Color Theory
理论知识 - YouTube
Basic Color Theory
Basic Color Theory for Web Developers - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
The fundamentals of understanding color theory - 99designs
Understanding Color - YouTube
Color Theory for Noobs | Beginner Guide - YouTube
Color Theory - A Beginners Guide - YouTube
The Amazing Math behind Colors! - YouTube ❗!important, CIE XYZ colorspace
Your Colors Suck (it's not your fault) - YouTube CIE XYZ colorspace
Color: From Hexcodes to Eyeballs
How Games are HACKING Color Theory - YouTube tone mapping, from real colorspace to one for the display
Human's perception of Color
optical-illusion#Color Constancy
optical-illusion#Color Assimilation/Chromatic Adaptation
Colourful in Theory - That Irks Me - YouTube
Color — Method of Action testing your perception and your monitor's rendering of color
The Physics and Psychology of Colour - with Andrew Hanson - YouTube
How Do We Actually See Color? - YouTube
everything about color (literally) - YouTube
Marketing Color Psychology: What Do Colors Mean and How Do They Affect Consumers? - YouTube
The Philosophy of Color - YouTube
Light source, Color Rendering Index
The Weird World in RGB - YouTube
TC2: More RGB Weirdness - YouTube
Brown; color is weird - YouTube
人眼是如何看到颜色的?紫色不存在吗? - YouTube
这个世界上根本不存在紫色! - YouTube
草莓是什么颜色的?眼见一定为实吗? - YouTube
There's no purple light - YouTube
Color Palette/Scheme
Coolors - The super fast color schemes generator!
Color Hex -
Adobe Color CC
Realtime Colors
Realtime Colors - YouTube Juxtopposed
Color meanings: color names and symbolism | Canva Colors
Spice up your Brand - Create your own color palette in PowerPoint - YouTube
Is there a science to picking colors that work well together or is it just subjective? - Quora
Which Colors Look Good on Black and White? - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
Designing accessible color systems
Color Palette Toolkit : WebSemantics from image
websemantics/Color-Palette-Toolkit: Turns color values from an Image or PhotoShop ACO file into a list of named colors, lighter and darker shades, css classes and a beautiful style guide.
[1509.03700] Good Colour Maps: How to Design Them
A detailed guide to colors in data vis style guides - Datawrapper Blog
What Are Data Visualization Style Guidelines? | by Amy Cesal | Nightingale | Medium
holoviz/colorcet: A set of useful perceptually uniform colormaps for plotting scientific data Python
kbinani/colormap-shaders: A collection of shaders to draw color maps. C/OpenGL
Color Tools And Resources — Smashing Magazine
Color Tool - Material Design
Paletton - The Color Scheme Designer
Happy Hues - Curated colors in context.
Color Leap - History's Palettes - The super fast color schemes generator single hue
Data Viz Color Palette Generator (for Charts & Dashboards) palette, single hue, divergent
Color shades generator single hue
CopyPalette | Seamless color palette generation
chroma.js palette helper
Chroma.js Color Scale Helper - Overly descriptive color palettes
google/palette.js: Script for generating colour palettes for use with graphs, charts and cartography.
bgrins/TinyColor: Fast, small color manipulation and conversion for JavaScript
Qix-/color: Javascript color conversion and manipulation library
WebAIM: Contrast Checker
Coblis — Color Blindness Simulator – Colblindor
ColorZilla - Eyedropper, Color Picker, Gradient Generator and more
8 Awesome Color Picking Tools for Linux
gcolor2 - GTK+2 Color Selector
Jack12816/colorpicker: Click on a pixel on your screen and print its color value in RGB. Written for X11. colorpicker --preview --short
Picking Colors From Anywhere On Your Linux System - YouTube
wojtekmaj/color-utils: A collection of color-related utilities.
太空照片的顏色是真的嗎?| James Webb Telescope - YouTube HTML color names
How We Make (and Made) Color - [A Collaboration with Google Arts and Culture] - YouTube
人類為了好色,到底做過哪些重口味的事情…… | 總裁聊聊 - YouTube
Tyrian purple - Wikiwand
In Ancient Rome, Purple Dye Was Made from Snails | Smart News | Smithsonian Magazine
Why is the color purple associated with royalty? | Live Science
Why Tyrian Purple Dye Is So Expensive | So Expensive | Insider Business - YouTube
Mummy brown - Wikiwand
The life and death of Mummy Brown - Journal of ART in SOCIETY
Was This Masterpiece Painted With Ground Mummy?
Han purple and Han blue - Wikiwand
矽酸銅鋇 - Wikiwand
Han Purple - Collections - Asian Art Museum
Man-made blue and purple barium copper silicate pigments and the pabstite (BaSnSi3O9) mystery of ancient Chinese wall paintings from Luoyang | Heritage Science | Full Text
This 2000-Year-Old Pigment Can Eliminate The Third Dimension
Colorspace/Color Gamut
Color Gamut Test
Wide Gamut - Home Page
Wide Gamut - Test Page HDR
List of color spaces and their uses - Wikiwand
YCbCr - Wikiwand
What are the differences between RGB, HSV and CIE-Lab? - Quora
YCbCr - Wikiwand
The HSB Color System: A Practitioner's Primer – Learn UI Design
色域转换都发生了什么?SRGB 出图需要用广色域链路吗?究竟是否需要买广色域显示器?风光和人像打印可以用一样的设置吗?什么是黑场补偿,相对比色,可感知渲染意图? - YouTube
相對比色 only map colors out of the target colorspace, keeping colors in intersection intact
可感知 scale all colors to target colorspace to keep gradients in the original colorspace
Workspace in full colorspace (Adobe RGB) to prevent clipping (overflow/underflow) in operations
CIE 1931 color space - Wikiwand / articles CIEXYZ
CIELUV - Wikiwand
HSLuv - Human-friendly HSL
Color Spaces for Human Beings - Alexei Boronine
A perceptual color space for image processing OKLAB
Abney effect - Wikiwand / articles
HSL_UV => LCH, OKLCH, perceptually uniform
HSL (RGB) => LAB, OKLAB, negative number, Abney effect
Data Color Picker – Learn UI Design
nschloe/colorio: Tools for color models
Jente Hidskes' website - Gcolor3: a color selection dialog written in GTK+ 3
Hjdskes/gcolor3: A simple color chooser written in GTK3 (like gcolor2) -- moved to GNOME GitLab
There are several standards regulating the YUV colorspace:
Y' = 0.299*R' + 0.587*G' + 0.114*B'
U' = -0.147*R' - 0.289*G' + 0.436*B' = 0.493*(B' - Y')
V' = 0.615*R' - 0.515*G' - 0.100*B' = 0.877*(R' - Y')
R' = Y' + 0.000*U' + 1.140*V'
G' = Y' - 0.396*U' - 0.581*V'
B' = Y' + 2.029*U' + 0.000*V'
Y' = 0.299*R' + 0.587*G' + 0.114*B'
Cb = -0.169*R' - 0.331*G' + 0.500*B' = 0.564(B - Y')
Cr = 0.500*R' - 0.419*G' - 0.081*B' = 0.713(R - Y')
R' = Y' + 0.000*U' + 1.403*V'
G' = Y' - 0.344*U' - 0.714*V'
B' = Y' + 1.773*U' + 0.000*V'
Y' = 0.2215*R' + 0.7154*G' + 0.0721*B'
Cb = -0.1145*R' - 0.3855*G' + 0.5000*B'
Cr = 0.5016*R' - 0.4556*G' - 0.0459*B'
R' = Y' + 0.0000*Cb + 1.5701*Cr
G' = Y' - 0.1870*Cb - 0.4664*Cr
B' = Y' - 1.8556*Cb + 0.0000*Cr
yCbCr<-->rgb (ITU.BT-565?)
Y’ = 0.257*R' + 0.504*G' + 0.098*B' + 16
Cb' = -0.148*R' - 0.291*G' + 0.439*B' + 128
Cr' = 0.439*R' - 0.368*G' - 0.071*B' + 128
R' = 1.164*(Y’-16) + 1.596*(Cr'-128)
G' = 1.164*(Y’-16) - 0.813*(Cr'-128) - 0.392*(Cb'-128)
B' = 1.164*(Y’-16) + 2.017*(Cb'-128)
Packaging and colorspace
Packaging is defined by fourcc and independent of the colorspace.
Add principles: additive and subtractive
JavaScript 进行 RGB 和 HEX(16 进制)颜色转换 - 进击的程序媛,Laker's blog
Colour Science for Python | Colour Science
colour-science/colour: Colour Science for Python
Colour Manual — Colour 0.3.14 documentation
Colour Management
硬科普——什么是图片后期的亮度再分配 by Photoshop?(亮度、对比度、宽容度、层次、细节、通透) - YouTube
Colour management, part 1
Colour management, part 2
Colour management, part 3
Colour management, part 4
Android Color Management: What Developers and Designers Need to Know in Android Oreo
Understanding Color (Google I/O '17) - YouTube