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January 9, 2025
November 26, 2018

Being a software engineering, this post focus more on software engineering


The only leadership theory that matters – Hacker Noon
Business Soft Skills - YouTube CrashCourse

Why Managers Exist (It's Not Why You Think) - YouTube

就Jon工作/管理 - YouTube
能力很強卻管不了人?8個「有效管理技巧」【上集】 - YouTube
主動幫員工加薪很重要的原因!8個「輕鬆管理員工的方法」【下集】 - YouTube

What good leaders do: 3 key practices you can adopt today | CIO

6 Ways to Handle and Fight Racism in the Workplace

Time to revise the adage that amateurs talk strategy while professionals talk logistics –
Is it true as to war that 'amateurs talk strategy, professionals talk logistics'? - Quora
Attitude Determines Altitude: Engineering Yourself & Your Teams • Randy Shoup • GOTO 2018 - YouTube

7 Strategies for Better Group Decision-Making

All Remote | GitLab

The Developer Advocacy Handbook

Performance Doesn't Matter...Until It Does. - YouTube
The problem with software engineering - YouTube

優秀的問題解決者,可以後天養成!麥肯錫解決問題 7 步驟怎麼用?-商周讀書會|商周 programmers are meant to solve problems

Technical Lead

Levels of expertise:

Write idiomatic code at level 2
Seasoned developers are at level 3

Mentality and attitude is more important!!

Does Your Editor Matter? - YouTube

Manage up

【高情商】向上管理 搞定老板 - YouTube

Engineering Managers

Engineering Managers: An Important Conversation - YouTube

Why an Engineering Manager Should Not Review Code | by Emily Dresner | May, 2023 | Better Programming Tech Lead vs Engineering Manager, split roles for team size >= 4
Engineering Culture, Trust, and Accountability | by Emily Dresner | Apr, 2023 | Better Programming

Advice for Developers Wanting to Become Engineering Managers - The New Stack
5 Key Challenges for Engineering Managers - The New Stack

Effective Techniques for Code Review in Software Engineering - DEV Community


Institute of Coaching - YouTube
New study finds more effective way to coach and inspire

2013 video interview with Ben Zander and Rosamund Zander on their Art of Possibility - YouTube

Principles For Success by Ray Dalio (In 30 Minutes) - YouTube

On Mentorship

Know where your knowledge/instinct came from
Know the mentee's strong and weak point
Let the mentee rephrase the problem domain
How to Google

Mentor-Mentee Relationships: How to Maximize Both Roles

7 Habits

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People® - FranklinCovey
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People - Wikiwand

這是一支需要反覆觀看的影片 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube


Benjamin Zander - Work (How to give an A) - YouTube
2013 video interview with Ben Zander and Rosamund Zander on their Art of Possibility - YouTube

Benjamen Zander - Leadership on Display - YouTube


我能做 + 我想做 + 需要我 = 核心价值
我能做 + 我想做 + 不需要我 = 潜在价值
我能做 + 我不想做 + 需要我 = 例行工作
我能做 + 我不想做 + 不需要我 = 後備人員
我不能做 + 我想做 + 需要我 = 成长空间
我不能做 + 我想做 + 不需要我 = 自我追求
我不能做 + 我不想做 + 需要我 = 无法胜任
我不能做 + 我不想做 + 不需要我 = 无需关注

Personality Tests

The Cult of Personality Testing: How Personality Tests Are Leading Us to Miseducate Our Children, Mismanage Our Companies, and Misunderstand Ourselves |

12 Jungian Archetypes: Definition, Theory, and Types
Personality Tests Are Dumb... And Dangerous - YouTube
Traits is a spectrum instead of binary!

4 animal types
Microsoft Word - Animals.docx

9 types
九型人格 - Wikiwand

"Big 5"

Big five, Five factor, OCEAN/CANOE
recognized by psychologist
model each personality trait as a spectrum

Big Five personality traits - Wikiwand
Big Five Personality Traits | Simply Psychology
Big 5 Personality Traits | Psychology Today
The Big Five OCEAN Personality Types: Introduction and Discussions

MBTI (16 types)

Myers–Briggs Type Indicator - Wikiwand
Personality Types | 16Personalities
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: The 16 Personality Types
Myers-Briggs | Psychology Today

AttitudesPerceiving functionsJudging functionsLifestyle preferences


Free personality test, type descriptions, relationship and career advice | 16Personalities multi-lingual, tests, reports percentage of preference to trait
免费的人格测试,类型描述,关系和职业建议 | 16Personalities
MBTI 職業性格測試完整版 MBTI-G 版本(93 題)

测测你的性格 人际关系 优势弱点 | MBTI 性格测试 - YouTube
每次做心理測驗,都覺得準爆?MBTI 人格測驗是真的還是在唬爛?《 七七心理學 》EP 032 |志祺七七 - YouTube

The Rise Of The Myers-Briggs, Chapter 1: Katharine | Science Diction | WNYC Studios
The Rise Of The Myers-Briggs, Chapter 2: Isabel | Science Diction | WNYC Studios
The Rise Of The Myers-Briggs, Chapter 3: What Is It Good For? | Science Diction | WNYC Studios

MBTI 是什麼?理解 16 型人格測驗,掌握性格傾向、幫助職場人際溝通!|經理人
ESFP ESTP ENFP ENTP 十六型人格類型性格解讀、有什麼特徵;MBTI 解析|經理人
ISFJ ISTJ INFJ INTJ 十六型人格類型性格解讀、有什麼特徵;MBTI 解析|經理人
ISTP、INTP、ISFP、INFP 人格解析|不按牌理出牌的實力派,MBTI 解析|經理人


Intellect Hard to Change
Experience Easy to Change
"如果我們錄取你,你進來的意願 1 到 10 分當中有幾分?"

【Daniel 職場觀察】升官總輪不到你,原來是因為你還不了解自己?微軟主管的三個建議 - INSIDE

【干货】神奇 4 步法,打造 HR 无法拒绝的简历 - YouTube


STAR 面試法》馬斯克用這道問題,揪出面試騙子-管理知識內參|商周
STAR: -(Situation)請問是什麼樣的工作內容? -(Task)主管給了什麼樣的命令? -(Action)你做了什麼回應? -(Results)後來的結果是什麼?

履歷除了看出專業,怎麼看出更重要的「態度」?用「SRI 面試法」問出應徵者的真心話-李河泉跨世代溝通學院|商周

SRI (Simulation 情境 + Roleplay 動態演練):




鬼谷子相信大家都聽說過,他被世人稱為謀聖。之所以有這種稱呼,是因為他在戰國時期曾周遊列國,擅長遊說,他還總結出了各種各樣的人生道理供世人參考,人們對其十分欽佩。鬼谷子就曾經針對說話這個學問提出過看法, 他將這件事歸於六句口訣。














Talent Retention

10 signs it's time to jump ship to a new job | CIO

Should I stay or should I go? IBM's survey

How to Stop Your Best Developers from Quitting. - The Startup - Medium

Managers' job is to stay out of the way and remove roadblocks.
Mentoring is a part of management.

80,000 Hours: How to make a difference with your career


I don't agree with labeling a person based on when they are born.
But this do give hint on what they experience (life or technical) when they grew up.

Generation X, Y, and Z: Differences and characteristics - Iberdrola

Boomers: 1945-1965
Gen X: 1965-1980, individualism, ambition and an addiction to work —
Gen Y/Millennials: 1981-1996, digital natives,technology is part of their everyday lives
Gen Z/Centennials: 1997-2012, they arrived with a tablet and a smartphone under their arms

Embracing Neurodiversity in IT Workplace to Bridge Talent Gaps
The Gen Z Guide to Getting Ahead at Work

Time Estimation

Why Are Estimations So Hard??? PLANNING TASKS AS AN ENGINEER - YouTube

Sand 10-20 per hour
Rock 2-3 per hour
Boulder in days
Mountain several days, may involve several developers