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Category: Abstractions blog | Quanta Magazine
Home – Physics World
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Frame of Essence - YouTube
Welcome! — Science Learning Hub
HyperPhysics Concepts
Interesting Engineering
New physics or not? I'll sort it out for you. - YouTube
The Feynman Lectures on Physics
Bad Science
ViaScience - YouTube sciency
Science - YouTube Vox
History of Science - YouTube CrashCourse
氣象冷知識 - YouTube HKO
Sheldon - 知乎 comics
The Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics | Live Science
Breakthrough short film anthology from Science Friday on female scientists
Physics Explained - YouTube
What is the Ultraviolet Catastrophe? - YouTube Plank's quantization of energy
The Pythagorean Siphon Inside Your Washing Machine - YouTube
Standard Model
quantum field theory, cannot explain gravity
Standard Model - Wikiwand
The Standard Model | CERN
The Standard Model - YouTube minutephysics
The Standard Model Lagrangian Playlist - YouTube PBS Space Time
How To Read Feynman Diagrams - YouTube
Science Made Simple: What Is the Standard Model of Particle Physics?
Quantum Field Theory, unifies strong, weak, and EM forces; compatible with Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity
The Map of Particle Physics | The Standard Model Explained - YouTube
A New Map of All the Particles and Forces | Quanta Magazine
What's Going Wrong in Particle Physics? (This is why I lost faith in science.) - YouTube
Sabine Hossenfelder: Backreaction: Good Problems in the Foundations of Physics
- there's no need to improve the standard model
- when falsified, they propose new predictions that are not yet measurable
Why some scientists say physics has gone off the rails
Seduced by math?
What's the Absolutely Amazing Theory of Almost Everything? | Live Science
Subatomic Stories - YouTube Fermilab
What’s everything made of? | Aeon
Einstein: particles + fields, problem of self-interaction
Ritz: particles with interaction acts across the gap
Faraday: field only
Why Does Changing Just One Proton Change an Element? - YouTube
物理學已經出現一個難以跨越的禁區,導致物理學發展停滯不前! - YouTube
現代物理學烏雲系列 - YouTube
The Standard Model - YouTube minutephysics
What is the standard model? | Space
The Four Fundamental Forces of Nature | Space
What are bosons? | Space
What are gluons? | Space
Leptons: The elementary particles explained | Space
The Fundamental Forces & The Standard Model - YouTube PBS Space Time
Why Don't Protons Fly Apart in the Nucleus of Atoms? RESIDUAL Strong Force Explained - YouTube
Science Made Simple: What Are Neutrinos
Science Made Simple: What Are Muons?
We Still Don't Know What Protons Are - YouTube Charm quark is heavier than a proton
Strange Quarks and Muons, Oh My! Nature's Tiniest Particles Dissected (Infographic) | Live Science
What Are Elementary Particles? | Live Science
'Tantalizing' results of 2 experiments defy physics rulebook
Pauli Exclusion Principle 泡利不相容原利:
Bosons (e.g.: photons) can have same quantum state, so can be infinitely squeezed
Fermions can't share the same quantum state, allowing electrons to fill the outer energy shells of the atom
electron forming Cooper pair will become Bosons
Boson: force carriers/exchange particles; spins of whole integer; doesn't follow 泡利不相容原利
- Gluon: acts on quarks only (Strong field)
- Photon, Z boson, W Boson, Higgs Boson: works on all fermions (Weak field)
- W Boson: works on non-neutrino fermions (EM field)
- Higgs Boson: works on non-neutrino fermions, giving them mass (Higgs field)
- Graviton?
Fermion: matter particles; spins of 1/2; follows 泡利不相容原利
- Quarks: Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Charm, Strange
- Leptons
- Baryon: triplet of Quarks
Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe: The Sticky Story of the Gluon's Discovery on Apple Podcasts
Why is Mercury a Liquid? Gold Yellow? Oxygen colorless? How Elements Get Their Properties - YouTube
Antimatter - Wikiwand
Where is the anti-matter? - YouTube
Superconductivity - Wikiwand
Unconventional superconductor - Wikiwand
BCS theory - Wikiwand condensation of Cooper pairs of low energy state electrons such that the metal grid cannot slow them down
The Impact of Superconductors - YouTube
What’s Up With Superconductors? With Neil deGrasse Tyson - YouTube
十分钟看懂超导体产业:论文突飞猛进,现实还停留在石器时代? - YouTube
从超导到石墨烯 95 后曹原有何贡献?100 年内物理学家经历了什么? - YouTube
备受争议的「室温超导」是真是假?一切要从金属氢说起 - YouTube
室温超导硬核解析:未来已来还是科学骗局? - YouTube
“室温超导”又来了?一个视频让你了解超导的前世今生 - YouTube
Researchers observe ubiquitous superconductive diode effect in thin superconducting films
High-Efficiency Superconducting Diode Could Change Chips Forever | Tom's Hardware
【最新消息】傳說中的常溫超導體,現在進度怎麼樣了? - YouTube
韓國 LK-99「室溫常壓超導體」相同研究論文卻鬧雙胞,因為諾貝爾獎不喜歡 3 人以上的研究? | T 客邦
Bad Science and Room Temperature Superconductors - Sixty Symbols - YouTube
Engineer Details Messy LK-99 Superconductor Creation Process | Tom's Hardware
Claims of Room Temperature and Ambient Pressure Superconductor | SpaceBattles
LK-99 Will be a New and Different Type of Superconductor #LK99 |
"World-changing" LK-99 Superconductor explained quickly - YouTube
LK-99 到底是不是室温超导体?抗磁性与迈斯纳效应有啥区别? - YouTube
Superconductor Breakthrough Findings Replicated, Twice, in Preliminary Testing | Tom's Hardware
Zero Resistance Measured in a New LK-99 Replication at Southeast University in Nanjing China |
常溫常壓超導體時代來臨?郭明錤:商用化時程沒有任何能見度 | TechNews 科技新報
左手和右手居然差别这么大!什么是手性?如何实现光学隐身? - YouTube
Homochirality: Why Nature Never Makes Mirror Molecules - YouTube
How do neutrinos get their mass? | symmetry magazine left-handed neutrinos cannot interact with the Higgs field
Field theory introduces infinite quantities, which is concealed with renormalization
Mathematical ‘Hocus-Pocus’ Saved Particle Physics | WIRED
Listen to the Daniel and Jorge Explain the Universe Episode - What is the real charge of the electron? on iHeartRadio | iHeartRadio
Higgs Boson
A Very Simple Explanation Of The Higgs Boson | Popular Science
Higgs Boson Decay Detected—Why It Matters
Physics - Focus: A Higgs Boson without the Mess
The Higgs Boson Explained - YouTube
The Crazy Mass-Giving Mechanism of the Higgs Field Simplified - YouTube
What are the four fundamental forces of nature? | HowStuffWorks
Scientists probe 'fifth force of nature' as 'exciting' breakthrough could rewrite physics | Science | News |
Weak force can change a quantum's favor
Weak force has handiness
Particle Accelerators
How a Linear Accelerator Works - HD - YouTube
linear accelerator diagram - Google Search
Periodic table
頂級化學家有多"慘"?填滿元素週期表的第一個化學家煮尿取黃金 | 雅桑了嗎 - YouTube
The magic of magnets | Cosmos
Introducing the amazing concept of gravito-electromagnetism | Cosmos
How Special Relativity Makes Magnets Work - YouTube Electro-magnetic force is Special Relativity in action
MAGNETS: How Do They Work? - YouTube
Mystery of the Demagnetizer | What's inside? How does it work? - YouTube
How do these Magnetizer/Demagnetizers work? - YouTube
The Physics of Magnetic Monopoles - with Felix Flicker - YouTube
地磁场从何而来?吸铁石为什么可以吸铁?地球有多平? - YouTube
新一代磁王诞生!铁氮永磁体将是马斯克的下一个杀器? - YouTube
【Fun 科學】磁鐵禁忌的排列方式(海爾貝克陣列 Halbach Array) - YouTube
【Fun 科學】門多西諾永動機之謎(mendocino motor) - YouTube
Thermal Dynamics
Entropy Explained
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics - YouTube
The Startling Reason Entropy & Time Only Go One Way! - YouTube
The Most Misunderstood Concept in Physics - YouTube
Furnace - Wikiwand
Blast furnace - Wikiwand
高爐 - Wikiwand
State of Matter
How Many States Of Matter Are There? - YouTube
Rosin - Wikiwand
松香 - Wikiwand
Charcoal - Wikiwand
木炭 - Wikiwand
Charcoal Fuel Types | Tips & Techniques
Activated carbon - Wikiwand
活性炭 - Wikiwand
Activated charcoal: 8 uses and what the science says
光 - YouTube 小学科学SSR
The sugar water barber pole effect | Optics puzzles part 1 - YouTube
Explaining the barber pole effect from origins of light | Optics puzzles part 2 - YouTube
You can't explain prisms without understanding springs | Optics puzzles part 3 - YouTube
X-rays "faster" than the speed of light, and more refractive index questions | Optics puzzles part 4 - YouTube
【硬核科普】高中所学的折射现象真的有那么简单吗?为什么光会折射?折射的本质到底是什么?13分钟以量子电动力学的角度带你重新认识折射的机制。(2/3) - YouTube
Why Sugar Always Twists Light To The Right - Optical Rotation - YouTube
This demo tests your understanding of light | Barber pole, part 1 - YouTube
The origin of light, scattering, and polarization | Barber pole, part 2 - YouTube
What is Relativity? | Live Science
10 Ways You See Einstein’s Theory of Relativity in Real Life
HyperPhysics Concepts
Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity | Space
Einstein's Theory of General Relativity: A Simplified Explanation | Space
General relativity | New Scientist
The eclipse that proved Einstein right and changed our understanding of the universe
"Space-time tells matter how to move; matter tells space-time how to curve"
Spacetime Globe | ALEX on Science
Special Relativity: This Is Why You Misunderstand It - YouTube
Relativity - YouTube Up and Atom
Relativity - YouTube ViaScience
Intro to Special Relativity Course - YouTube minutephysics
Special Relativity - YouTube minutephysics
Special Relativity - YouTube Frame of Essence
Curved Spacetime in General Relativity - YouTube PBS Space Time
Relativity Explained - YouTube Kuvina Saydaki
相对论 - YouTube 李永乐老师
相对论 Relativity - YouTube 眼见为识
一个公式理解相对论:从伽利略变换到洛伦兹变换 - YouTube
【震撼】智商 200 也無法解答,宇宙最大的謎團,時間 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
《相對論》究竟在説什麽,其實一切都是相對的 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube
光速到底是怎么回事,光速不变会推出什么奇怪的结论? - YouTube
光速為什麽不變? - YouTube
8 分鐘讀懂狹義相對論!時間變慢、長度變短、質量變重、E=mc² 一次性全搞明白 | 雅桑了嗎 - YouTube
萬有引力不是力,甚至根本不存在!8 分鐘讀懂廣義相對論 | 雅桑了嗎 - YouTube
Why no one has measured the speed of light - YouTube we're always measuring the two way speed of light
Why is speed of light the same (c) in all frames? (An intuitive explanation) - YouTube how Special Relativity came about
- resolved Newtonian Relativity (constant velocity motion is not detectable)
- light can travel in vacuum
=> speed of light is constant for all observers
=> length contraction, time dilation
=> e=mc²
How Einstein first derived the MOST famous equation in physics! - YouTube
Why light has energy, but no mass? (Understanding E = mc2) - YouTube
Quantum Physics
Four Principles of Quantum - Computerphile - YouTube
Quantum: Current State 2023 (Quantum pt2) - Computerphile - YouTube
- discreteness
- superposition/collapse
- uncertainty (Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle)
- entanglement
Quantum mechanics - Wikiwand
Quantum Mechanics - YouTube minutephysics
Quantum Mechanics - YouTube PBS Space Time
【量子物理 入门】 - YouTube 青蛙刀圣 1993
一小時略懂量子力學|雙狹縫干涉、黑體輻射、薛丁格的貓、光電效應、物質波、量子意識、多重宇宙 - YouTube
Uncertainty principle - Wikiwand
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Explained Intuitively - YouTube
Domain of Science
The Map of Quantum Physics - YouTube
If You Don't Understand Quantum Physics, Try This! - YouTube
PBS Space Time
Electrons DO NOT Spin - YouTube
Exploring the quantum world | Series | Ars Technica
What the Bleep Do We Know!? | Educational Downloads
A guide to (not) understanding quantum mechanics – Ars Technica
Quanta Magazine – Illuminating Science | Quanta Magazine
How to Make Sense of Quantum Physics - Issue 83: Intelligence - Nautilus
Quantum Game is evolving — version 2.0 will bring you even more quantum physics!
Opinion | Even Physicists Don’t Understand Quantum Mechanics - The New York Times
Asia Times | Why quantum physics needs Asian philosophy | Opinion
HyperPhysics Concepts
How Quantum Entanglement Works (Infographic)
Bell's Theorem: The Quantum Venn Diagram Paradox - YouTube
Some light quantum mechanics (with MinutePhysics) - YouTube
The Quantum Butterfly Noneffect - Scientific American
The Butterfly Effect doesn't exist in the quantum realm - YouTube
The Mind Bending Story Of Quantum Physics (Part 1/2) | Spark - YouTube
Exploring The World Of Quantum Physics with Jim Al-Khalili (Part 2/2) | Spark - YouTube
Interpretations of quantum mechanics - Wikiwand
The Interpretations of Quantum Mechanics - YouTube
Where Quantum Probability Comes From | Quanta Magazine
Quantum Physics Is Fine, Human Bias About Reality Is The Real Problem S-G z filtered electron stream regain z spin after another S-G x filter
The Puzzle Of Quantum Reality : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR
The Biggest Myth In Quantum Physics
Could An Incompleteness In Quantum Mechanics Lead To Our Next Scientific Revolution?
Why Do We Think Quantum Mechanics Is Weird?
How Does Classical Reality Emerge From Quantum Environments?
Quantum Darwinism may solve the question of whether God plays dice or not
The Many-Worlds Theory, Explained | The MIT Press Reader
Does the Many Worlds Interpretation make sense? - YouTube
Quantum observers with knowledge of quantum mechanics break reality – Ars Technica
Scientists discovered a new kind of quantum time order
How plants can perform feats of quantum mechanics - Big Think
Quantum Physics for 7 Year Olds | Dominic Walliman | TEDxEastVan - YouTube
Quantum Physics - YouTube Up and Atom
Quantum Mechanics - YouTube minutephysics
The Royal Institution
Jim Al-Khalili - Quantum Life: How Physics Can Revolutionise Biology - YouTube
A Brief History of Quantum Mechanics - with Sean Carroll - YouTube
Quantum Fields: The Real Building Blocks of the Universe - with David Tong - YouTube
Quantum Computing: Untangling the Hype - YouTube
一口氣看懂量子力學的所有知識!從量子糾纏到量子通信 - YouTube
【全網最通俗】18 分鐘徹底看懂量子力學!本期視頻核心知識:上帝擲骰子,何為量子化,量子疊加,量子糾纏,量子退相幹,量子通信 - YouTube
宇宙的黑暗真相:現實 or 虛幻?原來,科學家們早已發現了坐在山巔上的玄學家,而這一切故事,我們從 400 年前的一顆光子説起……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube
粒子世界 - YouTube
量子故事会 - YouTube
量子力学被推翻了?并没有!量子跃迁需要时间吗? - YouTube
【特别访谈】Sheldon:量子应该怎么画? - YouTube
Linvo 說宇宙
(更新中)【俗說量子】 - YouTube
量子力学合集 - YouTube
Looking Glass Universe
New? Here's some Quantum Mechanics - YouTube
Quantum Mechanics (all the videos) - YouTube
Old Quantum Mechanics Videos - YouTube
Understanding quantum mechanics - YouTube
Understanding Quantum Mechanics (essential videos) - YouTube
耶鲁大学的实验推翻了量子力学吗?如何拯救薛定谔的猫? - YouTube
光是波还是粒子?双缝干涉实验和泊松亮斑都是怎么回事?李永乐老师讲波粒战争 - YouTube
上帝的骰子:电子双缝干涉实验有多诡异?量子的波函数如何理解? - YouTube
宇宙是无中生有的吗?海森堡不确定性原理和量子隧穿效应如何理解? - YouTube
EPR 佯谬、量子纠缠、贝尔不等式都是啥?2022 年诺贝尔物理学奖最硬核解读! - YouTube
Double-slit experiment
Double-slit experiment - Wikiwand
Physics in a minute: The double slit experiment |
Experimental Confirmation of the Fundamental Principle of Wave-Particle Duality
Dr. Quantum Double Slit - YouTube
Dr. Quantum and the Double Slit Experiment on Vimeo
Double Slit Experiment explained! by Jim Al-Khalili - YouTube
【Fun 科學】真.量子穿隧(親眼見証人類無法看懂的現象!!) - YouTube
讓物理學界變瘋的進度條,人類迄今為之最恐怖的理論 雙縫實驗 | 雅桑了嗎 - YouTube
你敢挑戰 140 智商嗎?惠勒延遲選擇實驗中量子如何改寫過去 | 雅桑了嗎 - YouTube
手把手教你在家 DIY 物理界最詭異雙縫實驗!揭秘雙縫實驗最大誤解 | 雅桑了嗎 DIY double slits experiment at home - YouTube
【俗說量子】延遲選擇!量子擦除!雙縫干涉實驗的「真相」! Double Slit Experiment| Linvo 說宇宙 - YouTube
双缝干涉 - YouTube
和意识无关!电子双缝干涉实验神奇在哪里?波粒二象性的由来 - YouTube
這是人類有史以來「最毀三觀」的科學實驗,找找看這集一共藏了 3 個細思極恐的推論(2021)|【你可敢信 & Nic Believe】 - YouTube
比「雙縫干涉實驗」更毀三觀的進階版實驗,「潘多拉魔盒」最終還是被打開了!(2021)|【你可敢信 & Nic Believe】 - YouTube
恐怖程度不斷升級!最完整的雙縫干涉實驗演變史 - YouTube
Schrödinger’s cat
Reimagining of Schrödinger’s cat breaks quantum mechanics — and stumps physicists
The Physics Behind Schrödinger's Cat Paradox
Physicists Can Finally Peek at Schrödinger's Cat Without Killing It Forever | Live Science
The theory of parallel universes is not just maths – it is science that can be tested
Deconstructing Schrödinger's cat
What is The Schrödinger Equation, Exactly? - YouTube
What is The Quantum Wave Function, Exactly? - YouTube
Schrödinger's equation is correct in that it correctly predicts the result (or the probability thereof). The divergence is in what happened before measurement.
Copenhagen interpretation: shut up and calculate; opening the box causes the superimposed state to collapse
Hidden variables interpretation: there are hidden variables that we don't know so we cannot determine the state (hence there's no superimposed state)
Parallel universe interpretation: opening the box causes the universe to fork into different branches
... (16 interpretations)
Quantum chromodynamics (QCD)
Quantum chromodynamics - Wikiwand
QCD matter - Wikiwand
Quantum Gravity
Why doesn't gravity fit into quantum theory? - Physics Stack Exchange
How we know that Einstein's General Relativity can't be quite right - YouTube General Relativity is an approximation, it is not compatible with quantum mechanics
Quantum Gravity | The Search For a Theory of Everything | 3by3 - YouTube
The five most promising ways to quantize gravity - YouTube
How To Test Quantum Gravity - YouTube
String Theory
hope to combine quantum mechanics with gravity
not a actual theory but some math tools and conjecture
impossible to falsify as strings are too small
- particle-based physic will introduce infinity when trying to explain the EM-field of the infinitely small particle
- closed-loop strings also explains interaction of gravity
- strings alone can only explain Bosons, not Fermions; needs super-symmetry to form super-string theory
- super-string theory requires 9 spatial dimensions + 1 time dimension to make photon zero mass
- we used to have 5 self-consistent theories, M Theory unifies them all
- M Theory introduces super-gravity (super-symmetry + gravity) requires 11 dimensions and 2D membranes (which might roll and form strings)
History of string theory - Wikiwand
The String Theory: Past and Present - IOPscience
string theory lied to us and now science communication is hard - YouTube
String theory - Brian Greene - YouTube
String theory pros and cons - YouTube Sabine Hossenfelder
(已完结)【閑說弦論】弦理論 - YouTube Linvo 說宇宙
String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality? - YouTube
Making sense of string theory | Brian Greene - YouTube
【一頁物理】弦理論終有用武之地 | CASE 報科學
什么是弦理论?十分钟了解弦理论、M 理论以及两次超弦革命 - YouTube
【理性派对】什么是弦理论?宇宙终极大统一理论? - YouTube
我們真的活在十維時空裡嗎?丘成桐院士從幾何和弦論談空間的內在形狀 - YouTube
終於知道為什麽宇宙是 11 維的了!弦理論、超弦、M 理論一次性講明白 | 雅桑了嗎 - YouTube
(已完结)弦理論系列 - YouTube
一口氣看懂超弦理論 - YouTube
Super symmetry
Muon (force) Fermion counterpart, -ion suffix
Fermion (matter) Muon counterpart, s- prefix
Muon -> Boson add S- prefix
Electron's boson counter part is selectron
Bottom quark -> Sbottom quark
Boson -> Muon add -ino suffix
Photon -> Photino
idea came from string theory
? ruled out after experiments
超出你想象的深海世界 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube 海有多深
你所不了解的天空的世界 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube 天有多高
目前挖坑最多的一集,總共挖了 18 個坑 | 老高與小茉 Mr & Mrs Gao - YouTube 地有多厚
Where does the Earth's heat come from?
Material science
Metallurgy - Wikiwand
冶金学 - Wikiwand
MetallurgyData - YouTube
Some Aspects of the Metallurgy and Production of European Armor - The Oakeshott Institute
Episode 2.28: Digression-Metallurgy - The Scientific Odyssey
The Evolution Of Cutting Tools - YouTube
Category:Steelmaking - Wikipedia
Materials Selection for Great Products: Overview - Industrial Metallurgists
Material Selection Diagram (MSD) - EnggCyclopedia
Material property charts | Granta Design
Material Properties 101 - YouTube
Understanding Metals - YouTube
不銹鋼磨成鏡子!鏡面拋光金屬教學【超認真少年】How to Sand And Polish Metal to Mirror Finish with 3M Trizact - YouTube
Aluminium - The Material That Changed The World - YouTube
生鐵 - Wikiwand carbon > 2%, formed by melting iron ore, too brittle to be processed by machine, used for molding large parts
Pig iron - Wikiwand
Cast iron - Wikiwand
鑄鐵 - Wikiwand
熟鐵 - Wikiwand 0.03% < carbon, formed by refining 生鐵, too soft for structural parts
Wrought iron - Wikiwand, case-hardened at 800deg-C, then quenched in a compound of organic materials like hoof, horn and sugar to form a layer of iron
鋼 - Wikiwand iron with 0.03% < carbon < 2%
Steel - Wikiwand
不鏽鋼 - Wikiwand
Stainless steel - Wikiwand Chromium steel
Is 420j2 stainless steel good? - Knife User
420J2 Steel: Is it a Good Knife Steel?
3Cr13 Steel Review: Is 3cr13 Stainless Steel Good for Knives?
The History of Iron and Steel - YouTube
The oldest STEEL sword in the world, Vered Jericho sword of Ancient Israel RECONSTRUCTED - YouTube Jericho sword is forged in 600BC
When was steel invented? and the MAGIC SWORDS of ancient times - YouTube
300 Series Stainless Steel Alloys - 302, 304, 316
What is the Difference Between 301 & 304 Stainless Steel?
《原来如此》钢铁如何炼成 揭秘钢铁不为人们熟知的另一面 20180903 | CCTV 科教 - YouTube
How to Turn Steel Black - All you need to know about Bluing - YouTube
8.01x - Lect 24 - Rolling Motion, Gyroscopes, VERY NON-INTUITIVE - YouTube
Coriolis Force
Coriolis force - Wikiwand
Mass flow meter - Wikiwand Coriolis flow meter
科里奥利力有什么具体应用?在细节中发现科学 - YouTube
Chaos Theory
分形与混沌 - YouTube
分形与混沌 - 妈咪说 MommyTalk - YouTube
Chaos: The Science of the Butterfly Effect - YouTube
This equation will change how you see the world (the logistic map) - YouTube