Pick parts. Build your PC. Compare and share. - PCPartPicker
igor'sLAB | PC & Components | Reviews & News
Smartphone Futurology | Android Central
Handbook of hardware schemes, cables layouts and connectors pinouts diagrams @ pinouts.ru
极客湾Geekerwan - YouTube
Hardware Unboxed - YouTube
板廠沒有說的秘密 TOPPC - YouTube
Branch Education
How do Computers Work? - YouTube
How do Desktop Computers Work? 💻🛠🔬 [3D ANIMATED Teardown] - YouTube
PC Assembly
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How to build a PC, the last guide you'll ever need! - YouTube LTT
宿舍神机!全网第二细的 ITX 装机教程 - YouTube
number of slots for GPU = ceiling(GPU width / 20.3)
Analog Computer
the real world is analog, and digital computers are just an approximation of it
analog devices are much more energy efficient (not requiring A-D conversion)
Analog computer - Wikiwand
What is an Analog Computer? - Definition from Techopedia
What is Analog Computer: Definition, Examples, Types, Characteristics, Advantages
Difference between Analog Computer and Digital Computer - GeeksforGeeks
Why Lightbulbs Might Be The Best Invention Ever - YouTube bulb -> vacuum tube -> amplifier -> digital computer
Analog Computers Are About to Take OVER - Here's Why! - YouTube
Analog Chip Design is an Art. Can AI Help? - YouTube AI for analog circuit design
Memristors for Analog AI Chips - YouTube
Running Neural Networks on Meshes of Light - YouTube
Harmonic analyzer: integration
Differential analyzer
Analytical Engine
I Am The Computer Now - Friden STW10 Mechanical Calculator - YouTube analogue calculator
The Mechanical Integrator - a machine that does calculus - YouTube
Analog Computer Museum - Introduction to Analog Computing
The Most Powerful Computers You've Never Heard Of - YouTube
The World's First True Computer Still Hasn't Been Built - YouTube
Analog computing will take over 30 billion devices by 2040. Wtf does that mean? | Hard Reset - YouTube
Future Computers Will Be Radically Different (Analog Computing) - YouTube AI history
Why the Future of AI & Computers Will Be Analog - YouTube
Not Your Father’s Analog Computer
Why Algorithms Suck and Analog Computers are the Future - De Gruyter Conversations
Forget Digital Computing, You Need An Analog Computer | Hackaday
十分钟略懂存内计算:解除人工智能最后的「封印」? - YouTube AI inference is a suitable use case for analog computing
Moore's Law is the reason your iPhone is so thin and cheap - CNET
Processor progress is alive and well, the maker of Apple's iPhone chips says - CNET
Please, no Moore: 'Law' that defined how chips have been made for decades has run itself into a cul-de-sac • The Register
How Dead is Moore's Law? - YouTube
The Next Decade of Software Development - Richard Campbell - NDC London 2023 - YouTube
XMP Super Computer circa 1985, 200kW, cooled with mineral oil, 1.9G Flops/s
modeled nuclear explosion, Voyager mission
iPad2 in 2011, $200, 1.9G Flops/s
your kids play Candy Crush on this
Bit Flip/Bit Rot
The Universe is Hostile to Computers - YouTube
Toppc Lin - YouTube MSI staff
How Motherboards Work - Turbo Nerd Edition - YouTube
【硬件科普】电脑主板右下角的散热片下面究竟隐藏着什么?详解主板南桥芯片组的功能和作用 - YouTube
Form Factor
Anatomy of a Motherboard - TechSpot
PC Motherboard Sizes as Fast As Possible - YouTube
PC Motherboard Evolution - YouTube
PC Motherboard Evolution - YouTube
ATX - Wikiwand
Mini ATX - Wikiwand
microATX - Wikiwand
Small form factor - Wikiwand
BTX (form factor) - Wikiwand
MicroBTX - Wikiwand
Mini-ITX - Wikiwand 170x170mm
Taking a look at Thin Mini-ITX AM4 motherboards Mini-ITX powered by external power brick
Nano-ITX - Wikiwand
Pico-ITX - Wikiwand 100x72mm
Mobile ITX 60x60mm
A4 机箱: GPU 背靠底板
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EIXA 工作室的个人空间_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
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Display Card/GPU
Why Our Thermal Tests Are So Accurate - Behind the Scenes - YouTube
Case Manufacturers: You're Worsening FPS & Power Draw - YouTube
PC Case Reviews - YouTube Gamer Nexus
Awards: Best & Worst PC Cases of 2019 - YouTube
Worst & Best PC Cases for 2020 So Far: Mesh Trending & CES Round-Up - YouTube
Best PC Cases of 2021 So Far: $60 to $200 Airflow, Silence, & Budget Cases - YouTube
Best Case of 2021 So Far: Fractal Torrent Case Review & Benchmarks - YouTube
Cooler Master: MasterBox NR600
Antec DF600 FLUX
Phanteks Innovative Computer Hardware Design
Phanteks P360A Budget High-Airflow Case Review: Thermals, Noise, Cable Management - YouTube P400A better?
Lian Li Lancool 215 Case Review: $70 Budget Airflow Benchmarks - YouTube
5000D AIRFLOW Tempered Glass Mid-Tower ATX PC Case — Black
An Airflow case that has ACTUAL AIRFLOW! - YouTube
Corsair 5000D Airflow vs. Solid Case Review: Thermals, Noise, Build Quality - YouTube
Form Factor
A Basic Guide To Motherboard, Case and Power Supply Form Factors | Tom's Hardware
Computer form factor - Wikiwand
Small form factor - Wikiwand
Case Flow and Pressure Demonstration - How to balance airflow - YouTube
Case Airflow [PC For Beginners] – NGON - YouTube
Static Pressure vs. High Airflow Fans As Fast As Possible - YouTube High static pressure (SP, flat/broader blades) for heat sink; High airflow (AF, slimmer blades) for case fan
PC Fans Types Explained... What is right for your setup? - YouTube
Positive vs Negative Air Pressure as Fast As Possible - YouTube
1 Year Airflow Experiment - The Stunning Conclusion - YouTube
Does Radiator Placement Matter? Hint: YES - YouTube better mount it on the front
Who Actually Makes the Best PC Fans? - YouTube
How To Choose The BEST Fans For Your PC Build - YouTube
The Best 120mm Case Fan Shootout: Arctic vs. be quiet!, BlackNoise, Noctua, Scythe & SilverStone - YouTube
Sleeve bearing: lubricants will dry out; better vertical then horizontal
Hydraulic bearing: advanced sleeve bearing; susceptible to dust and dirt, more play, cheapest; better horizontal then vertical; leakage
Ball bearing: steel balls or rods acts a bearing;
Maglev bearing:
The BEST Way To Cool Your PC? - YouTube Maglev
PSU efficiency vs load graph used to be like a bell curve which peaked at ~50%, nowadays the graph is much flatter and above 80% across all loads (80 Plus cert)
Since CPU and GPU both takes 12V, make sure the 12V rail (not the total) can support their load.
Power supply unit (computer) - Wikiwand
PSUs 101: A Detailed Look Into Power Supplies | Tom's Hardware
Anatomy of a Power Supply Unit (PSU) - TechSpot
How Power Supplies Work - Turbo Nerd Edition - YouTube
Explaining PC Power Supplies - YouTube
ATX3.1更新了啥?《台式机电源到底应该怎么挑?》2024版,最新电源性能指标新手向科普【翼王】 - YouTube
电源评测 - YouTube
電源供應器 @ 港都狼窩 WolfLSI's Den :: 痞客邦 ::
電源測試文閱讀小指南 Part II @ 港都狼窩 WolfLSI's Den :: 痞客邦 ::
PSU Hierarchy 2023 [PC Power Supply Tier List] - GPU Mag
PSU Hierarchy (June 2023) - Power Supply Unit List
[EOL] PSU Tier List rev. 14.8 - Power Supplies - Linus Tech Tips
- linear PSU (Full bridge rectifiers)
- switching PSU (AC->high voltage DC->PF corrected high voltage high frequency AC->DC)
How Power Supplies Are Made (2020) | PSU Factory Tour, ft. Cooler Master - YouTube
Power Supply Testing & Failure Analysis: Engineering the Best PSUs (2020) - YouTube
Cybenetics Labs – PSU Efficiency & Noise Level Certifications
SFF: Small Form Factor
UCFF: Ultra-Compact Form-Factor
Gamers Nexus
Talking Catastrophic PSU Failures with JonnyGuru - YouTube
Power Supplies Need a New Rating System (80 Plus Misunderstandings & Cheated Results) - YouTube
Power Supply Mistakes, Tier Lists, & Myths, ft. Jonny Guru - YouTube
Good vs. Bad Power Supply Differences Explained by PSU Expert Jonny Guru - YouTube
LTT's power test equipment
WHY is Everyone Buying This Power Supply?? - YouTube
How To Choose a Power Supply - YouTube
The Differences between All Corsair Power Supply Units
EVGA Power Supply Units Comparison : The differences between W, B, BT, BQ, B3, G, G+, GQ, GS, PQ, P2 and T2 Series
Differences of All OCZ and PC & Power Cooling Power Supply Units
All you need to know about PC Power, PSUs, and Power Cables - YouTube
如何查詢電源供應器 PSU 是哪家代工的 並附常見電供查詢結果 - YouTube
如何查詢電源供應器 PSU 是哪家代工的
Teir 1: 海韵(SeaSonic), 振華 (兩者低端都為代工)
Teir 2: 長城, 全漢(FSP), 台達(Delta), 航嘉(HuntKey)
Teir 3: 鑫谷, 先馬, 銀欣
PSU Wattage Calculator
Power Supply Calculator – PSU Wattage Calculator | Newegg
瓦數計算器 | 全漢企業
電源供應器 (PSU) 要選多大的瓦數,簡單算一下 /顯卡瓦數/遊戲 PC DIY 入門 - YouTube
【硬件科普】如何合理科学的选择电源功率的大小? - YouTube
ATX 24 pin power supply connector pinout diagram @ pinouts.ru
Yellow: 12V
Red: 5V
Orange: 3.3V
Blue: -12V
Violet: 5V, always on
Green to Gray should be 5V.
Tolerances are +/- 5% except for the -12 volts which is +/- 10%.
The gray wire is really important. It should go from 0 to +5 volts when you turn the PSU on with the case switch. CPU needs this signal to boot.
You can turn on the PSU by using a paper-clip or jumper wire to short the green wire to one of the neighboring black wires.
Corsair Video FAQ: How to test a Corsair power supply - YouTube
How to Test the PC's PSU - YouTube
Video Guide: Test a Power Supply with a Paperclip | GamersNexus - Gaming PC Builds & Hardware Benchmarks
With DC-DC conversion, there is no race between the 5V, 12V rails
ATX12V 2.3 removed the requirement to divide 12V into multiple rails.
Multiple 12V rails no longer matters (in 2014), quality PSU will have multiple rails internally
Single vs. Multiple +12V rails: The splitting of the +12V rail
Specs Dictionary - Rails (PSU) | GamersNexus - Gaming PC Builds & Hardware Benchmarks
Single Rail vs Multi Rail PC Power Supplies as Fast As Possible - YouTube
Power Factor
Power Factor Explained - The Engineering Mindset
Understanding Power Factor and How It Affects your Energy Bills
【硬件科普】intel 要换电源接口标准了?老电源还能不能用了?一个视频带你从根本去了解新 ATX12VO - YouTube
Gamers Nexus
Intel's ATX12VO Spec Explained & What Manufacturers Think - YouTube
The Future of Power Supplies - Maybe (Motherboard Cost, Cables, & ATX12VO) - YouTube
80 Plus
Tom's Explains: What Do 80 PLUS Bronze, Silver, Gold & Titanium Signify? | Tom's Hardware
Is it worth investing in a high-efficiency power supply? - ExtremeTech
發燒進階|同樣是動圈耳機,微動圈和動圈有什麼不同? - 每日頭條
動圈、動鐵都不夠| 2020 最強混血新物種「同軸圈鐵」真無線藍牙耳機 | 智選 Blog
還在傻傻分不清楚?一篇文章搞懂耳機單元 - 香港新浪
動圈鐵.真無線 1MORE ANC TWS 動圈鐵.真無線 1MORE ANC TWS - PCM
【果言科技】什麼是動圈耳機?談談技術優缺和一些誤解 - TechApple.com
【果言科技】單元多就是王道?淺談動鐵耳機的發聲原理 - TechApple.com
Why this purchase is SO important for LMG - YouTube
听个歌为什么要外接“小尾巴”?真的能让音乐更好听吗?【柴知道】 - YouTube
静电耳机(电容式):振膜处于变化的电场中,振膜极薄、精确到几微米级(目前 STAX 新一代的静电耳机振膜已精确到 1.35 微米),线圈在电场力的驱动下带动振膜发声。静电耳机所能到达的声压级没有动圈式耳机大,但它的反应速度快,能够重放出各种微小的细节,失真极低。由于其结构精密,对材料要求很高,而且多为手工装配调试,故价格昂贵。
圈铁耳机:动圈和动铁混合驱动单元,动铁单元的优势在于中高频部分的演绎,解析、瞬态、精细度都要优于动圈;而动圈单元在低频的弹性方面更为宽松自然,可极大的提高音乐的感染力。将动铁与动圈两者合理的组合在一起可充分发挥各自的优势,多个单元在经过合理分频后各司其职的负责相应的频段,能够获得更加全面的声音表现。1 圈 1 铁,1 圈 2 铁更多的耳机厂商推出高性价比的圈铁混动耳机对听歌党来说是福利哦。
真無線藍牙耳機推薦與選購指南!10 款 2019 首選高 CP 值無線耳機
如何選擇運動藍牙耳機?智選家阿智教教你 | 智選 Blog
你的 AirPods Pro 价值翻倍了!【人耳是怎么通过声音辨别方位的?】别人告诉你什么是空间音频 我来告诉你空间音频原理是什么 Spatial Audio 技术详解 「tech on deck#3」 - YouTube
What Is CVC Noise Cancellation Technology & How Does It Work? (Solved) CVC/ENC only works during call
What is CVC and ANC? Explanation and Differences - Nerd Techy
Active noise-canceling (ANC) technology types explained - SoundGuys
抗噪耳機原理一看就懂-2020 年 8 款 ANC 主動降噪耳機推薦
抗噪耳機興起 主動降噪(ANC)技術大解密 – Earphoneman 耳機人
降噪耳机怎么选?2020 值得入手蓝牙降噪耳机推荐(双十一福利篇) - 知乎
Bone conduction headphones: Gimmick or godsend? - SoundGuys
超實用!讓耳機更好聽的小撇步–煲機(RUN-IN) | 智選 Blog
音質科普:名詞剖析上篇 (音域 、音色 、音染 、失真)
音質科普:名詞剖析中篇 (動態 、瞬態 、信噪比、解析力)
音質科普:挑選耳機重要參數—阻抗 | 智選 Blog
音質科普:耳機振膜材質-鈦 | 智選 Blog
Apple devices (Chinese)
HTC (Chinese)
Motorola (Chinese)
Samsung Galaxy S and previous
Samsung (Chinese)
Sony 2011 and previous
All official phones in China after 2009?
(Chinese version of Apple devices can support both)
Apple devices (int'l)
HTC (int'l)
Motorola (int'l)
Samsung Galaxy S2 +
Sony 2012 +
Explaining PCIe Slots - YouTube
PCI-e bifurcation explained – Dons Blog
About PCIe Bifurcation
Compute Express Link (CXL)
Homepage - Compute Express Link
Compute Express Link - Wikiwand
Compute Express Link (CXL): All you need to know - Rambus
【技術文章】CXL 協定的功能與特性詳解
Logic Gates
See How Computers Add Numbers In One Lesson - YouTube
Why Do Computers Use 1s and 0s? Binary and Transistors Explained. - YouTube
I Made A Water Computer And It Actually Works - YouTube
Exploring How Computers Work - YouTube
Digital Logic Sim by Sebastian Lague