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History Europe

January 9, 2025
September 12, 2016

World History Encyclopedia
History of Eurasia - Wikiwand
Middle Ages - Wikiwand

Herodotus, the first historian
Histories (Herodotus) - Wikiwand

How the Enlightenment Ends - The Atlantic

陳樂行 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網 歐洲歷史入門

8 分钟速读《极简欧洲史》丨 The Shortest History of Europe 丨柴知道丨读书 - YouTube
History of Europe - 6013 years in 3 minutes - YouTube
History of Europe [1-2016] [Every year] - YouTube
The History of Europe: Every Year - YouTube 3650B.C-2016
History Series: Europe - YouTube
European History - YouTube CrashCourse
英國、德國、法國、義呆利曾是同一個國家!? 歐洲是怎麼誕生的? 【15分鐘了解四大強國歷史】 - YouTube
卢格杜努姆的奥古斯丁 - YouTube


Ancient Warriors - YouTube
European History Documentaries - YouTube
European History Documentaries - YouTube

Family Name

简单又粗暴?你以为的贵族是假的?不为人知的欧洲姓名史 - YouTube

Holy Roman Empire

~800CE, formed Gothic leader

How did the Holy Roman Empire Form? | Animated History - YouTube
Charlemagne and Carlin split the Frankish Kingdom into two and had civil war
Charlemagne reunited the Kingdom with the death of Carlin
Charlemagne was then christened by the Pope Emperor of the Romans, a title that was held by the Queen of Eastern Roman Empire
After Charlemagne's death, the Kingdom was again divided into smaller nations due to Frankish succession law


【RT 說書人】世紀帝國之條頓武士到底強不強 - YouTube

青蛙刀圣 1993
【十字軍簡史(上)】用一節課的時間,看懂 200 年宗教戰爭的淵源 - YouTube
【十字軍簡史(下)】解析十字軍長征之路 | 什麽是基督天國? - YouTube

Short History Of...: The Knights Templar on Apple Podcasts

The First Crusade (ALL PARTS) - YouTube Epic History TV

Kings and Generals
First Crusade - YouTube
Third Crusade - YouTube
Fourth Crusade and restoration of the Eastern Roman Empire - YouTube


from the fall of Western Roman Empire in 476 C.E. to the fall of Eastern Roman Empire in 1453 C.E.

Medieval transport - the beginners' guide - YouTube
The importance of river crossings in the olden days - YouTube
Pounds, shillings, and pence: a history of English coinage - YouTube

【封建、莊園、騎士】中世紀的生活是怎樣? 人們吃什麼、穿什麼 真的很浪漫嗎? 騎士、農民的一天 - YouTube


Royalty 101: British Titles of Royalty & Nobility - YouTube
Ranks of Nobility, Explained - YouTube

大航海時代 Age of Sail/Discovery/Exploration

mid-16 to mid-19 century

Age of Sail - Wikiwand
Age of Discovery - Wikiwand

曾經的日不落帝國 歐洲邊緣人如何征服全世界? 葡萄牙帝國的崛起與崩解 - YouTube
【趣味科普】浅谈大航海时代 - YouTube

大航海時代:首個世界級霸主葡萄牙,最早開啟世界版圖開拓和殖民之路(上集) - YouTube
大航海時代:首個世界級霸主葡萄牙,最早開啟世界版圖開拓和殖民之路(下集) - YouTube
大航海時代:第二個世界級霸主西班牙,狂熱的黑奴和黃金掠奪之路(上集) - YouTube
大航海時代:第二個世界級霸主西班牙,狂熱的黑奴和黃金掠奪之路(下集) - YouTube
海上馬車夫:世界第壹個資本主義國家荷蘭崛起,黃金世紀海上新霸主! - YouTube

The empire on which the sun never sets - Wikiwand
日不落帝國 - Wikiwand
The first 日不落帝國 was actually the Iberian Union of Portugal and Spain under Philip II in 1580.

Spanish and Portuguese Exploration in the Americas  |  Classroom Materials at the Library of Congress  |  Library of Congress
人類出海的真正原因 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube


Privateer - Wikiwand
Privateer | Definition & History | Britannica

Great Britain, rather than joining the Age of Discovery, focused on developing its Navy.
It then authorized sea-raiders in the Caribbean to raid Portuguese and Spanish ships in the New World.

Napoleon Bonaparte

Napoleon - Wikiwand

Epic History TV
Napoleonic Wars
Napoleon in Russia ALL PARTS - YouTube
Napoleon in Italy - YouTube
Napoleon's Marshals - YouTube

The Napoleonic Wars - OverSimplified (Part 1) - YouTube
The Napoleonic Wars - OverSimplified (Part 2) - YouTube

Napoleon's Downfall: Invasion of Russia 1812 (Full Documentary) - YouTube
The Simple Reason Why Nobody Could Defeat Napoleon - YouTube

French Revolution

French Revolution - Wikiwand 5 May 1789 - 9 November 1799
Storming of the Bastille - Wikiwand 14 July 1789

The French Revolution - OverSimplified (Part 1) - YouTube
The French Revolution - OverSimplified (Part 2) - YouTube

The Crimean War

the war from October 1853 to February 1856 between Russia and various European countries
so called "World War Zero"

Crimean War - Wikiwand
Extra History: The Crimean War - YouTube



Why There is No Bridge Between Europe and Africa - YouTube