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October 2, 2023
January 2, 2015


PyGame on Reddit
pygame/pygame: pygame (the library) is a Free and Open Source python programming language library for making multimedia applications like games built on top of the excellent SDL library. C, Python, Native, OpenGL.

pygame PyGame CE
pygame-community/pygame-ce: 🐍🎮 pygame - Community Edition is a FOSS Python library for multimedia applications (like games). Built on top of the excellent SDL library.
Pygame CE - Better & Faster - YouTube

Pygame Front Page — pygame v2 documentation
tutorials - pygame wiki
PyGame: A Primer on Game Programming in Python – Real Python

Making Games with Python & Pygame book, 2012
Invent Your Own Computer Games with Python, 4th ed book, 2016

PyGame with Python 3 Game Development - YouTube sentdex
Python Tutorials - YouTube

DaFluffyPotato - YouTube
Pygame Tutorial Series (all) - YouTube

Clear Code - YouTube
The ultimate introduction to Pygame - YouTube
Mario in Python with Pygame (and pirates) - YouTube
Creating Pong in Pygame - YouTube
Pygame Fundamentals - YouTube
Game Development with Pygame - YouTube
Pygame Tutorial #2: Platformer - YouTube
Pygame Tutorial # 3: Tile-based Game - YouTube
Gamedev: In-depth Topics - YouTube implements Nature of Code's behavior
kidscancode/pygame_tutorials: Code to go along with lessons at
kidscancode/gamedev: Example code and docs for "Game Development and Design" class
Basic game loop: float position in state, vector based movements and steering, time based updates

Pygame Tutorial for Beginners - Python Game Development Course - YouTube
Create a Arcade-Style Shooting Game with Python and PyGame

Tech With Tim - YouTube
Pygame Programming Tutorials - YouTube
techwithtim/Pygame-Tutorials: This is the code base for the pygame tutorials posted on my YouTube channel.

Pygame Modules » Raspberry Pi Geek

My First Raspberry Pi Game - YouTube
My First Raspberry Pi Game – Part 01 – Before we start – Andy Balaam's Blog

calling pygame.display.flip from a thread, which is incorrect
Deciphering Glyph :: A Better Pygame Mainloop
Deciphering Glyph :: Nice Animations with Twisted and PyGame


Search · pygame
pygame/examples at master · pygame/pygame
Mekire/pygame-samples: Basic pygame samples illustrating various concepts.

serenity-valley/game: A simple game in python with pygame
Python Programming Tutorials

Trevor Appleton: Python - Game of Life

Recreate the sprite-following Options from Gradius using Python | Wireframe issue 16 - Raspberry Pi

Create a Python game: how to make a puzzle game called Same - The MagPi MagazineThe MagPi Magazine
opethe1st/SameGame: Python implementation of the Same Game using pygame


powered by CPython WASM and SDL
web-assembly#Python in Browser | Run python and pygame code in your html
CPython Wasm specifics, when in the browser with emscripten runtime |

Game Frame

Game Frame – A Framework for PyGame
Steven Tucker / gameframe · GitLab

Example Games – Game Frame
Game Frame (Python Coding) - Vegie Samurai - YouTube
Game Frame (Python Coding) - Joe's Escape - YouTube

Pygame Zero

Welcome to Pygame Zero — Pygame Zero documentation
Introduction to Pygame Zero — Pygame Zero documentation
lordmauve/pgzero: A zero-boilerplate games programming framework for Python 3, based on Pygame.

Games with PyGame Zero
Code your own 2D shooting gallery in Python | Wireframe issue 20 - Raspberry Pi
Teaching a kid to code with Pygame Zero · Matt Layman
Python: let's make a game (Pygame zero) | python programming

Running game



import pgzrun

# your code


Pygame Zero’s REPL

pip3 install pgzero[repl]

pgzrun --repl


Search · pygame zero
pgzero/examples at master · lordmauve/pgzero
CoderDojoLu/pgzero-examples: Some pygame-zero examples
jzcoder/pgzero-frog-game: Frog & Lilypad game tutorial using Pygame Zero game over


TechnoVisual/Pygame-Zero: Tutorial code for Pygame Zero

Pygame Zero Invaders - The MagPi MagazineThe MagPi Magazine
Pygame Zero: Space Invaders II - The MagPi MagazineThe MagPi Magazine game over and new level

Code Pac-Man in Python - The MagPi MagazineThe MagPi Magazine joystick, game over
Code Pac-Man in Python (part 2) - The MagPi MagazineThe MagPi Magazine