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Nuclear Weapon

January 9, 2025
March 24, 2023

Nuclear weapon - Wikiwand

How to launch a nuclear missile - YouTube

Fission Bomb/Atomic Bomb

Shaped C4 (insensitive) charges are used send shockwave to compress the core from different direction uniformly. When the core reaches criticality, it will start the nuclear chain reaction.

The Truth About Why America Dropped Atomic Bombs on Japan - YouTube
The B-29 Superfortress Bomber That Dropped The Atomic Bomb | Enola Gay | Complete Documentary - YouTube
The heavy loss in the incursion of Okinawa caused US President Truman to use atomic bombs to for Japan into submission

Why isn’t Hiroshima a Nuclear Wasteland? - YouTube
Why Oppenheimer Deserves His Own Movie - YouTube

NUKEMAP by Alex Wellerstein
How Nuclear Bombs Work | HowStuffWorks
Why Can People Live in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Now, But Not Chernobyl?

【不止遊戲】一顆核彈究竟有多大的威力? - YouTube
核弹的威力究竟有多大?How Powerful Are Nuclear Weapons?【柴知道】【科普 Science】【冷知识 Trivia】 - YouTube

Nuclear Cores

惡魔核心的真實故事:科學家用手掰開原子彈,這不是笑話……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
How The Demon Core Killed Everyone Who Touched It - YouTube
The Plutonium Core of an Atom Bomb - Periodic Table of Videos - YouTube

Thin Man (nuclear bomb) - Wikiwand
Little Boy - Wikiwand
Fat Man - Wikiwand
Why Protecting Tanks is Getting Much More Difficult - YouTube

Core X (Thin Man, Implosion type, Trinity test in New Mexico, July 16, 1945)
Core #0 (Little Boy, Gun type, Hiroshima, August 6, 1945)
Core #1 (Big Boy, Implosion type, Trinity Nuclear Test)
Core #2 (Fat Man, Gun type, Nagasaki, August 9, 1945)
Core #3 (Rufus, Demon Core)

Gun type bomb: Uranium ores contains small portion of fissionable U-235 so enrichment by centrifuge has to be done. Two separate slugs of U-235, each under the critical mass, are smashed together with a gun-like contraption. The yield (efficiency) of this kind of bomb is low.

Implosion type bomb:  Plutonium has smaller critical mass than U-235 and cost less to produce then Uranium enrichment. The Plutonium Core is molded to a spherical shell. Beryllium and Polonium inside the shell serves as a neutron source (the Urchin). Explosives surrounding the shell will set off and compress the shell to make it more difficult for the neutrons to escape.

Hydrogen Bomb/Fusion Bomb/Thermonuclear Bomb

Thermonuclear weapon - Wikiwand
The Most Insane Weapon You Never Heard About - YouTube

An Implosion type Fission bomb is used to create the temperature and pressure to kick start nuclear fusion

Ivy Mike
Tzar bomb
Project Sundial (plan)