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Natural Language

January 9, 2025
April 10, 2015

split to lang specific posts

The Language Realm - Your Free Resource for language and Translation Services
Free Language Courses | Language Transfer
The Hardest Language To Spell - YouTube
7 Tricks To Learn Any Language In 7 Days (From The Superpolyglot Twins Who Did It) -
Langfocus - YouTube
人類語言最大謎團,你能解開它嗎?| 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube

What makes a language... a language? - Martin Hilpert - YouTube
A language is a dialect with an army and a navy. - Max Weinreich
Dialect vs. Accent: What’s the difference?
K Klein - YouTube


學習英語有訣竅!左腦訓練先「唸」後理解字詞更有效 - The News Lens 關鍵評論網
How interpreters juggle two languages at once - Ewandro Magalhaes - YouTube
5 Languages That Could Change the Way You See the World

Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game | Marianna Pascal | TEDxPenangRoad - YouTube don't feel judged, focus on the communication

The Fastest Way to Learn a New Language: The Video Game Map Theory - YouTube


Linguistics - YouTube
The Linguistics Iceberg Explained - YouTube


【一席香港】Vivek《笑自己 自己笑 ≫ - YouTube Vivek teaches you how to be humor
The Skill of Humor | Andrew Tarvin | TEDxTAMU - YouTube

阿滴英文|秒懂美式幽默! 台灣與美國幽默感差在哪裡? feat. 博恩站起來 - YouTube
Stand up, Brian! 博恩站起來! - YouTube

You are absolutely fluent in English if you can understand these - YouTube

Bill Burr
Louis C.K.
Russell Peters
Chris Rock
Kevin Hart
Tim Minhcin, with songs
Anthony Jeselnik, black humor
Amy Schumer
Sarah Silverman
Wanda Skyes

Reverse Talk

Kurt Quinn - YouTube
TALKING BACKWARDS (Backwards Banter Brain Testing) - Smarter Every Day 168 - YouTube



Rhetoric - Wikiwand the art of persuasion
修辞学 - Wikiwand


Learn Touch Typing Free - TypingClub
Typespeed: Typing Speed Testing Game for Ubuntu Linux


wordsoftheworld - YouTube
BBC Learning English - Learn English, learning English, English videos, grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, exams. Everything you need to help you learn English.
Learn English - Grammar, Vocabulary, Speaking, Exercises, Lessons.
Learn The 43 Sounds of American English Pronunciation — Pronuncian: American English Pronunciation
English As A Second Language - 7 E S L
Alliterative - YouTube

工業中英用語翻譯 -《中英對照》

English with Lucy - YouTube
Rachel's English - YouTube
英语兔 - YouTube
阿滴英文 - YouTube
英文學習技巧 - YouTube 阿滴英文
英文閱讀法-旋元佑 - YouTube
Tom's Language Files - YouTube
哥倫布 Columbus - YouTube
CrazyEnglish - YouTube

For Karen Chung's Courses and more
Mini-conversations: texts and audio

Netspeak – Search for Words
128 Words to Use Instead of "Very"

John McWhorter on the Evolution of Language and Words on the Move | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty

Separated by a Common Language Observations on British and American English by an American linguist in the UK
Comparison of American and British English - Wikiwand

The English Notes 英語學習筆記

所有有關 ”家事 ”的英文 | Yahoo 知識+
蔬菜的英文名稱 (Common Chinese vegetable name in English) - 博學軒英語學習城 - udn 城市
金庸武俠小說重要詞彙英文翻譯 - 王琮瑋's ePortfolio

口譯員的小秘密 遇到「翻譯不了的笑話」竟然會這麼做! - YouTube

VoiceTube《看影片學英語》70,000 部英文學習影片,每天更新
Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game | Marianna Pascal | TEDxPenangRoad - YouTube being able to communicate with low level of English
如何用「回音法」學好英文口說 | 史嘉琳 Karen Chung | TEDxNTUST - YouTube


Order of multiple adjectives:


English Dictionary, Thesaurus, & grammar help | Oxford Dictionaries
Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary - Online Thesaurus Dictionary of the English language


Abbreviations | Oxford Dictionaries
Acronym vs. Abbreviation vs. Initialism | Reader's Digest

Acronyms are words formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as they are spelled, not as separate letters. NATO, NASA, ...

Initialisms are abbreviations which consist of the initial (i.e. first) letters of words and which are pronounced as separate letters when they are spoken. UK, USA, ...

Contractions are abbreviations in which letters from the middle of the word are omitted. Full stop is not needed for contractions with same endings of the original word (hrs, Mr, Dr). Dr, Ltd.


Etymology - Wikiwand

Online Etymology Dictionary | Origin, history and meaning of English words
Word origins | OxfordWords blog
Mashed Radish – everyday etymology
The Allusionist

History of English

History of the English language - Wikiwand
Tracing English as far back as possible - YouTube

English evolved from Proto-Indo-European language

Stems are created with several observed rules:

Language Evolution: How One Language Became Five Languages
Proto-Germanic and Germanic: Consonant Shifts and Vowel Changes
The Great Vowel Shift: How We Know Language Now
The Processes of Sound Change

English originates from the Angles from Germany, hence Angle-lish. Anglo-Saxons arrived England in the 5th century. They unified England in the Norman Conquest lead by William the Conqueror in 1066.

This is the reason why the name of the animal and its meat are different. The animal is Anglelish, the meat is French.

ENGLISH. - YouTube
Tribes and Peoples in History A-C
Why is English spelling so complicated? - YouTube

CAPS Unlock - the history behind uppercase & lowercase letters - YouTube

Audiobooks | The History of English Podcast


颠覆你对英语词汇的认知! - YouTube
背单词秘诀: "格林定律"? - YouTube
5 天就能記住 1 萬個單詞的方法,老師為什麽不教?用结果说话,因为结果不会骗人一套高效背单词的方法,单词记忆法。快速提高中考高考英语,四级六级考研雅思托福词汇量 - YouTube the order he gave was wrong,he used the modern English word as root, e.g.lun derived from moon, but the fact is the other way round
Peaceful Night - YouTube

sam sem sim syn sy sym syl: same
vit vis vid wis wit: seeing
ang eng ac ank ack anch: acute

Morse code

Morse code is Huffman coding before Huffman coding exists

Morse code - Wikiwand

Hello Morse | Experiments with Google
Morse - Learn
Morse code on Gboard - Android Accessibility Help
如果听到这个声音一定要注意!教你看懂摩斯电码 - YouTube
摩尔斯电码竟然可以用来降维打击,这是怎么回事?【科学火箭叔】 - YouTube

calvindn/morse-node: Morse code encoder / decoder.
neocotic/mor.js: Pure JavaScript library for encoding/decoding Morse code messages


If you want to fixed some wrongdoing, do you want the amend the act or stick with it?

Allusionist 17: Fix part I — The Allusionist
Allusionist 18: Fix part II — The Allusionist

What are the trickiest rules in English grammar pertaining to commonly used words? - Quora collocation

Contranym: a word with two opposite meanings, e.g. sanction (which can mean both ‘a penalty for disobeying a law’ and ‘official permission or approval for an action’).
Auto-antonym - Wikiwand
75 Contronyms (Words with Contradictory Meanings)

One Sentence With 7 Meanings Unlocks a Mystery of Human Speech | WIRED
"I never said she stole my money" has 7 Different Meanings - Fact-inator

The english language is a giant meme.. - YouTube

RobWords - YouTube
This ruined English spelling - YouTube The Great Vowel Shift (~15-18th century, coinciding with the transition ofj Middle English to Modern English and Gutenberg's printing press technology)
The invention that broke English spelling - YouTube Gutenberg's printing press forces English words to have a spelling
The weirdest things about English - YouTube
Why we should go back to writing in runes - YouTube


Flesch–Kincaid readability tests - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Readability handbook: Get started with ReadablePro –
Write Better Stories with this Python Tool - Towards Data Science

What makes writing more readable?
Plain language - Wikiwand
Basic English - Wikiwand


English Language Centre Study Zone: Welcome!
ELC Study Zone: All Grammar Topics

Learn English Online | British Council
Online courses from British Council

Vocabulary tester

What works the best when learning a new language? - Quora


Grammar | Lexico = Oxford Dictionaries
Grammarist - English grammar, usage, and style blog
Learning English Online - GrammarBank
English Grammar | British Council
Grammar Archives -

Grammar Checker | Grammarly
Open source alternatives to Grammarly for word processing |

DeepL Translate: The world's most accurate translator
DeepL Write: AI-powered writing companion

语法 - YouTube 英语兔
一个视频说清整个英语语法体系(重塑你的语法认知框架) - YouTube !important
非谓语动词详解: 不定式, 动名词, 现在分词, 过去分词 - YouTube
英语"虚拟语气"就是这么简单(看完就懂!) - YouTube
英语核心语法概念 | 英语兔
英语介词攻略 (看完就懂) - YouTube

阿滴教文法 - YouTube 阿滴英文
英文文法 Grammar - YouTube 瑪姬英文 English with Maggie
不用背規則!? 這支影片會讓你對英文文法改觀! feat. 旋元佑老師 - YouTube
English Tenses - Grammar Lessons - YouTube

English Grammar: What are the trickiest rules in English grammar pertaining to commonly used words? - Quora
Dear Pedants: Your Fave Grammar Rule is Probably Fake | JSTOR Daily

Facts, generalizations and rules:

Part of speech
Clauses (main and subordinate)
Connectives can be conjunctions, prepositions or adverbs.


Tense is a combination of time and aspect (
英语语法: 16 种时态终极详解 - YouTube
12 時態懶人包!簡單式/進行式/完成式/完成進行式全部一起搞懂!英文文法大解析! - YouTube

Past Future (from some point in the past)Perfect Continuous

I am taking/I am going to take: schedule
I will take: recent decision

Present Perfect: WHAT happened before affecting now
Present Perfect Continuous: WHAT happened before affecting now, may imply change
Past: TIME, need to specify TIME
Past Continuous: EVENT during other past ACTION, need to specify TIME
Past Perfect: WHAT before a past TIME affecting the past TIME, need to specify the past TIME
Future Perfect: WHAT before a future TIME affecting the future TIME, need to specify the future TIME
Perfect Continuous: continuous to a certain point a in time, can be replaced by Perfect tense if the time period is included

Participles | Lexico
Past Participle | Definition of Past Participle by Lexico
form of verb used for perfect and passive tenses

Verb Tenses Chart - GrammarBank
What Are Active And Passive Verbs? | Lexico


TO 跟 FOR 用法差在哪?要怎麼選? - YouTube


The Elements of Style
3 shell scripts: Kill weasel words, avoid the passive, eliminate duplicates

How to use a semicolon - Emma Bryce - YouTube

Linguistics, Style and Writing in the 21st Century - with Steven Pinker - YouTube
The Sense of Style: The Thinking Person's Guide to Writing in the 21st Century - Kindle edition by Pinker, Steven. Reference Kindle eBooks @
Steven Pinker: Linguistics as a Window to Understanding the Brain | Big Think - YouTube)


Punctuation | Lexico

What Are Inverted Commas? | Lexico

General rule: "1, 2 and 3"

What is the Oxford Comma (or Serial Comma)? | Grammarly
Oxford comma (helps in case where there is an "and" in the last item and disambiguates non-defining relative clause):
"apple, orange, fish and chips" vs "apple, orange, fish, and chips" (Oxford comma)

Hyphen for words
en-dash for numbers, need space in between
em-dash used like colon to introduce list, or comma to separate out indefinite relative clause (no space in between)

What Is an En Dash and When to Use It?
What Is An Em Dash And How Do You Use It? |
Em Dash: When Should I Use It? | Grammarly
How To Use An Em Dash (—) | Lexico


五大句型及動詞種類介紹 - YouTube

一次搞懂英文的「五大句型」(7 分鐘懶人包) - YouTube
5 分鐘搞懂「及物動詞」跟「不及物動詞」! - YouTube

  1. S + V
    Peter cooked.
  2. S + V + O
    Peter cooked a steak.
  3. S + V + IO (Indirect Object) + DO (Direct Object)
    Peter cooked Mary a steak.
  4. S + V + C (Complement)
    Peter is happy.
  5. S + V + O + OC (Object Complement)
    Peter makes Mary happy.
    Peter considers Mary a good friend.


IELTS - The International English Language Testing System | Take IELTS
IELTS Exam Library | IELTS Online Tests

Doge Grammar

Doge (meme) - Wikiwand

A Linguist Explains the Grammar of Doge. Wow. - The Toast
How to speak Doge – Scientific Scribbles
The Curious Linguistics of the Doge in the Internet | The League of Nerds


Doublespeak - Wikiwand
DoubleSpeak, How to Lie without Lying - YouTube

Story Writing

Hero's journey - Wikiwand
Hero's Journey 101: Definition and Step-by-Step Guide (With Checklist!)
The Hero's Journey - Mythic Structure of Joseph Campbell's Monomyth
The Stages of the Hero's Journey

Hello Future Me - YouTube

On Writing Technical report

Writing help | Oxford Dictionaries
How to Make Writing a Lot Easier | Forge

4W: Who, Why, What, When
4C: Clear, Concise, Constructive, Correct

  1. intro
  2. purpose
  3. content
  4. conclusion

be quantitative (use figures, with decent source)

favor active over passive voice, except for:

Advice for Technical Writing | CSS-Tricks
The developer's guide to content creation with Stephanie Morillo (The Changelog #382) |> Changelog


Phonemic Chart - English with Lucy

音标 - YouTube 英语兔
英语最重要的音标体系(DJ, KK, 韦氏, AHD...) - YouTube

English phonology - Wikiwand
DJ 音標 - Wikiwand adopts IPA for received pronunciation
KK 音標 - Wikiwand adopts IPA for American English
International Phonetic Alphabet - Wikiwand

Why Are A, E, I, O, U, And Y Called "Vowels"? -
The 44 Phonemes in English
The 44 Sounds of English PDF
How Many Vowel Sounds Does English Have?
Oral English: Easy Ways to Pronounce the 24 English Consonants and 20 English Vowels

你有被說中嗎?10 個有「中央母音省略」的字!(Schwa Elision) - YouTube

语音技巧 - YouTube 英语兔

Basic Spelling Rules Explained -

Harvard sentences - Wikiwand

小马外语 - 化学工业出版社有限公司
图解英语音标速记 1000 小学单词
图解自然拼读速记 1000 小学单词


Writings that is the same right-side up and upside down or normal and reflected in a mirror.

Write Words - Make Magic - YouTube English


ShaoLan: Learn to read Chinese ... with ease! | Talk Video |

Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Chart with Audio - Yabla Chinese
Learn Mandarin Chinese Pronunciation with Tone Pair Audio | Yabla Chinese
Pinyin - Wikiwand
When do Chinese Tones Change? | Chinese Tone Guide - YouTube

hapi annotating Mandarin Chinese with phonetics (pinyin, zhuyin, etc.) and colors by tone

ABCs of Chinese - YouTube
汉字密码 - YouTube

金庸版本的奇妙世界 @YLib Blog



沉魚: 春秋戰國西施
落雁: 東漢王昭君
閉月: 三國貂蟬
羞花: 唐楊貴妃


#MM |後生仔就唔識打倉頡 要靠拼音輸入法?1978 年倉頡輸入法由台灣人設計誕生 加速中文電腦普及程度 曾協助倉頡研發者:最終大家會放棄鍵盤輸入,語音輸入才是主流|#Weekly_pedia #4K - YouTube

Online Jyutping Input Method 網上粵拼輸入法

倉頡輸入法 - Wikiwand
【快速學倉頡】真正 10 分鐘完美 KO 倉頡輸入法(涵蓋所有字形,用盡 26 個字母!) - YouTube

五筆字型輸入法 - Wikiwand
The Wubi Effect | Radiolab | WNYC Studios

行易有限公司 :: 嘸蝦米輸入法
行易有限公司 :: 嘸蝦米輸入法
為什麼公司的前輩們打字都那麼快? 來談談那些年他們一起練過的嘸蝦米輸入法 ~ - YouTube


注音符號 - Wikiwand
EP 232 「注音符號」是怎麼來的?為什麼全世界只有台灣用注音?|志祺七七 Podcast - YouTube


汉语拼音 - Wikiwand

香港政府粵語拼音 - Wikiwand
香港語言學學會粵語拼音方案 - Wikiwand

臺灣語言音標方案 - Wikiwand
臺語通用拼音 - Wikiwand


Linguee | 中英词典
Chinese English Dictionary with Pinyin, Strokes, & Audio - Yabla Chinese write in stroke
MDBG Chinese Dictionary write in stroke

教育部《成語典》2020 [進階版]
漢語多功能字庫 Multi-function Chinese Character Database

網上普通話字典 | 普通話網
普通話全文翻譯字典 | 普通話網


粵典 | 粵典
粵語審音配詞字庫 replaced by 漢語多功能字庫

廣州話《九聲六調》相聲 (卓樂、尚明輝、鄧世昌) - YouTube ❗!important
Learn Fun Cantonese - Nine Tones & Six Modes / 涼粉廣東話 - 九聲六調 - YouTube
用粵語學寫詩 ⑶ 粵音九調 - YouTube
How to read Nine "Tones" of Cantonese? (粵語九聲調) - YouTube
廣東話教學(粵語教學)——九聲六調口訣(下集)(點講廣東話) - YouTube
Learn Fun Cantonese - Nine Tones & Six Modes / 涼粉廣東話 - 九聲六調 - YouTube
(57) 大家一起來學廣東話 - Posts
这也许是最有效的零基础粤语(广东话)教程了 - YouTube content is okay, but saying that Cantonese is a variant of Mandarin is completely off, and promoting 懶音 is not okay
1 陰平 2 陰上 3 陰去
4 陽平 5 陽上 6 陽去
7 陰入 8 中入 8 陽入
1 so, 2 so^, 3 mi,
4 do, 5 mi^, 6 mi,
7 so, 8 mi, 9 re
平, 去聲為音高, 可維持發音; 上聲為音程; 上聲收音急促, 入聲尾音為 t,k,p, 音調實為 1、3、6

鏗鏘集:廣東話 - YouTube
香港故事-本土 plus+:口噏噏 粵語有秘笈 - YouTube

1 個單字變出 40 個意思!? 有系統分析神奇的粵語語氣助詞!(繁體中文字幕) - YouTube

殿下在香港-香港在世界 (Hong Kong in the World) - YouTube

熱血時報 | 粵語九聲訣


陰平, 陽平, 上聲, 去聲
一平, 二升, 三曲, 四降 Cantonese vs Mandarin 聲調
1 -> 1;2 -> 3;3 -> 2;4 -> 3

反切原理簡介 | 陳凱文 | 香港獨立媒體網

The Complete Guide to Learn Cantonese 【廣東話學習指南】
粵語字各種打字法及解釋大全(2007 賀歲版)
老師不教的 99 個粵音字
粵講粵 o 岩一分鐘
廣東話生活雜記: 粵語淵源 jyut6 jyu5 jyun1 jyun4


elearning 日語自遊行 五十音
Hiragana - Wikiwand 平仮名
Katakana - Wikiwand 片仮名
つ is used as の before 奈良時代

何必日語 - YouTube
Yunaty 日本語 - YouTube
Amber.L - YouTube
秋山燿平 - YouTube
抓尼先生 / 學日文 & 日本大小事 - YouTube
Elsaの放送 - YouTube
TKB日文 - YouTube

Learn Japanese with - YouTube
Introduction to Japanese - YouTube

【學基礎日語五十音】全部完整日文 50 音不要龍捲風速成速記慢慢學 - YouTube
為什麼日文中的「か」聽起來像「ga」?日本人讓你徹底弄明白! - YouTube

日文 | MagicLen
免費學日文網站-免費日語學習-線上自學日語 免費日本語教室
日文| 東大前日文學校| 日文免費教材・資源 FREE JAPANESE RESOURCES | 線上 日文 學習
達鎂日語教室--免費日語學習 日語學習網 線上日語教學 學習日語
福娘童話集 -世界と日本の童話・昔話集-
Learn Japanese Online The Easy And Fun Way

日文這樣輕鬆學,利用網站資源、隨身 App 變身日語達人 - Qooah
日本語の勉強 @ 紫熊部屋 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET ::

That Japanese Man Yuta - YouTube
Why Do Japanese Still Use Kanji? Complicated Writing System... - YouTube
Kanji Story - How Japan Overloaded Chinese Characters - YouTube

音讀 onyomi ku, kyu
訓讀 kunyomi yumi, yu, tarashi
名乘 nanori place name

稻妻 inazuma
古時日本人相信閃電會令稻子成熟, 而當時"妻"字是沒有男女之分, 所以"稻妻"意思就是"稻子的老公"

夏洛特先生【PTK 是什麼?わたし明明就應該唸 WATASI 為甚麼大家都唸 WADASI?】 - YouTube
PTK 音變: PTK 行在第二三音節會發生音變, 清音 -> 不送氣清音
ka ~> ga; ta ~> da; pa ~> ba

日文沒有髒話?好孩子不要看的日文髒話教學|深日本 第 24 集|好倫| - YouTube
深日本# 71 ▶ 日本人到底生了什麼病?|好倫| - YouTube 集體主義影響語文

【超簡單】日語聲調的規則 - YouTube
【會話篇】日語的聲調重音 - YouTube
【日文發音】這樣發音才像日本人!|日文發音技巧 - YouTube


活用 (日語) - Wikiwand

自學日文動詞變化 五段動詞的七種變化未然形連用形終止形連體形假定行命令形意志形 - YouTube ❗!important, 用xx型比用第N變化好
自學日語動詞變化 上下段動詞的七種變化形態 - YouTube

我們該學好的是日文,而不是日文專有名詞!-社群貼文-王可樂日語 「王可樂日語」 V.S. 「學術派」

【日文文法基礎7】 動詞的活用形有幾種?
日文動詞變化筆記(3套公式、7個型態、音變與常用18種變化) | MagicLen


用漢字表示日文的書寫系統, 古名常用 "夜露死苦", "愛羅武勇", "阿離我拓", "阿里加都宇姑左伊馬須", "陀異守鬼", "魔苦怒奈流怒"

萬葉假名 - Wikiwand
深日本#11 ▶ 你說的中文,大部份來自日文【和制漢語】|好倫 - YouTube
日語入門學習五十音圖之假名的含義來源 - 每日頭條
萬葉假名:萬葉假名(日文:萬葉仮名 まんようがな)是假名的一種,主要用作上一 -華人百科
別忘了!我是日本人 👩‍🏫🌸 #5 神奈川暴走族上線 🔥 日本趣味漢字考試?!我就是路本人爹斯 🔥 |阿部瑪利亞 Maria Abe - YouTube


3DS 汉字输入法


goo 国語辞書
Kanji Romaji Hiragana Convert
Japanese Kanji Dictionary
RomajiDesu - Japanese dictionary and translator
沪江小 D 日语在线翻译 Japanese Dictionary
WWWJDIC: Word Search

jensechu/kanji: Customizable Kanji character charts that are easily printable to help practice writing.

Name 變換君 - 快速將你的名字翻譯並轉換成日文名字,包括日文漢字、片假名、平假名
google/horenso: 探しやすいコードで漢字直接入力


네이버 중국어사전 (NAVER 韩中词典)
訓民正音 - Wikiwand

Learn to Read Korean in 5 Minutes (seriously) - YouTube

Sign language

Sign language - Wikiwand
手語 - Wikiwand

比中指也是手語嗎?手語可以國際通用?|志祺七七 - YouTube
Vol.154 手语的秘密 - YouTube

→ 與聽障者相處方式:
→ 手語介紹---手語及台灣手語介紹:
→A Silent Minority: Deaf Education in Spain, 1550–1835:
→ 台灣手語線上辭典:
→【語言 S4E10】台灣手語也有南北差異?!原來台灣手語這麼有趣:
→ 國際手語(IS)是否為一種語言?:
→ 電腦為聾啞者發聲 打破語言溝通隔閡:

香港手語瀏覽器 - 香港中文大學 手語及聾人研究中心 HKSL Browser - CSLDS, CUHK
香港手語詞彙 Hong Kong Sign Vocabulary - YouTube
HKSL Classroom - YouTube
HKSL From Deaf star - YouTube

SignTube - YouTube 台灣手語

Indo-European/Proto-Indo-European Language

Indo-European languages - Wikiwand
Proto-Indo-European language - Wikiwand
Proto-Indo-European phonology - Wikiwand

The Indo-European language, pt. 1 (Linguistics) - Podcast
The Indo-European Language, Pt. 2: Linguistics & Genetics
Evolution of the Indo-European Languages - Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY - YouTube


Logical fallacy - RationalWiki
Category:Fallacious arguments - RationalWiki
List of cognitive biases - Wikiwand
Category:Cognitive biases - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cognitive bias cheat sheet
Every Logical Fallacy Explained in 11 Minutes - YouTube


李天命的思考藝術(最終定本) - 李天命 - Google Books

21 Mind Traps : The Ultimate Guide to your most common Thinking errors - YouTube
Why incompetent people think they're amazing - David Dunning - YouTube Dunning-Kruger effect

Why you think you're right -- even if you're wrong | Julia Galef - YouTube
Motivated Reasoning (soldier mindset):
Trying to make some ideas win and others lose; the drive to attack or defend ideas; 輸打贏要
Scout mindset:
Trying to get an accurate picture of reality, even when that's unpleasant or inconvenient (against ones believe and prejudice)

XY problem

The XY problem is asking about your attempted solution (Y) rather than your actual problem (X).

XyProblem - Greg's Wiki
What is the XY problem? - Meta Stack Exchange

Bayesian Trap

math#Bayes Theorem

The Bayesian Trap - YouTube
Your brain is not a Bayes net (and why that matters) - YouTube

Attribution Error

Magical thinking that leads to superstition

13 Common (But Silly) Superstitions
Cargo cult - Wikiwand

The Five Monkeys Experiment

The Famous 'Social Experiment': 5 Monkeys and a Ladder
5 Monkeys, Bananas, Ladder, Water. Why do we comply with daft rules in organisations? – What's the PONT

What Monkeys Can Teach Us About Human Behavior: From Facts to Fiction | Psychology Today
The Five Monkeys Experiment (with a new lesson) - John Stepper's Blog
The Five Monkeys Experiment Obviously Never Happened

Language Learning

How to learn any language in six months | Chris Lonsdale | TEDxLingnanUniversity - YouTube
5 techniques to speak any language | Sid Efromovich | TEDxUpperEastSide - YouTube
Breaking the language barrier | Tim Doner | TEDxTeen 2014 - YouTube
Hacking language learning: Benny Lewis at TEDxWarsaw - YouTube
如何停止翻譯?用英文思考的真相 🧠 語言學觀點分析 // Chen Lily - YouTube proceduralize language knowledge and rules