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Web Socket

January 9, 2025
March 12, 2024


A persistent connection between the client and the server and both parties can start sending data at any time.


WebSockets handbook |
The Road to WebSockets |

WebSockets - YouTube Hussein Nasser

RFC 6455 - The WebSocket Protocol
WebSockets - Web APIs | MDN
WebSockets - A Conceptual Deep-Dive | Ably Realtime
Can I use... Support tables for HTML5, CSS3, etc

facundofarias/awesome-websockets: A curated list of Websocket libraries and resources.
Introduction to WebSockets
Introducing WebSockets - Bringing Sockets to the Web  |  Articles  |
An Introduction to WebSockets - Treehouse Blog
Developing Real-Time Web Applications with Server-Sent EventsButton - CloseLearn More
WebSockets for fun and profit - Stack Overflow Blog

Using WebSockets in React - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

NodeUp: fortytwo - a scaling websockets show


Kalm - The socket manager
kalm/kalm.js: The socket manager


Rolands-Laucis/Socio: A WebSocket Real-Time Communication (RTC) API framework


Bun and Node.js has built-in support

8 Node.js Web Socket Libraries For 2018 – Bits and Pieces

websockets/ws: Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server for Node.js
WebSockets tutorial: How to go real-time with Node and React - LogRocket Blog

uNetworking/uWebSockets: Simple, secure & standards compliant web server for the most demanding of applications C/C++, different bindings âť—!important
uNetworking/uWebSockets.js: TypeScript web server - 15x faster than Deno
The story of “uws” so far. µWebSockets (“uws”) is an open source… | by uNetworking AB | Medium

soketi/soketi: Just another simple, fast, and resilient open-source WebSockets server. đź“Ł
primus/primus: Primus, the creator god of the transformers & an abstraction layer for real-time to prevent module lock-in.
hugmanrique/turbo-ws: Blazing fast low-level WebSocket server
faye/faye-websocket-node: Standards-compliant WebSocket client and server

kataras/neffos: A modern, fast and scalable websocket framework with elegant API written in Go

Implementing a WebSocket Server with Node.js – Hacker Noon from scratch
Node.js & WebSocket — Simple chat tutorial – Martin Sikora – Medium
Building a chat application with Spring Boot and WebSocket | CalliCoder

HTTP server integration

const server = new Hapi.Server();
const app = require("http").createServer(handler);
// `server.listener` is equivalent to `app`


Web Application Messaging Protocol - Wikiwand MessagePack/JSON over WebSocket
The Web Application Messaging Protocol — Web Application Messaging Protocol version 2 documentation

Introduction to WAMP, a protocol enabling PUB/SUB and RPC over Websoc… Server - autobahn Client

avoid, old code, inefficient and memory leak

WebSocket and Socket.IO
Beyond REST: Using WebSockets for two-way communication in your React app
Using hapi.js with
WebSocket + Node.js + Express — Step by step using Typescript

Node.js: Better Performance With Socket.IO and doT
Understanding Socket.IO - NodeSource
Adding to multi-threaded Node.js
Understanding the basics of - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

WebSockets in 100 Seconds & Beyond with - YouTube
Realtime Chat With Users & Rooms -, Node & Express - YouTube

On the contrary

Why you don’t need Socket.IO – codeburst 2016
node.js - Differences between and websockets - Stack Overflow


avoid, fallback no longer needed

sockjs/sockjs-client: WebSocket emulation - Javascript client
sockjs/sockjs-node: WebSocket emulation - Node.js server
substack/shoe: streaming sockjs for node and the browser

WebSockets in React, the component way! – Practo Engineering – Medium


javascript - Web Socket connection with Basic Access Authentication - Stack Overflow
Securing WebSocket using wss and HTTPS/TLS (Tech Tip #50)
Securing WebSockets using Username/Password and Servlet Security (Tech Tip #49)


SocketCluster scalable server implementation
observing/balancerbattle: WebSocket loadbalancer battle

ClusterWS/ClusterWS: Lightweight, fast and powerful framework for building scalable WebSocket applications in Node.js.

Scaling WebSockets – Hacker Noon
Scaling Node.js Socket Server with Nginx and Redis | Jscrambler Blog
Horizontally Scaling Node.js and WebSockets with Redis - GoldFire Studios
Load Balancing Websocket Connections

Websockets and scalability - Stack Overflow
node.js - Load balancing sockets on a horizontally scaling WebSocket server? - Stack Overflow

Session Persistence

Enforcing a single web socket connection per user with Node.js, Socket.IO, and Redis
Distributed locks with Redis – Redis