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World War II

January 9, 2025
June 7, 2015

第二次世界大战 - Wikiwand
World War II - Wikiwand
BBC - World War Two
War Stories - YouTube
World War Two - YouTube
The Operations Room - YouTube battles animated
Yarnhub - YouTube battles animated
重返戰場 - YouTube
二戰風雲戰役和人物 - YouTube 历史学
Historical videos. Missions that changed the world - YouTube

Imperial War Museums - YouTube
Second World War Stories - YouTube

The Fallen of World War II - Data-driven documentary about war & peace
World War II Every Day with Army Sizes - YouTube
World Wars History - YouTube

Allies vs Axis
Modern History of World: What are some cool/unusual facts about soldiers in WWI and WWII? - Quora


Hitler came into power and became the Fuhrer on January 30,1933

Japan seized Manchuria in 1931. In 1937 Japan attacked the rest of China.
German invaded Poland in 1939. It then invaded the central country Belgium to attacked France, avoiding the Maginot Line.
4 June, 1940, English, French, Belgium soldiers retreated to England from Dunkirk. The success was partially due to German's strategy of mostly using air force rather than infantry in the operation.
27 Sept, 1940, The Axis Power formed.
USSR entered non-aggression pact with German in 1939. Even knowing German's plan to attack USSR (Operation Barbarossa) in 1941, USSR continue to export oil and minerals to German.
7 December, 1941, Japan attacked Pearl Harbour.
1 Jan, 1941, 26 countries singed the Declaration of United Nations in Washington to counter Fascism.
11 Nov, 1943, Mussolini stepped down, Italy joined the Allies.
6 June 1944, British and American attacked Normandy, USSR also strengthened attacks on Eastern Front.

Why did Germany think that it could rule the world in 1941? - Quora
石油!拖垮強大德軍裝甲部隊!為什麼希特勒不攻佔中東地區獲取石油?不缺石油的二戰德國有多可怕?#重返戰場 #二戰 #德國 #虎式坦克 #苏联 - YouTube

WWII Documentaries - YouTube collection
WWII - YouTube WarsofTheWorld

World at War
Apocalypse - Second World War Documentary - WW2 Documentary - YouTube
World War II In Colour - YouTube
World War II: 1942 and Hitler's Soft Underbelly - YouTube
WWII: The Last Heroes - YouTube
WWII Documentaries - YouTube

The Second World War: 1939 - 1945 | WWII Documentary: PART 1 - YouTube
The Second World War: 1939 - 1945 | WWII Documentary: PART 2 - YouTube

Best World War 2 Documentary Ever!! - YouTube
The Complete History of the Second World War | World War II Documentary | Part 1 - YouTube
The Complete History of the Second World War | World War II Documentary | Part 2 - YouTube
World War 2 Explained | Best WW2 Documentary | Part 1 - YouTube
World War 2 Explained | Best WW2 Documentary | Part 2 - YouTube
World War II - Summary on a Map - YouTube
WW2 - OverSimplified (Part 1) - YouTube
WW2 - OverSimplified (Part 2) - YouTube
A History Teacher Reacts | Oversimplified - WW2 (Part 1) - YouTube
A History Teachers Reacts | Oversimplified - WW2 (Part 2) - YouTube
二战那些事儿 - YouTube
Eastory - YouTube
Montemayor - YouTube
二戰系列 - 欣阳漫話 - YouTube

"Brilliant" plans to win World War II - YouTube
15 分鐘講完二次世界大戰 (簡史、重點、趣聞) - YouTube
一口气看完 《第二次世界大战》完整版 Best World War II commentary - YouTube
二戰中的熊戰士:抽煙、喝酒、把妹,還能晉升下士……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube

二戰敦刻爾克大逃亡:希特勒把40萬英法聯軍逼入絕境,卻為何停止進攻?「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube

朝核危機反思:二戰核攻擊日本前外交秘史(上) - BBC News 中文
朝核危機反思:二戰核攻擊日本前外交秘史(下) - BBC News 中文

Were Nazis Drug-Fueled Crankheads? | Stuff You Should Know
Meth powered German's invasion on France, also contributed to the failure in Russia

Juan Garcia

左右二戰的宅男:成為英國頂級特工,有史以來最燒腦的一集……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube


aviation#World War II

The Secret Science of World War II - Full Documentary - YouTube


U-Boats, WWII: Battle of the Atlantic - Curious Minds Podcast
U Boats in WWII, Pt. II - Curious Minds Podcast

sonar cannot detect near surface U Boats
Before the occupation of France, German U Boats have to deport in the North Sea to engage the Atlantic battlefield. After the occupation, they engaged to battles easier, saving fuels and time. They also adopted the "wolf pack" tactics, where a fleet of U Boats fire simultaneously onto the target from multiple directions.
British got an Enigma in U110 in 1941 and U559 in October 1942.
U2511, first type 21 electric U Boats, manufactured in early 1945.

Did the Japanese know Navajo code talkers were used in WWII but were unable to crack the language or did they have no clue what language it was? - Quora
How Effective Was Navajo Code? | The Peoples Paths
Navajo Code Talkers and the Unbreakable Code — Central Intelligence Agency

Manhattan Project

nuclear-weapon#Fission Bomb/Atomic Bomb

Manhattan Project was the secret project to develop atomic (fission) bomb to end the war.

Manhattan Project - Wikiwand
Manhattan Project Facts, information, pictures | articles about Manhattan Project
How the Manhattan Project Worked | HowStuffWorks
TechStuff Takes Manhattan (Project) - TechStuff (podcast)
The Manhattan Project Part One - TechStuff (podcast)


Napalm - Wikiwand
78 年前,這位博士把地獄之火召喚到人間,然後,人間出現了一座座煉獄,我們似乎再也回不去了……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube

dropped to Tokyo in 1945-03
Air raids on Japan - Wikiwand


Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima - Wikiwand
【Image Explained】經典二戰歷史照片「硫磺島升旗」拆解背後的故事! (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube

Raising a Flag over the Reichstag - Wikiwand the iconic photo that is reproduced in CoD:World at War
Why the Soviets doctored this iconic photo - YouTube


Pacific War

太平洋战争 - Wikiwand
THE PACIFIC WAR - Japan versus the US | Full Documentary - YouTube
Pacific War - Week by week - YouTube Kings and Generals

Pacific Ocean Theatre: America's Gruelling Fight For The Pacific | Battlezone | War Stories - YouTube
How American Tanks Rolled Over The Pacific | Greatest Tank Battles | Timeline - YouTube

二戰太平洋風雲:人类第一次航母作戰在美日之間爆發,中途島戰役和瓜島戰役讓日軍損失慘重! - YouTube
二戰風雲之《血戰太平洋》:一口氣看完最昂貴的二戰美劇,美軍連續登島作戰逼進日本本土,納粹日本滅亡倒計時 - YouTube

Pearl Harbour

Attack on Pearl Harbor - Wikiwand
珍珠港事件 - Wikiwand

Attack on Pearl Harbor 1941 - YouTube
The reason Japan attacked Pearl Harbor - YouTube
What History Never Told You About Pearl Harbor - YouTube

During 1941, Japan continued to invade China and French Indo-China. In response. British, France, and the Dutch East Indies placed embargo on Japan.
Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Japan attacked the Naval base of Pearl Harbour in Hawaii. This is to prevent US Navy fleet interfering Japan's expansion to Southeast Asia to secure its oil and other supplies. This triggered US to join the Pacific front.

The Admiral in charge of Pearl Harbour was more afraid of attacks from Japanese spies than the improbable air attack.

Doolittle Raid

US's bombing of Tokyo and Honshu on 18 April 1942.
This is the beginning of air raids to Japan island.

Doolittle Raid - Wikiwand
The Doolittle Raid | Full Documentary | Jimmy Doolittle | Missions That Changed The War |l The B-25 - YouTube

Battle of Midway

Battle of Midway: Why The Japanese Failed To Destroy The US Navy | Battles Won & Lost | War Stories - YouTube
World War II: The Battle of Midway | Full Movie (Feature Documentary) - YouTube
Battle of Midway Tactical Overview – World War II | History - YouTube

It began with the Battle of the Coral Sea, the first air carrier battle in human history
The Battle of the Coral Sea 1942: The First Aircraft Carrier Battle in History - YouTube
The Battle of the Coral Sea - Part 1 - Animated - YouTube
The Battle of the Coral Sea - Part 2, The Carrier Battle - Animated - YouTube

The Battle of Midway 1942: Told from the Japanese Perspective (1/3) - YouTube
The Battle of Midway: Hiryu's Counterstrike (2/3) - YouTube
The Battle of Midway: The American Perspective and The Strategic Consequences of the Battle (3/3) - YouTube

Iwo Jima

Iwo Jima - YouTube The Operations Room
Terrible Price of Victory - Battle of Iwo Jima (WW2 Documentary) - YouTube


Operation Iceberg, US's plan of incursion to Okinawa

Biggest US Battle in the Pacific: Okinawa 1945 (4K WW2 Documentary) - YouTube


二戰日本最後的瘋狂:神風特攻隊,自殺式攻擊美軍艦艇,戰況慘烈「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube


WW2 - Second Sino-Japanese War, 1937-1941 - YouTube
WW2 - Second Sino-Japanese War, 1941-1945 - YouTube

Eastern Front

Eastern Front (World War II) - Wikiwand

USSR entered a pact with German and joined forces in the invasion of Poland early in WW2.

How Russia Stopped The Blitzkrieg - YouTube

Operation Barbarossa

German's invasion of Russia on 22 June 1941.

Operation Barbarossa - Wikiwand
Operation Barbarossa | History, Summary, Combatants, Casualties, & Facts | Britannica

Deadliest Siege of WWII: Leningrad | Animated History - YouTube
Operation Barbarossa: The Invasion That Doomed Nazi Germany | Hitler's Lost Battles | War Stories - YouTube
Operation Barbarossa: Hitler's failed invasion of Russia - YouTube

Battle of Stalingrad

German targets Stalingrad in the south after the failure of Operation Barbarossa.

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikiwand
The 1942 Tank Defence Of Stalingrad | Greatest Tank Battles | Timeline - YouTube
The Battle of Stalingrad: Jul 1942 - Feb 1943 | World War II Documentary - YouTube

Operation Uranus

Soviet's counter attack to German's siege on Stalingrad in November 1942.
This signify a turn of tide for the Germans to take a defensive stance since the beginning of the war.

Operation Uranus - Wikiwand

Battle of Kursk

Between German and Soviet forces in July and August of 1943, the Germans hoped to be able to weaken the Soviets by taking out large numbers of their men.

Western Front

Western Front (World War II) - Wikiwand
European theatre of World War II - Wikiwand


Blitzkrieg tactics explained | How Hitler invaded France WW2 - YouTube
Why Blitzkrieg Was So Horrifyingly Effective? | Battlezone | War Stories - YouTube

The Germans main forces broke through what was once thought the impenetrable defense of the rough mountainous and heavily wooded area of Ardennes.
The 400000 Allied Troops were stranded in Dunkirk and had to be saved by thousands of civilian ships.

Battle of Britain

Battle of Britain - Wikiwand

Eagle Day: The RAF's Last Stand Against The Luftwaffe | Battle Of Britain | Timeline - YouTube
The Battle Of Britain: Britains Finest Hour | WW2 Documentary - YouTube
Battle of Britain | Nebula
How was the Battle of Britain Won? | Animated History - YouTube
不列顛空戰:人類史上最大空戰,戈林或成最大内鬼 - YouTube

Operation Overlord/D-Day

Operation Overlord - Wikiwand
The Normandy Landings: June 6, 1944 | D-Day Documentary - YouTube WarsofTheWorld
June 6, 1944 – The Light of Dawn | History - D-Day - War Documentary - YouTube

D-DAY - YouTube The Armchair Historian
D-Day from the American Perspective | Bird's Eye View - YouTube
D-Day from the British Perspective | Bird's Eye View - YouTube
D-Day From the German Perspective | Animated History - YouTube

The Logistics of D-Day | Nebula Real Engineering

Operation Mincemeat

A corpse was dumped to Spain to leak the false clue that the Allies are invading through Greece and Sardinia to conceal their D-Day operation in Normandy, France.

Operation Mincemeat - Wikiwand
Operation Mincemeat: How A Corpse Fooled the Nazis | Stuff You Should Know: The Podcast
Operation Mincemeat: How a dead tramp fooled Hitler - BBC News

Operation Fortitude

To deceive Germany the Allies will land on the easy to reach Pas de Calais to cover up Operation Overlord.

Operation Fortitude - Wikiwand

Operation Husky

Allied invasion of Sicily - Wikiwand

Espionage to cover up Operation Husky.
一個不存在的人,幫盟軍打贏了二戰?戰爭史上最匪夷所思事件,拯救世界、敲響希特勒喪鐘的幽靈 [She's Xiaowu @ndwtb] - YouTube

Operation Market Garden

Allies' push to defeat Germany by December 1944.
Prelude to the Battle of Bulge.

Operation Market Garden - Wikiwand
Why Operation Market Garden failed - YouTube

Battle Of The Bulge

German's last offensive campaign on Ardennes Territories with 8 Panzer division in late 1944.

Battle of the Bulge - Wikiwand

Battle Of The Bulge: The Bloodiest Battle The US Fought In WW2 | Greatest Tank Battles | War Stories - YouTube
Why Germany Lost the Battle of the Bulge (4K WW2 Documentary) - YouTube
The Battle of the Bulge | Hitler’s failed Ardennes Offensive - YouTube
The Battle of the Bulge - YouTube

Battle of the Bulge - YouTube The Operations Room

Operation Chastise

Dambusters Raid, attack of German dams on 16 May 1943

Operation Chastise - Wikiwand
The Dam Busters (film) - Wikiwand

Britain's Most Daring WW2 Raid - YouTube

Operation Jericho

Mosquitos Raid Amiens Prison to Jailbreak French Resistance Prisoners - YouTube

Battle of Berlin

The rush for the Soviets and Western Allies for the first to conquer Berlin

Battle of Berlin - Wikiwand
Battle of Berlin | Animated History - YouTube

Mediterranean and Middle East

Mediterranean and Middle East theatre of World War II - Wikiwand

How Rommel became the Desert Fox | Operation Sonnenblume - YouTube
Turning point in the desert | The Second Battle of El Alamein - YouTube