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January 9, 2025
March 21, 2023

React.js state

TODO: remove pre-hook articles

4 camps:

GantMan/ReactStateMuseum: A whirlwind tour of React state management systems by example
React State Management – Intermediate JavaScript Course - YouTube 2022-11
Top 6 React state management libraries for 2022 2022-01
Application State Management – kentcdodds 2020-07
Changing children's state from another component with React Hooks forwardRef() and context
How to Manage State in a React App – With Hooks, Redux, and More

4 options to prevent extra rerenders with React context · Daishi Kato's blog
Global state with React | Basefactor
Four patterns for global state with React hooks: Context or Redux
An overview of State Management solutions for React and NextJS - React inDepth

React — Why useContext() will clean your code – Michael Majdanski – Medium
Simple Painter in ReactJS — useContext, useState – Prima – Medium
The modern guide to React state patterns - LogRocket Blog

React Tracked
dai-shi/react-tracked: State usage tracking with Proxies. Optimize re-renders for useState/useReducer, React Redux, Zustand and others.

Pullstate · Simple state stores using immer and React hooks
lostpebble/pullstate: Simple state stores using immer and React hooks - re-use parts of your state by pulling it anywhere you like!

Context API

since 16.3
TODO: clean-up trivial posts

Context - React
Store states local to a compound component, alleviate the need for Redux

diegohaz/awesome-react-context: 😎 A curated list of stuff related to the new React Context API

Heres how React's New Context API Works - YouTube
What can the React Context API do for you? Multi-language text, Modals, and Themes

diegohaz/constate: React Context + State

Digging Into React Context | CSS-Tricks
Understanding the React Context API | DigitalOcean
Nesting and overriding new React Context API - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
An Introduction To React’s Context API — Smashing Magazine
Redux vs. The React Context API
React's Context API explained: Provider and Consumer - RWieruch
React Context API – Zsolt Nagy
React Context API - A Replacement for Redux? – Bits and Pieces
React Context API vs Redux — the eternal dichotomy – SoftwareMill Tech Blog
React Context and Re-Renders: React Take the Wheel - Ryan Florence - Medium use state and setState() as value for Provider, usable with Hooks

In the old days, most React routers (and Redux) use the undocumented this.context
React.js: Communication between Components with Contexts - JScrambler Blog

Hook as Redux alternative

don't do this, use Redux Toolkit

reduxjs#Hooks API

Hooks provides some helper functions that can make it an alternative to introducing Redux to your project.
But React Hooks and Redux are not mutually exclusive!!

Stop Asking if React Hooks Replace Redux - The Startup - Medium
Redux-less context-based useSelector hook that has same performance as React-Redux
React Global State without Redux - RWieruch
React State with Hooks: useReducer, useState, useContext - RWieruch ❗!important
Passing callbacks down with React Hooks - Trabe - Medium useContext(), with useMemo(), useCallback() to make the callback stable

import React, { useReducer } from "react";
export const Store = React.createContext();

const initialState = {
  counter: 5,

const reducer = (state = initialState, action) => {
  switch (action.types) {
    case "ADD":
      return { ...state, counter: state.counter + 1 };
    case "SUB":
      return { ...state, counter: state.counter - 1 };
      return state;

export const StoreProvider = (props) => {
  const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, initialState);
  return (
    <Store.Provider value={{ state, dispatch }}>


like Recoil, but smaller; better memory footprint with WeakMap

Jotai, primitive and flexible state management for React
Utils — Jotai, primitive and flexible state management for React cover most use cases

pmndrs/jotai: 👻 Primitive, flexible state management for React
jotai/ at master · pmndrs/jotai · GitHub

Manage Application State with Jotai Atoms |
Jotai, a New Granular State Management Library for React
Jotai: The ultimate React State Management | Blog 100mslive
Redux-Free State Management with Jotai | by Nathan Sebhastian | Bits and Pieces
Jotai vs. Recoil: What are the differences? - LogRocket Blog


like Redux; small footprint

Zustand Documentation
Working with Zustand | TkDodo's blog

Why Everyone Loves Zustand - YouTube


fixing Zustand's problems

@xstate/store | Stately

Introducing XState Store | TkDodo's blog
I might have a new favorite state manager... - YouTube



tldraw/signia: Reactive signals that scale, by tldraw.

Nano Stores


nanostores/nanostores: A tiny (334 bytes) state manager for React/RN/Preact/Vue/Svelte with many atomic tree-shakable stores


pmndrs/valtio: 💊 Valtio makes proxy-state simple for React and Vanilla Suspense compatible

bennyg123/entangle: Global state management tool for react hooks inspired by RecoilJS and Jotai using proxies.


Hookstate: supercharged React.useState hook | Hookstate


larger footprint


Recoil - a New State Management Library for React
Recoil: State Management for Today's React - Dave McCabe aka @mcc_abe at @ReactEurope 2020 - YouTube
React: Intro to Recoil - YouTube


library-agnostic, deprecated in favor of #Nano Stores

Storeon: "Redux" in 173 bytes — Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
storeon/storeon: 🌩 A tiny (185 bytes) event-based Redux-like state manager for React, Preact, Angular, Vue, and Svelte
Event-driven state management in React using Storeon - LogRocket Blog