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January 9, 2025
August 9, 2019


Geology - Wikiwand
Paleontology - Wikiwand
Ma = million years ago
Ga = billion years ago

History of Earth - Wikiwand
Timeline of the evolutionary history of life - Wikiwand
Evolutionary history of life - Wikiwand

History of the Earth - YouTube
⁸ᴷ Interactive Continental Drift - YouTube

4.5 Billion Years in 1 Hour - YouTube Kurzgesagt – In a Nutshell
The Entire History of The Earth - YouTube
The History of Earth - How Our Planet Formed - Full Documentary HD - YouTube
超出你想象的地球預言 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
Paleo 101 - YouTube

Ben G Thomas - YouTube
CHimerasuchus - YouTube
E.D.G.E - YouTube
GEO GIRL - YouTube
Factor Trace - YouTube
Henry the PaleoGuy - YouTube
History of the Earth - YouTube
PBS Eons - YouTube
黑毛羊駝 Official Channel - YouTube
芳斯塔芙 - YouTube

The Paleontology Fringe Theories Iceberg | Tier 1 - YouTube
The Paleontology Fringe Theories Iceberg | Tier 2 (Part 1) - YouTube
The Paleontology Fringe Theories Iceberg | Tier 2 (Part 2) - YouTube

TREY the Explainer
Paleo Profile - YouTube
Paleontology Videos - YouTube

Paleontology - YouTube
The Most Important Discoveries in Paleontology - Part 1 - YouTube
How to Clone a Mammoth: The Science of De-Extinction - with Beth Shapiro - YouTube

The Man Who Created The Dinosaurs - YouTube Sir Richard Owen
The Unsung Hero of Dinosaurs - Gideon Mantell - YouTube

Bone Wars - Wikiwand
發生在 19 世紀的恐龍化石戰爭,且看兩個古生物研究狂人的鬥爭如何引領恐龍文化的狂潮丨恐龍時代 - YouTube
化石是怎樣形成?甚麼是化石?恐龍如何變成化石?(繁體中文字幕) - YouTube


Walking with Dinosaurs mini-series review - YouTube 6 episodes
Walking with Monsters mini-series review - YouTube
Walking with Prehistoric Beasts mini-series review - YouTube
Chased by Dinosaurs mini-series review - YouTube 2 episodes
Chased by Sea Monsters mini-series review - YouTube 3 episodes
Prehistoric Park mini-series review - YouTube 6 episodes

Walking With Dinosaurs Reviews - YouTube scientific review

Walking With Monsters (2005) Review - YouTube
Walking With Beasts (2001) Review - YouTube
Walking With Monsters (2005) Review - YouTube
Chased By Dinosaurs (2002) & Chased By Sea Monsters (2003) Reviews - YouTube

Dinosaur Revolution - Wikiwand
Dinosaur Revolution Wiki | Fandom


An Illustrated History of Dinosaurs - YouTube
Our knowledge of dinosaurs is evolving. So is how we depict them — Quartz
Paleoart: Painting the Land Before Time - YouTube
Prehistoric Palettes - YouTube
A renaissance is occurring in the way we render extinct species | Books, Et Al.
Extinct Animals Images - Prehistoric Fauna Reconstructions
-Paleoart- — Art of RJ Palmer

What Dinosaurs ACTUALLY Looked Like? - YouTube
Welcome to Jurassic Art - 99% Invisible
Welcome to Jurassic Art Redux - 99% Invisible

霸王龍和博爾特賽跑誰能贏?復原有史以來最準確的霸王龍 | 雅桑了嗎 - YouTube


Geologic time scale - Wikiwand
地質年代 - Wikiwand
Geological history of Earth - Wikiwand
240 million years ago to 250 million years in the future - YouTube

Ancient Earth globe 3D globe in prehistory

Stratigraphy - Wikiwand
地層學 - Wikiwand
International Commission on Stratigraphy 地質年代表/年代地層表
地質年代表(國際地層柱) – 新石頭城
【皮毛考古兩分鐘】甚麼是侏羅紀? 淺談恐龍時代! (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube

如果南極是雨林會怎樣?全球變暖是自然規律嗎?傳播陰謀論之前,你需要知道這些真相【老肉雜談】 - YouTube


宙 Eon
代 Era
紀 Period
世 Epoch
期 Age

Cretaceous 白堊紀 65-145 Ma
Flower plants, mammals and birds evolved
Jurassic 侏羅紀 145-200 Ma
Triassic 三疊紀 200-250 Ma
Permian 二疊紀 250-300 Ma
Carboniferous 石炭紀 300-360 Ma
Devonian 泥盆紀 360-420 Ma
Silurian 志留紀 420-440 Ma
Ordovician 奧陶紀 440-485 Ma
Cambrian 寒武紀 485-540 Ma
Ediacaran 震旦紀 550 Ma


Pangaea - Wikiwand the singele continent in 225 Ma, starts to split since Triassic
泛大陆 - Wikiwand

Pangea Continent Map - Continental Drift - Supercontinent
Incredible Map of Pangea With Modern-Day Borders
From Pangaea to the Modern Continents - YouTube

Rodinia broke in 750 Ma
Gondwana - Wikiwand


汤加火山是如何形成的?超级火山喷发如何改变人类命运? - YouTube

VEI 5: Mount Vesuvius eruption in 77 C.E. that destroyed Pompeii
VEI 6: Peru in 1600, causing drop in temperature and famine in Russia and China's Ming dynasty
VEI 7: Indonesia in 1815, causing year without summer


Extinction event - Wikiwand mass extinction
生物集群滅絕 - Wikiwand
物種滅絕正在進行中? 介紹地球史上 6 次大型物種滅絕事件 (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube
滅絕事件 - YouTube 黑毛羊駝

月球是重啟地球的開關,地球曾被月球重啟七次?月球背後的宇宙秘密……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube 腦洞

The Other Explosion You Should Know About - YouTube

It's after the evolution of insects, by grinding the dead plants and trees, which help to stabilize the oxygen/carbon cycle and eliminated the explosion/extinction cycle

Great Oxidation Event


The Great Oxidation Event (GOE) | GEO GIRL - YouTube before Boring Billion
How Bad Was The Great Oxidation Event? - YouTube
Photosynthesis Unleashes Chemical Superweapon: Oxygen - YouTube

How Cyanobacteria Took Over The World - YouTube the prokaryote that can photosyntheses

Boring Billion

1.8 to 0.8 Ga (Billion years ago)
between the two Oxidation Events

Boring Billion - Wikiwand

The "Boring Billion"- What Really Happened 1.8 to 0.8 Billion Years Ago? GEO GIRL - YouTube
The Earth's "Boring Billion" Years Were Anything But - YouTube

Previously Unknown Complex Lifeforms Dominated Earth 1.6 Billion Years Ago - YouTube
Accidental Discovery of Ancient Organisms We Never Knew Existed - YouTube

Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event


The Neoproterozoic Oxygenation Event (NOE) | GEO GIRL - YouTube after Boring Billion, caused by Rodinia breaking up and Cryognian thriving, this in turns contributes to Cambrian Explosion
Early Paleozoic Oxygen History: Evidence & Reasons for Paleozoic Oxygen Fluctuations | GEO GIRL - YouTube oxygen fluctuation post NOE, causing multiple explosion and extinction cycles

Snowball Earth

Avalon Explosion

580 Ma

Animalia and Fungi evolved
擁有三胚層構造及神經系統的動物有較大優勢, 發展成為真後生動物 Eumetazoa

Ediacaran Extinction

550 Ma

End-Ediacaran extinction - Wikiwand
埃迪卡拉紀末期滅絕事件 - Wikiwand

Cambrian Explosion

540 Ma

Cambrian explosion - Wikiwand
寒武紀大爆發 - Wikiwand

Cambrian Explosion- More like PREcambrian Explosion & Cambrian Skeletonization | GEO GIRL - YouTube
我們都是外星生命的證據?探秘詭異的寒武紀生命大爆發!【老肉雜談】 - YouTube

Ordovician Extinction (Big Five)

450 Ma
killed off 27% of all families, 57% of all genera and 60% to 70% of all species
oxygen level in ocean decreased, vertebrates flourish

Ordovician–Silurian extinction events - Wikiwand
奧陶紀-志留紀滅絕事件 - Wikiwand

Late Devonian Extinction (Big Five)

370 Ma
eliminated about 19% of all families, 50% of all genera and at least 70% of all species
ocean reduced and landmass increased
vertebrates landed

Late Devonian extinction - Wikiwand
泥盆紀後期滅絕事件 - Wikiwand

Permian Extinction/P–Tr Extinction (Big Five)

250 Ma
most of the water evaporated, killed 57% of all families, 83% of all genera and 90% to 96% of all species
Pangaea formed and blocked ocean current, flammable ice melted and released tonnes of methane gas to the atmosphere

Permian–Triassic extinction event - Wikiwand
二疊紀-三疊紀滅絕事件 - Wikiwand

Permian Extinction Information and Facts
Why did nearly all life on Earth die 250 Ma?

Carnian Pluvial Event

234 Ma, beginning of Late Triassic
Characterized by increased rainfall and humid conditions worldwide.
Lasted for about one million years.
Resulted in the diversification of many plant and animal groups.
Some reptiles adopted aquatic lifeform.

Carnian pluvial episode - Wikiwand
卡尼期洪積事件 - Wikiwand

【鬼谷闲谈】卡尼期洪积事件:一场绵延两百万年的雨 - YouTube
地球上的一場雨下了兩百萬年!兩億年的三次生命滅絕給恐龍的崛起帶來的契機丨盤點三疊紀生物群落滅絕丨滅絕事件 - YouTube

Triassic–Jurassic Extinction (Big Five)

200 Ma
About 23% of all families, 48% of all genera (20% of marine families and 55% of marine genera) and 70% to 75% of all species became extinct
Sea level changes, volcanic activities and meteor impact
Dinosaurs flourish

Triassic–Jurassic extinction event - Wikiwand
三疊紀-侏羅紀滅絕事件 - Wikiwand

Cretaceous–Paleogene Extinction/K–Pg/K–T Extinction (Big Five)

66 Ma
About 17% of all families, 50% of all genera and 75% of all species became extinct
A meteor or comet impacted on Mexico and lead to a series of geological changes
Wiped out non-avian dinosaurs, mammals flourish

Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event - Wikiwand
白堊紀﹣古近紀滅絕事件 - Wikiwand
顛覆你所知道的恐龍大滅絕原因!白堊紀大滅絕揭秘;火山噴發保護了受到隕石撞擊影響的部分生命?丨盤點白垩纪生物群落滅絕丨滅絕事件 - YouTube

Late Cretaceous Dinosaur-Dominated Ecosystem - HeritageDaily - Archaeology News

Paleogene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM)

Average temperature increased by 5-8°C, lasted for 200,000 years
After the extinction of dinosaurs, mammals begin to flourish
Antarctica ice cap melted and forests begin to grow

Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum - Wikiwand
古新世—始新世极热事件 - Wikiwand

Eocene–Oligocene Extinction


Eocene–Oligocene extinction event - Wikiwand
始新世-漸新世滅絕事件 - Wikiwand

The proliferation of grass

Younger Dryas

12800 ya
A comet of 1.5km diameter hits the ice cap in Greenland, the water contained and the ice melted created great flood on Earth
This event might have promoted human spices to practice husbandry and agriculture

新仙女木事件 - Wikiwand
Younger Dryas impact hypothesis - Wikiwand

世界上最深的套路實錘了!新仙女木事件?第四紀滅絕事件真沒那麼簡單! - YouTube
【鬼谷闲谈】新仙女木事件:那一天,大地突然冰封…… - YouTube
甲骨文的『天』字,隱藏著史前文明的秘密?文明從何而來?挖掘遺跡,探究《易經》,也許,驚天災變,這才是史前真相……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube