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Ancient Civilizations

January 9, 2025
January 23, 2020



The Archaeologist
Ancient Origins | Reconstructing the story of humanity's past
Smarthistory – art history

The Goths - World History Encyclopedia
Phoenician Colonization - World History Encyclopedia
Kings and Generals - YouTube
Fall of Civilizations - YouTube
英语的前世今生(和七大姑八大姨) - YouTube
Ancient History - YouTube

【鎮館之寶+系列】大英博物館·序章 人類的最強記憶! - YouTube

Beginnings - 600 BCE | World history | Arts and humanities | Khan Academy

Historia Civilis - YouTube
Epimetheus - YouTube
Fall of Civilizations - YouTube
Ancient Mediterranean History - YouTube Overly Sarcastic Productions

The History of English Podcast 9-12
[The History of English Podcast] Episode 11: Germanic Ancestors via @PodcastAddict map

4000B.C. - 1500B.C.
THE horse, the wheel and language
knowledge of herding, textile, lactic resistance and the give the Indo-European an advantage in population over the local tribe and they spread across Europe and Middle Asia
the military and political and economic superiority of Indo-Europeans encouraged natives to learn their language

2500B.C. settle to Greek
2000B.C. Hittite penetrated into Anatolia (modern Turkey)
Hittite = Persia? intertwine with Greece
Greek civilization meet and took over Crete's Minoan

Egypt civilization starts in 1500B.C.
Greece's known history starts at 1800B.C., recorded in Homer's poems in 800B.C., right after alphabet was adopted in Greek so written records can be preserved
500B.C. first confirmed Germanic language

Romans were fascinated by Greek culture and hence many Latin words has Greek origin
Latin was dominant language of Western Europe and Greek dominated the East
Roman empire divided to eastern and western Roman empire, this linguistic preference served as the basis of the division
the eastern scholars disperse throughout Europe upon Byzantine empire falling to Ottoman empire in 1453 and took the manuscript written in ancient Greek with them
the discovery pre-Christian Greek culture caused a cultural revolution in Europe, the Renaissance
1066 Norman invasion of England

Normans = North mans migrated from Scandinavia to northern Franks
They brings Norse culture to both Franks and England.

Stone Age

【鬼谷闲谈】你给我解释解释什么叫打制石器?啊?石器你就是这么发展的? - YouTube

The Seven Wonders

The Seven Wonders - World History Encyclopedia
The Seven Wonders of Ancient World

Alphabet from Greek

Bronze Age history in a linguistic view

Writing Systems of the World | Abjads, Alphabets, Abugidas, Syllabaries & Logosyllabaries - YouTube
Evolution of the Alphabet | Earliest Forms to Modern Latin Script - YouTube
Who Invented the Alphabet? | History | Smithsonian Magazine findings in Eygpt
人類最早的文字是怎麼發明的? 英語、泰文、阿拉伯語..全都是親戚 - YouTube

The Generalist Papers - YouTube
The History of the Alphabet - YouTube
Why Are There UPPER Case and lower Case Letters? - YouTube

rivalry between cultures
Indo-European vs Egyptian and Semitic civilization:
Hittite vs early Greece 800B.C.-100B.C.
Hittite vs Egyptian
Hebrew vs philistine
Greece vs Persian

written history begins around 800B.C.
Hittite, reached its peak around 1400B.C., kingdom built around Anatolian modern Syria, expanding to Greek and Egypt
Ramses II fought Hittite in Battle of Kadesh in 1265B.C., resulting in a peace treaty
they formed a ally in 1258B.C. against the uprising Assyrian

Indo-European begin to migrate to Greek around 2000B.C.
Minoan civilization predates the migration but was conquered and subsumed into Greek culture
linear b, a syllabic predecessor of Greek alphabet, appears in Crete in 1450B.C.

1100B.C. end of Bronze age
Within a 50 years period, the Canaanites, Minoans, Hittites and ancient Greek (Mycenaean civilization) collapsed, Egypt retreat to Nile Valley, causing a "Dark Age" in the Eastern Mediterraneans
the invasion of the sea people, volcanic eruptions, famines attributed to the end of Bronze age
Episode 2 – Ancient Pirates & The Quest for Stuff | History of Pirates Podcast
Etruscans: Italian Civilization Before Ancient Rome - YouTube
Who were the Sea Peoples? | The Bronze Age Collapse - YouTube
1177 BC: The Year Civilization Collapsed (Eric Cline, PhD) - YouTube
1177 B.C.: When Civilization Collapsed | Eric Cline - YouTube
The Bronze Age Collapse (approximately 1200 B.C.E.) - YouTube
What was life like after the Bronze Age collapse (Extended Version) - YouTube 1:00:12

Semitic linguistic group moved to Canaan. Hebrew called other Semitic speaking tribes living there Canaanite, Greeks called them Phoenician. Hebrew controls southern Canaan after the exodus. Philistines, which is connected to the Greeks (maybe refugee during the invasion of sea people), controlled the southernmost coastline of Canaan and conflicted with the Hebrews. Phoenician is then used to refer to the Semitic speaking tribes living in the northern Canaan.
Phoenicia = Lebanon + northern Syria
Phoenician is great at trading and have trade routes and colonies throughout Europe spreading to England
one colony, Carthage in north Africa, fought with Romans in the Punic War during Hannibal's time
Greek and Phoenician are the dominant trading power in the region
trading contact spread Phoenician alphabet to the Greek around 1000B.C.
being a Semitic language, the Phoenician alphabet have lots of consonants but no vowels. Greeks adopted consonants directly and converted the unused letters for vowels

Hebrews adopted Phoenician alphabet around 900B.C., a century before the Greeks. they reduced their oral stories as writing in 800B.C., forming the Old Testament.

Greeks are partitioned around the city states and not as a single nation, 776B.C. Olympic Games
Greeks transformed into democracy in 600B.C.
490B.C., Greece defeated the Persians in War of Marathon
Sparta is in the southern part of Greek and, like Persia, took military training
300 Spartans stop the Persians
Greece city states joining forces against foreign threats

Macedonians in the north of Greek is greatly influenced by Greece culture but did not speak Greece. Under the leadership of Phillips II Macedonia eclipsed power of Athens and Spartan. 338B.C. Macedonia defeat Greece alliance and united Greek into a single political entity.
son of Phillips II, Alexander defeated the Persian Empire once and for all.

Aristotle was born in 384B.C., tutor of King Phillip II's son, Alexander.
when Alexander conquered East Mediterranean, through Mesopotamia to India, he brought the vast and detailed celestial observations by the Babylons to the Hellenistic world. He then built the largest library in Alexandria, Egypt.
Socrates -> Plato -> Aristotle -> Alexander

Macedonian Greece was defeated by the Romans in xxx, but Greece was already the lingua franca in the Mediterranean, especially in the eastern Mediterranean which continues to use Greece under Roman rules in 1-3 century. New Testament was written in Greece which helped it spread.

The History of English Podcast 15-16 Latin
Etruscan civilization raised in the north western Italy in the 800B.C. they are not Indo-European speakers and adopted Greece alphabet around 700B.C. similar to the Phoenicians, Etruscan is a loose collection of city states focused on trades. there's no strong central government. Early Rome city state is built and ruled by Etruscan. the Romans adopted Etruscan alphabet back to into European language.
the Rome city state grow in military power and conquered Latin speaking tribes nearby. the Romans got rid of Etruscan governance around 510B.C. and became a republic.
Rome and Carthage signed treaties in 508B.C. acknowledging the state of Roman king.
the Roman consumed all the Etruscan territory in 400B.C. they ditched the Etruscan lineage and give credits to the Greek. at the same time Rome was invaded by Celtic speaking Ghouls (modern France) from the north. Romans rebuilt Rome

Julian Caesar

The History of English Podcast 17 Celtic

they dominated western and northern Europe. the distinction between Germanic and Celtic tribes are sometimes difficult. they were neighboring tribes and influenced each other culturally, some Celtics later merged into Germanic tribe. Romans used Celtic word for human to name the Germanic tribes that arrived in eastern Europe, modern Hungary, the Teutons. Germanic itself is the name of a Celtic tribe living east of the Rhine, which is used by Romans to name all people living to the northeast of Rhine. Celtics are illiterate so most record are them are written by contemporary cultures, the Romans and Greeks, which may not be in good terms with the Celtics. Romans are not too concerned with the distinction between Celtic and Germanic as they are all barbarians in Romans eyes. Germanic tribes might have merged Celtic tribes when they move from herders to farmers when they can no longer expand their territory due to the Romans.

Celtics (Greek) and Gauls (Roman) mostly refers to the same people. Romans definition may be limited to those living in France.

[Dan Carlin's Hardcore History] Show 60 - The Celtic Holocaust via @PodcastAddict
the Gauls crossed the Apes and sacked the early Rome in northern Italy around 391B.C. Celts has since been treated by the Romans as barbarians and threats in the north.
Around 200B.C., Western Europe was divided into 3 territories: Germanic tribes in the far North, Romans and Greeks in the Mediterranean and Celtics occupying the middle.
in 120B.C, the Germanic tribes Jutes lead by the Teutons and Kenbre in Denmark moved southeast because of a flood. They defeated the Romans and settled near Rome, bringing fearful memory to the Romans. Around the same time, Celtic territory was infringed by the Germanic tribes from the north and the Romans formed their standing armies. Seeing the stressed Celtics, the Romans, lead by Julius Caesar in 59-55B.C, conquered the Gauls in the name of "stabilizing the region". But he was defeated by British Celts in 55B.C. the Celts unified and revolted in 55B.C., aborting Caesar's second expedition to Britain.
Witnessing Caesar's victory, his political opponent Pompeii persuaded the senate to order Caesar to disband his army and return to Rome. Caesar refused to obey and Pompeii alleged him of treason. Caesar, suspecting he will probably be executed if he entered Rome as a civilian, took his army across the Rubicon River in 49B.C. Caesar then win the political struggle and became the first dictator of Roman, marking the beginning of the Roman Empire.
The Romans assimilated the Gauls and Latin evolved into French in the region. With the Norman invasion in 1066 brought many Latin words into English through this vein of lineage.
Celtic language in the European continent had mostly died out after the invasion from the Germanic tribes and Romans. The culture barely survived to these days in British Isles and northern France.

After this defeat of Gauls, Germano-Celtic living in the west were still nomadic herders and hard to conquer. In 4AD, the Romans controlled the Province of Germania in the east of Rhine.

Roman Empire: Battle of the Teutoburg Forest
Varus, a highly respected Roman General, was ambushed with 3 legions by revolting Germanic troops lead by his advisory Arminius, son of a German chieftain.
this stopped the Romans expansion further. Rhine became the de facto boundary between the Roman empire and Germania.

The History of English Podcast 18 Roman Empire

The History of English Podcast 23
Arian, German culture

the early Germanic tribes are documented in details in 'Germania' by Tacitus, a Roman scholar, in the late 100A.D. Germania was lost in the dark ages but was rediscovered in 1453 in a German abby. on one hand the Germania brought valuable information about the early history of Germanic tribes, on the other it praised the Germans unrealistically in order to criticize the corruption of the contemporary Romans.
In 100 A.D., the Germanic tribes coalesce into larger and more distinct tribal units. Goths E, Angles, Saxons, Franks W, vanguard emerges from these tribes and formed their own culture and language.

German legend and mythology 24

Runic writing became common amongst the Germans around 600 A.D.

the visigoths entered the western roman. empire to evade the Huns at 380. yet the Romans were not able to support the vast majority of people, many of the visigoths were sold as slave in return for food. this lead to a rebel against the Romans in the Balkan peninsula. the visigoths, with stirrup learnt from the Huns, defeated the Romans and occupied the region. the visigoths then moved to Italy in 402, the Romans have to retreat from her Rhine to protect Rome, the lead to the invasion of Rome on all fronts. the visigoths sacked Rome in 410.

around the same time, the British Romans were attacked by the Celtic Picks from the North and the Saxons from the sea. But the Romans were busy fighting the Goths on Europa and not responding to their call for support. this effectively ended Roman's control on the British isles. in 450 the Anglo Saxon invasion of Britain accelerated and evolved from raids to colonization.

410-600 is called the Lost Century of British History because there was no written record from the illiterate Anglo-Saxons after the Romans abandoned Britain.


Sparta - World History Encyclopedia
Minoan Civilization - World History Encyclopedia
Mycenaean Civilization - World History Encyclopedia
Ancient Greece: Government and Facts | - HISTORY
Ancient Greece – Smarthistory
古希腊历史/History of Greece - YouTube 佚名

Greco-Persian Wars - Wikiwand 499–449 BC
波希戰爭 - Wikiwand
波希戰爭 ► 雅典、斯巴達與波斯的愛恨情仇 有趣的古希臘 - YouTube
Misunderstood Moments in History - Why the Persians Failed to Conquer Greece - YouTube

雅典式民主如何運作? 一人一票是真民主還是暴民政治? - YouTube

Timeline - World History Documentaries - YouTube

Legends Summarized: The Trojan War - YouTube

Alexander the Great

from Macedonia, North of Athens


Alexander the Great's Conquests - YouTube Kings and Generals
Alexander the Great (All Parts) - YouTube Epic History TV
鐵血斯巴達?被這支 300 人的軍隊幹翻在地……|自說自話的總裁 - YouTube


Full History of the Ancient Celts: Origins to Roman Conquest DOCUMENTARY - YouTube


The Anglo-Saxon Conquerors: Creators of Medieval England | Ancient Origins
Who were the Anglo-Saxons? Peaceful Settlers or Barbarians? | Ancient Origins
The Saxon Conquest of Europe, and a Christian Conquest of Saxons | Ancient Origins


The Great Heathen Army: Viking Coalition Becomes an Anglo-Saxon Nightmare | Ancient Origins


The Franks, Charlemagne, and the Forging of Europe | Ancient Origins


Atlantis Legend | National Geographic

SYSK Selects: Was Atlantis A Real Place? | Stuff You Should Know
Was there a real Atlantis? | HowStuffWorks

Helike - Wikiwand
Helike - Real life Atlantis - Naked History
Helike |


古印度歷史|動畫科普|古印度和今天的印度一樣嗎|南亞次大陸|古印度文明|古印度簡介|孔雀王朝|阿育王|印度種姓制度|摩亨佐達羅|印度河文明|印度文明是誰創造的|四大古文明|婆羅門教|古印度怎麼滅亡的| - YouTube


Roman Empire


Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire - Wikiwand

Byzantine Empire Timeline - World History Encyclopedia
When Rome Empire crumbles, the Greek speaking officials fled to modern Turkey and created Byzantine Empire, around the time of 唐朝

Ottoman Empire

The History of the Ottoman Empire (All Parts) - 1299 - 1922 - YouTube 1:32:05

Islamic Empire

伊斯蘭是怎麼來的?穆聖娶了她才建教?古蘭經真的很極端嗎? |中東千年宗教紛爭|伊斯蘭史詩 01 |思維實驗室 - YouTube
伊斯蘭的沒落要怪安史之亂?阿拉伯帝國的興衰原理分析 |什葉派與遜尼派的鬥爭|伊斯蘭史詩 02 |思維實驗室 - YouTube

Russian Empire

朝着大海奔跑了四百年的国家:带您了解“白色蒙古”俄罗斯的历史 - YouTube
是「白俄羅斯」還是「白羅斯」? 烏克蘭、俄羅斯、白羅斯的共同起源故事! (繁體中文字幕) - YouTube
恩怨一千年 ▶ 烏克蘭與俄羅斯有什麼深仇大恨? 克里米亞危機、頓巴斯戰爭的前因後果 - YouTube
战斗民族俄罗斯的前世今生 The History of Russia【柴知道 ChaiKnows】【科普】 - YouTube

Chauvet Cave

Chauvet Cave - Wikiwand
The Cave Art Paintings of the Chauvet Cave
Chauvet Cave - World History Encyclopedia


原來史前大洪水並不只是傳說!人類差點因此滅亡「曉涵哥來了」 - YouTube
地質學中 12800 年前的新仙女木期

科學分析 ▶ 挪亞方舟是真的嗎? - YouTube
Irving Finkel | The Ark Before Noah: A Great Adventure - YouTube in Cunieform


Asia Minor - World History Encyclopedia
Anatolia - Wikiwand
Carthage - World History Encyclopedia
Constantinople - World History Encyclopedia
Gaul - World History Encyclopedia
Samos - World History Encyclopedia