As of 2017, Kubernetes became the tool of choice for container orchestration.
See projects under Cloud Native Computing Foundation.
micahhausler/container-transform: Transforms docker-compose, ECS, and Marathon configurations
The Docker Ecosystem: Scheduling and Orchestration | DigitalOcean
The cloud is over-engineered and overpriced (no music) - YouTube simple Docker Compose/Swarm without using SaaS
What Kubernetes should learn from other Orchestrators - YouTube 2024-11
Container Orchestration Wars (2017) - YouTube
Container Orchestration Tools: Kubernetes vs Docker vs Apache Mesos 2024-04
Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm: A comparison of cloud container tools 2018-02
Docker Swarm Management: A Quick Overview of Rancher, Portainer and Shipyard 2017-02
Kubernetes, Mesos, and Swarm: Comparing the Rancher Orchestration Engine Options | Rancher Labs 2016-10 !important
Docker Orchestrations Compared: Kubernetes vs Amazon ECS vs Docker Cloud / Swarm / EE / Cloud (PART I) 2017-04
Choosing the Right Containerization and Cluster Management Tool 2017-02
Container Orchestration Wars - YouTube 2016-07
Containers, Configuration Management, and The Right Tool for the Right Job | the agile admin 2015-11
Docker and the Future of Configuration Management – Coming In November! | the agile admin 2015-10
Swarm v. Fleet v. Kubernetes v. Mesos - O'Reilly Media 2015-10
Docker Clustering Tools Compared: Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm | Technology Conversations 2015-11
cluster computing - Docker-Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos & Core-OS Fleet - Stack Overflow
5 Next-Gen Cloud Technologies You Should Know | | The source for Linux information
8 Container Orchestration Tools to Know | | The source for Linux information
Docker Swarm 与 Apache Mesos 的区别
Mesos, Kubernetes, and Infrastructure of the Future with Dharmesh Kakadia | Software Engineering Daily
Docker Clustering Tools Compared: Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm | Technology Conversations 2015-11
A Brief Comparison of Mesos and Kubernetes - The New Stack
Kubernetes vs Rancher vs Docker Swarm (Pros & Cons) | StackShare
Docker's new orchestration tools: Any container to any cloud | InfoWorld
Docker and the Future of Configuration Management | the agile admin
garywiz/chaperone: Lightweight process-tree manager for Docker-like containers
Open Source | Apcera The Trusted Cloud Platform
Apcera GitHub org
Apcera Community Edition Webinar - Docker and Persistent Storage - YouTube
Apcera Developer Portal - The Trusted Cloud Platform
The Apcera Cloud Platform: Community Edition | Trusted Cloud
NATS - Cloud Native, Open Source, High Performance Messaging
Kurma - Extensible and flexible container engine for a cloud native world.
APCFS: NFSv4 compatible file system for persistent storage
Slurm Workload Manager - Overview
Vagrant has a Docker driver since 1.6. But Docker Machine is enough for me.
Vagrant 1.6 Feature Preview: Docker-Based Development Environments - HashiCorp
spotify/helios: Docker container orchestration platform
helios/ at master · spotify/helios
Helios | Docker Blog
Built upon Zookeeper
helios/ at master · spotify/helios
Docker image for Helios
Home - | Container Orchestration A Container Orchestration Platform Aimed at Developers – The New Stack
CenturyLink Labs
Panamax: Docker Management for Humans
Zodiac | CenturyLink Labs
CenturyLinkLabs/zodiac: A lightweight tool for easy deployment and rollback of dockerized applications. based on Docker Compose
Watchtower | CenturyLink Labs
CenturyLinkLabs/watchtower: Automatically update running Docker containers
Light Weight
The Search for a GUI Docker | Linux Journal
Rancher > Portainer > shipyard
Kontena - The Developer Friendly Container & Microservices Platform
The Imixs-Cloud | imixs-cloud uses Portainer, Swarmpit
benphelps/homepage: A highly customizable homepage (or startpage / application dashboard) with Docker and service API integrations.
Your New Docker Homepage - YouTube
Releases · docker/kitematic release for all platforms
Mercateo/dwatch: Manage your docker containers, images and networks in a nice and clean way.
lirantal/dockly: Immersive terminal interface for managing docker containers and services
dockersamples/docker-swarm-visualizer: A visualizer for Docker Swarm Mode using the Docker Remote API, Node.JS, and D3
justone/dockviz: Visualizing docker data
jesseduffield/lazydocker: The lazier way to manage everything docker
louislam/dockge: A fancy, easy-to-use and reactive self-hosted docker compose.yaml stack-oriented manager
Dockge: A New Way To Manage Your Docker Containers - YouTube
Portainer | Simple management UI for Docker
Portainer documentation
Portainer, a GUI for Docker Management – The New Stack
shipyard built on Swarm
Using Shipyard To Manage Docker Containers –
swarmpit/swarmpit: Lightweight Docker Swarm management UI
ContainerPilot | Joyent
joyent/containerpilot: A service for autodiscovery and configuration of applications running in containers
Implementing the autopilot pattern | Joyent
Home | Dozzle
amir20/dozzle: Realtime log viewer for docker containers.