Mitchell Dillman - YouTube
izzy swan - YouTube
老師傅終於可以安心退休?台灣一年賣 2000 億的螺絲 扣件產業的未來【超認真少年】 - YouTube
Why Are There so Many Types of Screws?! - YouTube
Types of screws and when to use them | Woodworking for Mere Mortals
What kind of screw should I use? Woodworking Basics - YouTube
Computer case screws - Wikiwand
機械 | 製造 | 加工 從零製作螺絲-剖析機械牙及自攻牙螺絲製作方法及相關加工製程介紹[中英字幕] - YouTube
一口氣搞懂「螺絲」的前世今生!曾是農業用品?標示怎麼看? - YouTube
The Incredible Strength of Bolted Joints - YouTube
#6-32 UNC thick thread
Unified Thread Standard - Wikiwand
M3 screw thin thread
ISO metric screw thread - Wikiwand
Tutorial on Choosing Screw Type, Size Strength
M4 screws for 86 electrical box
螺絲滑牙救星!!! 3 種方式究竟哪一招最有效?| How to remove stripped screws | DIY 實測|【宅水電】 - YouTube
膨脹螺絲(壁虎)總是滑牙鎖不緊? 鑽尾該如何選擇? 施工技巧大公開| How to fix heavy things to Wall | DIY 教學|【宅水電】 - YouTube expansion bolts 拉爆
1 分 = 1/8 寸 = 3.175mm
膠塞 8mm
Drill vs Impact Driver vs Hammer Drill - YouTube
How to Use a Drill/Driver, Impact Driver, & Hammer Drill and How They're Different - YouTube
When To Use an Impact Driver VS Drill: The ULTIMATE Guide - YouTube
整体了解 Drill/Driver/Wrench,电钻/电动螺丝刀/电动扳手几种工具的用法和区别,家用 DIY 基础工具介绍,入门第一集。KENDI DIY - YouTube
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常用『居家電鑽』!!! 震動鎚鑽/震動電鑽/衝擊起字機 DIY 電鑽該選哪一種!!?| Electric Drill Selection | DIY 知識|【宅水電】 - YouTube
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【超認真少年】洞要怎麼鑽?如何選鑽尾?木頭金屬水泥電鑽鑽尾規格?How to choose drill bit? - YouTube
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Adam Savage's Guide to Drill Bits! - YouTube
Brushed motor will have spark, and is cheaper
Brushless motor don't have spark and is lighter and more efficient
Mechanical torque control uses clutch which which wear out
Electronic torque control will stop the motor when torque maxed out and have more precise torque
WORX 熱賣小手批鑽瓦片?特別顏色期間限定!小型電批多用途測試!馬上收看達人巷 - YouTube
小型電批大比拼 Bosch go 2 WORX wx240 小米電動螺絲批(3.6V) (CC 中文字幕) - YouTube
威克士 WX240 评测-Tool 巴哥 T15 - YouTube 179 , 99 min
Bosch GO 2 博世 go 2 二代值得入手吗?新功能真的好用吗?-Tool 巴哥 T16 - YouTube
Xiaomi Wowstick 1F+ Review - YouTube
Drills bits
用鑽石做的? 可以鑽出圓球的佛珠刀 五金行奇怪的鑽尾 開箱實測【超認真少年】Worx WU377 WU291D - YouTube
Woodworking - Wikiwand
Fine Woodworking Tools & Hand Tools
Foureyes Furniture - YouTube
Project Zero Cables - The Cleanest Desk Setup EVER - YouTube
花十几万买了一堆金丝楠乌木,几年后仅剩十分之一,大家却说太值了「老蒋根雕」 - YouTube
Wooden Ren - YouTube 木頭仁
帶你認識十種進口木材 學習木材知識 | 辨識木材 | 木工教學 - YouTube 木材越深色越硬越貴
- 白楊木 Poplar, 明顯木紋, hard
- 赤楊木 Alder, hard
- 白山毛櫸 Beech, less-stable
- 紅山毛櫸, 噴蒸過的白山毛櫸
- 梣木/白蠟木/水曲柳 Ash, 明顯木紋, deep guide hole 春秋導孔, very hard and tough
- 楓木 Maple, 明顯木紋
- 白橡木 Oak, 明顯木紋, deep guide hole 春秋導孔, hardest
- 紅橡木 Red Oak, 明顯木紋, deep guide hole 春秋導孔, hardest
- 櫻桃木 Cherry, 明顯木紋, 不耐蟲, slow growing
- 胡桃木 Walnut, slow growing
【木工初學者】必須知道的 XX【超認真少年】wood working beginner's tool - YouTube
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安裝木門與框示範 - YouTube
实木表面保护产品对比。木油,木蜡,聚氨酯分别如何使用?表面是什么效果?产品中英文名称对照在下面说明区。KENDI DIY - YouTube
How to Paint Kitchen Cabinets Without Brush Marks - Dengarden
A forgotten technology from the old days of woodworking! (Cut nails) - YouTube
Does a metalwork area have a place in a woodworking workshop? - The Knowledge Blog
Metal working for woodworkers - 5 ways to cut metal - YouTube
Metal Working