Paradox - Wikiwand
List of paradoxes - Wikiwand
the five kinds of paradox - YouTube
Paradoxes - YouTube Up and Atom
一个反直觉的硬币游戏,伯特兰箱子悖论 - YouTube Goat's paradox
Raven Paradox
Raven paradox - Wikiwand
烏鴉悖論 - Wikiwand
白馬非馬 - Wikiwand
The Raven Paradox - A Hiccup in the Scientific Method - YouTube
Time Travel
MIND-BLOWING Time Travel Paradoxes & THE FLASH! | Comic Misconceptions - YouTube
Time Travel in Fiction Rundown - YouTube
Zeon's Paradox
Why can't mathematics explain Zeno's Paradox? - Quora
Zeno’s Paradox of the Tortoise and Achilles
This Is How Physics, Not Math, Finally Resolves Zeno's Famous Paradox
Russell's Paradox
Russell's paradox - Wikiwand
Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory - Wikiwand
Russell's Paradox - A Ripple in the Foundations of Mathematics - YouTube
- Zermelo-Freenkel Set Theory
- Category Theory
- Homotopy Type Theory
Arrow's impossibility theorem - Wikiwand
Banach–Tarski Paradox
A ball can be decomposed into a finite number of pieces and reassembled into two balls of the same size
The Banach–Tarski Paradox - YouTube
Theseus' Paradox
Ship of Theseus - Wikiwand
I Have Died Many Times — CGP Grey
Alabama Paradox
Why it’s mathematically impossible to share fair - YouTube
Apportioning Representatives in the United States Congress - Introduction | Mathematical Association of America
Simpson's Paradox
Simpson's paradox - Wikiwand
辛普森悖論 - Wikiwand
A set of data can show opposite trends depending on how it's grouped. It is caused by the "lurking variable", usually a presumption on the distribution of the population.
How statistics can be misleading - Mark Liddell - YouTube
Simpson's Paradox - YouTube
When Numbers Lie - YouTube
What is Simpson's paradox? - Quora
Related: probabilistic comparison may not be transitive
The Most Powerful Dice - Numberphile - YouTube
学霸为啥总不学习?寒门为啥总出贵子?帅哥为啥都是渣男? - YouTube
Bertrand paradox
Bertrand paradox (probability) - Wikiwand
神奇的伯特兰悖论:一道概率题竟然有三个不同的答案! - YouTube
概率也会骗人?数学中经典的伯特兰悖论 - YouTube
False Positive Paradox
If a disease infects 2% of a population, and a test is developed that is 95% accurate (and no false negatives), then if you are tested positive, the chance you actually have the disease is only 29%.
Vivek Shukla's answer to What sounds extremely wrong, but is actually correct? - Quora
False positive paradox - Wikiwand