TODO: move topics to astronomy NASA, Space Exploration and Astronomy News
Home | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids
Space + Science News - CNN
Spaceflight Now – The leading source for online space news
The Planetary Society
Here's the weird alphabet soup that scientists use to name stuff in space | Popular Science
NASA Documentaries - YouTube
BackToSchool with NASA Science - YouTube
Crash Course
Big History - YouTube
Astronomy - YouTube
The Universe, Explained: Season 1 - YouTube minutephysics
Rocket Science - YouTube Scott Manley
Space - YouTube Jared Owen
Discovery With Andy - YouTube
Everyday Astronaut - YouTube
Isaac Arthur - YouTube
Marcus House - YouTube
PBS Space Time - YouTube
Primal Space - YouTube
SciShow Space - YouTube
The Space Race - YouTube
Why SPACESHIPS CAN'T TURN as shown in Science Fiction - YouTube
我要搬家了,探索太陽系的時候發現了真正的 2021 預言 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
整流罩 Fairing
The genius behind early Russian space tech - BBC Future
How does the Soyuz Spacecraft work? - YouTube
How does the Soyuz Launch work? (and Reentry) - YouTube
Venera Project
How the Soviets Landed on Venus - YouTube Venera Project
Surviving Venus in the 1970s - YouTube
毅力號背後的能源危機 - YouTube
毅力號#17: 火星能源系统|核能 vs 太阳能|毅力號 vs 天问一號 - YouTube
长征五号 B 发射成功为什么这么重要,它与之前失败的两次有何区别。中国运力最强火箭已跻身到世界前列! - YouTube Chinese space programs, overview of rockets
What is gravity? | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids
5 Mind Blowing Facts About Gravity
Astrophysicist Explains Gravity in 5 Levels of Difficulty | WIRED - YouTube
地球的質量是怎麼稱出來的?連牛頓都放棄了的奇葩實驗!How To【老肉雜談】 - YouTube estimating mass of earth with mountain
Why Gravity is NOT a Force - YouTube all movements are inertial linear motion in curved spacetime, gravity is a approximation in slow speed and weak field
How Gravity Is a Double Copy of Other Forces | Quanta Magazine
Why Gravity Is Not Like the Other Forces | Quanta Magazine
Physicist advances a radical theory of gravity - Big Think
Cosmic Photos
Pale Blue Dot - Wikiwand
Voyager 1's Pale Blue Dot | NASA Solar System Exploration
Earthrise - Wikiwand
Apollo 8’s Earthrise: The Shot Seen Round the World - The New York Times
Solar Probe
Parker Solar Probe
Parker Solar Probe | NASA
Parker Solar Probe - Wikiwand
Traveling to the sun: Why won't Parker Solar Probe melt?
Parker Solar Probe Countdown to T-Zero for a Journey to “Touch” the Sun - YouTube
NASA's Parker Solar Probe Touches The Sun For The First Time - YouTube
NASA's Spacecraft "Touched The Sun" - What Does That Mean? - YouTube
The Insane Engineering of the Parker Solar Probe - YouTube
Which violates conservation of momentum
The EmDrive Experiments Were Junk - Ask a Spaceman! - YouTube
'Impossible' Space Engine Might Actually Work, Study Suggests | Space
Can the EmDrive actually work for space travel? | Live Science
Krypton Ion Thruster
一个屁都不如的推力 却能把星链卫星加速到 30000 公里每小时 【星链卫星的氪离子推进器】 - YouTube
Fermi Paradox
最神奇的星球,地球以及人類存在的真正原因 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
【費米悖論】人類至今無法發現外星人的 14 種可能,越往後可能性越大 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
The Fermi Paradox - Wait But Why
Why Have We Not Found Any Aliens? - with Keith Cooper - YouTube
The Fermi Paradox — Where Are All The Aliens? (1/2) - YouTube
The Fermi Paradox II — Solutions and Ideas – Where Are All The Aliens? - YouTube
Why Alien Life Would be our Doom - The Great Filter - YouTube
How Stars May Have Just Solved The Fermi Paradox - YouTube
Asteroids had circular orbits, sized between 1m to 500km, were made of rock and metal and lived in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Comets had inclined elliptical orbits, were made of dust, rock and ice, when the sun is formed for and came from further away
Meteoroids are broken parts of asteroids or comets
Meteors are meteoroids that enters the Earth's atmosphere
Meteorites are meteors that are not vaporized and landed on the Earth's surface
Centaur (small Solar System body) - Wikiwand
Kuiper Belt, Oort cloud, Mostly icy
Who Protects Earth From Asteroids?
Difference between Asteroids and Meteorites
Asteroid or Meteor: What's the Difference? | NASA Space Place – NASA Science for Kids
The difference between asteroids and meteorites
Overview | Meteors & Meteorites – NASA Solar System Exploration
Astronomy and Nature TV - YouTube
Space - YouTube 3D Animations
流星雨是如何产生的?英仙座流星雨又来啦! - YouTube
關於彗星的秘密:生也彗星,亡也彗星「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube Project Rosetta
Are there centaurs in outer space? • Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe - Podcast Addict
Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe: How to land a robot on an asteroid on Apple Podcasts
Space Stations
中国来了!世界看见了中国速度,神舟十三号出发在即!世界空间站的震撼发展史 - YouTube
How China Reinvented The Space Station! - YouTube
International Space Station Construction Videos - YouTube
The Logistics of the International Space Station - YouTube
Salyut programme - Wikiwand 1971-1986
Skylab - Wikiwand 1973-1974, monolithic station
Mir - Wikiwand 1986-2001, first modular space station
International Space Station - Wikiwand 1998-
Assembly of the International Space Station - Wikiwand
What Is the International Space Station? | NASA
History and Timeline of the ISS
How does the International Space Station work? - YouTube
Tiangong space station - Wikiwand 2021-
Earth Orbits
The Satellite Orbit Tier List - YouTube
Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
160-2000km above earth's surface
Project Gemini - Wikiwand
Cold war, uses Titan II, a modified Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM), as launch vehicle
Medium Earth Orbit
2000-35700km above earth's surface
Satellite Navigation Systems
Geosynchronous Orbit/Geostationary Orbit
35786km above equator
Geosynchronous Orbits are WEIRD - YouTube
Graveyard orbit
300km above GEO
36000km above equator
Graveyard orbit - Wikiwand
ESA - Mitigation scenarios: Graveyard orbit 300 km above GEO
Graveyard Orbits Where Old Satellites Are Forgotten - YouTube
Satellite/Space Junk
Live Starlink Satellite and Coverage Map
Space Junk Removal Is Not Going Smoothly - Scientific American
A Giant Piece of Space Junk From a Chinese Rocket Is Hurtling Towards Earth – Here’s How Worried You Should Be
衛星和太空垃圾發生嚴重車禍!太空垃圾數量突破百萬,人類會被自己困在地球嗎? - YouTube
Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS)
GPS signals can be jammed or spoofed
Satellite navigation - Wikiwand
The Beginner's Guide to Different Satellite Navigation Systems
What's The Differences Between the 5 GNSS Constellations?
Dual-Frequency GNSS - An important location feature your phone is probably missing
Dual-frequency GNSS on Android devices | by Sean Barbeau | Medium
GPSTest Database - Google Sheets
Why The US Military Made GPS Free-To-Use - YouTube
手机定位和导航是啥原理?GPS 和北斗有啥区别?李永乐老师讲卫星定位(2018 最新) - YouTube
中国北斗有多厉害?GPS 的霸主地位动摇,欧美体验到什么是中国速度 - YouTube
IMU Navigation Systems
Traditional IMU measures acceleration and integrates twice to get distance
This method is prune to measurement drifts
The Genius Behind the Quantum Navigation Breakthrough - YouTube using Bose-Eistein Condensate as IMU without drift
What Did Nasa's Voyager 1 Really Discover... - YouTube
We decoded NASA’s messages to aliens by hand - YouTube
How to decode the images on the Voyager Golden Record / Boing Boing
First Ever Decode of Voyager Audio Images, in Real Time. - YouTube
Primal Space
Voyager's 15 Billion Mile Software Update - YouTube
What If We Turned On Voyager 1’s Camera? - YouTube
How Voyager 2 Threaded The Needle Through Space - YouTube
aizquier/voyagerimb: Voyager's Golden Disk Image Browser
Voyager Golden Record: encoded image data by Ozma Records
【震撼】距離地球最遙遠的人造物,航海家 1 號 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
Watch InSight Landing On Mars | Ars Technica Video | CNE
Missions | Mars Exploration Section – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program
火星探索简史 - YouTube
Why NASA's Mars Rovers Were Not Equipped With Solar Panels - YouTube
File:PIA22835-MarsProbes-SingleSolGeneratedEnergy-20181130-corrected.png - Wikipedia
Mars Rover Landing CRASH COURSE- 3 DAYS LEFT! - YouTube
Mars Pathfinder - NASA Mars
Mars Pathfinder - Wikiwand 1997
Spirit and Opportunity are MER twins; designed for a mission of 90 martian days (sol), lasted for more than 7 and 14 years
How NASA's Opportunity and Spirit Rovers Changed Mars Exploration Forever | Space
Mars Exploration Rovers - Spirit and Opportunity | NASA
Mars Exploration Rovers - NASA Mars
Spirit (rover) - Wikiwand 2003 MER-A; stopped working in 2010 after trapping in sand dune
Opportunity (rover) - Wikiwand 2004 MER-B; shut down due to record breaking dust storm late 2018
Mars Opportunity Rover - YouTube air bags
How we landed on Mars with NASA Spirit - YouTube
The Desperate Last-Ditch Efforts to Save Opportunity - YouTube
Mars Science Laboratory
Curiosity (rover) - Wikiwand 2011
- first to use sky crane system
- Equipped with Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator (RTG)
Mars Science Laboratory - Curiosity Rover | NASA
NASA Mars Science Laboratory (Curiosity Rover) Mission Animation [HDx1280] - YouTube
7 Minutes of Terror: Curiosity Rover's Risky Mars Landing | Video - YouTube
NASA - Mars Curiosity Entry/Decent and Landing "7 Minutes of Terror!" Full Story! (HD) - YouTube
The Curiosity Rover Landing - YouTube power descent (super sonic retro propulsion), sky crane
The Computers Behind NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover - YouTube
Perseverance (rover) - Wikiwand 2021
Ingenuity (helicopter) - Wikiwand
Ingenuity Is So Good, NASA's Mars Helicopter Mission Just Got an Exciting Update
The Insane Engineering of the Perseverance Rover - YouTube
How does a Mars Rover work? (Perseverance) - YouTube
- twin of Curiosity Rover
- also uses sky crane system
- with Ingenuity helicopter, first rotor-powered flying object beyond Earth
毅力號系列 - YouTube
中国“天问一号”有多厉害?它将挑战欧美之前没能完成的火星任务 - YouTube
入轨!“天问一号”频传捷报,美国“毅力号”成功着陆,中美火星争霸正式开启!MARS! China vs USA 2021 - YouTube
Mars Perseverance Rover | NASA
Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover - NASA Mars
Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover - What's Different This Time? A Narrated Explanation. - YouTube
How NASA's next-gen Perseverance Mars rover tops older sibling Curiosity - CNET
First Flight on Another Planet! - YouTube
The Insane Engineering of the Perseverance Rover - YouTube
Viking 1975
Phoenix - NASA Mars
Phoenix (spacecraft) - Wikiwand 2008
Phoenix Mars Landing: Nerves and Joy - YouTube
火星探索簡史(第五集):火星上的不死鳥 - YouTube
InSight - Wikiwand 2018
Entry, Descent, and Landing | Landing – NASA's InSight Mars Lander
NASA InSight landing: Watch as the spacecraft successfully lands on Mars - YouTube
Watch NASA land INSIGHT on Mars!!!! - YouTube
Space drive
Was Physics Really Violated By EM Drive In "Leaked" NASA Paper? - Universe Today
Max-Q: maximum aerodynamic pressure a flying object can withstand
Delta-V maps
Hohmann transfer orbit - Wikiwand
Gravity assist - Wikiwand
Single Stage to Orbit (SSTO)
It's Rocket Science! with Professor Chris Bishop - YouTube
HOW ROCKETS ARE MADE (Rocket Factory Tour - United Launch Alliance) - Smarter Every Day 231 - YouTube
Rockets 101 | National Geographic - YouTube
NASA 隱瞞的秘密,人性道德與利益的取舍?「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
Rocket Escape System
How do you Escape from an Exploding rocket? - Launch Escape Systems - YouTube
Why won’t Starship have an abort system? Should it?! - YouTube
Space Shuttle
Space Shuttle: Final Countdown (NASA) | History Documentary | Reel Truth History - YouTube
How did the Space Shuttle launch work? - YouTube
How did the Orbiter Vehicle work? (Space Shuttle) - YouTube
Enterprise (testing vehicle on Earth)
Challenger (accident in 1986, O-ring leaked fuel and causing explosion during launch)
Columbia (accident upon return in 2003 due to thermal tile hit off by shard during launch)
US terminate all shuttle space program in 2011
How to Land the Space Shuttle... from Space - YouTube
Heat generated at re-entry goes up by the cube of velocity.
Space Suit
How SpaceX Mastered Space Suits - YouTube
中国 5000 万 美国 10 亿 全球只有中俄美三国能制造的航天服怎么来的?【上集】ONLY China Russia USA can make space suits(2021)@布解探秘 - YouTube
美国 10 亿一套,中国只要 5000 万,美国航天服为什么贵的离谱?(2021)@布解探秘 - YouTube
中国空间站首次太空行走,价值 3000 万的航天服和自动机械臂相继亮相 China Space Station's first spacewalk(2021)@布解探秘 - YouTube
Brings software development philosophy (quick and cheap prototyping, scalability) to building rockets.
解锁馬斯克的星艦飛船,為什麼前往火星是一次有去無回的旅途?「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
炸了又炸!30億美元打水漂?馬斯克的星艦計劃為什麼會改變人類歷史?「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
(Almost) Every SpaceX Landing, In Order - YouTube
“星舰”为何会爆炸?SpaceX 能否帮助人类移民火星? - YouTube
Starbase Tour with Elon Musk [PART 1] - YouTube
Starbase Tour with Elon Musk [PART 2] - YouTube
Starbase Launchpad Tour with Elon Musk [PART 3] - YouTube
Starship Launch System (SLS), using Superheavy as first stage booster
Why Elon Musk's Big, Shiny Starship Sparked a Passive-Aggressive Fight with NASA | Live Science
Complete Guide To Starship: Falcon 9 VS Starship. What's new? What's different? - YouTube
SLS VS Starship: Why does SLS still exist?! - YouTube
How SpaceX and Boeing will get Astronauts to the ISS - YouTube
Starship - YouTube SN8 began to trial flip landing
What's Inside The SpaceX Starship? - YouTube
- 9 (or 27 for Falcon HeavY) Merlin 1D engines as first stage
- 27 Falcon
- M-Vac (vacuum optimized Merlin engine) as first stage
- payload volume: 5m x 14m (145m³)
- 2219 aluminum alloy + carbon composite
- Raptor engines
- payload volume: 9m x 18m (1000m³)
- 304L/30X stainless steel
Welcome to SpiceyPy’s documentation! — SpiceyPy documentation
Lessons — SpiceyPy documentation
Space Science with Python — A Data Science Tutorial Series | by Thomas Albin | Space Science in a Nutshell | Medium
NAIF CSPICE Toolkit Hypertext Documentation
Discover the role of Python in space exploration - Learn | Microsoft Docs
Space Science with Python — A Data Science Tutorial Series | by Thomas Albin | Space Science in a Nutshell | Medium