache Without a Plugin | LiteSpeed Documentation
Overview | LSCache for WordPress | LiteSpeed Documentation
LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress - LiteSpeed Technologies
Overview | LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla! | LiteSpeed Documentation
LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla - LiteSpeed Technologies
Configuration | LiteSpeed Cache for Joomla! | LiteSpeed Documentation
Edge Side Includes Caching for WordPress ⋆ LiteSpeed Blog
Guide to Using ESI in Joomla with LSCache ⋆ LiteSpeed Blog
Microsoft Releases YARP - Yet Another Reverse Proxy
microsoft/reverse-proxy: A toolkit for developing high-performance HTTP reverse proxy applications.
Phusion Passenger
Fast web server & app server, Ruby Python Node.js - Phusion Passenger
Passenger Library
[Phusion Passenger Design and Architecture]( and Architecture.html)
phusion/passenger: A fast and robust web server and application server for Ruby, Python and Node.js
What's new in Passenger 5 part 1: performance and HTTP JSON API
What's new in Passenger 5 part 2: better logging, better restarting, better WebSockets and more
How we've made Phusion Passenger 5 ("Raptor") up to 4x faster than Unicorn, up to 2x faster than Puma, Torquebox
Pointer tagging, linked string hash tables, turbocaching and other Phusion Passenger 5 optimizations
Phusion Passenger Standalone users guide (obsolete)
Netflix Zuul
The Netflix Tech Blog: Announcing Zuul: Edge Service in the Cloud
Using Netflix Zuul to Proxy your Microservices | Heroku
Open Sourcing Zuul 2 – Netflix TechBlog – Medium
Netflix/zuul: Zuul is a gateway service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more.
Depends on Zookeeper
Træfɪk (Traefik)
Traefik Tutorial: Traefik Reverse Proxy with LetsEncrypt for Docker Media Server
How to Route Traffic to Docker Containers With Traefik Reverse Proxy – CloudSavvy IT
Auto load-balancing, supports multiple service registries (Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos/Marathon, Consul, Etcd, and more to come)
Let's Encrypt - Træfik
Let's Encrypt & Docker - Træfik
Swarm Mode Cluster - Træfik
Put Wildcard Certificates and SSL on EVERYTHING - Traefik Tutorial - YouTube
How to setup Traefik v2 with automatic Let’s Encrypt certificate resolver
Nginx to Caddy to Traefik Compose, user network, multiple container
Enabling HTTPS termination in Traefik
Traefik - a Modern HTTP Reverse Proxy and Load Balancer for Microservices such as Docker
Quick & Easy HTTPS For Local Development - via @codeship | via @codeship
Traefik a Reverse Proxy alternative to Nginx - YouTube
Dockerize-Me: Traefik as Reverse-Proxy – Part 6 – WirelessMoves
Running Traefik on Worker Nodes More Securely – mikesir87's blog
Is this the BEST Reverse Proxy for Docker? // Traefik Tutorial - YouTube
Auto Traefik 2 - Docker, Traefik, SSL, Authelia, and more in minutes - YouTube
Demystifying Traefik v3 - Full Traefik Course for Homelabbers by AnandsLab - YouTube
Chapter 2. Keepalived Overview - Red Hat Customer Portal
How To Set Up Highly Available Web Servers with Keepalived and Floating IPs on Ubuntu 14.04 | DigitalOcean
Meet keepalived - High Availability and Load Balancing in One | Techno Tim Documentation