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Container Ecosystem

January 9, 2025
December 11, 2014

TODO: remove articles before 2022
TODO: rename to cloud-native? separate Containers from it

Container Ecosystem


CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape source
The Beginner’s Guide to the CNCF Landscape - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
What is cloud-native? The modern way to develop applications | InfoWorld
Towards a Kubernetes native Future – CloudARK – Medium
The ABC of DevOps Implementation With Containerization and Docker - DZone DevOps

Inside the Linux Container Ecosystem - Online Edition
4 container design patterns for Kubernetes | by Daniele Polencic | Feb, 2023 | ITNEXT
The Docker Ecosystem | DigitalOcean ❗!important, 2015-01
Sysdig | The Container Ecosystem Project 2015-10
Docker Ecosystem Rosetta Stones – zwischenzugs 2015-12
Open Container Ecosystem - MindMeister Mind Map
Understanding the Docker Ecosystem - via @codeship | via @codeship
Codenvy Market Map (Spring 2016) (PDF)
eBooks Series: The Docker and Container Ecosystem - The New Stack
Basics - Docker, Containers, Hypervisors, CoreOS - EtherealMind
Codeship Webinar Video: An Introduction to Web Apps with Docker
解读 2017 之容器篇:后 Kubernetes 时代 history
The Docker Ecosystem: An Introduction to Common Components | DigitalOcean 2015-02
Docker Vs. AWS ECS Vs. Azure Vs. Kubernetes: Container Face-Off | CRN

Fundamentals of Containers, Kubernetes, and Red Hat OpenShift | edX
50+ Useful Docker Tools | Caylent

NodeUp: ninetyeight - A Docker Show #2


Top Docker alternatives for 2022 - LogRocket Blog
Docker is so cool...until it's not | Theodo

A journey from containerization to orchestration and beyond ❗!important, history and development of tools
Bryan Cantrill on Jails and Solaris Zones - YouTube
The Container Revolution: Reflections After the First Decade - YouTube

Linux Containers Linux Container (LXC) Introduction - YouTube
Linux Containers - LXC - Getting started
Linux Containers - LXD - Introduction This is the Docker Engine equivalent
LXC 1.0: Blog post series [0/10] | Stéphane Graber's website
LXC - Wikiwand
LXC vs Docker comparison criteria deep dive - Robin Systems
Docker vs Singularity vs Shifter vs UGE Container Edition

Jim's Garage
Proxmox LXC - How To Guide - Better Than A VM? - YouTube
LXC - YouTube

How to easily run graphics-accelerated GUI apps in LXD containers on your Ubuntu desktop – Mi blog lah!

A Brief History of Containers: From 1970s chroot to Docker 2016
A history of low-level Linux container runtimes |
What is Docker? Linux containers explained | InfoWorld
From dotCloud to Docker
5 Years at Docker ·
Container Defense in Depth - The New Stack
A Practical Introduction to Container Terminology - RHD Blog
Containers for all - are we there yet? • DEVCLASS

Linux Container Internals (Part I) – Rabbit Stack
Linux Container Internals (Part II) – Rabbit Stack

Houses vs apartments
Virtual Machines vs Docker Containers - Dive Into Docker - YouTube
Containers and VMs - A Practical Comparison - YouTube
Lightboard VMs vs. Containers: Advanced Deep Dive - YouTube
VMs vs. Containers for Microservices - By Spruha Pandya

[Podcast] PodCTL #3 - Making Sense of Container Standards – OpenShift Blog
A Comparison of Linux Container Images - Crunch Tools
Containers are Linux

Containers is implemented with these Linux kernel features:

Everything You Need to Know about Linux Containers, Part I: Linux Control Groups and Process Isolation | Linux Journal
Everything You Need to Know about Linux Containers, Part II: Working with Linux Containers (LXC) | Linux Journal
Everything You Need to Know about Containers, Part III: Orchestration with Kubernetes | Linux Journal

[Linux Container Internals (Part I) – Rabbit Stack]( systems/containers/linux-containers-internals-part-i/)
[Linux Container Internals (Part II) – Rabbit Stack]( systems/containers/linux-container-internals-part-ii/)
The History of Pets vs Cattle and How to Use the Analogy Properly | Cloudscaling
The crux of Pets is indispensability, statefulness does not implies being Pets

Containers from Scratch | posts

Containers and VMs - A Practical Comparison - YouTube

# check PID of containerized process *on host*, 29840
$ sudo ls -l /proc/29840/ns
total 0
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Oct 15 17:31 ipc -> 'ipc:[4026531839]'
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Oct 15 17:31 mnt -> 'mnt:[4026532434]'
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Oct 15 17:31 net -> 'net:[4026531969]'
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Oct 15 17:31 pid -> 'pid:[4026532446]'
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Oct 15 17:31 user -> 'user:[4026531837]'
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root 0 Oct 15 17:31 uts -> 'uts:[4026531838]'
# use nsenter to join the namespace
$ sudo nsenter --pid=/proc/29840/ns/pid \
    unshare -f --mount-proc=$PWD/rootfs/proc \
    chroot rootfs /bin/bash
root@localhost:/# ps aux
root         1  0.0  0.0  20272  3064 ?        S+   00:25   0:00 /bin/bash
root         5  0.0  0.0  20276  3248 ?        S    00:29   0:00 /bin/bash
root         6  0.0  0.0  17504  1984 ?        R+   00:30   0:00 ps aux

Namespaces in operation, index []
Cgroups, namespaces, and beyond: what are containers made from? - YouTube
What Have Namespaces Done for You Lately? - YouTube

Containers 101: Linux containers and Docker explained | InfoWorld
Docker 基础技术:Linux CGroup | 酷 壳 -
Docker 基础技术:Linux Namespace(上) | 酷 壳 -
Docker 基础技术:Linux Namespace(下) | 酷 壳 -
Docker 基础技术:AUFS | 酷 壳 -
Docker 基础技术:DeviceMapper | | 酷 壳 - CoolShell

OpenVZ Virtuozzo Containers Wiki


Welcome to Vagga’s documentation! — Vagga documentation

Docker vs LXC
Flockport - LXC vs Docker
Flockport - LXC vs LXD vs Docker - Making sense of the rapidly evolving container ecosystem
Basics - Docker, Containers, Hypervisors, CoreOS - EtherealMind


kubernetes#Runtime (CRI)

Open Container Initiative GitHub
App Container

Making Sense of Container Standards and Foundations: OCI, CNCF, appc and p
Container runtimes: clarity - cri-o - Medium CRI-O is for k8s only

OCIv2 | Cyphar

Red Hat Universal Base Image: How it works in 3 minutes or less - Red Hat Developer Blog


Podman | exports k8s YAML, 3.0 supports Docker Compose
containers/podman: Podman: A tool for managing OCI containers and pods.
containers/podman-py: Python bindings for Podman's RESTful API

Podman Desktop - Containers and Kubernetes | Podman Desktop
containers/podman-desktop: Podman Desktop - A graphical tool for developing on containers and Kubernetes
Podman Desktop 1.0: Local container development made easy | Red Hat Developer

Intro to Podman | Red Hat Developer
Transitioning from Docker to Podman | Red Hat Developer
Podman basics: Resources for beginners and experts | Red Hat Developer

Why Red Hat is investing in CRI-O and Podman
Buildah, Podman, and Skopeo – the BIT that matters
Container pipelines for sys admins—and anyone, really—with Buildah and Podman
Goodbye Docker: Purging is Such Sweet Sorrow – zwischenzugs
Podman and Buildah for Docker users | Red Hat Developer

Replacing Docker with Podman — Power of Podman — Cloudnweb
Podman » ADMIN Magazine
Podman can now ease the transition to Kubernetes and CRI-O | Red Hat Developer

Podman Basics Cheat Sheet | Red Hat Developer
Podman and user namespaces: A marriage made in heaven |
How does rootless Podman work? |
Should you use the --user flag in rootless containers? | Enable Sysadmin

sudo su
# NOTE: this should be id of original user, not root
echo $(id -un):100000:65536 >> /etc/subuid
echo $(id -un):100000:65536 >> /etc/subgid

containers/podman-compose: a script to run docker-compose.yml using podman
Manage containers with Podman Compose - Fedora Magazine podman-compose
Moving from docker-compose to Podman pods | Enable Sysadmin podman-compose
Using Podman and Docker Compose | Enable Sysadmin Podman 3.0 supports Docker Compose

containers/skopeo: Work with remote images registries - retrieving information, images, signing content


kuasar-io/kuasar: An efficient container runtime that provides cloud-native, all-scenario multiple sandbox container solutions.
Huawei Open Sources Kuasar, a Rust-Based Container Runtime


PouchContainer by Alibaba
PouchContainer Documentation

PouchContainer 技术分享体会 | 李乾坤的博客


Home | Singularity
hpcng/singularity: Singularity: Application containers for Linux

A Container for HPC » ADMIN Magazine

Introduction to Linux Containers with Singularity Part 1 (2020-03-10) - YouTubeIntroduction to Linux Containers with Singularity Part 2 (2020-03-11) - YouTube
NIH-HPC/Singularity-Tutorial at 2020-03-10

Documentation & Examples |
sylabs/singularity: SingularityCE is the Community Edition of Singularity, an open source container platform designed to be simple, fast, and secure.
sylabs/examples: files and instructions for creating and using example containers from the blog
Singularity Basics - YouTube


NVIDIA/hpc-container-maker: HPC Container Maker
Building Containers with HPC Container Maker » ADMIN Magazine


docker#Rootless Docker

Introducing kaniko: Build container images in Kubernetes and Google Container Builder without privileges | Google Cloud Blog
GoogleContainerTools/kaniko: Build Container Images In Kubernetes

ThomasKluiters/fetchy: Minuscule images made trivial
The Minuscule Docker Images That Could - Better Programming - Medium
fetchy's Profile - Docker Hub
ThomasKluiters/fetchy-images: A repository for the fetchy images

Dockerless, part 1: Which tools to replace Docker with and why | articles about programming on mkdev
Dockerless, part 2: How to build container image for Rails application without Docker and Dockerfile | articles about programming on mkdev
Dockerless, part 3: Moving development environment to containers with Podman | articles about programming on mkdev


google/lmctfy: lmctfy is the open source version of Google’s container stack, which provides Linux application containers. (merged to libcontainer)
docker/libcontainer(donated to OCI as part of runC)

Open Container Initiative - Open Container Initiative
opencontainers/runc: CLI tool for spawning and running containers according to the OCI specification
Introducing runC: a lightweight universal container runtime | Docker Blog
4 reasons why Docker's libcontainer is a big deal | InfoWorld
Jessie Frazelle's Blog: Runc Containers on the Desktop from Docker to RunC
jfrazelle/containers: runc configs for containers.

Docker 背后的容器管理——Libcontainer 深度解析
Docker 背后的标准化容器执行引擎——runC


Containerd Project
docker/containerd: A daemon to control runC
Containerd was released to public in 2015-12, integrated to Docker Engine 1.11 in 2016-04
Docker containerd integration | Docker Blog

containerd Deep Dive: Intro to containerd · Container42
containerd Deep Dive // Speaker Deck

Docker 1.11 et plus: Engine is now built on runC and containerd — Medium
Compared to the Docker Engine, containerd exposes essentially a CRUD interface around containers, using gRPC; while the Engine exposes not only containers, but also images, volumes, networks, builds, etc. using a full-blown HTTP API.

Open Container Initiative Launches a Container Image Format Spec - The New Stack
Containerd 1.0 Release Becomes the Public Face of Containers - The New Stack
Docker components explained

Docker in Windows

Containers on Windows documentation | Microsoft Learn
Prepare Windows operating system containers | Microsoft Learn
How to build a Node.js Nano Server Docker base image
What you need to know about Docker in Windows | InfoWorld
The Similarities and Differences Between Windows and Linux Containers | Rancher Labs


Linux Containers: Part 1, The Intro |
Linux Containers: Part 2, Creating Stopping and Connecting |
Linux Containers: Part 3, Tools of the Trade |
Linux Containers: Part 4, Getting to the Universe (Ping |
Linux Containers: Part 5, Creating Your Own VPN |
Linux Containers: Part 6, Additional VPN Security |
Linux Containers: Part 7, HTTP and HTTPS Routing |

Dev Containers

Development containers
Dev Container Features reference



Docker security
Understanding Docker Security and Best Practices | Docker Blog
Docker Engine 1.10 Security Improvements | Docker Blog

Bitnami Engineering Portal: Why non-root containers are important for security

Top 20 Docker Security Tips - Towards Data Science
Container Security Best Practices Taking Shape - Container Journal
Beginner's Guide To Container Security
A House of Cards: An Exploration of Security When Building Docker Containers | Heroku
Container security: How to get the most out of best practices - TechRepublic
Container Defense in Depth – The New Stack

New Docker Security Features and What They Mean: Seccomp Profiles
Docker 1.10 Security Features, part 2: Authorization Plug-In
Docker 1.10 Security Features, Part 3: User Namespace
Docker 1.11 and CIS Benchmark: What’s New in Security?

Introducing Peekr™, Scalock’s Free Security Scanner for Container Images
Anchore Open Source - Analysis and Policy Management for Containers
Automated Container Security » ADMIN Magazine
The known knowns - the importance of ongoing security scans for containers

Tech N' Talk: Ten Layers of Container Security with Red Hat's Kirsten Newcomer – Red Hat OpenShift Blog
Container Security 20170802 0 layers of container security

A Field Guide to Docker Security Measures – zwischenzugs

The Evolution of Docker Container Security: Part I
The Evolution of Docker Container Security: Part 2
The Evolution of Docker Container Security: Part 3
10 Container Security Best Practices for Linux Users

Docker - Introduction to User Namespaces in Docker Engine
Docker Security: Best Practices for your Vessel & Containers
Five Docker Security Best Practices - The New Stack
Containers have arrived -- and no one knows how to secure them | InfoWorld
5 keys to conquering container security | InfoWorld
8 Docker security rules to live by | InfoWorld
7 container security tools to lock down Docker and Kubernetes | InfoWorld

docker daemon with --userns-remap
User Namespaces Demo - asciinema

Docker security Part 1 |
Docker security Part 2 |

Docker Security Nathan McCauley and Diogo Mónica - YouTube slide

Free eBook - Docker Security - Using Containers Safely in Production
Introduction to Container Security (PDF)

Container Defense in Depth - The New Stack

Container Myths Debunked (Redux) - Crunch Tools
Securing Docker Containers with sVirt and Trusted Sources - Crunch Tools

Containing an Attack with Linux Containers and AppArmor/SELinux : Jay Beale : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive

Can not stop Docker Container: permission denied Error - General Discussions / General - Docker Forums AppArmor conflicts with dockerd
ruby on rails - Docker Containers can not be stopped or removed - permission denied Error - Stack Overflow

docker/docker-bench-security: The Docker Bench for Security is a script that checks for dozens of common best-practices around deploying Docker containers in production.

coreos/clair: Container Vulnerability Analysis Service
CoreOS takes on software security for containers | InfoWorld

[User Namespaces - ContainerCon 2015]( Namespaces - ContainerCon 2015 - 16-9-final_0.pdf) (PDF)


gliderlabs/herokuish: Utility for emulating Heroku build and runtime tasks in containers

heroku/heroku - Docker Hub
heroku/stack-images: Heroku stack images


Deis bought by Microsoft and now part of Azure

teamhephy/workflow: Hephy Workflow - An open source fork of Deis Workflow - The open source PaaS for Kubernetes.
deis/workflow: The open source PaaS for Kubernetes. v2 PaaS

deis/deis: Your PaaS. Your Rules. v1 PaaS


Flynn – The product that ops provides to developers
flynn/flynn: A next generation open source platform as a service (PaaS)


dokku/dokku: A docker-powered PaaS that helps you build and manage the lifecycle of applications
Dokku - The smallest PaaS implementation you've ever seen

Dokku Tutorials | DigitalOcean
How to Get Started with Dokku Debian 8 - UpCloud
Digital Ocean + Dokku = 10$ Heroku
PaaS in Your Pocket with Dokku

sehrope/dokku-logging-supervisord: Individual app logs and supervisord for Dokku


coollabsio/coolify: An open-source & self-hostable Heroku / Netlify / Vercel alternative.

State Management

Containerizing stateful applications | InfoWorld
Solving the Stateful Service Problem in Container Orchestration

Secret Management

How to keep container secrets secret | InfoWorld

Application Bundles

Cloud Native Application Bundles (CNAB)

CNAB: Cloud Native Application Bundles
deislabs/cnab-spec: Cloud Native Application Bundle Specification
Introducing Cloud Native Application Bundle (CNAB), standard for defining distributed applications - YouTube

Docker App and CNAB - Docker Blog
Powering Docker App: Next Steps for Cloud Native Application Bundles (CNAB) - Docker Blog
Introducing CNAB: a cloud-agnostic format for packaging and running distributed applications

Kubernetes Podcast from Google - #61 Cloud Native Application Bundles, with Jeremy Rickard and Ralph Squillace

Intro to CNAB: Packaging Cloud Native Applications with Multiple Toolchains - Chris Crone, Docker - YouTube
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2019: Intro to CNAB: Packaging Cloud Native Ap...

docker/app: Make your Docker Compose applications reusable, and share them on Docker Hub
Duffle: Install and Manage Distributed Apps
deislabs/duffle: CNAB installer
deislabs/example-bundles: CNAB bundles

Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR)

Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime
Bitnami Engineering Portal: Production Ready Packaging with CNAB and Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR)

Kubernetes app (kapp)

Create Kubernetes app (kapp) | kapp
peterj/kapp: Create Go app running in Kubernetes with minimal configuration
1 min* to run a service in Kubernetes — kapp tool - By

Cloud Native Buildpacks (CNB)

Cloud Native Buildpack Documentation · Cloud Native Buildpack Documentation
Turn Your Code into Docker Images with Cloud Native Buildpacks | Heroku
Goodbye Dockerfiles: Build Secure & Optimised Node.js Container Images with Cloud Native Buildpacks - DEV Community

Cloud Native Buildpacks
buildpacks/samples: Samples for Cloud Native Buildpacks

Paketo Buildpacks

Paketo Buildpacks - Paketo Buildpacks

Paketo Buildpacks
paketo-buildpacks/samples: A collection of samples


next gen buildpack

Introduction | Nixpacks App source + Nix packages + Docker = Image
railwayapp/nixpacks: App source + Nix packages + Docker = Image
nixpacks/examples at main · railwayapp/nixpacks


OAM | Open Application Model Specification
oam-dev/spec: The Open Application Model specification

KubeVela - Make shipping applications more enjoyable.
oam-dev/kubevela: A Highly Extensible Platform Engine based on Kubernetes and Open Application Model.

Announcing the Open Application Model (OAM), an open standard for developing and operating applications on Kubernetes and other platforms - Open Source Blog

oam-dev/rudr: A Kubernetes implementation of the Open Application Model specification DEPRECATED
Tutorial: Deploy Microservices on Kubernetes Through Rudr – The New Stack


TODO: merge with devops#Health monitoring

Building A Central Logging Service In-House — Smashing Magazine
4 Common Kubernetes-Monitoring Traps to Avoid - The New Stack
Top Six Open Source Tools for Monitoring Kubernetes and Docker -

Dockers Monitoring Tools -
Deep Dive into Docker Logging - Level UpLevel Up
ctop bcicen/ctop: Top-like interface for container metrics
Gathering container metrics
Adventures in GELF

Auditing Docker Containers in a DevOps Environment » ADMIN Magazine with auditd

Monitoring Kubernetes, part 1: the challenges + data sources - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

Container Monitoring: Top Docker Metrics to Watch
Open Source Docker Monitoring & Logging

Monitoring Docker with docker-scout
Collect all Logs From a Docker Swarm Cluster
Multiple Docker containers logging to a single syslog

SwarmWeek: Realtime Cluster Monitoring with Docker Swarm and Riemann | Docker Blog
Monitoring Metrics for Docker Containers
How Docker changes application monitoring | InfoWorld

Kubernetes Monitoring: Best Practices on Vimeo

Sysdig | Wiki | Getting Started


google/cadvisor: Analyzes resource usage and performance characteristics of running containers.

Kubernetes Podcast from Google: Episode 113 - Instrumentation and cAdvisor, with David Ashpole
cAdvisor, cgroup monitoring, mostly a Prometheus endpoint
As service or lib in k8s
Hipster -> metrics server + storage
State metrics

A monitoring solution for Docker hosts, containers and containerized services Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, NodeExporter and AlertManager
Monitoring Docker Containers: docker stats, cAdvisor... | via @codeship Prometheus + InfluxDB + cAdvisor
Monitoring Docker Containers with Elasticsearch and cAdvisor | via @codeship ELK 2.x + cAdvisor
Monitoring Docker Containers - docker stats, cAdvisor, Universal Control Plane


Monitor your applications with Prometheus Prometheus, NodeExporter
Monitoring Your Kubernetes Cluster with Grafana, Prometheus, and Alertmanager - YouTube


Zabbix :: The Enterprise-Class Open Source Network Monitoring Solution
Zabbix API Explained – Zabbix Blog
Zabbix - Open Source Monitoring System | Proxmox Home Server Series | Proxmox Home Lab - YouTube


Reference Architecture: Monitoring and Logging for Docker Datacenter

Docker “Swarm Mode”: Full Cluster Monitoring & Logging with 1 Command


gliderlabs/logspout: Log routing for Docker container logs
looplab/logspout-logstash: A minimalistic adapter for to write to Logstash UDP
rtoma/logspout-redis-logstash: Logspout adapter for writing Docker container logs to Redis in Logstash jsonevent layout


Send Your Data -

Docker Flow

Docker Flow: Blue-Green Deployment and Relative Scaling | Technology Conversations
vfarcic/docker-flow: Docker Flow: Blue-Green Deployment and Relative Scaling

Docker Flow: Proxy

vfarcic/docker-flow-proxy HAProxy + Consul
Docker Flow: Proxy – On-Demand HAProxy Service Discovery and Reconfiguration | Technology Conversations


azk Orchestrate dev environment with Docker
Introduction | azk Docs Gitbook


Bitnami Kubernetes - Application Packaging and Deployment for Kubernetes

Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime
Bitnami Engineering Portal: Announcing the Bitnami Kubernetes Production Runtime (BKPR)


michaelsauter/crane: Crane - Lift containers with ease
Lifting Docker containers with Crane






Distributed system for data science

Pachyderm - Scalable, Reproducible Data Science
Pachyderm Developer Documentation — Pachyderm documentation


Create a Node.js Container image for Windows
Minimal Docker Containers for Node.js | @RisingStack
Containerizing a Node.js Application for Development With Compose | DigitalOcean
Dockerizing a Node.js Web Application - Semaphore
Running a MEAN web application in Docker containers on AWS | via @codeship


Cloud Foundry Docs
Tutorials by Cloud Foundry
Kubernetes and Cloud Foundry Technology | Cloud Foundry
When to Choose Cloud Foundry over Kubernetes – The New Stack

cf-for-k8s – cf push for Kubernetes | Cloud Foundry
Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes · Cloud Foundry for Kubernetes
Installing cf-for-k8s on DigitalOcean

KubeCF – Packaged for Kubernetes | Cloud Foundry

bosh BOSH is an open source tool for release engineering, deployment, lifecycle management, and monitoring of distributed systems.
Diego Architecture | Cloud Foundry Docs
cloudfoundry/diego-release: BOSH Release for Diego

Cloud Foundry stages a comeback | InfoWorld
Are Diego and Docker Really Good Friends? - Blog on All Things Cloud Foundry


RackHD Archives - {code}


Serverless - The Serverless Application Framework powered by AWS Lambda, API Gateway, and more
The Leading Open Source Serverless Solutions for Kubernetes
CNCF Cloud Native Interactive Landscape serverless
How to Become a Serverless Developer in 2022

Rethinking Serverless Architectures With Eventbridge - DZone Cloud

Open source serverless computing: Fission, Fn, Kubeless, and OpenWhisk | InfoWorld
Demystifying Serverless & OpenFaas – Collabnix

gloo Function gateway for microservice, monolithic, and serverless applications

Functions as a Service (FaaS)
alexellis/faas: Functions as a Service - a serverless framework for Docker
iron-io/functions: IronFunctions - the serverless microservices platform by

metrue/fx: fx is a framework to help you do Function as a Service with painless on your own servers

Serverless Functions for Kubernetes - Fission
funktionio/funktion: a CLI tool for working with funktion

One-shot containers with Docker Swarm
alexellis/jaas: CLI to run tasks / batch jobs / ah-hoc containers on Docker Swarm

A crash course on Serverless APIs with Express and MongoDB


Cloudflare Workers®

🔥 Miniflare · Miniflare
Miniflare 2.0: fully-local development and testing for Workers
cloudflare/miniflare: 🔥 Fully-local simulator for Cloudflare Workers

Cloudflare Workers · Cloudflare Workers docs was Wrangler
cloudflare/workers-sdk: ⛅️ Home to Wrangler, the CLI for Cloudflare Workers®


Knative is a project to create a standard set of building blocks for Kubernetes to enable serverless development patterns. It’s not a complete serverless framework.

Knative | Google Cloud
docs/ at master · knative/docs
Knative: bringing serverless to Kubernetes everywhere | Google Cloud Blog
How Knative Can Unite Kubernetes and Serverless - The New Stack
Knative Brings Event-Driven and Serverless Computing to Kubernetes - The New Stack
Build and deploy a serverless service to Knative | Red Hat Developer

knative/build: A Kubernetes-native Build resource.
First look at knative build for OpenFaaS functions

Introduction to Knative – Paul Czarkowski – Medium
Using the Knative Build system by itself – Paul Czarkowski – Medium
ko: fast Kubernetes microservice development in Go – Knative – Medium
How to use Knative on Kubernetes to deploy a Serverless Application
Deploying serverless apps with Knative
redhat-developer-demos/knative-tutorial: A pratical guide to get started with knative. Knative concepts are explained simple and easy way with lots of demos and exercises.

Part 1: Introduction to Serverless with Knative | Red Hat Developer
Part 2: Building a Serverless Service | Red Hat Developer
Part 3: Deploying a Serverless Service to Knative | Red Hat Developer

Knative 系列(一):基本概念和原理解读
Knative 系列(二):兵马未动粮草先行之 Build 篇
Knative 系列(三):Serving 篇
Knative 系列(四):Eventing 篇

Knative: Serverless Workloads with Ville Aikas - Software Engineering Daily


Apache OpenWhisk is a serverless, open source cloud platform
Debugging Node.js OpenWhisk Actions - James Thomas


OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple
openfaas/faas: OpenFaaS - Serverless Functions Made Simple
Morning coffee with the OpenFaaS CLI
Martin Heinz - Going Serverless with OpenFaaS and Golang - The Ultimate Setup and Workflow

openfaas/faasd: A lightweight & portable faas engine OpenFaaS reimagined, but without the cost and complexity of Kubernetes
Exploring Serverless use-cases with David McKay (Rawkode) and Alex Ellis - YouTube
Meet faasd. Look Ma’ No Kubernetes! - Alex Ellis, OpenFaaS Ltd - YouTube

OpenFaaS - Run Containerized Functions On Your Own Terms - Ivan Velichko


Kabanero integrates popular runtimes and frameworks with a Kubernetes-native DevOps toolchain. It will incorporate Appsody stacks and templates into its overarching framework.



Announcing KEDA: bringing event-driven containers and functions to Kubernetes - Open Source blog
kedacore/keda: KEDA is a Kubernetes-based Event Driven Autoscaling component. It provides event driven scale for any container running in Kubernetes
Build Event-Driven Containers | Microsoft Azure


There are two aspects

  1. Lightweight user-land to be used as base image of container
  2. Micro OS/Container OS designed to run on infrastructure to run containers

Base Image OS

Alphine Linux

Alpine Linux | Alpine Linux
Alpine Linux wiki

docker-alpine ::
Docker Official Images are Moving to Alpine Linux
Alpine Based Docker Images Make a Difference in Real World Apps - Nick Janetakis
Super small Docker image based on Alpine Linux | Hacker News
Review: Alpine Linux is made for Docker | InfoWorld

u/iron/ built with Alpine

[Alpine Linux and Docker Nautilus Protect Crate Images | Crate.IO]( er-nautilus-protect-crate/)

Alpine Linux package management - Alpine Linux
Alpine packages


RancherOS | Rancher Labs OS built out of Docker containers.
Linux kernel hands of to system-docker (running as PID1), all processes it spawn are containerized.

Rancher Documentation
RancherOS: A simpler Linux for Docker lovers | InfoWorld


Kurma - Extensible and flexible container engine for a cloud native world.
apcera/kurmaos: KurmaOS - Containerized operating system

Apcera The Trusted Cloud Platform | Innovation, Meet Trust.
Apcera GitHub org

Resource Library | Apcera The Trusted Cloud Platform

Snappy Ubuntu Core

Snappy Ubuntu Core | Cloud | Ubuntu
Core | Ubuntu developer portal

Container OS

VM to run containers

Runs Docker image in a minimal kernel
Solves the PID 1 zombie reaping problem

Hyper - Make VM run like Container
About Hyper | About Hyper
Hyper, a Hypervisor-Agnostic Docker Engine - The New Stack
Borrow concepts from Kubernetes

Photon OS™ by VMware® Minimal LXC host
Photon OS FAQ (PDF)

CoreOS is Linux for Massive Server Deployments
Running Kubernetes on CoreOS

From CoreOS to Nano: Micro OSes strip down for containers | InfoWorld
Review: The best Linux distros for Docker and containers | InfoWorld
Container OS comparison | via @codeship

Building the virtualization stack of the future with rust-vmm |


What Are MicroVMs? And Why Should I Care? - YouTube

It doesn't work with Docker, K8s right now, but everyone's going nuts anyway for AWS's Firecracker microVMs • The Register


Announcing LinuxKit: A Toolkit for building Secure, Lean and Portable Linux Subsystems - Docker Blog
OK, I give up. Is Docker now Moby? And what is LinuxKit?
Top 10 Reasons why LinuxKit is better than the traditional OS distribution – Collabnix
LinuxKit Deep Dive

Kata Containers

Kata Containers - The speed of containers, the security of VMs
Kata Containers combines technology from Intel Clear Containers and Hyper runV. It used a CRI compatible extremely lightweight VM to run the container to archive better isolation.
Kata Containers » ADMIN Magazine

kubernetes/frakti: The hypervisor-based container runtime for Kubernetes.

Intel® Clear Containers: Now part of Kata Containers | Clear Linux* Project
Intel takes on CoreOS with its own container-based Linux | InfoWorld

An introduction to Clear Containers []
Intel's Clear Containers Address Security Concerns - The New Stack