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Learn to code (Kids)

January 9, 2025
December 8, 2014

Learn how to code for kids
兒童程式這樣學,6 階段讓孩子愛上 Coding! 程式語言 (178371) - Cool3c
Scratch? Python? C? Kernighan on Languages for Kids Coding - Computerphile - YouTube

Learn today, build a brighter tomorrow. | - Learn Computer Science where President Obama learned JavaScript programming
Computer Science Unplugged Teach CS without computer
Kids Learning Skills and Being Awesome. - DIY
Character Lab
Kojo Home Logo, Music, Graph, Graphics with Scala
GitHub Classroom
Your Career in Web Development Starts Here | The Odin Project
12 Playful Ways to Learn How to Code

Mitch Resnick: Let's teach kids to code - YouTube

Teach Computer Science & Coding to Kids - CS First with Scratch 3
Start with Code – Google
Three ways to get started with computer science and computational thinking
Official Google Australia Blog: CS + X: What's your X?
Python in Education
Computer Science - YouTube CrashCourse
Learn to Code for Free – Grasshopper JavaScript

mytechnotalent/Python-For-Kids: A comprehensive and FREE Online Python Development tutorial FOR KIDS utilizing an official BBC micro:bit Development Board going step-by-step into the world of Python for microcontrollers.
Python for Kids - YouTube
Machine Learning for Kids

Coding for kids: Art, games, and animations with our new beginners' Python path - Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Projects
Code Club | Raspberry Pi Projects
Introduction to Python: Variables, functions, and loops | Raspberry Pi Projects
Scratch Machine Learning | Raspberry Pi Projects

Raspberry Pi Tutorials - YouTube
5 Exciting Activities for Kids to Learn Coding on a Raspberry Pi

Practical advice for teaching kids how to program |
Linda Liukas: A delightful way to teach kids about computers | TED Talk |


The EduBlocks Project for Python
Learn Python programming the easy way with EduBlocks |
Minecraft |

GP Blocks
start [GP Docs]
Going from Scratch to GP ( – Cymplecy (Simplesi)

Code Shrew Python like language
Code Shrew paper
Situating Constructionism

Coding for Kids-A Guide for Teachers and Parents | Udemy

Think Like A Coder - YouTube

Hour of Code


Go eLearning - 一小時學習編程網站
Hour of Code Hong Kong 一小時編程香港 (2022)

Hour of Code | Khan Academy
Learning programming on Khan Academy (article) | Khan Academy

Hour of Code | Tynker

Visualizing Code

Bogdan-Lyashenko/js-code-to-svg-flowchart: js2flowchart - a visualization library to convert any JavaScript code into beautiful SVG flowchart. Learn other’s code. Design your code. Refactor code. Document code. Explain code.
Live code editor

code2flow - online interactive code to flowchart converter

Flowgorithm - Flowchart Programming Language

Math Inspector - A visual programming environment for scientific computing with numpy and scipy

App Inventor

MIT App Inventor

Setting Up App Inventor | Explore MIT App Inventor

Machine Learning

Teachable Machine web-based tool that makes creating machine learning models fast, easy, and accessible to everyone


Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share, write code with blocks

Scratch - Ideas
Scratch - Explore
TurboWarp - Run Scratch projects faster
Projects | Computer coding for kids and teens | Raspberry Pi

Scratch Coding Cards PDF
Scratch API - Scratch Wiki

Invent with Scratch book, ❗!important
Scratch - Tuts+ Code Category
Creative Computing
Scratch Wiki
Blocks - Scratch Wiki

Modules – Code Club
What's new in Scratch 3.0, a programming language designed for kids
Computer Science Concepts in Scratch | Scratch
Scratch is a big deal | Bryan Braun - Frontend Developer

ScratchJr - Home age 5-7
Scratch Day for Younger Children – Scratch Foundation Blog – Medium

scratchnative/scratchnative: Convert Scratch3 projects to native executables
Scratch Can Even Do Linux Kernel

Scratch Basics - YouTube
Scratch Blocks in 60 Seconds - YouTube
Scratch Programming - YouTube
Scratch Game Programming for Young Adults | Udemy
進學國小資訊組 - Scratch 線上版課程教案整理
Froggy Volley on Scratch

ScratchX Experimental Extensions to Scratch
micro:bit, Ardiono, ...
Scratch 3.0 + micro:bit (first review) - YouTube

mBot 教學(2)-mBlock 積木式程式設計 Scratch 2

phosphorus Compile Scratch project to HTML
scratchblocks/scratch-diff: Compare Scratch projects and scripts. Returns a structural diff (tree). JS/Node.

Scratch Blocks UI - Developers which is actually a combination of Blockly and Scratch
LLK/scratch-blocks: Scratch Blocks is a library for building creative computing interfaces.
Blockly | Google Developers
Blockly Games

Snap! (Build Your Own Blocks)
Snap! 9.0.7
Snap! (programming language) - Scratch Wiki


scratch-vm/ at develop · LLK/scratch-vm
Makeblock Extension(s) for Scratch 3.0 - mBlock / mBlock Extensions - Makeblock Forum

Scratch3 Extension Generator

20. Kittenblock 插件开发指南 -- 01 — kittenbot docs 文档
21. Kittenblock 插件开发指南 -- 02 — kittenbot docs 文档

Physical Programming with Blocks

Arduino Create
Arduino Bricks » Linux Magazine

Webduino = Web × Arduino

KBIDE – IDE for everyone.

Scratch Arduino Extension

retejs/rete: JavaScript framework for visual programming and creating node editor

国内主流 Arduino 图形化编程软件专业评测 - 知乎
Alternative Arduino Interfaces - 2014
BlocklyDuino/BlocklyDuino: BlocklyDuino is a web-based visual programming editor for arduino.
carlosperate/ardublockly: Visual programming for Arduino. Based on blockly, implements Arduino code generation and facilitates program uploading.

Otto Blockly Arduino, ESP
OttoDIY/blockly: Otto Blockly; a fully integrated graphical programming for any type of Arduino projects, including robots, ready to install in your computer, it works offline and also online

Helloblock 亚博-下载专区 Arduino

MrYsLab/s2a_fm: A Scratch Hardware Extension For Arduino

MakeCode Maker - Blocks / Javascript editor

Openblock based on Scratch
openblockcc/openblock-desktop: Graphic programming software for hardware like: arduino, microbit, esp32, esp8266...

Visual Embedded Rust Programming with Visual Studio Code - Technology - PCBway

Brown Dog Gadgets - Projects, DIY Kits & Solar-Powered Gadgets
Brown Dog Gadgets - YouTube

Project Bloks

Project Bloks - Project Bloks research into tangible programming is complete
Google Launches 'Project Bloks' To Help Young Learners Learn To Code


Make2Learn - TinkerGen

Makeblock mBlock

mBlock - Programming Software Designed for STEAM Education Scratch based, Block + Python + Arduino IDE

mBlock 5, Scratch 3
mBlock 5 Web
mBlock 5 | Makeblock – Let Creation Be a Way of Life
慧编程(mBlock 5) · GitBook
Introduction · GitBook

mBlock 3, Scratch 2
mBlock 3 Web
mBlock 3 Examples (Collection) - makeblock education
【图形化学习 Arduino】(一)基础概念 - 知乎
Arduino 图形化学习 二:认识编程软件 - 知乎
What is "Scratch Mode" in mBlock? Why would I use it? | Vernier

Introduction - mBlock | A Powerful Coding Tool for STEAM Education
An Overview of Using Makeblock in Arduino Programming

How to Load a Programme into mBot - YouTube
mBot 教學(1) - mBot 初體驗
mBot 教學(2)-mBlock 積木式程式設計
mBot 教學(3) - 開發 mBot 應用程式

mBlock Software | mBlock - STEAM Programming Software Tool
Makeblock APP Play Store All-in-1 controller for Makeblock robots, links to the other 2 apps
mBlock - Scratch-based Programming Software - Apps on Google Play mBlock App
mBlock Blockly (formerly mBlock APP) Play Store A game-based programmable robot app
教學(10) 藍牙控制應用 apps

mBlock 3 Extension

mBlock Extension Center
【mBlock 3】Create Extensions for educational robot mblock | mBlock – STEAM Programming Software
mblock_extension_guide.pdf - Google Drive

探奇 EV3 樂高機器人 LEGO BOOST mBot 教學 Touch Classroom : mBlock Extension 實作–為 mBot Ranger 加一個軟體計時器

自己寫個 mBlock extension (一) TM1637 4-digit-display | Mister Ngan
自己寫個 mBlock extension (二) 1602 I2C LCD Module | Mister Ngan
自己寫個 mBlock extension (三) 2-digit-display using 74HC595 | Mister Ngan

mBlock 5 Extension

mBlock Extension Builder
mBlock Extension Builder Supports More Devices and ExtensionsGuide of Using mBlock Extension Builder (2 Great Examples Included) - mBlock | A Powerful Coding Tool for STEAM Education
Developer Documentation · GitBook

DFRobot Mind+

Home - Mind+ - Get ready to take the leap from zero to a coding expert


Scratch 3 based, Block + Python + Arduino IDE
最新版软件下载_Kittenblock 更新手记 - KittenBlock 软件 - Kittenbot 小喵科技——专注图形化编程教育 - Powered by Discuz!

Welcome to Kittenbot Team’s Documents — kittenbot docs documentation
Kittenblock 教程 — kittenbot docs 文档
kittenbot-docs/kittenblock at master · KittenBot/kittenbot-docs

Microsoft Makecode (PXT)

Microsoft MakeCode
About – Microsoft MakeCode
Resources – Microsoft MakeCode
Microsoft MakeCode Offline App

One chip to flash them all - Microsoft MakeCode
microsoft/uf2: UF2 file format specification
microsoft/uf2-linux: UF2 flashing support for Linux (Raspberry Pi Zero)

microsoft/pxt: Microsoft MakeCode (PXT - Programming eXperience Toolkit)
MakeCode (PXT) Documentation - Microsoft MakeCode
MakeCode Languages: Blocks, Static TypeScript and Static Python - Microsoft MakeCode

microsoft/pxt-microbit: A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit built on Microsoft MakeCode


We Code MakeCode | Using Microsoft MakeCode for Minecraft and MakeCode Arcade

Microsoft MakeCode for micro:bit
micro:bit Editor updates : Support June 2019 v2
makecode editor : Support October 2018 v1

MakeCode Maker - Blocks / Javascript editor
Project Alava: Programming Webs of Microcontrollers - Microsoft MakeCode
Add a new board - Microsoft MakeCode

Writing Tutorials

Tutorials - Microsoft MakeCode
Just edit in project's resource explorer.
Then your project will have a help panel on the right.
Use the special /tutorial:${URL} to load the project to view it step by step.


Extensions (libraries)

they used to be called "Packages"

Use custom blocks for development
Custom blocks - Microsoft MakeCode
Defining blocks - Microsoft MakeCode
MakeCode Playground

Then you can create GitHub repo and expose that as Extension
Extensions - Microsoft MakeCode
Building your own extension - Microsoft MakeCode
GitHub extension authoring - Microsoft MakeCode
GitHub Extensions authoring

Or install pxt locally

npm i -g pxt  # once
# for each project
mkdir microbit
cd microbit
pxt target microbit
pxt serve

Building your own extension - Microsoft MakeCode

吉哥的分享 - 如何製作 makecode 裡的 micro:bit 積木
大榔頭的電腦隨筆: 自製 Makecode 拼塊(一):製作拼塊檔案
大榔頭的電腦隨筆: 自製 Makecode 拼塊(二):上傳及使用拼塊

pxt-microbit/libs/core at master · Microsoft/pxt-microbit

Add core as dependencies,

"dependencies": {
    "core": "*",
    "ws2812b": "github:Microsoft/pxt-ws2812b#v0.0.4"

Then you can use pins functions.

吉哥的分享 - microbit 連接 LCM1602
吉哥的分享 - microbit 共陰極 RGB 積木


Serial not concurrency safe? · Issue #1157 · Microsoft/pxt-microbit
Actually its the fiber yielding to other threads when blocked by serial IO.

basic.forever() vs control.inBackground()
They're both fibers. inBackground() have a fiberDone callback for clean up after function exited.




Lets Mixly!
mixly/Mixly_Arduino: A visual programming editor based on blockly for Arduino、Microbit、MicroPython、Python

Get started with Mixly - Wiki

软件使用基础 — Mixly Wiki

Raspberry Pi

Snap! » Raspberry Pi Geek

BIPES Project Block based Integrated Platform for Embedded Systems
Install MicroPython on ESP32 or ESP8266 to use with BIPES

Piper Make
Drag-n-drop coding for Raspberry Pi Pico - Raspberry Pi

Squishy Circuits

Squishy Circuits | Invent. Create. Explore
Squishy Circuits - How To
How To Make Squishy Circuits | Makerspace Projects

科學在家玩-導電黏土 DIY @ 親子一起 WHY :: 痞客邦 ::


Conductive Threads

Overview | Conductive Thread | Adafruit Learning System

Paper Circuits

Welcome to Chibitronics
Copper Tape Chronicles on Vimeo
Using Copper Tape with Paper Circuits - Tutorial Australia
Working with Copper Tape and Paper to Craft Circuits - YouTube

Enginursday: Cardboard Circuits - News - SparkFun Electronics
Let It Glow Holiday Cards -

Inspiration for autumn activities - Bare Conductive
How to make a card that lights up - YouTube

趣味纸电路制作套件 16 案例 创客教育 STEAM 科学 手工 促销-淘宝网

Capacitive Touch sensor

How do touchscreens work? - YouTube

cap-touch with ubit
How to create a touch sensor for the micro:bit with Electric Paint - Bare Conductive touch_sensor - Microsoft MakeCode
Making Distance Sensors: trigger the Touch Board with proximity - Bare Conductive
Circuits and Techniques for Implementing Capacitive Touch Sensing
Capacitive Touch with Makey Makey - Tutorial Australia Arduino code

Capacitive Touch Interface - Processing for Pi

The touch lamp; a neat idea, and older than you'd think! - YouTube


Paper Speakers (copper tape as coil) - YouTube
How do speakers work? - YouTube

Kid's PC build

Every Little Hacker needs a Little Linux Computer – Medium
Building a Linux system for a Child, part 1: What and Why |
Building a Linux system for a Child, part2: Distros and software |

DoudouLinux - English
DoudouLinux - 中文
ubermix Home
Sugar Labs


【社长说82】《金山打字通》的背后,是近半个世纪的打字发展史 #金山打字通 - YouTube

Learn Touch Typing Free - TypingClub
Learn Typing
Typing Lessons - Learn To Type And Improve Typing Speed Free -

CS w/o computer

The Changelog #302: Computer Science without a computer featuring Tim Bell | News and podcasts for developers | Changelog

CS Unplugged primary school
Computer Science Field Guide high school

How To Make Super Cool (And Easy) Cub Scout Robots | Cub Scout Ideas


Spintronics First Look - YouTube

Mechanical circuits: electronics without electricity - YouTube
Making Non-Electric Circuits With Computer Logic - YouTube

Learn by Writing Games


12 Free Coding Games to Learn Programming for Beginners
Learn to Code With Games
Best 10 Python Game Project Ideas for Beginners in 2023

Microsoft MakeCode Arcade
Arcade Documentation - Microsoft MakeCode
MakeCode Arcade: Retro Gaming, Modern Programming - Microsoft MakeCode
Making A Game Using Microsoft MakeCode Arcade Tutorial
What is MakeCode Arcade? | MakeCode Arcade with Raspberry Pi Zero | Adafruit Learning System

microStudio - Game Engine
microStudio Game Engine Hands-On –

PICO-8 Fantasy Console
PICO-8 - Wikiwand

CHIP-8 - Wikiwand
Guide to making a CHIP-8 emulator - Tobias V. Langhoff
How to Create Your Very Own Chip-8 Emulator
Cowgod's Chip-8 Technical Reference

CodeCombat - Learn how to code by playing a game multiple languages
Code Avengers
Elevator Saga - the elevator programming game JavaScript
Coding Games and Programming Challenges to Code Better multiple languages
Codewars multiple languages
Online Tutorial to Learn Java - CodeGym Java
CodeGuppy | JavaScript for kids and teens
#1 Solidity Tutorial & Ethereum Blockchain Programming Course | CryptoZombies

About - Project Euler

Kodu Game Lab | KoduGameLab
W3Schools Code Game instruction blocks

basic-computer-games/19_Bunny at main · coding-horror/basic-computer-games

WarriorJS Docs JavaScript
olistic/warriorjs Game written in JavaScript for learning JavaScript and artificial intelligence.
Robocode Home

CheckiO - coding games and programming challenges for beginner and advanced TypeScript, Python

Elevator Saga - the elevator programming game JavaScript
Learn to Code for Free – Grasshopper JavaScript
JSRobot JavaScript

Learn by Gaming

see minecraft

Turing Complete on Steam
while True: learn() on Steam
Bots Are Stupid on Steam
Human Resource Machine on Steam
7 Billion Humans on Steam
Rogue Bit on Steam
Shortcuit on Steam

The SQL Murder Mystery
The SQL Murder Mystery: Detailed Walkthrough


RoboMind Lessons | Robots Got Talents
RoboMind 下載