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January 9, 2025
October 30, 2021

Scientific study of the animals kingdom

Zoology - Wikiwand

Bilaterians 兩側對稱動物

Medieval Bestiary : Animals in the Middle Ages

Animal Adventures - YouTube
Animal Planet - YouTube
Animalogic - YouTube
Beastly - YouTube
BBC Earth - YouTube
Cornell Lab of Ornithology - YouTube
National Geographic - YouTube
國家地理雜誌 National Geographic Magazine - YouTube
One World - YouTube
PBS Eons - YouTube
Real Science - YouTube
Real Wild - YouTube
TierZoo - YouTube comparing animals with gamified stats
Ze Frank - YouTube sarcastic comments
許伯&簡芝—倉鼠人 - YouTube
Textbook Travel - YouTube taxonomy

Zoology - YouTube CrashCourse
Insane Biology - YouTube
Spy in the Wild - YouTube
Mimicry - When Animals Copy Other Animals - YouTube Batesian Mimicry, Mullerian Mimicry

Animal Origins - YouTube
The Evolution of Mammals (Every Mammal Family Explained) - YouTube
The Evolution of Seals, Sea Lions, and Walruses - YouTube
The Evolution of the Monkey - YouTube

Insane Biology - YouTube Real Science
那些神奇的生物 - YouTube 老肉雜談

Shark Cam - Live underwater webcam of sharks |
Explore Live Nature Cams - YouTube

人類如何徒手對抗猛獸?教你徒手單挑打敗老虎、棕熊、大猩猩、巨蟒、鱷魚、大白鯊... - YouTube

The deep sea - YouTube TED Ed

Home - Animals Comparison
Animals Differences and Comparison
我才跟牠不一樣 - 窩窩|專注為動物發聲的獨立媒體

Difference Between Frogs and Toads | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms

貝類:蛤、蚶、蟶、蠔、蜆有什麼區別?北極貝到底是什麼?象拔蚌又有哪些不可告人的秘密?這是一群貝殼躺平俠與人類的故事……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube

企鵝冷知識 | Move Hub Limited

Seals and Sea Lions, What is the Difference? - Redwood National and State Parks (U.S. National Park Service)
【我才跟他不一樣!】海豹、海狗、海獅,傻傻分不清 - 窩窩|為牠發聲
關於海豹你應該知道的事情,其實你一直都不認識真正的海豹!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

raccoon dog/tanuki 狸貓; raccoon 浣熊
How to tell a Japanese tanuki apart from a regular raccoon – SoraNews24 -Japan News-

Difference Between Alligators and Crocodiles | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms
Difference Between Caiman and Alligator | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms

Armadillo vs Pangolin
Stork vs Pelican

The following section are usually on Family 科

Tardigrades (Water Bear)

We FINALLY Understand Why Tardigrades Refuse to Die - YouTube
Turn unto tun under extreme conditions (cryptobiosis)

Tardigrades | American Scientist
Everything you need (and want) to know about tardigrades


The Evolution of Primates is a CRAZY Story - YouTube

Old World Monkey

Old World monkey - Wikiwand
Family Cercopithecoidea
Larger noses, downwards pointing nostrils

Baboon 狒狒; Mandrill 狒狒

Mandrill | National Geographic
Baboons | National Geographic
Mandrill vs. Baboon - What's the difference? | Ask Difference
BABOON VS MANDRILL - Which is the strongest monkey? - YouTube

New World Monkey

New World monkey - Wikiwand
Order Platyrrhini
Flat noses, sideways pointing nostrils

美洲, 温順, 素食, 佔松鼠生態位

Hominidae (great apes)

Gorilla 大猩猩; Chimpanzee 黑猩猩; Bonobo 倭黑猩猩; Gibbon 長臂猿; Orangutan/Pongo 紅毛猩猩
Apes don't have tail while monkeys do

Were We Wrong About The Last Common Ancestor? - YouTube
Humans Are Apes (& Here's Why) ~ with Anthropologist ZACHARY COFRAN - YouTube
我們和猩猩究竟有什麽區別 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
【我才跟他不一樣!】猩猩?猴子?狒狒?猿?誰是誰啦? - 窩窩|為牠發聲

Rodentia (rats)

TODO: divide into smaller sections, or new post

Myomorpha 鼠形亞目

【鬼谷说】啮齿类:群鼠的远征 - YouTube

Chipmunk and Squirrel Identification - NatureMapping
Chipmunk vs Squirrel: 7 Main Differences Explained - AZ Animals


豪豬能改變獅子命運?察沃食人魔事件隱藏的秘密,不愧是非洲第一刺客!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

把鰐魚當坐騎,帶頭反擊人類社區,世界上最有親和力的動物——水豚capybara【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
水豚:一種平靜之力的圖騰,為什麼大家都選擇『皈依豚門』?情緒穩定,保持淡定,也許是大自然的生存之道……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube

Should I Get Hamster or Guinea Pig? | Guinea Pig vs Hamster – GuineaDad
Guinea Pig Vs. Hamster: 6 Key Differences To Know, According To A Vet - DodoWell - The Dodo

Muskrats vs Beaver
Muskrats Are Fat Little Rodents With a Signature Smell | HowStuffWorks Like beaver but smaller, with rudders (vertical) tail

200 年前差點滅絕,後來被發現是拯救地球的工程師,這是一個神奇動物的故事……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube 河狸

Cnidaria 剌胞動物

hydra 水螅, actiniaria 海葵, jellyfish 水母, coral 珊瑚
with stings, budding (self-reproduction), some are hermaphrodite

Cnidaria - Wikiwand
刺胞動物門 - Wikiwand

【鬼谷闲谈】由癌细胞演化成的动物? - YouTube

Aves (birds)

鳥類說: 人類飛機的設計 從開始就走錯路了 - YouTube
When Penguins Went From The Sky To The Sea - YouTube

Palaeognathae (~= non-flying birds)

Palaeognathae - Wikiwand
古顎類 - Wikiwand

【鬼谷说】古颚类:最后的龙兽争霸 - YouTube

When Birds Stopped Flying - YouTube
The Time Terror Birds Invaded - YouTube
The Real Story Of The Dodo Bird's (Current) Extinction - YouTube

Corvidae (Corvus, crows)

crows, ravens and rooks

Corvus - Wikiwand
no consistent distinction between "crows" and "ravens"
generally crows are smaller than ravens

How to Tell a Raven From a Crow | Audubon
Crow vs Raven - Difference and Comparison | Diffen
How To Tell the Difference Between a Crow and a Raven – Colorado Virtual Library
How to Tell a Raven From a Crow | Audubon

Accipitridae (raptors)

Accipitridae - Wikiwand
Eagle - Wikiwand
Falcon - Wikiwand
Hawk - Wikiwand

Bird of Prey - YouTube
Birds of Prey for Kids - Raptors : Eagle, Owl, Vulture, Hawk, Falcon Nature HD Documentary - YouTube
What Defines a Bird of Prey? Explore ALL 13 Types of Raptor - YouTube

Difference Between Eagle and Hawk | Hawk vs Eagle | Comparison - YouTube

Hawk vs Eagle: 6 Key Differences Explained - AZ Animals
How to Spot the Differences Between Eagles and Hawks – Colorado Virtual Library
Eagle vs. Hawk vs. Falcon: What’s the Difference? – More Birds
Eagle vs. Hawk

貓頭鷹晚上到底多恐怖?為什麼飛行不會發出聲音?牠們的耳朵竟有個驚天大秘密!【老肉雜談】#動物 #野生動物 #鳥 #貓頭鷹 #owl #birds - YouTube

There's no such thing as a fish (fish)

Osteichthyes - Wikiwand bony fish, Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii
硬骨魚 - Wikiwand

【鬼谷说】鲇形目:数值怪的养成之道 - YouTube


三文魚:真假三文魚?寄生蟲?長白山水怪?黃海冷水團?原來你是這樣的魚……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
虹鱒冒充鮭魚? 超市、buffet吃到飽的鮭魚會是假的嗎? 日語サケ和サーモン裡不一樣呢? 三文魚 大西洋鮭 太平洋鮭 帝王鮭 淡水養殖三倍體虹鱒 美食料理 海鮮海產 食品安全 寄生蟲 - YouTube
靠轉基因獲得強大特性,卻引發諸多爭議,「人造」大西洋鮭魚會成為超級食物嗎?轉基因三文魚【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
中国的真假三文鱼大战:新疆“海鲜”虹鳟鱼叫国产三文鱼对不对?5年前就有答案了! - YouTube

Actinopterygii (ray-finned bony fish)

Actinopterygii - Wikiwand
輻鰭魚 - Wikiwand

Sarcopterygii (lobe-finned fish)

Sarcopterygii - Wikiwand
肉鰭魚 - Wikiwand

Chondrichthyes (jawed cartilaginous fishes)

Chondrichthyes - Wikiwand
軟骨魚綱 - Wikiwand

全頭類 - Wikiwand
Holocephali - Wikiwand

板鰓亞綱 - Wikiwand 鯊, 鰩
Elasmobranchii - Wikiwand

Selachii (sharks)

The Insane Biology of: Hammerhead Sharks - YouTube
進化過程顛覆認知,掌握克隆技術,吃海草也能活,一個極不真實的鯊魚家族——錘頭鯊 Hammerhead Sharks【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
被虎鯨虐殺,被人類誤解,甚至還同類相食!為什麼受傷的總是大白鯊?【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
成年雌性下落不明,深海里隱藏著什麼樣的秘密?世界上最大的魚——鯨鯊【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
吃虎鯨的肉,喝大白鯊的血,以所有海洋動物為食的惡魔——達摩鯊【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
150 歲才性成熟,壽命超過 500 歲!格陵蘭鯊的長壽秘訣,給人類帶來怎麼樣的啟示?【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Batoidea (rays)

Rays, Skates, Sawfish

Batoidea (rays) 鰩總目 有"大翅膀"
我領養了一隻被鯊魚咬傷的魔鬼魚,名字叫「巨人喬治」。保護蝠鲼,人人有責!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube 鱝科 蝠鱝 魔鬼魚 Mobulas/Mantas, 大, 胸鰭更像翅膀
因刺死鱷魚先生而臭名昭著,實際上卻是受害者?關於黃貂魚的那些事【老肉雜談】 - YouTube 魟科 短尾魟 黃貂魚 Stingray, 小至大, 圓盤形, 有毒剌, 底棲
鰩科 孔鰩 老闆魚, 最小, 食用魚, 底棲

The Insane Biology of: The Giant Manta Ray - YouTube

Carnivora 食肉目

【鬼谷说】食肉目:猫与犬之歌,权力的游戏 - YouTube

Felinae (cats)

Felinae - Wikiwand

All 40 Species of Wild Cat (Organised by Lineage) - YouTube

Cougar=Puma, Jaguar, Panther, Leopard 金錢豹 美洲豹
Puma 跟 Jaguar 到底是獅還是豹? @ 跟著幸慧去旅遊喔! :: 痞客邦 ::
花豹、獵豹、美洲豹、雲豹……已眼花 - 國家地理雜誌中文網

骨骼驚奇、天賦異稟的怪貓,叫起來像在罵街,戰鬥力堪比老虎的——猞猁!#老肉雜談 #肉識動物 - YouTube lynx

Caninae (dogs)

Canidae - Wikiwand Caninae and two distinct subfamily
Caninae - Wikiwand

All 15 Species of Wild Dog (Wolves, Jackals & Dogs) | Canines Pt. 1 - YouTube

從二哈的傳奇故事,到邊牧的超級智商!遠古的狼為何自願變成狗?關於狗的那些真相【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Bovidae (cows)

Antelope 羚羊;Gazelles 瞪羚/小羚羊;Gnu/Wildebeest 牛羚/角馬
all gazelles are antelopes, but not all antelopes are gazelles
Gazelles vs Antelopes - what is the difference? | Tanzania-Experience
The Surprising Species That Everything Else Depends On | IN OUR NATURE - YouTube Wildebeest and Bison

Cervidae (deers)

Cervidae (deers) 鹿科
Deer 鹿/梅花鹿: small; Elk 麋鹿/馬鹿, Reindeer 馴鹿: mid-sized; Moose 駝鹿 (Elk in Eurpoe): large, broad antlers, and long, broad snouts
Cervids - The Deer Family (Deer, Elk, Moose and Caribou) - Safari Club
What's the difference between deer, elk and moose?

Differences Between Deer, Elk, Moose and Reindeer

Old World deer: Elk, Muntjac, Chital, Tufted deer
New World deer: Moose, Reindeer, Roe deer

鹿:大自然的死侍,擁有超級血液,能再生器官、百毒不侵,還能輕功飛天、一葦渡江,這就是為什麼無論東西方都認為它是仙獸的真正原因……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube


The Evolution of the Camel - YouTube
You have no idea where camels really come from | Latif Nasser - YouTube

Llamas 駱馬/大羊駝, Alpacas 羊駝, Guanaco 原駝, Vicuna 小羊駝
6 Differences Between Llamas and Alpacas - Modern Farmer
What's the Difference Between a Llama and an Alpaca?
7 Ways To Tell The Difference Between an Alpaca vs Llama
Is there a difference between Llamas and Alpacas? What about Vicuña?

【動物世界】「草泥馬」身世之謎 | CASE 報科學
草泥馬冷知識 | Move Hub Limited
網紅神獸「草泥馬」,竟然大有來頭!史上最成功的牲畜——羊駝【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Vicuña - Facts and Beyond | Biology Dictionary


Giraffidae - Wikiwand

人類最想要的超能力,有兩個在長頸鹿基因裡,最新研究讓人浮想聯翩!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube


Crocodilia - Wikiwand
鱷目 - Wikiwand

Crocodylidae/Crocodile - Wikiwand
鱷科 - Wikiwand
Alligatoridae - Wikiwand

短吻鱷科 - Wikiwand
Alligator - Wikiwand
短吻鱷 - Wikiwand 密河鱷, 揚子鱷
Caiman - Wikiwand
凱門鱷亞科 - Wikiwand

Alligator vs Crocodile: All 9 Differences Explained - Everything Reptiles
How are alligators and crocodiles different? | Live Science
Alligators & Crocodiles Differences | Everglades Holiday Park


Marsupial - Wikiwand
有袋類 - Wikiwand
【鬼谷说】有袋类:我拿到了主角剧本却没有主角光环 - YouTube

marsupial | Definition, Characteristics, Animals, & Facts | Britannica
kangaroo, wombats, Tasmanian devils and koala
樹熊 Koala 冷知識 | Move Hub Limited

Lagomorpha (rabbits)

【鬼谷说】兔形目:喜马拉雅造就的“不合理”生物 - YouTube

Elephantidae (elephants)

The Evolution of Modern Elephants - YouTube
【鬼谷说】长鼻目:大象无形 - YouTube

South African National Parks - SANParks - Official Website - Accommodation, Activities, Prices, Reservations
隨時可能應驗的預言:雲南亞洲象將捲土重來,再次北上!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Asian elephants: Elephas maximus
Only male grow tusks
More related to mammoths than African elephants

African elephants: Loxodonta africana (savannah/bush bush elephants), Loxodonta cyclotis (forest elephants)
Both sex can grow tusks

What’s the difference between Asian and African elephants? And 8 other elephant facts | Stories | WWF

Cyclops Myth Spurred by 'One-Eyed' Fossils?
cyclops elephant skull - Google Search

Mustelidae (weasels, badgers)

Wolverine 狼獾/貂熊/金剛狼
weasel, least weasel, ferret, stoat, skunk, badgers
Lutrinae: 水獺, 海獺, 巨獺

Weasels evolved to be like cats
Badgers evolved to be like dogs

【鬼谷说】鼬科:道虽艰,吾鼬百战不辍 - YouTube

The Musteloidea Superfamily ALL 8 Weasel Subfamilies & 3 Closest Relatives - YouTube
蜜獾:生死看淡,不服就幹!大吼嚇退獅群,把眼鏡蛇當辣條吃,非洲無冕之王——平頭哥【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Otter 水獭 is weasel-like carnivorous mammals. Beaver 河狸 is rodent-like vegetarians with paddle tail.
Otter vs Beaver - What is the Difference? - Animal Hype
【我才跟他不一樣!】水獺?海獺?還是河狸? - 窩窩|專注為動物發聲的獨立媒體
【從零開始養】水獺!是小怪獸!連鱷魚都怕他!居然會幫人類捕魚?開箱水獺房間!【許伯簡芝】 - YouTube
海膽、鮑魚、帝王蟹的前任剋星,行為酷似人類,亦正亦邪的海洋奇葩——海獺 sea otter - YouTube

Cephalopoda (Cephalopods)

Cephalopod - Wikiwand
頭足綱 - Wikiwand

Coleoidea - Wikiwand
蛸亞綱 - Wikiwand

Arms, like those on an octopus, have suction cups the entire length of the limb. Tentacles only have suction cups near the end of the limb. Some Cephalopods have arms, some have tentacles, and some have both!
章魚/名八爪魚 Octopus 球形頭+8 隻腳, 會噴墨, 會偽裝
魷魚/槍烏賊 Squid 錐形/槍形頭+8 隻腳+2 只長觸手, 有裙邊, 不會噴墨, 身體較細長
墨魚/烏賊/花枝 Cuttlefish 袋形頭+8 隻腳+2 只觸手, 有裙邊, 有骨 (cuttlebone), 會噴墨, 會偽裝, 身體較圓胖
墨魚、魷魚、章魚,你能分清楚嗎? - 每日頭條
章魚、墨魚、魷魚的區別,九成的廈門人都分不清! - 每日頭條
烏賊,花枝,墨魚,魷魚,章魚,透抽,小卷的英文怎麼說? | Jessie's 潔西家
What is the difference between octopus, squid and cuttlefish?
墨魚和花枝、烏賊什麼關係?比章魚智商更高的頭足綱動物?會用幻術催眠螃蟹!十萬隻巨型墨魚聚集事件,令人震驚的交配策略……【老肉雜談】#動物 #海洋 #生物 #墨魚 #花枝 - YouTube
全身 11 個大腦,會直立行走,會使用工具!帝王蟹的一生之敵——章魚【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
「精盡人亡」竟是成功之道?章魚的超短壽命,到底換來了什麼?【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
明明是熱帶物種,卻能入侵阿拉斯加!有勇有謀,未來海洋的統治者——洪堡魷魚(又名:美洲大赤魷)【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
水下 2300 米發現未知魷魚,一步步破解懸案,我們發現了南極深海巨物的秘密……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
Octopus, Cuttlefish & Squid - YouTube
Get to Know The Four Types of Cephalopods

The Insane Biology of: The Octopus - YouTube
【鬼谷闲谈】鱿鱼瞳孔为啥这么奇葩? - YouTube

Chilopoda (centipedes)

Centipede - Wikiwand


Starfish 海星, 海膽, Sea cucumber 海參, 海百合

神奇动物在这里之「棘皮动物」:它来了它来了,它迈着六亲不认的演化步伐来了!【鬼谷说】 - YouTube


six-legged Arthropods

神奇生物在这里之地球宠儿「昆虫」:被偏爱的都有恃无恐!【鬼谷说】 - YouTube


Bee's colony: hive (man-made), nest (natural)

Is it Cruel to Use Bees as Digital Sensors? - YouTube also pigeon-guided bomb


Actual Clickbait - Smarter Every Day 299 - YouTube

Decapoda (shrimps, lobsters, crayfishs, crabs)

Decapoda - Wikiwand

為什麼說進化的終點是螃蟹?原來,至少有 5 類史前蟲子進化成了螃蟹……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
【鬼谷说】虾蟹:只要我变得足够好吃就不会被吃 - YouTube
Why Do Things Keep Evolving Into Crabs? - YouTube


原來,你吃的每一條鰻魚,都見過海底深淵的秘密……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
為什麼玻璃鰻能賣出天價?一個特性讓科學家束手無策!鰻魚的驚天大秘密【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Cetaceans (fish-like sea mammals)

whales, orcas, dolphins, proposes
separated from "hippos" 50 Ma

When Whales Walked - YouTube

Odontocetes: toothed whale (sperm whales, orcas, dolphins)
Myticetes: baleen whale (filter-feeding whales, humpback whale, blue whale)

Difference Between Orca and Dolphin | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms

The Evolutionary History of Whales - Cetacean Evolution Part 1 - YouTube
Every Living Whale Family - Cetacean Evolution Part 2 - YouTube

藍鯨 Blue whale, U-shape head
鬚鯨 Fin whale, smaller than blue whale, larger fin, V-shape head
座頭鯨 Humpback whale

The Humpback and the Killer

When Whales Walked - YouTube
The Insane Biology of: The Orca - YouTube
虐殺大白鯊的冷血殺手,卻對人類眉來眼去,虎鯨會產生智慧嗎?【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
唯一讓虎鯨懼怕的動物,神獸「鯤」的原型,充滿正義感的海洋代言人——座頭鯨!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
學虎鯨衝灘捕獵,學人類娛樂至上,海洋裡智商最高的海豚還算動物嗎?【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
主動幫忙美女撈回手機,學習人類的語言,最像人類的海洋動物——白鯨【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
被 75 頭虎鯨追殺,跟世界第二關係曖昧,藍鯨還能長得更大點嗎?【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
唯一讓虎鯨懼怕的動物,充滿正義感的海洋代言人——座頭鯨!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
「精液鯨」這個名稱是怎麼來的?神秘儀式竟能 10 分鐘恢復活力!抹香鯨和龍涎香【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
刺穿虎鯨心臟?還是串燒鱈魚?揭秘獨角鯨大長角的真實用途【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
【震驚】航拍記錄下驚人一幕,澳洲近百頭領航鯨神秘聚集,一天後集體衝上海灘擱淺!它們跟虎鯨,又到底有什麼恩怨?【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Sirenia (sea cows, mermaids)

manatee, dugong
separated from "elephants" 60 Ma

海牛: fan-shaped tail
儒艮: V-shaped tail, pipe-like mouth

Sirenia - Wikiwand

Manatee vs. Dugong - What’s the Difference?
What Are The Differences Between Dugongs, Mermaids and Manatees
【我才跟他不一樣!】海象、海牛、儒艮 搞得懂嗎? - 窩窩|為牠發聲
與海龜情同手足,肉卻被放龜殼裡烤!最佛系的海洋巨獸——儒艮【老肉雜談】 - YouTube