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January 9, 2025
September 24, 2016

Scientific study of life


Biology - Wikiwand
Biology Dictionary - Explanations and Examples of Biological Concepts
Welcome To Biology Explorer | Biology News |

Atlas Pro - YouTube
Journey to the Microcosmos - YouTube
SubAnima - YouTube
All About Biology - YouTube Clint Explains
Biology/Genetics - YouTube Professor Dave Explains

Biology - YouTube
Ecology - YouTube

養成這幾個習慣,你或許能多活 30 年|當長壽成為現實,你會選擇永生嗎?|衰老的真相 3 期合集|思維實驗室 - YouTube

atavism: the recurrence of traits of an ancestor in a subsequent generation
vestigial: atrophied, become functionless in the course of evolution

Origin of Life

The Origin of Life on Earth - YouTube

Origin of Life on Earth and Early Evolution | GEO GIRL - YouTube
The Controversial Role of Oxygen in Animal Evolution & Diversification | GEO GIRL - YouTube

Early Lifeforms

paleontology#Boring Billion

Prokaryote: one cell, no separation, bacteria
原核生物 - Wikiwand
Archaea - Wikiwand
古菌 - Wikiwand
Eukaryote: structures within the cell (endosymbiosis, ~2Ga), with nucleus and cell wall/membrane
真核生物 - Wikiwand

Evolution of Eukaryotes- How & Why Endosymbiosis Occurred & When First Eukaryotes Evolved | GEO GIRL - YouTube

Endosymbiosis, Choanoflagellates, and the Origin of Animal Life - YouTube
The Origin of Multicellular Life: Cell Specialization and Animal Development - YouTube
Unicellular Life Part 1: Bacteria - YouTube
Unicellular Life Part 2: Archaea and Protists - YouTube

【鬼谷闲谈】一次改写生命演化的邂逅 - YouTube 真核生物 = 古菌+好氧細菌 (mitochondria 線粒體)
【鬼谷闲谈】以硅质构筑身体的硬核碳基生物 - YouTube
【鬼谷闲谈】迷失的乐园,杀出的黎明,埃迪卡拉纪的太初之战 - YouTube
【鬼谷闲谈】纤毛虫:满级单细胞生物是怎样的存在? - YouTube

What is Life

我們的使命可能已經結束 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube silicon-based life

What Is Life? Is Death Real? - YouTube

Origins: The first living thing • Unexplainable - Podcast Addict three conditions, NASA definition, not virus
Origins: The meaning of “life” • Unexplainable - Podcast Addict

Wallace Line (Biogeographic Boundary)

Wallace Line - Wikiwand

The Invisible Barrier Keeping Two Worlds Apart - YouTube

動物們無法穿越的無形屏障,分割出兩個世界的隱形地理線 - YouTube


重磅發現!從魚開始進化到人類,演化的奧秘被首次正式揭開了?丨黑毛羊駝 - YouTube
聊聊大家關注的那些進化論話題!長頸鹿長脖子之謎,25 年前才出現的、即將引起生態浩劫的新物種! - YouTube
How Evolution works - YouTube
The Whole History of the Earth and Life 【Finished Edition】 - YouTube
The 12 Days of Evolution - Complete Series! - YouTube
【鬼谷说】南美洲:演化的另一重世界线 - YouTube
【震撼】進化論的進化,從 1859 到 2020 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube Darwin and Wallace co-discovered the theory of evolution

The Forgotten Piece Of Evolutionary Theory (and why we need it back) - YouTube ❗!important, gene as follower of behavioral innovation

Evolution: Differential survival and reproduction
Epigenetics: acquired gene, genic expression
To categorize organisms based upon similarities and differences in their physical or genetic characteristics

Coevolution 協同進化: two or more species reciprocally affect each other's evolution
Coevolution - Wikiwand
共同演化 - Wikiwand

Convergent evolution 趨同進化: two unrelated animals evolved similar traits
Convergent evolution - Wikiwand
趨同演化 - Wikiwand

Ecological niche - Wikiwand
生態位 - Wikiwand

Island gigantism - Wikiwand
島嶼巨型化 - Wikiwand

Researchers explain why that picture of monkeys turning into humans is wrong

What is Impossible in Evolution? - YouTube

The Mystery of Earth's Disappearing Giants | IN OUR NATURE - YouTube


merge with #Taxonomy?

Phylogenetic tree - Wikiwand = Phylogeny
What Is Phylogeny? Definition and Examples

A model that traces the evolutionary history of between organisms.
Phylogenic characteristics are used to help establish taxanomic groupings.

Professor Dave Explains
Phylogeny and the Tree of Life - YouTube ❗!important
Major Divisions of Kingdom Animalia and the Problem With Animal Phyla - YouTube

Evolution & Classification of Life | From Single Celled Bacteria to Humans - YouTube ❗!important

Evolution and Phylogenetics - YouTube Clint Explains

Phylogenetics - Wikiwand
系統發生學 - Wikiwand

支序分類學 - Wikiwand
Cladistics - Wikiwand phylogenetic systematics
What is cladistics? How reliable is it?

ETE Toolkit - Analysis and Visualization of (phylogenetic) trees
ete ncbiquery: Fast and handy queries to the NCBI taxonomy database


生物分類法 - Wikiwand
生物分類學 - Wikiwand
Taxonomy (biology) - Wikiwand
Evolutionary taxonomy - Wikiwand

卡爾·林奈 - Wikiwand
二名法 - Wikiwand
Binomial nomenclature - Wikiwand

"Linnean taxonomy is as much an art form as a science."
There is no real definition of "genus".
There's no scientific way to decide whether a given difference in anatomy is sufficient that two species differ because the idea of a genus is so artificial:.

Ranks other than Genus and Species is not necessary in specifying an species

中文類可指綱, 目, 亞目, 科

分類階元 - Wikiwand
Taxonomic rank - Wikiwand
What are classification, taxonomy, phylogeny, systematics and cladistics?
What do terms like phylum, order and family mean?

Linnaeus's System of Taxonomic Classification
What Is Phylogeny? Definition and Examples
What Is a Cladogram? Definition and Examples

並系群 - Wikiwand
Paraphyly - Wikiwand
單系群 - Wikiwand
Monophyly - Wikiwand
What do terms like monophyletic, paraphyletic and polyphyletic mean?

國際動物命名規約 - Wikiwand
International Code of Zoological Nomenclature - Wikiwand
Nomen dubium - Wikiwand

模式種 - Wikiwand
Type species - Wikiwand
Type (biology) - Wikiwand