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World War I

January 9, 2025
June 7, 2015

World War I - Wikiwand
BBC - BBC World War One
About WWI | National WWI Museum and Memorial Interactive Timeline and Map

Allies vs Central Power
From 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918



Great Britain
Russia (1914-1917)

Central Power:

Ottoman (Osman) Empire

Bulgaria (1915-1918)

The Great War - YouTube
The Great War - 1919 - YouTube The Great War
Epic History: World War One - YouTube
First World War Stories - YouTube Imperial War Museums
World War One (ALL PARTS) (age-restricted) - YouTube EPIC History TV
World War I - YouTube
First World War Stories - YouTube Imperial War Museums
The First World War: The War to End War | WW1 Documentary - YouTube WarsofTheWorld
Why Did The First World War Break Out? (July Crisis 1914 Documentary) - YouTube
The War That Changed The Course of History | The First World War | WW1 Documentary - YouTube
【世界大戰系列】25分鐘看完第一次世界大戰(入門版)|歐洲版圖大洗牌 全因為德國想上位?|英國、法國、俄羅斯組成「復仇者聯盟」|美國介入 成為一戰轉捩點 |一戰的起因、經過與結局|#不正常人類 - YouTube
【不止遊戲】一個影片看完整場世界大戰 - YouTube
【講到流淚】二十分鐘講完第一次世界大戰 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
Modern History of World: What are some cool/unusual facts about soldiers in WWI and WWII? - Quora
WWI - YouTube WarsofTheWorld
一戰風雲戰役和人物 - YouTube 历史学
Battle of the Somme (WW1 Documentary) | History Documentary | Reel Truth History - YouTube via @PodcastAddict
[Dan Carlin's Hardcore History] Show 51 - Blueprint for Armageddon II via @PodcastAddict
[Dan Carlin's Hardcore History] Show 52 - Blueprint for Armageddon III via @PodcastAddict

Hardcore History 50 – Blueprint for Armageddon I
Hardcore History 51 – Blueprint for Armageddon II
Hardcore History 52 – Blueprint for Armageddon III
Hardcore History 53 – Blueprint for Armageddon IV
Hardcore History 54 – Blueprint for Armageddon V
Hardcore History 55 – Blueprint for Armageddon VI

The First World War (the Great war) breaks a century of tranquility between all the Great Powers since the downfall of Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815.
It started out from the assassination of Austria-Hungary's Archduke, heir to the throne, by the Black Hands in Serbia on 28 June 1914 (The Sarajevo event). Austria-Hungary then declared war to Serbia.
German invaded neutral Belgium in order to attack France, dragging UK into the First World War.
Ottoman Empire then attacked Russian Ports in Black Sea in an agreement with German for potential territorial gains.

Modern warfare, troop sizes outnumbered any war took place before.
A division is equivalent to a nice sized medieval army, any there are tens of divisions.

WWI indirectly lead to the fall of Ottoman Empire and Russian Empire.


aviation#World War I


Battle of the frontier
The great retreat

Battle of Somme

20,000 British soldiers killed in single day
This battle costed both sides over 1.2 million men
British's MK1 tank also debuted in the battlefield

WW1: Battle of the Somme 1916 - YouTube
Battle of the Somme (WW1 Documentary) | History Documentary | Reel Truth History - YouTube

Mines of Messines

British engineers dug secret tunnels towards German trenches near the French town of Messines for 18 months. They formed caves under the German trenches and packed with 500 tonnes of explosives. On 7 June 1917, the Mines of Messines were set off, instantly killing about 10000 German troops.

Sea battle

The expensive navy army succumbed to inexpensive water mine and submarines (German's U-Boats).
The new class battle cruisers (battleship's firepower + cruiser's speed, sacrificing armor) proved to be a failure in navy battle.

WW1 From the American Perspective | Animated History - YouTube
Unrestricted submarine warfare and German's telegram to invite Mexsico to attack US territory dragged US into the war in March 1917.
However US has in fact been supporting the Allies's military supplies while being neutral.

Russia Revolution

Tzar's armies saw defeat after defeat in 1915 on the Eastern Front.
Russian revolution in March 1917, Rasputin
Lenin was returned from exile to Russia by the German in 1917 and started the revolution