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Static Sites

September 29, 2023
July 25, 2019


StaticGen | Top Open Source Static Site Generators
Static Site Generator | Nikola
Static Site Generators
Static site generators | MZ Linux
aharris88-awesome-static-website-services: A curated list of awesome static websites services
Static Site Generators - Top Open Source SSGs | Jamstack

Which Generator builds Markdown the fastest?—
SSG Build Performance Tests

10 Open Source Blogging Platforms for Developers
9 React Static Site Generators for 2019 - Bits and Pieces
Comparing Static Site Engines with Brian Rinaldi - YouTube
What are static site generators? Learn how they can boost your website's speed, improve security, and more easily scale. Plus 3 tips for finding the best one for you.
How to Choose Your Static Site Generator | Stackbit Blog
Choosing a static site generator for a personal site

Ian Sinnott - Building Static Sites with React - YouTube


What is Fuse.js? | Fuse.js
Using Fuse.js to add dynamic search to a React app - LogRocket Blog

Typesense | Fast, typo-tolerant open source search engine
What is Typesense? | Typesense
Anime search app built using Reactjs and Typesense - DEV Community

Site Search & Discovery powered by AI | Algolia
Static site search with Hugo + Algolia |
Static search with Algolia and Hugo | Harry Cresswell · Design and front-end web development
Static search with Algolia and Hugo 2 | Harry Cresswell · Design and front-end web development
replicatedhq/hugo-algolia: Enables search with Algolia in Hugo static sites

Swiftype: Application Search, Site Search and Enterprise Search Platform


Octopress vs Hexo

3rd party plugins · imathis-octopress Wiki



Lume, the static site generator for Deno - Lume
lumeland/lume: 🔥 Static site generator for Deno 🦕

How to build a static site with Lume
woodcox/luminous: A Lume starter repo for windicss and alpine


blog@0.5.0 | Deno
How to Create a Static Markdown Blog with Deno and Deploy It


Harp, the static web server with built-in preprocessing
sintaxi/harp: Static Site Server/Generator with built-in preprocessing

The Jekyde Blog
zohooo/jekyde: Static blog generater, server and writer. Write markdown with latex in desktop/mobile browsers.

segmentio/metalsmith: An extremely simple, pluggable static site generator.

jnordberg/wintersmith: A flexible static site generator

Spring is a blog engine written by github issues
zhaoda/spring: Spring is a blog engine written by GitHub Issues

Poet -- node.js blogging platform
jsantell/poet: A node.js blog engine


meme framework
Hugo + Svelte Web Component, client side routes, link prefetch

fireship-io/flamethrower: A blazingly fast router for static sites


Eleventy, a simpler static site generator. 1.0-beta @2021-10, 2.0 @2023-02
Overview—Eleventy, a simpler static site generator.
Getting Started—Eleventy, a simpler static site generator.

Exploring 11ty with Zach Leatherman - YouTube
What's New in Eleventy 2: A Great SSG Just Got Better

Slinkity enable component frameworks for templates
Quick start

11ty Rocks!
11ty Recipes
Build An Eleventy (11ty) Site From Scratch |
Eleventy: Key Features and Getting Started - YouTube
A Brief Tour of the Eleventy Static Site Generator | DigitalOcean

Eleventy (11ty) vs. Hugo | CloudCannon
How to migrate a bunch of HTML pages (Alpine.js Playground) to Eleventy · Code with Hugo
Build your own shop with the Shopify Storefront API, and serverless functions with Eleventy
Before building your next static site with React, consider this
Eleventy: Build vs. Serverless vs. Edge—

Creating A Blog With Eleventy | Keeping Up To Date
Building Personal Static Site with Eleventy
Creating Your Own Bragdoc With Eleventy | CSS-Tricks
Going serverless with Eleventy - LogRocket Blog
Using Eleventy to host your blog - LogRocket Blog
Building Personal Static Site with Eleventy

snowpack/create-snowpack-app/app-template-11ty at main · snowpackjs/snowpack


50 Best Eleventy Starter Themes [2021] | EASEOUT
Eleventy Static Site Templates

CosAnca/nucleum: A performance oriented web starter kit highly structured

thegetty/quire: A multi-package repository for the Quire multiformat publishing framework

google/eleventy-high-performance-blog: A high performance blog template for the 11ty static site generator. read progress
surjithctly/neat-starter: Starter Template for Netlify CMS, Eleventy, Alpine JS & Tailwind CSS
🏡 Home 🍦 The vanilla JavaScript 🕚 Eleventy starter project of your dreams 💭
reeseschultz/11r: America's favorite Eleventy blog template.
jmschrack/Dark-Portfolio-Template-11ty: Converted the W3C "Dark Portfolio Template" to 11ty blog, portfolio


Plugins—Eleventy, a simpler static site generator.

Add Sass Compiling and Watch for Changes in Eleventy (11ty) |

5t3ph/eleventy-plugin-template: A starter environment for creating plugins for Eleventy (11ty).

11ty/demo-eleventy-serverless-oauth: A demo project using OAuth to secure some of your Eleventy Serverless routes.
How to add Authentication to your Eleventy Site—


site builder

CloudCannon/bookshop: 📚 A component development workflow for static websites. supports Jekyll and Eleventy, with Hugo support coming in the near future

Introducing Bookshop: component-driven workflow for static websites


Neocities: Create your own free website!
Neocities - Tutorials


Introducing MDXC: A new way to write Markdown for React - James K Nelson




Aslemammad/vitext: The Next.js like React framework for better User & Developer experience! built with Vite, Next.js like


Rakkas built with Vite
rakkasjs/rakkasjs: Lightning fast Next.js alternative powered by Vite

Rakkas: Next.js alternative powered by Vite - DEV Community





List of Plugins
docsifyjs/awesome-docsify: 💖 A curated list of awesome things related to docsify

DocsifyJS Tutorial


this is a bit heavy, Contentful + Next.js may be enough for light use case

Static site generator that can ingest content from various data sources, render with React (or other frontend frameworks)

Gatsby.js Documentation | GatsbyJS
gatsby-starter-blog: Gatsby Starter | GatsbyJS
gatsbyjs/gatsby-starter-blog: Gatsby starter for creating a blog

Learn GatsbyJS by creating a tourism site -1 - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻 21 part series
Demystifying The New Gatsby Framework — Smashing Magazine

Using GraphQL Playground with Gatsby | CSS-Tricks

Modern static site generation with Gatsby | GatsbyJS
Gatsby + Contentful + Netlify (and Algolia) | GatsbyJS
Build a Blog with React and Markdown using Gatsby from @taylorbell on @eggheadio
Finding joy in WordPress again, with React, Gatsby & GraphQL - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Gatsby Sparks Joy - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻
Migrating to React land: Gatsby
Traced SVG Images For Excellent UX with Gatsby.js - - Medium
Reading Data From A JSON File With Gatsby + GraphQL | by Emma Bostian | ITNEXT
10 Top GatsbyJS Plugins for 2020. Recommended Gatsby plugins to use in… | by Shanika Wickramasinghe | Jul, 2020 | Bits and Pieces

React Static

⚛️ 🚀 Introducing React-Static — A progressive static-site framework for React!
nozzle/react-static: ⚛️ 🚀 A progressive static site generator for React.





vuepressjs/awesome-vuepress: 🎉 A curated list of awesome things related to VuePress

Build a Beautiful Website with VuePress and Tailwind.css - DEV Community 👩‍💻👨‍💻


Build a blog with Vitepress and Vue.js - LogRocket Blog
How to Build a Modern Documentation Site with VitePress


like Gatsby, but for Vue

Modern Site Generator for Vue.js - Gridsome


Pelican documentation

Static Site Generator | Nikola
getnikola/nikola: A static website and blog generator


Cobalt::A static site generator
cobalt-org/ Static site generator written in Rust

getzola/zola: A fast static site generator in a single binary with everything built-in.


Middleman: Hand-crafted frontend development

Creating Static Sites in Ruby with Rack - Heroku Dev Center


Jekyll • Simple, blog-aware, static sites | Transform your plain text into static websites and blogs
poole/hyde: A brazen two-column theme for Jekyll.

Migrating from Wordpress to Jekyll - Part 1- Why I gave up on Wordpress
Migrating from Wordpress to Jekyll - Part 2- --Everything-- you need to know about Jekyll


github#GitHub Pages
google-cloud-platform#Google Cloud Storage

15 best alternatives to Netlify as of 2019 - Slant
Static Sites | Render · The Easiest Cloud For All Your Apps and Websites - The simplest way to share your web project


Cloudflare - The Web Performance & Security Company | Cloudflare
Cloudflare Pages is now Generally Available
Cloudflare Pages is Lightning Fast
Framework guides · Cloudflare Pages docs

Cloudflare Workers® | Serverless Computing | Cloudflare
Announcing Cloudflare R2 Storage: Rapid and Reliable Object Storage, minus the egress fees


Cloud Application Hosting for Developers | Render free tier with 100GB

A free CDN for developers - Statically
marsble/statically: A free, fast, & modern CDN for open source projects, WordPress, images and more