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Game Engines

January 9, 2025
January 2, 2015


Game engine - Wikiwand
How Game Engines Work! - YouTube
你瞭解「遊戲引擎」麼?【就知道玩遊戲 43】 - YouTube
你瞭解遊戲引擎麼(二):引擎進化的腳步【就知道玩遊戲 51】 - YouTube
遊戲引擎是如何讓遊戲變得越來越好的? - YouTube
借虚幻 5 发布,我们来聊聊以前的那些游戏图像引擎【Gadio Pro】丨机核 - YouTube
How do games render their scenes? | Bitwise - YouTube
The Evolution of Video Game Graphics Is Complicated - YouTube
Game Development with Frameworks and Libraries - YouTube

quill18creates - YouTube

List of game engines - Wikiwand
First-person shooter engine - Wikiwand
List of first-person shooter engines - Wikiwand

Underrated Game Engines Round-up –
Unity Alternatives in 2023 –


MonoGame Archives | .NET Blog
[Guest Post] Creating a game art asset pipeline in .NET | .NET Blog


GMTK Game Jam 2022 - resources
ellisonleao/magictools: A list of Game Development resources to make magic happen.

Kenney · Assets
Pixeland · Manipulating pre-made game assets
Free Icons
Game Art 2D - Royalty Free 2D Game Assets
The Spriters Resource

gdquest-demos/3D-Characters-Repository: Beautiful 3D animated game characters for the Godot game engine, ready to drag and drop into your projects

Top game assets -
Top game assets tagged Asset Pack -

Gamepad UI / Controller Prompts Pack by greatdocbrown
Coins & Gems & Chests & Etc by greatdocbrown

ccMixter - Welcome to ccMixter
Freesound - Freesound
incompetech Music Search


Should I start game development with Unity or Unreal? I know Java and Python. Which engine should I choose as a beginner? - Quora
Why do many AAA studios choose Unreal over Unity? - Quora

CryEngine vs Unreal vs Unity: Select the Best Game Engine
Unity vs Unreal, How to Pick The Right Game Engine –
Unity vs Unreal - YouTube
Unreal vs Unity: Clash of Titans - YouTube
Best Game Engine: Battleroyale! (Unity vs Godot vs Unreal vs GMS2) - YouTube
I Made The SAME GAME in 3 Game Engines - YouTube Unity, Unreal, Godot



libGDX with Mario Zechner – Talking Kotlin


raylib | A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming binding in various languages
Ray -
Home · raysan5/raylib Wiki
raysan5/raylib: A simple and easy-to-use library to enjoy videogames programming

RayLib 5.5 Released - The Easiest C/C++ Game Library Just Got Even Easier - YouTube


How Isometric Coordinates Work in 2D games - YouTube
camera at infinitely far away creates an orthographic projection that removes distortion of tiles due to perspective

Programming Terrain Generation for my Farming Game - YouTube
Draw fewer tiles - by using a Dual-Grid system! - YouTube

Tiled Map Editor | A flexible level editor
A guide to level creation with Tiled [ + how to use it with pygame ] - YouTube
Tiled Map Editor Tutorial Part One: The Basics - YouTube

substack/tilemap: render isometric tile maps in the browser

nosir/obelisk.js: Build pixel isometric graphics with HTML5 canvas

Hexagonal Grids
GiovineItalia/Hexagons.jl: Useful tools for working with hexagonal grids


Easily Make Video Games with GameMaker

Create Your Own Infinite Platformer With GameMaker | GameMaker
I built a 3D engine in 2D (tutorial devlog) - YouTube


erincatto/Box2D: Box2D is a 2D physics engine for games
Box2D | A 2D Physics Engine for Games

LiquidFun on Web

Handmade Hero

Handmade Hero
Annotated Episode Guide | Handmade Hero


Flecs: Flecs data oriented system, no rendering
SanderMertens/flecs: A fast entity component system (ECS) for C & C++

foxnne/zig-flecs: Zig wrapper for Flecs


EnTT: EnTT data oriented system, no rendering
skypjack/entt: Gaming meets modern C++ - a fast and reliable entity component system (ECS) and much more
Home · skypjack/entt Wiki

EnTT in Action · skypjack/entt Wiki
indianakernick/EnTT-Pacman: An example of how to use the ECS part of the EnTT framework



web-3d#Game Engines

HTML5 Game Engines - Find Which is Right For You
Collection: JavaScript Game Engines
Starter for the new HTML5 game developers
Modules · hughsk/game-modules Wiki
9 Top JS Gaming Engines and Libraries for 2020 | by Fernando Doglio | Bits and Pieces

Game development | MDN
Forums - HTML5 Game Devs Forum

Quick Tip: How to Make a Game Loop in JavaScript
Code inComplete - Javascript Game Foundations - Ten Essentials 2013, oldish
We Will All Be Game Programmers - YouTube

Nipplejs by yoannmoinet A virtual joystick for touch capable interfaces.

CreateJS have multiple tools for game development
CreateJS | A suite of JavaScript libraries and tools designed for working with HTML5

React Game Kit
FormidableLabs/react-game-kit: Component library for making games with React & React Native

Lunakepio/useGamepad: a useGamepad React Hook for GameController support

Matter.js - a 2D rigid body JavaScript physics engine
kripken/ammo.js: Direct port of the Bullet physics engine to JavaScript using Emscripten

rezoner/playground: Playground.js is a framework for your javascript based games. It gives you out-of-box access to essentials like mouse, keyboard, sound and well designed architecture that you can expand to your needs.

Kontra.js – What is Kontra.js?
straker/kontra: A lightweight JavaScript gaming micro-library, optimized for js13kGames.
Build a tiny game for JS13K with Kontra.js - DEV Community

Cloud9c/taro: A lightweight 3D game engine for the web.

goldfire/howler.js: Javascript audio library for the modern web.
React Music

Crafty - JavaScript Game Engine, HTML5 Game Engine
Stage.js - 2D JavaScript library for cross-platform HTML5 game development
Impact - HTML5 Canvas & JavaScript Game Engine
andrewrk/chem: 2d canvas-based rapid prototyping game engine
BlackGlory/extra-game-loop: 🌳
Create an interactive map using Javascript and HTML5 Canvas - Writings

mafintosh/tetris: Play tetris in your terminal - in color
Ace Attorney Online


Flatris open source Tetris clone
3D Cards - PixiJS Examples

leereilly/games: A list of popular/awesome videos games, add-ons, maps, etc. hosted on GitHub. Any genre. Any platform. Any engine.
51 Best Open Source HTML5 and JavaScript Games 2019 - Edopedia - Free mobile HTML5 web games with open source code
15 Open Source HTML5 games - Super Dev Resources

Google I/O 2011: The Secrets of Google Pac-Man: A Game Show - YouTube


Phaser - A fast, fun and free open source HTML5 game framework
Phaser 101 - Joseph Gao - Medium
COMPLETE COURSE - Phaser 101 in 1 HOUR - YouTube

Tutorials - Game development | MDN

12 Games in 12 Weeks | Lessmilk

Building Phaser 3 games with Create React App | by Krzysztof Andrelczyk | May, 2023 | Medium


Babylon.js: Powerful, Beautiful, Simple, Open - Web-Based 3D At Its Best


pixijs/pixijs: The HTML5 Creation Engine: Create beautiful digital content with the fastest, most flexible 2D WebGL renderer.

Goose Ninja - The Goose Temple


Open Source HTML5 and Javascript game engine


le-doux/bitsy: make tiny games, worlds, and stories

Bitsy is the small video game engine with a big community - The Verge

Cross Platforms

Consoles, PC, probably web


FNA reimplementation of the Microsoft XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh libraries
FNA-XNA/FNA: FNA - Accuracy-focused XNA4 reimplementation for open platforms
XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh | Microsoft Learn


Heaps - Haxe Game Engine - Game Engine Haxe, web
Shiro’s Game Technology Stack –


Defold - Official Homepage - Cross platform game engine targets mobile, semi-open source, 2D, Lua

Defold Crash Course Tutorial -


Free and Easy 2D/3D Game-Making App | GDevelop targets mobiles, 2D, no code, visual coding
Features | GDevelop
4ian/GDevelop: :video_game: Open-source, cross-platform game engine designed to be used by everyone.

GDevelop 5 documentation - GDevelop documentation

GDevelop Games Showcase | GDevelop
Game examples and templates made with GDevelop | GDevelop
GDevelop 5 –

How To Make a Simple Playing Card Game with Multiplayer and Bluetooth, Part 1 |

ReactiveConf 2019 - Florian Rival: Native Web Apps: React and WebAssembly to Rewrite Native Apps - YouTube
Porting a Desktop Game Editor to the Browser with WebAssembly


LÖVE - Free 2D Game Engine
LOVE wiki
Game Development in Love2D - YouTube

CS50's Introduction to Game Development - YouTube

Aroma Aroma is game creation framework that targets Chrome’s Native Client. It lets you create games in the Lua programming language that can be be distributed through the Chrome Web Store.

Solar2D Game Engine prevuously Corona
Solar2D Free Plugin Directory
Solar2D Plugins Marketplace | Plugins & Templates for Solar2D
Solar2D Marketplace

Corona: Free Cross-Platform Game Engine


Cocos2d-x - World's #1 Open-Source Game Development Platform
cocos2d Org

Cocos Creator

Cocos Creator - Efficient and lightweight cross-platform 3D/2D graphics engine


AtomicGameEngine/AtomicGameEngine: The Atomic Game Engine is a multi-platform 2D and 3D engine with a consistent API in C++, C#, JavaScript, and TypeScript

Home · AtomicGameEngine/AtomicGameEngine Wiki

Kaiju Engine

Kaiju Engine - Kaiju Engine
KaijuEngine/kaiju: Kaiju Engine - Multiplatform 2D and 3D Vulkan game engine written in Go/Golang



Top Python Game Engines – Real Python
9 Best Python Game Development Libraries/Frameworks [2023] - Geekflare

pymunk physics engine
adventurelib - easy text adventures — adventurelib documentation
The Ren'Py Visual Novel Engine

Pygame physics simulation

Episode #2: Learn Python Skills While Creating Games – The Real Python Podcast


The Python Arcade Library — Arcade documentation uses pyglet
Python Arcade Documentations
Program Arcade Games With Python And Pygame
Arcade: A Primer on the Python Game Framework – Real Python
How to create a 2D game with Python and the Arcade library |


cocos2d uses pyglet
cocos2d Programming Guide — cocos documentation
cocos package — cocos documentation


Home — pyglet
pyglet/pyglet: pyglet is a cross-platform windowing and multimedia library for Python, for developing games and other visually rich applications.
pyglet Documentation

Steve Johnson - Pyglet Tutorial

Minecraft in 500 lines of Python with Pyglet
fogleman/Minecraft: Simple Minecraft-inspired program using Python and Pyglet
boskee/Minecraft: Simple Minecraft-inspired program using Python and Pyglet 1000 commits later

C Sharp

MonoGame/MonoGame: One framework for creating powerful cross-platform games.

Fully compatible with XNA
XNA Game Studio 4.0 Refresh | Microsoft Docs

PaulBlythe/Monogame-tools: Free tools for Monogame development




Game Development - Awesome Go / Golang


Are we game yet? - Rust
The Rust Programming Language for Game Tooling - YouTube
Rust for Game Development -- Game Engines & Frameworks - YouTube
5 Rust game engines to consider for your next project - LogRocket Blog

nannou-org/nannou: A Creative Coding Framework for Rust.

Piston - a modular open source game engine written in Rust

ggez: Rust game thing

Amethyst - The open source, data-driven game engine 😴inactive


Bevy - A data-driven game engine built in Rust

Bevy 0.7 Released –
Andreas Monitzer - Bevy-ECS explained - Rust Vienna June 2023 - YouTube


Fyrox engine originally rg3d
FyroxEngine/Fyrox: 3D and 2D game engine written in Rust

Fyrox Game Engine -- Rust Powered RG3D Renamed –
mrDIMAS/rusty-shooter: [suspended] 3d shooter written in Rust using rg3d


Flame Engine
Flutter 2.8 introduces 2D game engine and faster app performance


Bacon2D/Bacon2D: Bacon2D is a framework to ease 2D game development, providing ready-to-use QML elements representing basic game entities needed by most of games.

Felgo Games Examples and Demos | Felgo Documentation

Larpon/DeadAscend: A 2D point'n'click-like adventure game written in Qt/QML and Javascript

Card Game

Generic Collectible Card Game


Simple and Fast Multimedia Library - Wikiwand

Sonkun/python-sfml: Official binding of SFML for Python
jeremyletang/rust-sfml: SFML bindings for Rust

Mario Game using SFML - YouTube


Panda3D - Free 3D Game Engine
Panda3D Manual — Panda3D Manual


Godot Engine - Free and open source 2D and 3D game engine
Godot: The open source game engine
Godot With C++ –
C# Development with Godot and Visual Studio Code Tutorial

CardEngine | | Game Dev Hobbyist
Tutorial – Gaming with Godot » Linux Magazine

Godot is not the new Unity - YouTube Godot is for hobbists

How to make a Video Game - Godot Beginner Tutorial - YouTube

remove pre 4.0 articles

Godot 4.0 Is Out: Almost a Brand New Engine · GDQuest
The ultimate introduction to Godot 4 - YouTube 11:32:40
Godot UI Basics - how to build beautiful interfaces that work everywhere (Beginners) - YouTube

Godot For Unity Developers - YouTube

Learn to Make Games · GDQuest
GDQuest Demos
Getting started with Godot in 2021 · GDQuest Godot 3
Getting started with the Godot game engine in 2021 - YouTube
Godot 3 tutorials - YouTube
GDQuest - YouTube
Learn to Code From Zero with Godot
GDQuest/learn-gdscript: Learn Godot's GDScript programming language from zero, right in your browser, for free.

Godot Vs Unity: The Ultimate Game Engine Showdown - YouTube
Top 10 Reasons Why I Switched to Godot Game Engine - YouTube

Godot Game Development Mini-Degree - YouTube
COMPLETE COURSE - Learn the GODOT Game Engine in 50 MINUTES - YouTube

KidsCanCode - YouTube
Godot 101: Beginner Lessons for Godot 3.1 - YouTube
kidscancode/godot_recipes: Lessons, tutorials, and guides for game development using the Godot game engine.

Game Endeavor - YouTube
Bastiaan Olij - YouTube
PlayWithFurcifer - YouTube
godot tutorials - YouTube Miziziziz

Goodgis - YouTube mostly on Godot

HeartBeast - YouTube


ursina engine

Creating Minecraft in Python [with the Ursina Engine] - YouTube
Creating a Minecraft style menu in Python [Ursina] - YouTube
clear-code-projects/Minecraft-in-Python: Project files for a tutorial on Minecraft in Python available here:

Wicked Engine

Wicked Engine – 3D engine with modern graphics
WickedEngine C++ Open Source Game Engine –


Flax - Flax Engine


Falco 3D Engine. 3D Engine. Game Engine.

FalcoEngine Hands-On – 2021-03


AppGameKit - AppGameKit is great for everyone free for Education and on RPi


Chrono Crash - Index
DCurrent/openbor: OpenBOR is the ultimate 2D side scrolling engine for beat em' ups, shooters, and more!

openBOR Games You Need to Play - YouTube
OpenBOR Games List - Hyperspin - YouTube


neoGFX C++ Application/Game Engine and Development Platform
i42output/neoGFX: Cross-platform GPU-oriented C++ application/game framework

Leigh Johnston - YouTube


TIC-80 tiny computer

AAA Title Engines

Unity VS Unreal Engine 4 | Which Engine Is Right For You? - YouTube

Unity is better for 2D games; Unreal is better for FPS and multiplayer
Unreal's engine and features are more polished and coherent
Unreal is in C++ and the UI is less intuitive


GPUOpen - GPUOpen

an AMD initiative designed to enable developers to create ground-breaking PC games, computer generated imagery and GPU computing applications for great performance and lifelike experiences using no cost and open development tools and software.


Company: Crytek

License: Free for development / Pay What You Want 5% royalty after 5.0 (2018)

CryEngine - Wikiwand
CryENGINE | Crytek
CRYENGINE | The complete solution for next generation game development by Crytek

Amazon Lumberyard - Free AAA Game Engine Amazon's fork, with integration with its AWS and Twitch business

id Tech

Company: id Software

License: Proprietary

id Tech 5 - Wikiwand

id Tech 4 - Wikiwand
Doom3 Source Code Review: Introduction
Doom3 BFG Source Code Review: Introduction
Doom3 BFG Documentation

id Tech 3 - Wikiwand
Quake 3 Source Code Review: Architecture


Company: DICE

License: Proprietary

Frostbite (game engine) - Wikiwand
Frostbite - Game Engine

DICE has pushed the Frostbite engine to all games in EA since its bought out in 2006.


Company: Value


Source (game engine) - Wikiwand


better 2.5D on mobile and web, larger community/store

License: free for first $100 thousand in game revenue

Unity (game engine) - Wikiwand
Unity - Game engine, tools and multiplatform
UNITY does WHAT NOW?? The State of Unity - YouTube 2022-12

Unity - Manual: Unity User Manual 2020.3 (LTS)
Unity - Scripting API:

Unity C# and Shader Tutorials ❗!important
Unity - Tuts+ Code Category
Introduction to Mobile Augmented Reality Development in Unity | Programming Historian
Starting with Unity: Tutorial for Beginners –
Unity Tutorial | 3D Spinning Cube in 10 minutes | .NET
LEARN UNITY - The Most BASIC TUTORIAL I'll Ever Make - YouTube 2020
【Unity】3 小時製作一個遊戲 | Unity 遊戲開發初學者教學 #unity #unity 教學 #unity 入門 - YouTube

Unity DOTS vs Handbuilt: Sample Project - YouTube 2020
Unity DOTS Explained (ECS, Job System, Burst Compiler) - YouTube
Unity DOTS Updated! (Massive changes!) - YouTube 2022-03, Job System and Burst Compiler are production ready

Game Dev By Kaupenjoe - YouTube change to Godot?

COMPLETE COURSE - Learn Unity's AR Foundation - YouTube
COMPLETE COURSE - Create a Unity FRUIT SLICER Game in 2 HOURS - YouTube
COMPLETE COURSE - Create a Unity RPG in 4 HOURS - YouTube
Master Unity Game Development - The Ultimate Beginners Course - YouTube
Multiplayer Game Development with Unity - YouTube
Unity 2D Game Development - YouTube
Unity RPG Tutorial - YouTube

2023 License Debacle

New license in 2023-09, causing a turmoil
Unity plan pricing and packaging updates | Unity Blog
Unity Is Doing What??? | Prime Reacts - YouTube
The Unity Drama (A Dev's Perspective) - YouTube
VR’s Biggest Game Engine is in SERIOUS Trouble -The Unity Debacle. - YouTube


NGUI: Next-Gen UI kit – Tasharen Entertainment
Intro - OneJS


About Burst | Burst | 1.8.4
[Unity]利用 C# Job System 與 Burst Compiler 來解放 CPU 的效能 | by Eric Hu | Akatsuki Taiwan Technology | Medium
Using Burst Compiler to optimize for Android | Unite Now 2020 - YouTube

Unreal Engine

Company: Epic

License: free for first $1 million in game revenue

Program in Blueprint (visual scripts), not code
Focus on realism and lighting
Cross platform (PC and consoles)
The most powerful real-time 3D creation platform - Unreal Engine
Epic Online Services featuring Epic Account and Game Services - Unreal Engine

Unreal Engine - Wikiwand
Evolution of Unreal Engine 1995-2022 - YouTube

Online Learning - Unreal Engine
80 Level Ratings: Best YouTube Channels With Unreal Engine Tutorials
An Ultimate Free Beginner's Course on Unreal Engine 5 Unveiled
WoodyDevs - YouTube
Unreal Sensei - YouTube


A first look at Unreal Engine 5 - Unreal Engine
What Unreal Engine 5 means for the games industry...and you |
What Unreal Engine 5 Means for the Games Industry - IGN
Tech Analysis: Unreal Engine 5 on PS5 - Epic's Next-Gen Leap Examined In-Depth - YouTube
Unreal Engine 5 is AMAZING! - YouTube
從入門到真香!全面預探虛幻 Unreal 5 新技術!【就知道玩遊戲 102】 - YouTube
【亦】虚幻 5,国产单机游戏的机会来了? - YouTube
Welcome to Unreal Engine 5 Early Access - YouTube
《黑客帝國》虛幻 5 技術解析:最强游戏画面?做 3A 有手就行?|大狸子切切裡 - YouTube
黑科技 Unreal Engine 5 (UE5)|初探 Nanite 模型導入與 Lumen 設定 - YouTube
黑神话悟空技术评测:PS5和PC优化如何?精美画面是怎么做的? - YouTube
Nanite: "deep zoom" level of details for 3D objects (low res at distance), seamless zoom
Lumen: non-ray-traced global illumination
Nanite: Everything You Should Know [Unreal Engine 5] - YouTube
Things To Know About LUMEN [Unreal Engine 5] - YouTube

Unreal Sensei
Why Unreal Engine 5.1 is a Huge Deal - YouTube
Why Unreal Engine 5.3 is a BIG Deal - YouTube
Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course 2022 - YouTube

Unreal Engine 5 Beginner Tutorial - UE5 Starter Course! - YouTube
Lumen in UE5: Let there be light! | Unreal Engine - YouTube


Unreal Engine 4 will bring us beautiful games faster than ever | Ars Technica
Gorgeous Unreal Engine 4 brings direct programming, indirect lighting | Ars Technica
Unreal C++ with Visual Studio Code – Jolly Monster Studio

ue4plugins/StreetMap: Import OpenStreetMap data into Unreal Engine 4


REDengine - Wikiwand

Company: CDPR

Creation Engine

Company: Bethesda


License: free for revenue or funding less than $100K

Unigine - Wikiwand
UNIGINE: real-time 3D engine


Quark Docs


NVIDIA GameWorks | NVIDIA Developer
Nvidia Fires Back: The Truth About GameWorks, AMD Optimization, and 'Watch Dogs'