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Web Assembly

January 9, 2025
June 19, 2017


WebAssembly - Wikiwand

Bytecode Alliance
WebAssembly 中文网|Wasm 中文文档
WebAssembly-design · GitHub

The State of WebAssembly – 2022 and 2023

WebAssembly Core Specification
WebAssembly feature detection

WebAssembly | MDN
WebAssembly Summit - YouTube

Wasm By Example
Tanks! Demo - WebAssembly
Terrarium - Fastly Labs
diekmann/wasm-fizzbuzz: WebAssembly from Scratch: From FizzBuzz to DooM.

WebAssembly Studio
Compiler Explorer

mbasso/awesome-wasm: 😎 Curated list of awesome things regarding WebAssembly (wasm) ecosystem.
WebAssembly Language Support Matrix | Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing. !important

How to Think About WebAssembly (Amid the Hype) | Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
Four go wild for wasm: Corporate quartet come together to build safe WebAssembly sandbox • The Register

Understand WebAssembly in 5 minutes - Je suis un dev
WebAssembly – Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Creating and working with WebAssembly modules - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Replacing a hot path in your app's JavaScript with WebAssembly | Web | Google Developers

The Three Pillars of WebAssembly – The New Stack
Is WebAssembly magic performance pixie dust? —
WebAssembly, Expanding the Pie - Ben Smith at WebAssembly Summit 2020-05
Building a Containerless Future with WebAssembly - Kevin Hoffman at WebAssembly Summit 2020-05
What is WebAssembly? The next-generation web platform explained | InfoWorld 2022-05

What is WebAssembly? The Dawn of a New Era — JavaScript Scene — Medium
Get started with WebAssembly — using only 14 lines of JavaScript
WebAssembly Will Finally Let You Run High-Performance Applications in Your Browser - IEEE Spectrum history
An Introduction to WebAssembly - DZone Web Dev
WebAssembly tutorial: Get started with WebAssembly | InfoWorld
What’s new in WebAssembly portable browser code | InfoWorld
WebAssembly gets its own IDE | InfoWorld
What is WebAssembly? The next-generation web platform explained | InfoWorld

A cartoon intro to WebAssembly - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Memory in WebAssembly (and why it’s safer than you think) - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
WebAssembly Interface Types: Interoperate with All the Things! - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Multi-Value All The Wasm! - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Security - WebAssembly

Lin Clark: A Cartoon Intro to WebAssembly | JSConf EU 2017 - YouTube
WebAssembly and the Death of JavaScript - JS Monthly - February 2018 - YouTube
WebAssembly Demystified - YouTube
WebAssembly: Your Browser is the new OS - Jeremy Likness - YouTube slides
Qt for WebAssembly {showcase} - YouTube

Compiling for the Web with WebAssembly (Google I-O '17) - YouTube
CppCon 2016: Dan Gohman “C++ on the Web: Let's have some serious fun." - YouTube
WebAssembly and the Death of JavaScript - JS Monthly - February 2018 - YouTube
WebAssembly: Disrupting JavaScript - YouTube

WebAssembly -Part I | An Introduction — (Part 1) – tech-lah – Medium
WebAssembly -Part II.A | Wasm with Rust – tech-lah – Medium
WebAssembly -Part II.b | Golang with WASM – tech-lah – Medium

The anatomy of WebAssembly: Writing your first WebAssembly module using C (C++) | by Uday Hiwarale | JsPoint | Medium
Programming using Web Assembly – Alexander Curtis – Medium

JS Party #32: WASM is AWSM with Kevin Ball, Suz Hinton, and Jay Phelps | News and podcasts for developers | Changelog
Zoom on Web: WebAssembly SIMD, WebTransport, and WebCodecs

From JavaScript to WebAssembly in three steps's port with AssemblyScript + WebGL


Fermyon - The Frictionless WebAssembly Platform | Fermyon Technologies (@FermyonTech)
Develop serverless WebAssembly apps with Spin | Fermyon Technologies (@FermyonTech)


Restricting Wasm module sharing to same-origin - Chrome Developers

WebAssembly Procedure Call (waPC)


wasmcloud Documentation
Getting Started with wasmCloud – The New Stack

Wasm Interface Type (WIT)/WebAssembly Interface (WAI)

like gRPC

bytecodealliance/wit-bindgen: A language binding generator for WebAssembly interface types
component-model/ at main · WebAssembly/component-model

wasmerio/wai: A language binding generator for wai (a precursor to WebAssembly interface types) for Wasmer
wai/ at main · wasmerio/wai
WAI is the Answer !!!

WebAssembly text format (WAT)

Text Format — WebAssembly 1.1 (Draft 2021-05-06)
WAST vs WAT · webassemblyjs

Understanding WebAssembly text format - WebAssembly | MDN
Converting WebAssembly text format to wasm - WebAssembly | MDN
WAT - WebAssembly Text Format.

thomscoder/luna: 🌙 A really tiny WebAssembly compiler for demonstration and educational purposes. Written in Go and built as one of my quests to conquer the WebAssembly dungeon


The Six Ways of Optimizing WebAssembly


Dwarf Home
Improved WebAssembly debugging in Chrome DevTools | Google Developers
Debugging WebAssembly with modern tools | Google Developers
The Pain of Debugging WebAssembly – The New Stack

Introduction - Twiggy🌱 repo code size profiler

WebAssembly/wabt: The WebAssembly Binary Toolkit

dabeaz/wadze: Web Assembly Decoder - Zero Extras

bytecodealliance/wasm-tools: Low level tooling for WebAssembly in Rust

Supported Languages

appcypher/awesome-wasm-langs: 😎 A curated list of languages that compile directly to or have their VMs in WebAssembly
WebAssembly Language Support Matrix | Fermyon Technologies (@FermyonTech)


Motoko Programming Language :: Internet Computer
Learning the basics of Motoko :: Internet Computer
Motoko, a programming language for building directly on the internet - Stack Overflow Blog

dfinity/motoko-base: The Motoko base library


Grain: A strongly-typed functional programming language for the modern web.
grain-lang/grain: The Grain compiler toolchain and CLI. Home of the modern web staple. 🌾

Oscar Spencer — Grain: Your WebAssembly-First Programming Language - YouTube
Grain: Your WebAssembly-First Programming Language - WebAssembly Summit 2021


Introduction - The AssemblyScript Book
AssemblyScript/assemblyscript: Definitely not a TypeScript to WebAssembly compiler 🚀
AssemblyScript - HTTP 203 - YouTube

From JavaScript to WebAssembly in three steps

WebAssembly/binaryen: Compiler infrastructure and toolchain library for WebAssembly
wasm-opt to reduce file size


MichaReiser/speedy.js: Accelerate JavaScript Applications by Compiling to WebAssembly

Emscripten (C/C++)

Emscripten documentation

Porting to Emscripten ✩ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
An introduction to IL2CPP internals – Unity Blog
The anatomy of WebAssembly: Writing your first WebAssembly module using C (C++) | by Uday Hiwarale | JsPoint | Medium

Emscripten and npm | Web | Google Developers
Extending the browser with WebAssembly | Web | Google Developers
Emscripten’s embind | Web | Google Developers generate wrappers automatically

WebAssembly 如何演进成为“浏览器第二编程语言”?-InfoQ
从 0 开始快速上手 WebAssembly:Emscripten 使用入门-InfoQ
从 0 开始快速上手 WebAssembly:打造基于 WASM 的高性能安全沙盒-InfoQ

Outside the web: standalone WebAssembly binaries using Emscripten · V8

Porting a C++ Rendering Engine to WebAssembly | by Benjamin Deleze | Cyberbotics | Jul, 2021 | Medium


Cheerp | C/C++ to WebAssembly compiler
Home · leaningtech/cheerp-meta Wiki

Cheerp: The C++ Compiler for the Web : cpp

WebAssembly Virtualisation | CheerpX | Leaning Technologies run X86 binaries
Extreme WebAssembly 1: pushing browsers to their absolute limits | by Alessandro Pignotti | leaningtech | Medium
Extreme WebAssembly 2: the sad state of WebAssembly tail calls | by Alessandro Pignotti | leaningtech | Medium

JSExport: C++ in the browser made easy | by Carlo Piovesan | leaningtech | Medium
Compiling C++ to JavaScript: Emscripten vs. Cheerp | Almost Secure
azakai's blog: C++ to JavaScript: Emscripten, Mandreel, and now Duetto Duetto is the old name for Cheerp
Cheerp creator: Our C++-to-JavaScript compiler beats Emscripten | InfoWorld

Python in Browser

CPython WASM

cpython/Tools/wasm/ at main · python/cpython
Compile Python to WebAssembly (WASM) — Unofficial Python Development (Victor's notes) documentation
Python in WebAssembly | Fermyon • Experience the next wave of cloud computing.
"What can't WebAssembly do?" - Katie Bell (PyCon AU 2023) - YouTube

pygame-web/pygbag: python and pygame wasm for everyone ( packager + test server + simulator )

ethanhs/python-wasm: Build scripts and configuration for building CPython for Emscripten 😴inactive
How to build and run your Python scripts in a web browser • The Register


pyodide/pyodide: Python with the scientific stack, compiled to WebAssembly.
Mozilla promotes Pyodide as independent project to put Python in a browser • DEVCLASS
supports CPython compiled to WebAssembly

A Brief Tour through Pyodide - Iodide Iodide (deprecated) is for data science
Pyodide: Bringing the scientific Python stack to the browser - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog
Pyodide Spin Out and 0.17 Release - Mozilla Hacks - the Web developer blog


PyScript | Run Python in your HTML package TypeScrypt + Svelte + Tailwind + Pyodide together
pyscript/pyscript: Home Page: Examples:
A First Look at PyScript: Python in the Web Browser – Real Python
PyScript: Making Python Scripts Work In Browser For Web App Creation
I Tested PyScript — And You Can Literally Write Python Scripts In Your Browser | by Eldad Uzman | Better Programming
PyScript is officially here!🚀 Build web apps with Python & HTML - YouTube


Brython Browser Python
brython-dev/brython: Brython (Browser Python) is an implementation of Python 3 running in the browser

How Brython works · brython-dev/brython Wiki
transpile Python to JS, with Python standard library and DOM wrapper

Brython documentation
Brython tutorial
Writing an Android application · brython-dev/brython Wiki

Brython videos and talks · brython-dev/brython Wiki


pypyjs/pypyjs: PyPy compiled to JavaScript 😴inactive, the output is too large


Introduction - Rust and WebAssembly
bytecodealliance/cargo-wasi: A lightweight Cargo subcommand to build Rust code for the wasm32-wasi target

rustup target add wasm32-wasi
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown

cargo build --release --target wasm32-wasi
cp target/wasm32-wasi/release/*wasm .

Rust and WebAssembly · GitHub
Introduction - The wasm-bindgen Guide
rustwasm/wasm-bindgen: Interoperating JS and Rust code
Rust, WebAssembly, and the future of Serverless by Steve Klabnik - YouTube
Rust in the Browser for JavaScripters: New Frontiers, New Possibilities - YouTube 2019-11
First steps with WebAssembly in Rust

Introduction - Hello wasm-pack!
ashleygwilliams/wasm-pack: 📦✨ your favorite rust -> wasm workflow tool!

Makepad Play with Rust+Wasm live

Compiling from Rust to WebAssembly - WebAssembly | MDN
Introduction - Rust and WebAssembly
Using WebAssembly with Rust from @nikgraf on @eggheadio
Rust and WebAssembly Serverless Functions in Vercel – The New Stack
Build a WebAssembly App with Rust – The New Stack

Rust and WebAssembly for masses - Introduction - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Building and augmenting libraries by calling Rust from JavaScript |
Why should you use Rust in WebAssembly? |

🕸️ Using rust modules in JavaScript/Web Development (Part 1 / 3) [Plain JS]
🕸️ Using rust modules in JavaScript/Web Development (Part 2 / 3) [Webpack]
🕸️ Using rust modules in JavaScript/Web Development (Part 3/ 3) [NodeJS]

Edge programming with Rust and WebAssembly
Making WebAssembly better for Rust & for all languages – Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
JavaScript to Rust and Back Again: A wasm-bindgen Tale – Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog
Rust and JavaScript interoperability coming via WebAssembly | InfoWorld
Writing a front-end WebAssembly framework in Rust: lessons learned
WebAssembly Modules in Rust: An Introduction - Ross Bulat - Medium
WebAssembly Modules in Rust: Syntax Deep Dive - Ross Bulat - Medium
WebAssembly — Is It As Scary As It Sounds? - Better Programming - Medium

Snowhash in Rust with WASM · joshleeb

Towards Complexity - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Oops, I'm Making A Framework - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
In And Out Of Rabbit Holes - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Callbacks, Trait Objects & Associated Types, Oh My! - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻

lord/wargo: Easy Rust to WebAssembly
Rust to WebAssembly, Made Easy – Lord i/o

An introduction to profiling a Rust web application - LogRocket Blog


wai-bindgen-rust - Rust Package Registry for Wasmer
Build Universal Libraries with Rust - YouTube


rwasm/rsw-rs: 🦞 wasm-pack based build tool
rwasm/awesome-rsw: 🕸 A curated list of awesome things related to rsw

rwasm/vite-plugin-rsw: 🦀 wasm-pack plugin for Vite
Rust + Vite = 🚀 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻


The rustwasmc tool for WasmEdge
second-state/rustwasmc: Tool for building Rust functions for Node.js. Combine the performance of Rust, safety and portability of WebAssembly, and ease of use of JavaScript.


Introduction - Yew Docs frontend app
yewstack/yew: Rust / Wasm framework for building client web apps



deno-wasi/ at master · caspervonb/deno-wasi

denosaurs/wasabi: 🍣 Template repository for deno modules that want to use wasm

Deno Loves WebAssembly
🦕 Tutorial: Deno Apps with WebAssembly, Rust, and WASI
second-state/ssvm-deno-starter: A template project to run Rust functions in Deno through the Second State WebAssembly engine.


WebAssembly · golang/go Wiki
Go Time BONUS – Go and WebAssembly (Wasm) | News and podcasts for developers | Changelog

dennwc/dom: DOM library for Go and WASM

all: WebAssembly ("wasm") support · Issue #18892 · golang/go
WebAssembly architecture for Go - Google Docs
Quick Tutorial: Write Go, Run WASM! - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
GOOS=js GOARCH=wasm go1.11beta3 build -o test.wasm main.go

TinyGo compiler for microcontroller and WASI

Go and WebAssembly | Learn the Basics of WASM - YouTube

Notes on running Go in the browser with WebAssembly - Eli Bendersky's website
Go WebAssembly Internals - Part 1 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Go WebAssembly Internals - Part 2 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻


Blazor was known as Razor Components in preview builds of .NET Core
Blazor is used for building web services/web pages

Blazor - Wikiwand
Blazor | Build client web apps with C# | .NET
dotnet/aspnetcore: ASP.NET Core is a cross-platform .NET framework for building modern cloud-based web applications on Windows, Mac, or Linux. Blazor now part of ASP.NET Core
ASP.NET Core Blazor | Microsoft Learn
ASP.NET Core Blazor Hybrid | Microsoft Learn
Building a Progressive Web App with Blazor | Visual Studio Blog

Blazor WebAssembly: .NET CLR on browser with WASM
Blazor Server: SSR with live update

Blazor, a new framework for browser-based .NET apps - Steve Sanderson - YouTube 2020-02
Blazor Web Apps - Goodbye JavaScript! I'm in love with C# - YouTube 2020-08
Intro to Blazor WebAssembly and How It Is Different from Blazor Server - YouTube 2020-06

Blazor - .NET in the browser | DotNetCurry
Blazor – on the server or on the client –
Blazor Vs. Traditional Web Apps –

Writing a Blazor App
JeremyLikness/blazor-wasm: Blazor and WebAssembly examples (part of a Blazor presentation)
Next for Blazor: AOT for 'Massive Speed Gains' -- Visual Studio Magazine
Wrapping JavaScript libraries in Blazor WebAssembly/WASM
Blazor WebAsm — C# on the client side (again) | by Jacek Chmiel | Avenga | Medium

SteveSandersonMS/dotnet-wasi-sdk: Packages for building .NET projects as standalone WASI-compliant modules


Using Zig to Build Lua for WebAssembly in the Browser - YouTube
Programming WebAssembly with Zig - Getting Started with the ZIG programming language - YouTube
Zig loves WASI! - Jakub Konka - YouTube