Beyond the Edge of the Universe: A Tale Through Space and Time
The Nature of Nothingness: Understanding the Vacuum Catastrophe
What Is the Universe Made of? | Live Science
Confronting the Multiverse: What 'Infinite Universes' Would Mean | Space
The 12 Strangest Objects in the Universe | Live Science
Imagine the Universe!
The Universe and Space stuff - YouTube Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
Space Facts - Interesting Facts about Space
Astronomy and Nature TV - YouTube
Sixty Symbols - YouTube
Launch Pad Astronomy - YouTube
天文史话 - YouTube
Sabine Hossenfelder - YouTube Science without the Gobbledygook
Astronomers Get Their Wish, and the Hubble Crisis Gets Worse | Quanta Magazine
、 天文望远镜、怎么使用:目镜倍数 25mm、和 9mm、还有增倍镜 3X、还有一个什么镜 4、一_百度知道
Use this helpful Bash script when stargazing |
Meteor showers as seen from space
Backyard Worlds (now Zooniverse)
Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 — Zooniverse
Backyard Worlds - Wikiwand
Backyard Worlds: Planet 9 | NASA
philosophy#Living in a computer simulation
philosophy#Boltzman Brain
10 Weird Things You (Probably) Didn't Know About the Milky Way
Solved: The mystery of the expansion of the universe
The Expanding Universe Might Not Depend On How You Measure It, But When
Michio Kaku: The Universe in a Nutshell (Full Presentation) | Big Think - YouTube
二十分鐘講完宇宙的一生,從一切的開始到結束 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
James Webb Telescope FINALLY Proves Stephen Hawkings Multiverse Theory! - YouTube
PBS Space Time
Cosmology - YouTube
The Big Bang & The Early Universe - YouTube
The Origins of Matter, Mass & Time - YouTube
Linvo 說宇宙
(更新中)【俗說宇宙】宇宙系列 - YouTube
(已完结)【俗說宇宙】銀河系系列 - YouTube
(已完结)【俗說宇宙】河外星系系列 - YouTube
人擇原理 - Wikiwand
Anthropic principle - Wikiwand
人擇宇宙學原理 - MBA 智库百科
The Anthropic Principle - How Your Existence Could Lead to a Multiverse - YouTube
Kardashev scale - Wikiwand
0 ~ 7 級宇宙文明,剛剛發現一個可能比我們先進 10 萬年的二級文明 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
宇宙等級 7 級論:人類文明發展至今,竟還處於 0 級?| 宇宙文明等級科普(上)「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
宇宙文明第 7 級到底有多可怕?5 級文明已經是神一般的存在了| 宇宙文明等級科普(下)「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
來自宇宙深處的非自然信號與黑暗森林法則 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
宇宙到底有多危險?「黒暗森林」假說 - YouTube
宇宙 7 級文明有多可怕?無視黑暗森林法則、重啟宇宙只是基礎,最可怕的還在後面!| 腦補大轟炸 - YouTube
【細思極恐】 “費米悖論” “黑暗森林法則” 竟然都有一個無法解釋的漏洞! - YouTube
Why Aliens Might Already Be On Their Way To Us - YouTube
Your Personal Guide To The MULTIVERSE🚀✨ - YouTube
Mapping the Universe
An Atlas of The Universe
The Map of the Universe
Scroll through the universe with a new interactive map
Solar System Scope - Online Model of Solar System and Night Sky
Cosmic distance ladder - Wikiwand
Cepheid variable - Wikiwand a type of star that pulsates radially
Every Kind of Thing in Space Mapped - YouTube
How We Mapped the Stars - YouTube
The Size of the Universe — Martin Rees - YouTube
Spectral line - Wikiwand
Can You Solve This Astronomical Riddle? - YouTube
地球的質量是怎麼稱出來的?連牛頓都放棄了的奇葩實驗!How To【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
給遙遠的星系稱稱質量吧!古人的智慧實在是太妙了!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
Big Bang
From Big Bang to Present: Snapshots of Our Universe Through Time | Live Science
The Big Bang | Science Mission Directorate
Big Bang theory wrong? Star older than Universe discovered - threat of ‘scientific crisis’ | Science | News |
Big bang shock: Did ‘Big Bounce’ come first? Scientist outlines bizarre theory | Science | News |
New Study Reveals Dark Matter May Have Predated the Big Bang
How Physics Erases The Beginning Of The Universe cosmic inflation
What Happened At The Beginning Of Time? - with Dan Hooper - YouTube
Stellar Evolution
Star Facts: The Basics of Star Names and Stellar Evolution | Space
Stellar evolution - Wikiwand
How elements are formed — Science Learning Hub
Star and Galaxy Formation in the Early Universe - YouTube
The Last Star in the Universe – Red Dwarfs Explained - YouTube
The Last Light Before Eternal Darkness – White Dwarfs & Black Dwarfs - YouTube
新星和超新星分別是什麼?參宿四爆炸會引起生物大滅絕事件嗎?史上最容易聽懂的講解【老肉雜談】 - YouTube
【天文 18】什么是超新星爆发?重元素从何而来?消失的中子星之谜 - YouTube
Neutron Stars – The Most Extreme Things that are not Black Holes - YouTube
The Most Dangerous Stuff in the Universe - Strange Stars Explained - YouTube
Origin of the elements
This Awesome Periodic Table Shows The Origins of Every Atom in Your Body
Stellar Classification
Stellar classification - Wikiwand
Star Classification - Zoom Astronomy
The Classification of Stars
Surface temperature: OBAFKM
Solar System
NASA Solar System Exploration
Solar System Facts - Interesting Facts about the Solar System
Sun Facts - Interesting Facts about the Sun
Oort Cloud Facts - Interesting Facts about the Oort Cloud
How did the solar system form? | Space
Our Solar System: A Photo Tour of the Planets | Space
(已完结)【俗說宇宙】太陽系系列 - YouTube Linvo 說宇宙
带你穿越 400 年,一起见证海王星的发现! - YouTube found by calculation, coincidentally during the overlapping period of Uranus and Neptune
火星: 荧惑星
水星: 辰星
木星: 岁星
金星: 太白星
土星: 镇星
Vulcan | The Planet That Didn't Exist - YouTube
An In-Depth Exploration Of Our Solar System | The Secrets Of The Universe | Spark - YouTube
Why Our Solar System Is Weirder Than You'd Think - YouTube
Telescope - Wikiwand
History of the telescope - Wikiwand
TechStuff Looks Through A Telescope TechStuff podcast
Why is this Space Telescope so Tiny? - YouTube
星星光芒是如何產生的?|James Webb Telescope - YouTube
Refracting telescope - Wikiwand
Who Invented the Telescope? | Space
Galileo and the Telescope
What is Galileo's Telescope? - Universe Today
Galileo and the Telescope | Modeling the Cosmos | Articles and Essays | Finding Our Place in the Cosmos: From Galileo to Sagan and Beyond | Digital Collections | Library of Congress
Reflecting telescope - Wikiwand
Newtonian telescope - Wikiwand
Reflecting Telescope
Optical aberrations
Optical aberration - Wikiwand
Optical aberrations: how to fix errors in your telescope - BBC Sky at Night Magazine
Lecture 8: Telescopes; aberrations: chromatic, spherical, and coma | Video Lectures | Optics | Mechanical Engineering | MIT OpenCourseWare
Three mirror design of James Webb Telescope can mitigate the three main kind of distortions.
- Coma (optics) - Wikiwand/Comatic aberration
- Chromatic aberration - Wikiwand
- Spherical aberration - Wikiwand
Hubble Telescope
Hubble Space Telescope - Wikiwand
Hubble Space Telescope | NASA
Optimized for visible and ultraviolet radiation
出事了哈伯!細數哈伯太空望遠鏡 31 年來的維修升級史 - PanSci 泛科學
Teams evaluate Hubble safe mode event, history of telescope leads to JWST -
NASA’s Incredible Discovery Machine: The Story of the Hubble Space Telescope - YouTube
原可以吹上一辈子牛的柯达,却被一个乌龙彻底搅黄,怎么回事?【科学火箭叔】 - YouTube
James Webb Telescope
Webb's Launch GSFC/NASA
James Webb Space Telescope - Wikiwand
344 single point of failures means failure rate is still 30% if failure rate of each part is 0.1%
Optimized for infrared radiation
James Webb Space Telescope Launch — Official NASA Broadcast - YouTube
The Insane Engineering of James Webb Telescope - YouTube
How Does The James Webb Space Telescope Work? - Smarter Every Day 262 - YouTube
James Webb Space Telescope Deployment Sequence (Nominal) - YouTube
How James Webb's Deployments MUST Work - YouTube
JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE Orbit & Trajectory Explained - Where Is It Flying To? - YouTube
JAMES WEBB TELESCOPE Orbit & Location Detailed Explanation - What It's Position? - YouTube
Discovery With Andy
韋伯望遠鏡:人類史上最強大的望遠鏡|James Webb Telescope - YouTube
史上最強大的太空望遠鏡|James Webb Telescope - YouTube
韋伯望遠鏡:詳解黃金鏡片|James Webb Telescope - YouTube
首張照片是如何拍攝的?|James Webb Telescope|韋伯望遠鏡 - YouTube
Space Camera - Backstage Science - YouTube
【震撼】這就是目前人類最高的科技水平,超出你想像的詹姆斯韋伯空間望遠鏡 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
100 亿美元造的詹姆斯·韦伯空间望远镜望到底能干啥?宇宙演化和外星生命就看它了 - YouTube
NASA 確認不再延期 將於平安夜發射韋伯太空望遠鏡 | 大視野
Lagrange Points
Lagrange Points - Sixty Symbols - YouTube
What Makes Lagrange Points Special Locations In Space - YouTube
Black Holes
Black hole - Wikiwand
Hawking radiation - Wikiwand
Black hole information paradox - Wikiwand
Scientists may have discovered whole new class of black holes
Have We Solved the Black Hole Information Paradox? - Scientific American Blog Network
Black Hole Paradoxes Reveal a Fundamental Link Between Energy and Order | Quanta Magazine
The Most Famous Paradox in Physics Nears Its End | Quanta Magazine
The Map of Black Holes | Black Holes Explained - YouTube
The Physics of Black Holes - with Chris Impey - YouTube
The Black Hole Bomb and Black Hole Civilizations - YouTube
Why Black Holes Could Delete The Universe – The Information Paradox - YouTube
穿越黑洞到另一頭會發生什麼?一個實驗告訴你答案「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
黑洞的五种形态!颠覆认知的宇宙生死观 - YouTube
史上最神秘天体!宇宙大爆炸竟然是白洞? - YouTube
【天文新鮮事】首次觀測到黑洞暴跌區!重元素或許另有起源!| Linvo說宇宙 - YouTube
Black hole Firewalls - with Sean Carroll and Jennifer Ouellette - YouTube
Hawking Radiation
Entropy of matters that gone into the black hole would not just disappear, violation 2nd law of thermal dynamics; so the black hole must be radiating something out
The explanation in Quantum Theory is that when a pair particle/anti-particle appears from void near the event horizon and one of them is absorbed into the black hole, the other will radiate away from the black hole with great speed to conserve the momentum
Dark Matter
Dark matter - Wikiwand
The mass-energy content of the universe is 5% ordinary matter, 26.8% dark matter, and 68.2% dark energy.
Thus dark matter constitutes 84.5% of total mass, while dark energy plus dark matter constitute 95% of total mass-energy content.
Astronomers observed the stars at the edges of galaxies are moving too fast, which is not explainable by the known matters.
They found that most of the universe is made up of "dark matter". It is estimated that there are 5 times more dark matter than "normal" matter.
Dark matter only weakly interact with known matter.
Note the original discrepancy could also have been reconciled by an update of gravitational theory. Like Einstein's relativity updates Newton's gravity.
Massive compact halo object - Wikiwand MACHOs
Primordial black hole - Wikiwand MACHOs?
Weakly interacting massive particles - Wikiwand WIMPs
Axion - Wikiwand 軸子,超軸子
Sterile neutrino - Wikiwand
A heavyweight candidate for dark matter
Is Dark Matter Real? - with Sabine Hossenfelder - YouTube superfluid dark mater
Dark Matter: The Situation has Changed - YouTube Dark Matter vs Modified Gravity
暗物质一定存在吗?暗物质的证据以及候选粒子 - YouTube
Dark Matter Explained! - YouTube PBS Space Time
Is Dark Matter Real? - with Sabine Hossenfelder - YouTube
The building blocks of the universe • Unexplainable - Podcast Addict
暗物质找到了吗?科学家是如何探测暗物质的?目前有哪些进展? - YouTube detecting WIMPs
Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Frontier of Astronomy - YouTube
Looking for warm dark matter
This One 'Anomaly' Is Driving Physicists To Search For Light Dark Matter
Ask Ethan: Can Black Holes And Dark Matter Interact?
New Study Suggests Dark matter predates the ‘Big Bang’ — but what does that actually mean?
Was Dark Matter Really Created Before The Big Bang?
The 11 Biggest Unanswered Questions About Dark Matter | Live Science
The Search for Dark Matter Is Dramatically Expanding | WIRED
New Theory for the Origin of Dark Matter
The missing half of ordinary matter in the universe has turned up | Science News
Dark matter’s signature could be written in stone | symmetry magazine
Axions Would Solve Another Major Problem in Physics | Quanta Magazine
Dark Energy
Einstein's cosmological constant (his biggest blunder) that will make the universe expand
When Einstein is wrong, he is still right
One Number Shows Something Is Fundamentally Wrong with Our Conception of the Universe | Live Science
Dark Energy May Be Incompatible With String Theory | Quanta Magazine
Dark Energy Explained! - YouTube PBS Space Time