The Economics of Nuclear Energy - YouTube
Is Nuclear Energy Green? - YouTube
typical nuclear reactor uses uranium-235, which is only 0.7% of the uranium on Earth
Fast Breeder Rector transmutes uranium-238 to plutonium-239
Molten Salt Reactor
Thorium Reactor (Molten Salt Reactor with Thorium as fuel)
Small Modular Reactor
Nuclear Future - YouTube Two Bit da Vinci
Nuclear Fission
Information Library - World Nuclear Association
WTF Happened to Nuclear Energy? - YouTube
Inside a Nuclear Reactor - YouTube
The Future of Nuclear Energy Depends On This... - YouTube
- Gen 1: 1950s, prototypes
- Gen 2: 1960s, Pressurized water reactors (PWR), Boiling water reactors (BWR)
- Gen 3: 2000s, more efficient, passive safety
- Gen 4: 2020s, fast neutron reactors, reuse nuclear waste, combine with thermal energy storage (TES)
The Uncertain Future of Nuclear Power - YouTube Gen 4
切尔诺贝利的警示:核辐射有哪些危害?核电站会发生核爆炸吗? - YouTube
切尔诺贝利为啥爆炸?原子弹与核电站的工作原理 - YouTube
高功率管道式反應堆/輕水石墨堆 RBMK
After years of doubts, hopes grow that nuclear fusion is finally for real and could help address climate change - The Boston Globe
Breakthrough Energy Source Makes Other Power Plants Obsolete! - YouTube Traveling Wave Reactor, breed and burn, uses depleted Uranium as fuel
新核能安全嗎?比爾蓋茲第四代核電廠動土!儲電技術竟然取經太陽能? - YouTube 快中子滋生反應堆
太阳为啥不会瞬间就炸掉?核聚变比人体放热还缓慢吗?李永乐老师讲人造太阳(1) - YouTube
Nuclear Waste
The Big Lie About Nuclear Waste - YouTube
Nuclear waste is not the problem you've been made to believe it is - YouTube
全美爭議最大建設項目,猶卡山核廢掩埋計畫怎麼了? - YouTube
Small Modular Reactor (SMR)
Small modular reactor - Wikiwand it is less efficient than traditional nuclear plant
Small nuclear power reactors - World Nuclear Association
What are Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)? | IAEA
Advanced Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) | Department of Energy
Benefits of Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) | Department of Energy
Why Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Are the KEY - YouTube
Nuclear 4.0 | The Small Modular Reactor Revolution - YouTube
- light water reactor
- fast neutron reactor
- very high temperature reactor (graphite moderated)
- non-light water coolant reactor (e.g. )
最安全的核電廠?郭董提的小型核電廠 SMR,在中國已有併網發電實例!用發電量換安全性,真的遇到停電也不怕? - YouTube
Molten Salt Reactor
molten salt reactor inherently can be made modular
It's Happening - China Launches World's First Thorium Nuclear Reactor - YouTube
- breeds non-radioactive Thorium 232 to Uranium 233
- produces less actinides (radio-toxic elements with very long half-lives)
High-Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactor (HTGR)
Uses Helium as coolant, 24% better specific heat capacity than water
Higher operation temperature can support new use cases (e.g.: steel refinery)
Tri-structural Isotropic (TRISO) fuel (uranium oxide in ceramic shell)
Can be cooled passively at air temperature without meltdown
Japan's Plan to DESTROY the Price of OIL and GAS! - YouTube using HTTR (HTGR + IS) to produce red hydrogen
Nuclear Fusion
Nuclear fusion - Wikiwand
A Strange 1950s Technology Could Finally Bring Fusion Energy to the Grid
Fusion - YouTube Improbable Matter
deuterium-deuterium (D-D) reaction -> H3 + neutron
deuterium-tritium (D-T) reaction -> H4 + neutron, preferred
We need Q factor (energy in/energy out) of 10-25 to make generating electricity feasible.
Yet the Q factor report in research papers is Q_plasma (reaction gain), the output is heat and conversion to electricity has efficiency of less han 50%.
Q_total includes the energy required to create and maintain the plasma and the output would be electricity, so Q_total << Q_plasma (maybe by a factor of 100).
Can Nuclear Fusion Reactors Save The World? - Stuff You Should Know (podcast)
Sabine Hossenfelder
How close is nuclear fusion power? - YouTube hot fusion
Nuclear Fusion: Who'll Be First To Make It Work?Fusion - YouTube
Cold Fusion is Back (there's just one problem) - YouTube
Tokamak Fusion Reactor
Is The World's Largest Fusion Project Dead? - YouTube another delay of ITER into 2034
Magnetic confinement fusion
The Problem with Nuclear Fusion - YouTube tritium is scarce, while it can be produced in the fusion:
- beryllium used for the extra neutron is expensive
- tritium created is high energy, capturing them reduces efficiency
- radioactive uranium will also be created
我们离可控核聚变还有多远?如何实现可控核聚变?(上) - YouTube
可控核聚变离我们还有多远?托卡马克装置原理介绍(下) - YouTube
什么能源可以取之不尽?中国的人造太阳 EAST 装置啥原理?李永乐老师讲托卡马克 - YouTube
The SPARC tokamak: towards a burning plasma in this decade by Dr. Pablo Rodriguez-Fernandez/ IAP2021 - YouTube
可控核聚变,来得也许比我们想象中快得多!为什么?【科学火箭叔】 - YouTube
Magnetic confinement fusion, Tokamak Fusion Reactor
High Temperature Superconductor
Exploring Why This Nuclear Fusion Breakthrough Matters - YouTube
A Star in a Bottle: The Quest for Commercial Fusion - YouTube
Inertial confinement fusion
Inertial confinement fusion - Wikiwand
Finally, a Fusion Reaction Has Generated More Energy Than Absorbed by The Fuel
Oil killer?: Why the race to harness the power of the sun just sped up | Financial Post
可控核聚变重大突破:美国人用激光惯性约束实现点火!无限能源要来了吗? - YouTube
Magneto-inertial fusion
Magneto-inertial fusion - Wikiwand
Helion | First to fusion
Helion Energy - Wikiwand
A New Way to Achieve Nuclear Fusion: Helion - YouTube uses the change in magnetic field to generate heat
打造世界第一台核聚变发电机?美国明星创业公司 Helion 是颠覆还是骗局? - YouTube
The problems with Helion Energy - a response to Real Engineering - YouTube
Pebble-bed reactor
Pebble-bed reactor - Wikiwand Generation 4
What the US could learn from China's nuclear power expansion - CNET
Nuclear Battery
Epic Tech Runs Cars & Homes For 1000 Years Without Gas Or Charging? - YouTube using nuclear wastes
NDB: nuclear diamond battery