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Music Theory

January 9, 2025
October 11, 2016

Music theory - Wikiwand
樂理 - Wikiwand - Lessons ❗!important
How Music Works : Overview : How Music Works
Musical U: Become More Musical
1. Music Theory Fundamentals --
Music theory concepts ranked by importance - YouTube

Thomann Online Guides - Thomann UK

音樂家的無聊人生 Musician Seacow - YouTube
Feng's Music Channel - YouTube
笑哈哈 LOL - YouTube
薛汀哲 - YouTube
Animenz Piano Sheets - YouTube
Chloe's Music Classroom - YouTube
8-bit Music Theory - YouTube

NiceChord (好和弦) - YouTube
五線譜:一次搞懂所有你該知道的、基本的事情。 - YouTube
NiceChord 好和弦 - 不可不知的基礎樂理 - YouTube
NiceChord 好和弦 - 調式基礎 - YouTube
NiceChord 好和弦 - 音律的故事系列 - YouTube

Sonata - Wikiwand
奏鳴曲 - Wikiwand
Cantata - Wikiwand
清唱套曲 - Wikiwand

Complete Piano Theory Course: Chords, Intervals, Scales & More! - YouTube
Music Theory ~ Review Video (AP and Undergraduate) - YouTube
Melodic intervals: play notes sequentially
Harmonic intervals: play notes simultaneously

Learn music theory in half an hour. - YouTube


[音樂辭典] 不囉唆的音樂名詞查詢器 by NiceChord
Why do we use Italian words in music notation? - Classic FM

自然音階 - Wikiwand
半音階如何改變世界? 從莫札特、蕭邦、到華格納 - YouTube
史上最精彩的歌劇「崔斯坦與伊索德」,如何用「半音階」描繪慾望? - YouTube

專家帶你聽懂音樂!挑戰同一首歌彈出 18 種「情緒」|科普長知識| GQ Taiwan - YouTube
钢琴笑了!火爆全球的《鱿鱼游戏》恐怖 BGM 怎么弹? - YouTube 34, 17 陰森恐佈

零门槛音乐科普 - YouTube
如何快速分辨歌曲的风格?10 分钟让你学会!你能通过片尾的测试吗? - YouTube
零基础自弹自唱入门指南!10 分钟学会给流行歌曲配和弦、配伴奏! - YouTube

如何自己在家裡訓練音感? - YouTube
管弦樂器懶人包:一部影片就認識最常見的管弦樂團樂器! - YouTube

為什麼手碰到喇叭線會有「Bb」的音高? - YouTube


Modes: What are they and how do I use them? - Classic FM

Music And Measure Theory - YouTube


音名 - Wikiwand
Key signature names and translations - Wikiwand
Solfège - Wikiwand
唱名 - Wikiwand

音名 corresponds to a note at specific frequency
唱名 is am alias given to the n-th note in the scale


For chromatic scale:
Do, Di, Re, Ri, Mi, Fa, Fi, Sol, Si, La, Li, Ti

为什么 do re mi fa so la si 是 CDEFGAB 而不是 ABCDEFG?
Why C?: The Convoluted History of Note Names - YouTube

Harmonic series

The most mind-blowing concept in music (Harmonic Series) - YouTube also on tuning and temperament
Harmonic series (music) - Wikiwand
All notes we hear are mixture of harmonic series of the fundamental tone (first harmonic)
Different strength of the harmonics is the cause of timbre in different instruments
This is how digital synthesizers mimics different instruments

Math and Music

f = \frac{V}{\lambda} = \frac{1}{2L}\sqrt{\frac{T}{\rho}}


Guitar Mathematics | Passy's World of Mathematics
From Math to Music - A Mathematical Approach to Learning The Fretboard

kennethreitz/pytheory: Music Theory for Humans.

A = 432Hz - YouTube
Scientific pitch - Wikiwand

Piano key frequencies - Wikiwand

Just intonation

Just intonation - Wikiwand based on rational ratio of base frequency (harmonic series)
纯律 - Wikiwand


Interval (music) - Wikiwand
The Ultimate Guide to Interval Ear Training
Stichting Huygens-Fokker: List of intervals

The distance between notes is called interval, counted in steps and half-steps (tone and semitone).
A cent is 1/100 of a semitone.

Remember to include the start node when counting:

Perfect fifth - Wikiwand 纯五度, 7 semitones, 3:2 ratio
Perfect forth, 4:3 ratio


Musical tuning - Wikiwand
Musical temperament - Wikiwand compromises on the pure intervals of just intonation for instrument tuning

重制版:音乐也有科学道理吗?Do、Re、Mi...都是如何确定的?李永乐老师讲音律 - YouTube
frequency (pitch) rations 2:1, 3:2, 4:3 sound good to human
doubling the frequency is called an octave, there are several ways to create notes (scale) within an octave
ISO picked 440Hz as the frequency of middle A

Noyce Guitars: Technotes: Equal Temperament & Guitar Tuning
Testing 432 Hz Frequencies (and temperaments) - YouTube

Meantone temperament - Wikiwand

五度相生法/Pythagorean tuning

五度相生律 - Wikiwand
Pythagorean tuning - Wikiwand
based on ratio of 3:2 ("pure" perfect fifths)

How Pythagoras Broke Music (and how we kind of fixed it) - YouTube
Pythagorean Tuning - YouTube

中國五聲音階 - Wikiwand
宮商角徵羽 Do Re Mi Sol La


十二律 - Wikiwand 管仲
Shí-èr-lǜ - Wikiwand

三分損益_古音律的形成與宮商角徵羽 - YouTube

十二平均律/Equal temperament/Chromatic Scale

Geometric mean, keeping ratios of neighbor notes constant (one semitone)

Chromatic Scale: All 12 piano keys from C to C (an octave)
C C♯/D♭ D D♯/E♭ E F F♯/G♭ G G♯/A♭ A A♯/B♭ B/C♭ C
Chromatic scale - Wikiwand

Equal temperament - Wikiwand
十二平均律 - Wikiwand 朱載堉
Why Does Music Only Use 12 Different Notes? - YouTube
Why It's Impossible to Tune a Piano - YouTube

Major and Minor Scale

A Scale begins and ends with the same note, with a regular pattern of steps.

Major Scale: TTSTTTS 全全半全全全半
C Major: C D E F G A B C (all white keys)
C is the keynote/tonic of the scale
C is 1st degree, D is 2nd degree...

Minor Scale: TSTTSTT 全半全全半全全
A Major: A B C D E F G A (all white keys)

Relative Major and Minor: the scales uses exactly the same notes (thus having the same number of sharp and flats), but different tonic.


Refer to the number of sharps and flats to add in the Circle of fifths
Circle of fifths - Wikiwand
The Circle of Fifths Explained | LedgerNote
The Ultimate Guide to the Circle of Fifths - Musical U
一部影片之內,真的完全搞懂「五度圈」!(Circle of Fifths) - YouTube

Circle of Fifths (circular)
Circle of Fifths (star)


Flats to add: 7362514 (reverse of the below)
B♭, E♭, A♭, D♭, G♭, C♭/B, F♭
Sharps to add: 4152637 (reverse of the above)
F♯, C♯, G♯, D♯, A♯, E♯/F, B♯


Chord (music) - Wikiwand

The 1st, 3rd, 5th notes on a scale is called a triad.
The 1st and 5th notes of major chord and minor chord are always the same (perfect fifth = 3.5 tones).
D major chord: D F♯ A
D minor chord: D F A

We can add variance to the chord, e.g: adding the 7th note, adding flats/sharps to the notes of the chord

Why is this weird chord so great? - YouTube 1,3,5,9,#11,13 = C major triad + D major triad

萬能 chord

薛之谦许嵩流行歌串烧,好听! - YouTube 4536251

你的歌单绝对有一首 15634125!!!爷青回~ - YouTube
学会这个和弦,轻松弹奏一百首流行歌! - YouTube 15634125

教你用这四个数字随便弹,一出手就是古风味! - YouTube 4566 chord + 12356
6415 万能和弦歌曲大串烧!瞬间让多少人变成了音痴? - YouTube

原來 66% 的流行歌,都是用這 3 種和弦進行? [2019 流行歌和弦大調查] - YouTube
「卡農」和聲進行,以及為什麼很多流行歌的旋律都很像 - YouTube

Rhythm (beats)

semibreve (whole note): fly fly
minim (half note): ant ant
crotchet (quarter note): spi-der spi-der
quavers (eighth note): cat-er-pil-lar cat-er-pil-lar
semiquavers (sixteenth note)

Slur (music) - Wikiwand
圓滑線 - Wikiwand

valid: ((3:2:2 D2D)
invalid: ((3 D2D)

Staccato - Wikiwand
斷奏 - Wikiwand 斷音

EVERY Time Signature EXPLAINED (using Nintendo Music) - YouTube
What's the difference between 3/4 and 6/8 time? - YouTube

Tempo (speed)

Tempo - Wikiwand
duration of crotchet (quarter note), in M.M. (Maclzel's Metronome)

Dynamics (loudness)

Music Notation

Musical notation - Wikiwand
List of musical symbols - Wikiwand
How to read music - Tim Hansen - YouTube

Scientific pitch notation - Wikiwand

Intonation (music) - Wikiwand

music21: a Toolkit for Computer-Aided Musicology


Clefs are symbols to denote how high or low the music is going to sound

abc notation

abc | home a text-based music notation system and the de facto standard for folk and traditional music. It can be used to generate MIDI and score.
ABC notation - Wikiwand

ABC (musical notation) - Just Solve the File Format Problem
abcjs: Table of Contents
abc | learning
abc | examples
Making Music with Abc 2.pdf

6 of the best – a guide to abc software « abc notation blog


abcjs: Quick Editor
ABC edit with abc2svg

jwdj/EasyABC: EasyABC

ABC Music Notation - Visual Studio Marketplace can produce warning
ABC Tools - Visual Studio Marketplace with play



paulrosen/abcjs: javascript for rendering abc music notation
abcjs demo
Draw The Dots: Tune Editor

abcm2ps/abc2svg documentation
abc2svg: Documentation
abc:standard:v2.2 [abc wiki]

Tips and Tricks

abc:standard:v2.1 Use of fields within the tune body use [] or \{field}

E2E EFE|E2E EFG|[M:9/8] A2G F2E D2|]


Tunes - ABC Music Notation


LilyPond – Music notation for everyone
LilyPond / LilyPond · GitLab


MusicXML for Exchanging Digital Sheet Music
MusicXML - Wikiwand
MusicXML 3.0 Specification


The problem with midi « abc notation blog
What Happened to MIDI? | Nostalgia Nerd - YouTube


MuseScore download |
10 Applications Every Linux Using Musician Should Know About
Hydrogen MIDI consumer
MIDI to mp3/ogg

timidity file.mid -Ow -o - | lame - file.mp3
timidity file.mid -Ow -o - | lame - file.ogg

creative-coding#Sonic Pi

luvsound/pippi: computer music with python

Woyten/tune: Make xenharmonic music and create synthesizer tuning files for microtonal scales.
tune/tune-cli at master · Woyten/tune

surge-synthesizer/tuning-workbench-synth: A simple JUCE synth which uses our tuning-library

ambv/fm-demo: FM synthesis in Python from scratch, accompanying my PyCon US 2021 talk
TALK / Łukasz Langa / Generate buzz with realtime FM audio synthesis - YouTube

miniaudio - A single file audio playback and capture library.
mackron/miniaudio: Single file audio playback and capture library written in C.
miniaudio · PyPI


Chrome Piano
Chrome Music Lab


Free music composition and notation software | MuseScore
Open Music Score | The world's largest free sheet music catalog and community
Directory listing of
91 譜 - 即時轉調的吉他譜
IMSLP: Free Sheet Music PDF Download

Easy Music

Dolmetsch Online - Manuscript/Staff/Music paper/Papier à musique
Digimon - Butter-Fly (Piano Cover) [SHEET MUSIC] - YouTube
Frozen - Let It Go (Piano Cover) [SHEET MUSIC] - YouTube
Pirates of the Caribbean - He's A Pirate (Piano Cover) - YouTube

How Music Works / David Byrne

pentatonic notes
black notes on piano


Music Theory Series - YouTube
Music And Measure Theory - YouTube

How Music Works with Howard Goodall 01 Melody Full Show - YouTube ><
Howard Goodall How Music Works 2 Rhythm - YouTube
Howard Goodall How Music Works 3 Harmony - YouTube
Howard Goodall How Music Works 4 Bass - YouTube

BBC Howard Goodall's Story of Music 1of6 The Age of Discovery - YouTube
BBC Howard Goodall's Story of Music 2of6 The Age of Invention - YouTube
BBC Howard Goodall's Story of Music 3of6 The Age of Elegance and Sensibility - YouTube ><
BBC Howard Goodall's Story of Music 4of6 The Age of Tragedy - YouTube
BBC Howard Goodall's Story of Music 5of6 The Age of Rebellion - YouTube
BBC Howard Goodall's Story of Music 6of6 The Popular Age - YouTube

Howard Goodall's Story of Music Learning Zone Episode 1 - YouTube
Howard Goodall's Story of Music Learning Zone Episode 2 - YouTube

Why does Mario music sound "Fun"? - YouTube
Why the DUCKTALES Theme Song is Stuck in Your Head Right Now... || NerdSync - YouTube

Classical Music

Classic FM - The World's Greatest Music
The transformative power of classical music | Benjamin Zander - YouTube
Gramophone – classical music magazine, podcast and reviews | Gramophone

AVROTROS Klassiek - YouTube
Akademia Filmu i Telewizji - YouTube
Voices of Music - YouTube
Alejandro Sanz - YouTube

EP.38 |古典系列 - 為何現代人還要聽歌劇?聊聊欣賞歌劇的發展歷史 - YouTube

1812 Overture

The 1812 Overture: the hit that Tchaikovsky hated - Classic FM
How to tell a story with music: a brief narrative analysis of the 1812 overture
Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture: the complete guide | Gramophone


Can't Help Falling In Love on a Kalimba - YouTube


好和弦的《學鋼琴完全指南》!想學鋼琴嗎?看這部就好~ - YouTube
好和弦的「鋼琴視譜」完全指南!讓你秒讀五線譜的完整訓練課程~ - YouTube
在鋼琴上輕鬆地「飛來飛去」!厲害的人都在用的移位絕招~ - YouTube

Kazoo 卡祖笛

卡祖笛 - Wikiwand

♪Your Music 愉耳樂器 ♪ 卡祖笛是什麼??| kazzo |英國 Clarke | Dunlop 塑膠| woodman 實木 卡祖笛 實測 - YouTube
LOL 樂器開箱|| 卡祖笛 - YouTube


Sarah Jeffery / Team Recorder - YouTube

why you were forced to learn the recorder in school - YouTube
why you were forced to learn recorder in school: PRO recorder player reacts to Answer in Progress - YouTube


Guitar Fretboard: Master the Notes on the Neck
Only Guitar Music Theory You Need in 5 Minutes


Juju ukulele beginner tablatures
revolunet/opentablatures: some tablatures for ukulele beginner

Drum Kit

打鼓比你想的複雜!專業鼓手示範 13 個難度級別的鼓技|科普長知識| GQ Taiwan - YouTube


MayTree - YouTube
Game & Effect - YouTube

SenzaACappella - YouTube

Motor speaker

Legend of Zelda theme on hard drive speaker - YouTube
Twist 'Em Out on hard drive speaker - YouTube
New York, New York on hard drive speaker - YouTube
Darude - Sandstorm on hard drive speaker - YouTube

Motor Sound Generator: 4 Steps (with Pictures)
Music With Servo Motor: 3 Steps
【社长说 29】这些神仙制造的朋克乐器有多硬核 - YouTube