paleontology for geology
biology for taxonomy
What Is A Dinosaur And What Isn’t? - YouTube
You’re Probably Wrong About Dinosaurs - YouTube
Dinosaur - Wikiwand
List of dinosaur genera - Wikiwand
National Jurassic - YouTube "documentaries" made with Jurassic World Evolution 2
翼龍無法直接把人抓起來!專家介紹《侏羅紀公園》中的各種恐龍 Every Dinosaur In 'Jurassic Park' Series Explained |經典電影大解密| GQ Taiwan - YouTube
古生物界最大成果!恐龙怎么变成了鸟?? - YouTube
Dinosaur Images & Facts - The Online Database
Zoom Dinosaurs - !important
Dinosaurs | Natural History Museum !important
Dinopedia | Fandom
Dinosaur Facts | Types of Dinosaurs | DK Find Out
T-Rex Ranch - Dinosaurs For Kids - YouTube
Donut and Ah Meow Short Video - Dino 101 - YouTube
I'm A Dinosaur - YouTube
Dinosaurs National Geographic - YouTube
Your Dinosaurs Are Wrong - YouTube
恐龍時代 - YouTube 黑毛羊駝
Dino Diego - YouTube
Jurassic Park - YouTube TREY the Explainer
How Did Dinosaurs Get So Huge? - YouTube
Dinosaur size comparison chart - Business Insider
Dinosaurs Portal | Britannica
A Brief History of Dinosaurs | Live Science
The Dinosaur FAQ
When is a new dinosaur erected as a new species or genus?
How similar are different species of a given dinosaur genus?
Jurassic Park wiki | Fandom
Every Dinosaur In 'Jurassic Park' Series Explained | WIRED - YouTube
11.0 Dino explosion! - Sum Of All Parts - ABC Radio National (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
Dino explosion! v2
Prehistoric Wildlife
Adventure Dinosaurs – An adventure to discover dinosaurs. For young and old! Come and start the adventure today.
The New Dinosaur Family Tree Explained - YouTube
A study suggest that Theropoda is more closely related to Ornithischia. This would imply carnivory and similar body plans evolved twice.
But skeletal pneumaticity seems to indicate that Theropoda and Sauropoda are more closely related.
鳥臀目 - Wikiwand
Ornithischia - Wikiwand not skeletal pneumatic (hollow bones)
mostly (or all?) herbivores
蜥臀目 - Wikiwand
Saurischia - Wikiwand skeletal pneumatic (hollow bones)
Theropoda and Sauropoda
蜥腳下目 - Wikiwand
Sauropoda - Wikiwand
large herbivores
獸腳亞目 - Wikiwand
Theropoda - Wikiwand
skeletal pneumatic and three-toed fore limbs
bipedal carnivores
from where modern birds (Avian Class) evolved
The following section are usually on Family
Body Shape - Large theropod dinosaurs | Natural History Museum
Large carnivores that walked on two legs.
Body Shape - Small theropod dinosaurs | Natural History Museum
Small carnivores, herbivores and omnivores that walked on two legs and often had feathers. Birds are part of this group.
美頜龍科 Compsognathidae
美頜龍科 - Wikiwand
Compsognathidae - Wikiwand
美頜龍屬 - Wikiwand
Compsognathus - Wikiwand
中華麗羽龍屬 - Wikiwand
Sinocalliopteryx - Wikiwand
中華龍鳥屬 - Wikiwand
Sinosauropteryx - Wikiwand
馳龍科 Dromaeosauridae
名揚天下的‘迅猛龍’只是移花接木的騙局?丨盜羽刺客 - 馳龍丨近鳥類篇 01 丨【恐龍時代】 - YouTube
馳龍科 - Wikiwand
Dromaeosauridae - Wikiwand probably with feathers
恐爪龍屬 - Wikiwand
Deinonychus - Wikiwand inspiration for Jurassic Park's raptors
伶盜龍屬 - Wikiwand
Velociraptor Fact Sheet - actual raptors are turkey-sized
異特龍科 Allosauridae
異特龍超科 - Wikiwand
Allosauroidea - Wikiwand
異特龍科 - Wikiwand
Allosauridae - Wikiwand
異特龍屬 - Wikiwand
Allosaurus - Wikiwand
Allosaurus: Facts About the 'Different Lizard' | Live Science
暴龍科 Tyrannosauridae
Every Tyrannosaurid, explained. - YouTube
暴龍超科 - Wikiwand
Tyrannosauroidea - Wikipedia
暴龍科 - Wikiwand
Tyrannosauridae - Wikiwand
暴龍屬 - Wikiwand
Tyrannosaurus - Wikiwand
T. rex Fact Sheet -
How the Tyrannosaurs Ruled the World – with David Hone - YouTube
Tyrant Files - YouTube
蛇髮女怪龍屬 - Wikiwand
Gorgosaurus - Wikiwand
帝龍屬 - Wikiwand
Dilong paradoxus - Wikiwand
鯊齒龍科 Carcharodontosauridae
鯊齒龍科 - Wikiwand
Carcharodontosauridae - Wikiwand
南方巨獸龍屬 - Wikiwand
Giganotosaurus - Wikiwand
魁紂龍屬 - Wikiwand
Tyrannotitan - Wikiwand
阿貝力龍科 Abelisauridae
阿貝力龍科 - Wikiwand
Abelisauridae - Wikiwand stubby fore limbs, horn like structures on skill
食肉牛龍屬 - Wikiwand
Carnotaurus - Wikiwand
瑪君龍屬 - Wikiwand
Majungasaurus - Wikiwand
Majungasaurus - The One-horned Ruler of Madagascar - YouTube
角鼻龍科 Ceratosauridae
角鼻龍科 - Wikiwand
Ceratosauridae - Wikiwand
角鼻龍屬 - Wikiwand
Ceratosaurus - Wikiwand
棘龍科 Spinosauridae
棘龍科 - Wikiwand
Spinosauridae - Wikiwand semi-aquatic or aquatic
棘龍屬 - Wikiwand
Spinosaurus - Wikiwand
Spinosaurus Fact Sheet -
The Tail of Spinosaurus - A 2020 Revelation - YouTube
SPINOSAURUS 2020 - It Just Got Weirder - YouTube
Revisiting Spinosaurus - YouTube
Spinosaurus: The Controversy of the Aquatic Dinosaur - YouTube
艾雷拉龍科 Herrerasauridae
艾雷拉龍科 - Wikiwand
Herrerasauridae - Wikiwand
劍龍屬 - Wikiwand
Stegosaurus - Wikiwand
Stegosaurus Fact Sheet -
Stegosaurus: Bony Plates & Tiny Brain | Live Science
鴨嘴龍科 Hadrosauridae
鴨嘴龍科 - Wikiwand
Hadrosauridae - Wikiwand duck billed dinosaur
鴨嘴龍 - Wikiwand
Hadrosaurus - Wikiwand
厚頭龍屬 - Wikiwand
Pachycephalosaurus - Wikiwand
副櫛龍屬 - Wikiwand
Parasaurolophus - Wikiwand long crest
冠龍屬 - Wikiwand
Corythosaurus - Wikiwand high dome crest
角龍科 Ceratopsidae
角龍科 - Wikiwand
Ceratopsidae - Wikiwand
Body Shape - Ceratopsian dinosaurs | Natural History Museum
角龍屬 - Wikiwand
Ceratops - Wikiwand
quadrupedal herbivores from the Upper Cretaceous
characterized byparrot-like beaks, rows of shearing teeth in the back of the jaw, and elaborate nasal horns and a thin parietal-squamosal shelf that extends back and up into a frill
三角龍屬 - Wikiwand
Triceratops - Wikiwand
Triceratops Fact Sheet -
Triceratops: Facts about the Three-horned Dinosaur | Live Science
戟龍屬 - Wikiwand
Styracosaurus - Wikiwand
牛角龍屬 - Wikiwand
Torosaurus - Wikiwand
Torosaurus Fact Sheet -
祖尼角龍屬 - Wikiwand
Zuniceratops - Wikiwand
雙冠龍科 Dilophosauridae
雙冠龍科 - Wikiwand
Dilophosauridae - Wikiwand
雙冠龍屬 - Wikiwand
Dilophosaurus - Wikiwand depicted in Jurassic Park with with large frill
'Jurassic Park' got almost everything wrong about this iconic dinosaur
甲龍科 Ankylosauridae
甲龍科 - Wikiwand
Ankylosauridae - Wikiwand
Body Shape - Armoured Dinosaurs | Natural History Museum
甲龍屬 - Wikiwand
Ankylosaurus - Wikiwand
加斯頓龍屬 - Wikiwand
Gastonia (dinosaur) - Wikiwand
美甲龍屬 - Wikiwand
Saichania - Wikiwand
Body Shape - Euornithopod dinosaurs | Natural History Museum Medium-sized herbivores that usually walked on two legs.
禽龍屬 - Wikiwand
Iguanodon - Wikiwand
蜥腳類 Sauropods
Body Shape - Sauropod dinosaurs | Natural History Museum Very large herbivores that walked mostly on four legs.
進擊的巨獸第二集丨體型最大的十大蜥腳類恐龍丨恐龍之最 02 - YouTube
新蜥腳類 - Wikiwand
Neosauropoda - Wikipedia
梁龍超科 - Wikiwand
Diplodocoidea - Wikiwand
大鼻龍類 - Wikiwand
Macronaria - Wikiwand having a nasal crest
巨龍形類 - Wikiwand Titanosauriformes
馬門溪龍科 Mamenchisauridae
馬門溪龍科 - Wikiwand
亞洲第一龍丨脖子最長的恐龍丨馬門溪龍丨 蜥腳類 01 丨恐龍時代 - YouTube
梁龍科 Diplodocidae
梁龍科 - Wikiwand
Diplodocidae - Wikiwand
fore limbs equal/shorter in length than hind legs
thinker and more horizontal neck
bulky barrel-like body
long and whip-like tail
might have ridges on spine
A specimen-level phylogenetic analysis and taxonomic revision of Diplodocidae (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) [PeerJ]
久負盛名的族群,髮型酷炫的靚仔,恐龍中的殺馬特一族!梁龍丨 蜥腳類 03 丨恐龍時代 - YouTube
迷惑龍屬 - Wikiwand
Apatosaurus - Wikiwand
重龍屬 - Wikiwand
Barosaurus - Wikiwand
雷龍 - Wikiwand
Brontosaurus - Wikiwand
Brontosaurus - The Story of the Thunder Lizard - YouTube
The Brontosaurus Is Back - Scientific American Brontosaurus was once categorized as Apatosaurus in 1974 , study showed they are different afterall in 2015
Did The Brontosaurus Exist? - YouTube Bone Wars
Scientists Say It's Time to Reinstate the Brontosaurus | WIRED
Forget Extinct: The Brontosaurus Never Even Existed : NPR
Why is ``Brontosaurus'' now called Apatosaurus?
Apatosaurus/Brontosaurus Fact Sheet -
Difference Between Brontosaurus and Brachiosaurus | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms
Difference Between Brontosaurus and Diplodocus | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms
梁龍屬 - Wikiwand
Diplodocus - Wikiwand
Diplodocus Fact Sheet -
with chevron bones on the under side of tail
超龍屬 - Wikiwand
Supersaurus - Wikiwand
腕龍科 Brachiosauridae
腕龍科 - Wikiwand
Brachiosauridae - Wikiwand
shorter hind legs which made it easier to hold its neck up
smaller and thiner neck
shorter tail
distinct large nare over its skull
fairly slender
進擊的巨獸第二集丨體型最大的十大蜥腳類恐龍丨恐龍之最 02 - YouTube
腕龍屬 - Wikiwand
Brachiosaurus - Wikiwand
Brachiosaurus Fact Sheet -
Difference Between Apatosaurus and Brachiosaurus | Compare the Difference Between Similar Terms
長頸巨龍屬 - Wikiwand
Giraffatitan - Wikiwand
泰坦巨龍類 Titanosauria
泰坦巨龍類 - Wikiwand enormous, armored Sauropods
Titanosauria - Wikiwand
泰坦巨龍:史上最大的陸地生物,蜥腳類最後的排面!丨蜥腳類 04 丨恐龍時代 - YouTube
泰坦巨龍屬 - Wikiwand 是個「未分類物種集中地」
Titanosaurus - Wikiwand
Titanosaurus Fact Sheet -
阿根廷龍屬 - Wikiwand
Argentinosaurus - Wikiwand
Argentinosaurus Fact Sheet -
波塞東龍屬 - Wikiwand
Sauroposeidon - Wikiwand
鯨龍科 Cetiosauridae
鯨龍科 - Wikiwand
Cetiosauridae - Wikiwand
鯨龍屬 - Wikiwand
Cetiosaurus - Wikiwand
Cetiosaurus Fact Sheet -
Swimming Reptiles
actually not dinosaurs
Swimming Dinosaurs - Facts for Kids
魚龍目 Ichthyosauria
魚龍目 - Wikiwand
Ichthyosaur - Wikiwand
蛇頸龍目 Plesiosauria
蛇頸龍目 - Wikiwand
Plesiosauria - Wikiwand
蛇頸龍屬 - Wikiwand
Plesiosaurus - Wikiwand
薄板龍屬 - Wikiwand
Elasmosaurus - Wikiwand
上龍亞目 - Wikiwand
上龍屬 - Wikiwand Predator X
Pliosaurus - Wikiwand
Paleontologists Reveal the Identity of ‘Predator X’
Plesiosaurs 101 | National Geographic - YouTube
滄龍超科/滄龍類 Mosasauroidea
actually not dinosaurs
滄龍屬 - Wikiwand
Mosasaurus - Wikiwand the one that ate the hybrid hybrid Indominus rex in Jurassic World
海王龍屬 - Wikiwand
Tylosaurus - Wikiwand
海諾龍屬 - Wikiwand
Hainosaurus - Wikiwand
Flying Reptiles
actually not dinosaurs
Flying Dinosaurs Names | Pterodactyl, Quetzalcoatlus, & Dimorphodon
Flying Dinosaur Types – What Were They? (Names, Wingspan) – Adventure Dinosaurs
Flying Dinosaurs? Facts for Kids
Pterodactyl, Pteranodon & Other Flying 'Dinosaurs' | Live Science
翼龍目 Pterosaur
翼龍目 - Wikiwand
Pterosaur - Wikiwand
How Did Giant Pterosaurs Fly? - YouTube
Pterosaurs 101 | National Geographic - YouTube
翼手龍屬 - Wikiwand
Pterodactylus - Wikiwand
無齒翼龍屬 - Wikiwand
Pteranodon - Wikiwand
無齒翼龍:誰說我是無恥之徒!在命名上翼龍重來就沒有輸過丨翼龍類丨恐龍時代 - YouTube
風神翼龍屬 - Wikiwand
Quetzalcoatlus - Wikiwand
風神翼龍:史上最大飛行生物,翼展堪比小型飛機,這樣的還有 4 個?丨翼龍類丨恐龍時代 - YouTube
悟空翼龍屬 - Wikiwand
Wukongopterus - Wikiwand
悟空翼龍,鬥戰翼龍,鯤鵬翼龍,干將莫邪,這些都是翼龍名字?翼龍家族的神奇命名遠遠沒有結束:非翼手龍類丨翼龍篇 03 丨恐龍時代 - YouTube