lots of known unknowns and unknown unknowns here
DevOps - Wikiwand
System administrator - Wikiwand
The devo.ps blog | devo.ps
OverOps Resource Center | OverOps
Home - DevOps.com
DevOps Glossary | Sumo Logic
Servers for Hackers
What's in a name? These DevOps tools come with strange backstories | ZDNet
Devs don’t want to do ops | InfoWorld
Software Deployment Best Practices - Java Code Geeks - 2023
Try Tech Radar and get to know our technology stack | TSH.io
devops topics includes: CI/CD, deployment
should this be sysadmin? IT operations = system administrators
being late to this game, the solutions I consider should be able to handle containers
WTF Is DevOps? | devo.ps
What is DevOps
What Is DevOps? | the agile admin
What the hell is DevOps ? - mazzakolinux
What the Hell is DevOps? | Toptal ❗!important, 3 lanes highway
What is DevOps? - ravikirans.com
DevOps 2.0
The 2018 DevOps RoadMap – Hacker Noon
Devops best practices: How to drive agility and operational excellence | InfoWorld
What are the prerequisites to learn devops? - Quora
Ops School Curriculum — Ops School Curriculum 0.1 documentation
Checklist: Node.JS production best practices (August 2018) – Yoni Goldberg
DevOps Definition: Focus, means, and expected results
GitHub Blog - DevOps automation: Tools and best practices for continuous integration and continuous delivery - The GitHub Blog
What is operations in DevOps? The evolving role of Operations in DevOps
What is operations in DevOps? The evolving role of Operations in DevOps
DevOps Engineer Crash Course - Section 1
DevOps Crash Course - Section 2: Servers
SRE vs. DevOps: competing standards or close friends? | Google Cloud Blog
What's the Difference Between DevOps and SRE? - YouTube Dev vs Ops, class SRE implements DevOps
5 Critical Differences Between DevOps and SRE Jobs | Boot.dev personal trainer vs liveguard
Top 10 challenges in scaling DevOps - datree
Getting started with DevOps, containers, and Kubernetes - datree
DevOps Before and After Kubernetes - The New Stack
DevOps: Fundamental Answers | Software Engineering Daily
DevOps at TopTal with Demir Selmanovic - Software Engineering Daily
DevOps tools · GitHub
Must have DevOps tools: make things right from the get-go | IT Svit Blog
Periodic Table of DevOps Tools
12 Common Tools for Your DevOps Team - Tripwire for DevOps
MichaelCade/90DaysOfDevOps: This repository is my documenting repository for learning the world of DevOps. I started this journey on the 1st January 2022 and I plan to run to March 31st for a complete 90-day romp on spending an hour a day including weekends to get a foundational knowledge across a lot of different areas that make up DevOps.
Cloud Architecture Rambings
RisingStack Engineering
High Scalability -
Blog - Container Solutions
Manageacloud.com blog | Official Manageacloud blog
The devo.ps blog | devo.ps
The DevOpsGuys Blog - Talking About All Things DevOps | DevOpsGuys
Code as Craft, Etsy's Engineering Blog
Technology Conversations
The New Stack
the agile admin
Standalone Sysadmin | A blog for IT Admins who do everything by an IT Admin who does everything
5 GitHub Projects to make you a better DevOps Engineer ⚡ - DEV Community
trimstray/the-book-of-secret-knowledge: A collection of inspiring lists, manuals, cheatsheets, blogs, hacks, one-liners, cli/web tools and more.
A Guide to Cloud Resilience: Maximize Security, Minimize Downtime
Cloud Computing information, news, and how-to advice | InfoWorld
Data Center information, news, and how-to advice | InfoWorld
Servers for Hackers
High Velocity Ops
World's #1 Digital Cloud Certification Course & Training Provider - A Cloud Guru Merged with Linux Academy
Adrian Cockcroft's Blog: Ops, DevOps and PaaS (NoOps) at Netflix
OneOps | Home by Walmart
DevOps Toolbox - YouTube
Techno Tim - YouTube
Anton Putra - YouTube
- orchestration: general purpose catch all for servers administration
- provisioning: spinning up new instances of server
- configuration management: configuration of basic OS services and can often extend to systems services applications such as Apache, Memcache
- deployment: deploying business applications on top of an already configured operating system
- load balancing
- service discovery
- process control
- high availability
- health monitoring
- fail-over
- logging
- notification/alert
- dashboard
Autopilot Pattern Applications
Welcome to WALKOFF’s documentation! — WALKOFF 1.0 documentation
nsacyber/WALKOFF: A flexible, easy to use, automation framework allowing users to integrate their capabilities and devices to cut through the repetitive, tedious tasks slowing them down.
Automating Infrastructure at HashiCorp with Mitchell Hashimoto - Software Engineering Daily
Acquisition (of resources)
Updating (not for immutable architecture)
Map set of works to limited resources, simply put: where to execute the next node on
Abstracts infrastructure provider
Takes app and deploy to machine
Category:Cloud infrastructure - Wikiwand
DevOps for University Students — DevOps for University Students 2014.02.19 documentation
Docker And Kubernetes: Furthering The Goals Of DevOps Automation
CONF: Open Source Infrastructure - YouTube
Cluster Management at Google - YouTube
Ubuntu Server Guide | Ubuntu
Basic Setup For A New Linux Server | devo.ps
DevOps FoMO? Get up to speed on culture and continuous delivery with the DevOps Fundamentals Series — Thiago Almeida
A Transition Guide from System Admin to DevOps Engineer - Level UpLevel Up
The Saga of CI/CD and DevOps - Level UpLevel Up
OpenNebula | Flexible Enterprise Cloud Made Simple
AWS re:Invent 2015: DevOps at Amazon: A Look at Our Tools and Processes (DVO202) - YouTube
Diving Into Database DevOps - DZone Database
What is a DevOps Engineer? | VictorOps
Why do you need a DevOps engineer in your software project? | TSH.io
Site Reliability Engineering
Getting started with DevOps, containers, and Kubernetes - datree
Create and Manage Kubernetes Clusters with Cluster API and ArgoCD
Tilt | Kubernetes for Prod, Tilt for Dev
Welcome Tilt: Fixing the pains of microservice development for Kubernetes - Docker
Tilt: Kubernetes Tooling with Dan Bentley - Software Engineering Daily
Jujucharms | Juju
How it works | Juju
What is Juju? | Documentation | Juju
What is MAAS? | MAAS documentation
Cloud-ready servers in minutes: thank you page
MAAS for the home | Ubuntu Insights
Manifesto for Agile Software Development
What is agile methodology? Modern software development explained | InfoWorld
Get started: How to excel using the agile methodology | InfoWorld
Enable iDRAC in BIOS or front panel.
I prefer to use DHCP and connect the iDRAC LAN port only when necessary.
Intelligent Platform Management Interface - Wikiwand
Supermicro IPMIview Remote Monitoring Management KVM-over-IP
Supermicro IPMI
Dell iDRAC 8 Enterprise Overview: Excellent server management
DevOps platform
Bundle multiple aspects of devops into a platform
Devtron - The DevOps Accelerator
devtron-labs/devtron: Software Delivery Workflow For Kubernetes
Devtron : Deploy your applications over k3s, Lightweight Kubernetes, in no-time - DEV Community
Make shipping applications more enjoyable. | KubeVela
oam-dev/kubevela: The Modern Application Delivery Platform.
Backstage Software Catalog and Developer Platform · An open platform for building developer portals
Configuration Management (CM) tool
Refactr2019 - DevOps 101: Automation without frustration - Diana Rodriguez - YouTube
7 Configuration Management (CM) Tools You Need to Know About
Relationship between Vagrant, Docker, Chef and OpenStack (or similar products)? - Server Fault
Vagrat, SaltStack, Ansible, Docker, Chef, Puppet, Packer.. Something : sysadmin
Chef, Puppet, Heat, Juju, Docker, etc. - The Doctor What
Review: Puppet vs. Chef vs. Ansible vs. Salt | InfoWorld
Chef vs. Puppet vs. Ansible vs. Salt - What's Best for Deploying and Managing OpenStack? - YouTube
Configuration Management in the Docker World | Technology Conversations
Linux Fu: System Administration Made Easier | Hackaday
A remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby.
Cockpit Project administer your GNU/Linux servers via a web browser
How to Install Cockpit on Ubuntu 18.04 - Alibaba Cloud Community
How I use Cockpit for my home's Linux server management | Opensource.com
How To Install and Use the Cockpit Linux Management Console | ITPro Today: IT News, How-Tos, Trends, Case Studies, Career Tips, More
Uptime Kuma
louislam/uptime-kuma: A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
The BEST Home Server Uptime Monitoring! - YouTube
Chef is a bit more “developer friendly” while Puppet could be considered more oriented towards operations and sysadmin type of tasks.
r-darwish/topgrade: Upgrade everything
Digger - Infra As Code
diggerhq/digger: Digger is an open source alternative to Terraform Cloud & Terraform Enterprise. Digger allows you to run Terraform plan/apply in your existing CI/CD pipeline ⚡️
Foreman vs. Ansible Tower
Foreman vs. Puppet
Foreman vs. SaltStack
Docker vs Chef
Infrastructure as Code Showdown: Terraform vs. CloudFormation
Briefs on Ansible Newsletter
Taste Test: Puppet vs Chef vs SaltStack vs Ansible
[Infographic] Ansible vs Chef
Puppet vs. Chef - The Battle Wages On
Puppet vs. Chef Revisited
Pallet vs Chef
Pallet vs Puppet
Ansible vs Puppet
Salt vs. Chef
Opsworks vs. Puppet
Ansible vs. Salt
Puppet vs Salt
Welcome to Fabric! — Fabric documentation
Python Tutorial: Fabric - 2020
How to use Fabric in Python
How To Use Fabric To Automate Administration Tasks And Deployments | DigitalOcean
Getting Started With the Fabric Python Library
Salt Stack · GitHub
SaltStack Package Repo
An Introduction to Salt | DigitalOcean
A Taste of Salt: Like Puppet, But Less Frustrating
Why use SaltStack for automation and orchestration | InfoWorld
Chef | IT Automation for speed and awesomeness | Chef
support for agent-less running that has limited features
Learn Chef
Getting started with Chef
Welcome - The resource for Chef cookbooks - Chef Supermarket GitHub
chef-cookbooks-docker: Chef Cookbook for Docker
Top 5 Best and Worst Attributes of Chef
Provision your laptop with Chef: Part 1 - CustomInk Technology Blog
Provision your laptop with Chef: Part 2 - CustomInk Technology Blog
jimeh/devbox Script that uses Vagrant and Chef to setup a VM
Clutch · An extensible platform for infrastructure management.
By Chef Inc
Habitat - Automation That Travels with the App
Chef Launches Habitat, New Open Source Project to Automate Applications - Chef Blog
habitat-sh/habitat: Modern applications with built-in automation
MAAS | Metal as a Service
Video tutorial: learn how to install MAAS | Ubuntu blog
Puppet Labs: IT Automation Software for System Administrators
Introduction to Puppet
Puppet, Apt and our very own Thundering Herd
Why use Puppet for software-delivery automation and orchestration | InfoWorld
Puppet development workflow with Git - engineering.talis.com
A remote server automation and deployment tool written in Ruby.
needs clean-up, move projects to them accordingly
Process Control
runit - a UNIX init scheme with service supervision
statd - Unix, Linux Command
Automate Your Python Script with Process Manager 2 (PM2)
Supervisor: A Process Control System — documentation
Process Monitoring with Supervisord - Servers for Hackers
Supervisord: Restarting and Reloading – Onur Güzel
Differences between reread, reload, restart, update? · Issue #720 · Supervisor/supervisor
pkgcloud/pkgcloud: pkgcloud is a standard library for node.js that abstracts away differences among multiple cloud providers.
jfhbrook/clown: Clown computing with pkgcloud
Spinnaker is an open source, multi-cloud continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes with high velocity and confidence.
Service Registration and Discovery
Registration: the process for publishing the availability of a service.
Discovery: the process of looking up the available service.
SE-Radio Episode 264: James Phillips on Service Discovery : Software Engineering Radio
Service Discovery; or, Why each microservice should believe it's the …
An Introduction to Microservices, Part 3: The Service Registry ❗!important
ZooKeeper vs. Doozer vs. Etcd | devo.ps
Service Discovery: Zookeeper vs etcd vs Consul | Technology Conversations
Etcd > Zookeeper
Step-by-Step High Availability with Docker and Java EE | Oracle Community
Using etcd
etcd Documentation
etcd-io/etcd: Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system
A Closer Look at Etcd: The Brain of a Kubernetes Cluster
We're open-sourcing etcdadm! Here's what it means for Kubernetes in production - Platform9
roguelazer's website: Etcd, or, why modern software makes me sad
Pravega - Stream as a New Distributed Storage Primitive bu author of ZooKeeper
pravega/pravega-concepts.md at master · pravega/pravega
pravega/state-synchronizer.md at master · pravega/pravega
取代 ZooKeeper!高并发下的分布式一致性开源组件 StateSynchronizer
Apache ZooKeeper - Home
coreos/etcd: Distributed reliable key-value store for the most critical data of a distributed system docs
skynetservices/skydns: DNS service discovery for etcd
SkyDNS version 2 · Miek Gieben
miekg/coredns: CoreDNS is a DNS server that runs middleware successor to SkyDNS, supports multiple backend
Netflix/eureka: AWS Service registry for resilient mid-tier load balancing and failover.
详解 Eureka 缓存机制
SmartStack: Service Discovery in the Cloud - Airbnb Engineering
airbnb/synapse: A transparent service discovery framework for connecting an SOA
airbnb/nerve: A service registration daemon that performs health checks; companion to airbnb/synapse
Nerve register the service to Zookeeper cluster, Synapse subscribe to the service list from Zookeeper and convert them to config of a HAProxy at localhost. App call other services via the HAProxy at localhost.
tim-smart/node-seaport-haproxy: Sync haproxy with seaport
SWIM: Scalable Weakly-consistent Infection-style Process Group Membership Protocol (PDF)
mrhooray/swim-js: JavaScript implementation of SWIM membership protocol
mcollina/baseswim: A base swim node
mcollina/autoswim: bootstrap swim automatically, for node.js
rjrodger/sneeze: Easily join SWIM networks
gengo/goship: A simple tool for deploying code to servers.
Fault Tolerance on the Cheap Part I | via @codeship
Fault Tolerance on the Cheap: Part II | via @codeship
Don’t be Delta: Four pillars of high availability | InfoWorld
9 open source tools for building a fault-tolerant system | Opensource.com
Performing Zero Downtime Releases - via @codeship | via @codeship
Lightbend Reactive Architecture | @lightbend
Learn Reactive Architecture For Free, At Your Own Pace | @lightbend
Designing a Microservices Architecture for Failure | @RisingStack
5 patterns to make your microservice fault-tolerant
An Approach To Automating Application Resiliency Testing With Kubernetes
Health monitoring
TODO: merge with container-ecosystem#monitoring
Check every X minutes, recheck every Y minutes up to N times before generating an alert (Y < X).
State of Observability 2024: Embracing OpenTelemetry for Better Insights
Observability - kubedex.com
- time series
- log event
- tracing
- visualization
Self-Healing Systems | Technology Conversations
Top 51 Log Management Tools for Monitoring, Analytics and more
Metrics For Your Web Application's Dashboards
highlight.io: The open source monitoring platform. tRPC friendly
giampaolo/psutil: A cross-platform process and system utilities module for Python
jnweiger/showspeed: print I/O activity of process, files, or network.
raboof/nethogs: Linux 'net top' tool
Xfennec/progress: Linux tool to show progress for cp, mv, dd, ... (formerly known as cv)
Inspeqtor - application infrastructure monitoring source
OpenZipkin · A distributed tracing system
openzipkin/zipkin: Zipkin is a distributed tracing system
uberchuckie/observium - Docker Hub
Dapper, a Large-Scale Distributed Systems Tracing Infrastructure
Hypertrace - Open source distributed tracing
Announcing Hubble - Network, Service & Security Observability for Kubernetes — Cilium
Network UPS Tools - Welcome
Network UPS Tools (NUT) Ultimate Guide | Techno Tim Documentation
Easy, proactive monitoring of processes, programs, files, directories, filesystems and hosts | Monit
Deploy monit in OpenShift :: major.io
Introduction - Netdata Documentation
Multimeter » Linux Magazine
netdata/netdata: Real-time performance monitoring, done right! https://my-netdata.io/
Easy, proactive monitoring of Unix systems, network and cloud services | M/Monit
Bare-Bones Monitoring with Monit and RRDtool | Linux Journal
Nagios - The Industry Standard In IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Start page – collectd – The system statistics collection daemon
Riemann - A network monitoring system
osquery :: Home
facebook/osquery: SQL powered operating system instrumentation, monitoring, and analytics.
How to Monitor Linux Server Security with Osquery
The Platform for Time-Series Data | InfluxData
opserver/Opserver: Stack Exchange's Monitoring System
based on Nagios
Infrastructure & Application Monitoring with Checkmk
CheckMK - An Open Source, Self Hosted, Network and System monitoring tool that is easy to setup. - YouTube
Best Server & Application Monitor for free with Checkmk - YouTube
CheckMK - An Open Source, Self Hosted, Network and System monitoring tool that is easy to setup. - YouTube
Open Source Distributed Tracing: Why You Need It & How to Get Started - IOD
OpenCensus, OpenTracing, and OpenTelemetry
OpenTelemetry: The Merger of OpenCensus and OpenTracing | Google Open Source Blog
OpenTelemetry | Effective observability requires high-quality telemetry OpenTelemetry is the next major version of the OpenTracing and OpenCensus projects
Observability Primer | OpenTelemetry
OpenTelemetry .NET reaches v1.0 | .NET Blog
OpenTelemetry Gin Monitoring [otelgin]
The OpenTracing project
OpenTracing Overview
OpenTracing API
HyperDX - Affordable full-stack production debugging & monitoring.
hyperdxio/hyperdx: Resolve production issues, fast. An open source observability platform unifying session replays, logs, metrics, traces and errors.
Logging/Activity Tracking
Goals for a logging system:
- aggregation and analysis
- error capturing (overlaps Health monitoring)
- security information and event management (SIEM)
One way is to persistent log to fluentd
for 2 weeks and then store them in Elasticsearch
12 Logging BEST Practices in 12 minutes - YouTube
Centralized Logging and Monitoring | Technology Conversations
Customizing Kubernetes Logging (Part 1) – Google Cloud Platform - Community – Medium
Fluentd | Open Source Data Collector | Unified Logging Layer
List of All Plugins | Fluentd
Fluentd: Unified Logging Layer
Parseable | Parseable
Rust-Powered Log Observability at Scale - YouTube
9 Splunk alternatives for log analysis | InfoWorld
SIEM, AIOps, Application Management, Log Management, Machine Learning, and Compliance | Splunk
Application Performance Monitoring & Error Tracking Software | Sentry cross platform SDK to collect log and errors
getsentry/sentry: Developer-first error tracking and performance monitoring
Open Source: Declarative Tracking for React Apps | by Jeremy Gayed | NYT Open
nytimes/react-tracking: 🎯 Declarative tracking for React apps.
react-tracking: Declarative tracking for React apps - LogRocket Blog
react-tracking: Declarative tracking for React apps - LogRocket Blog
Graylog Log Management » ADMIN Magazine
Faster logging with SLF4J | What is coming to myhead
Introduction | Logflare Docs
Supabase Logs: open source logging server
Loki. Prometheus-inspired logging for cloud natives. | Grafana Labs Grafana Labs' take on Logstash
grafana/loki: Like Prometheus, but for logs.
Meet Grafana LOKI, a Log Aggregation System for Everything | Techno Tim Documentation
Installing Grafana Loki with Helm on Kubernetes | Techno Tim Documentation
Loki: Prometheus-inspired, open source logging for cloud natives | Grafana Labs Blog
Closer look at Grafana's user interface for Loki | Grafana Labs Blog
How We Designed Loki to Work Easily Both as Microservices and as Monoliths | Grafana Labs Blog
Graphite is a dashboard for single metric time series. It acts as the "sink" of metrics from a wild range of system monitors.
Grafana is a modern implementation of Graphite.
Graphite Documentation — Graphite documentation
graphite-project/graphite-web: A highly scalable real-time graphing system
hw-cookbooks/graphite: Heavy Water Graphite Cookbook for Chef
Diamond daemon that collects system metrics and publishes them to Graphite
Grafana - Beautiful Metrics, Analytics, dashboards and monitoring!
grafana/grafana: Gorgeous metric viz, dashboards & editors for Graphite, InfluxDB & OpenTSDB
How to Setup InfluxDB, Telegraf and Grafana on Docker: Part 1 – The New Stack 2019-10
Will Grafana Become Easier to Use in 2022? – The New Stack
Grafana vs. Kibana: The Key Differences to Know | Logz.io
Prometheus - Monitoring system & time series database
Rancher Labs | Docker Monitoring Continued: Prometheus and Sysdig | Rancher Labs
Prometheus: The Documentary - YouTube
Prometheus (Thanos) Tutorials - YouTube
PromCat: Resource Catalog, Enterprise Prometheus Monitoring
Docker Swarm monitoring - ITNEXT
Prometheus 原理和源码分析
Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus, Grafana and Helm
The Definitive Guide To Prometheus in 2019 – devconnected
Prometheus For Beginners - ITNEXT
Monitoring Linux Processes using Prometheus and Grafana – devconnected
使用 Prometheus 和 Grafana 打造 Flask Web App 監控預警系統 | TechBridge 技術共筆部落格
How to Set Up a Prometheus, Grafana and Alertmanager Monitoring Stack on DigitalOcean Kubernetes - DEV Community 👩💻👨💻
A quick introduction to Prometheus. Metrics on Kubernetes with grok exporter - Part 1 | Devdiaries
Metrics from unstructured logs on Kubernetes. Sidecar pattern with grok exporter - Part 2 | Devdiaries
Docker Daemon Metrics in Prometheus – Basilio Vera – Medium
bvis/docker-prometheus-swarm: Sample prometheus that can be used as a sample to get Swarm cluster metrics
Introducing Thanos: Prometheus at scale - Improbable
cortexproject/cortex: A multitenant, horizontally scalable Prometheus as a Service
M3: Uber’s Open Source, Large-scale Metrics Platform for Prometheus
M3 and Prometheus, Monitoring at Planet Scale for Everyone - Rob Skillington, Uber - YouTube
#168: Prometheus and Service Monitoring with Julius Volz from SoundCloud - The Changelog
- Time series tracking
- Dashboard
- Graphing interface
- Alert
- Used by SoundCloud, Kubernetes, Docker, DigitalOcean
Pull model, query metric exposition endpoints of service
Export service (exporter) provides integration to services hard to instrumentation, Apache, Nginx, Linux
Push gateway
Uptime Kuma
Uptime Kuma
louislam/uptime-kuma: A fancy self-hosted monitoring tool
Tech - Hygieia | Capital One
Hygieia/Hygieia: CapitalOne DevOps Dashboard
Nagios - The Industry Standard In IT Infrastructure Monitoring
Nagios Plugins | The home of the official Nagios® Plugins
Introduction to Nagios-based Monitoring - YouTube
Master and Agent architecture
Stop using Nagios - Andy Sykes - YouTube
1998 code base and mentality
not scalable
config sucks
API poverty, cannot retrieve data
assumes static infrastructure
Sensu is built on Nagios
Sensu | Monitoring that doesn't suck.
Uchiwa | Simple Dashboard for Sensu
Sensu GitHub org
Sensu Plugins - Home
Sensu slides
Sensu - What I've Learnt – roobert
SF DevOps Meetup: Kyle Anderson, Sensu @ Yelp Part 1 on Vimeo
SF DevOps Meetup: Kyle Anderson, Sensu @ Yelp Part 2 on Vimeo
Shinken is Nagios reimplemented in Python, compatible with Nagios configuration
Shinken Monitoring - Index
Shinken.io plugins
Elastic stack
Sysdig | Home
Sysdig | Introducing Falco: open source, behavioral security from Sysdig
Sysdig Falco | Home
Open source tool watches Linux systems, containers for suspicious activity | InfoWorld
StatsD + Graphite
etsy/statsd: Daemon for easy but powerful stats aggregation
Hosted Graphite - Graphite as a service, with StatsD and Grafana Dashboards
StatsD, what it is and how it can help you
Understanding StatsD and Graphite
StatsD, aggregate udp packets sent by service, not scalable
API Gateway
API Gateways Are Going Through an Identity Crisis – Software Blog
Do I Need an API Gateway if I Use a Service Mesh? – Software Blog
Review: API Gateway HTTP APIs - Cheaper and Faster REST APIs? | cloudonaut
A Comprehensive Guide to API Gateways, Kubernetes Gateways, and Service Meshes | Navendu Pottekkat
Comparing a service mesh with API management in a microservice architecture - API Connect
API Gateway vs Service Mesh - Aspen Mesh
API Gateway Vs. Service Mesh: What's the Difference? - DevOps.com
Service Mesh vs API Gateway - Microservices in Practice - Medium
Feature flags
Feature Toggles (aka Feature Flags)
Feature flags — an explainer and interactive demo using React and Mavo | by Kjartan Rekdal Müller | ITNEXT
Using Feature Toggle in a React application (part 1) | by Zenobia Gawlikowska | EcoVadis Engineering | Medium
Using Feature Toggle in a React application (part 2) | by Zenobia Gawlikowska | EcoVadis Engineering | Medium